
It is with sadness that we as Trustee's bring forward this news that we have
recently received. Ferris Ellsworth McCormick, better known as fmccor, has
passed away unexpectedly on the 5th of August. His family does not wish to be
contacted. We have expressed our gratitude for his contributions on behalf of
the Community.

Ferris studied mathematics in college at Indiana University, graduating in 1968
with a Bachelor of Arts. Later he entered into the Law school at the University
of Michigan, earning his Juris Doctor degree in 1991.

He passed the bar in Michigan that same year and has continued to be an
actively certified Lawyer with the State of Michigan since then. He was also a
member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Ferris joined Gentoo on April 16th 2004 as part of the sparc team and improved
sparc support for the entire open source community. Within a year he also
joined the Developer Relations team to help with mediation of any issues that
might come up between people. As time went on Ferris continued to expand and
assist Gentoo in many ways including assisting with the User Relations team and
growing to become the Strategic Manager of the sparc project. Finally, he
became a trustee and the Vice President of the Foundation assisting in getting
the foundation back into good standing.

While it is too late to say in person, the Foundation would like to thank
Ferris once again for all that he did for both Gentoo and the Open source
community. He will be missed.

Please join the community in eulogizing Ferris in our forums [1].


Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
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