Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Distrowatch

2007-03-14 Thread Paul Sebastian Ziegler
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Caleb Cushing schrieb:

> right now were 12 going up probably from all the sites saying negative
> things. funny sabayon a gentoo fork and overlay is in 8. I know these
> statistics aren't 100% accurate (given how they're generated) but maybe
> they mean something.

I just had to check that one out. Haven't been to Distrowatch for about
a year.
Some thoughts I had:

*The person addressed here is not Caleb. This is targeted at the
"general" public of this list*

- - Sabayon is a liveCD. It is created to make people interested. Why?
Because this is not the
recovery-boot-into-ram-fire-up-bash-and-restore-your-hd sort of LiveCD.
This one is full featured.
So whom does it target? People who are not sure what they want yet. That
is a good thing. I haven't been sure what kind of distro I'd need for
years. I probably even have more LiveCDs then AOL-Install CDs in my home
- - and there isn't a single week where that ISP doesn't send out it's
So people are interested. They want to try before they buy and thus
throw in some LiveCD.
Everything is working nicely? Cool. Just install it to your HD and you
can be sure that there won't be any trouble configuring the Kernel or
some daemons.

- - BUT: This is Gentoo. Why do you use it? Because it is some easily
running mildly secure out of the box distro? Or do you use it because it
gives you the power to do whatever you like, taking all the chances to
create (and break) your perfect system? Because it will never force you
to use something like Yast? Because you can create about anything from a
full-fledged high-end gaming machine to a webserver to an embedded
system of about 25 MB? And if you want Pentium-M optimized packages with
SSP and PIE - no Problem. Just change half a dozen options in make.conf
and recompile. You are even able to play around. I got a computer
casemodded into a Record Player. It is running Gentoo, boots up in about
5 Seconds and listens to my voice commands in order to play music. No
other distro could have been adjusted this drastically. And that is why
I (<- subjective individualist opinion) love and use Gentoo.

- - I never looked at Gentoo as some sort of mainstream Distribution. If
Gentoo intended to win a popularity contest it would work completely
differently from the ground up. Most users aren't interested in choices.

No matter how much flames/traffic I get on all the Gentoo-related lists
(which recently has become a lot), no matter what Distrowatch, Golem or
some other site says, no matter how many breakages I get from emerge
- -uDv world (as long as I'll still be able to keep my system running) -
I'll continue to use Gentoo because it is the only system that fits my

I know that right now everyone is quite edgy. That many people try to
defend what they are and who they are and that many people are angry.
Many of them are right.
But opposed to that I want to say something completely different:
Thank You.

Thanks to all the old devs, thanks to all the new devs, thanks to
everyone contributing and thanks to the many whom I've forgotten.
In my opinion this is still one of the bests distros around. And you
made that possible.

My two cents
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-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Little respect towards Daniel please

2007-03-05 Thread Paul Sebastian Ziegler

Thank you.
I am replying off-list because I do not want to create even more flaming.
I'm not a dev. Just a user in terms of gentoo. I'm subscribed to the 
list since I need all the info I can get. And gentoo has definitely come 
a long way in the last few weeks. First that 8-Day-Flame about saving 
Dolphins in gentoo-user, now the dev-war.

It's nice to see someone pick up a good point and express it.


Dear list, 

Why not simply naming the "formal logic rules" for the "official venue where 
developers (and ex-developers and users) can talk out their disagreements"

to be:
1. Anyone who is impolite get's kicked off.
2. Anyone who repeatedly and seemingly on purpose tries to harm the discussion 
will be kicked off.

Impolite: Do, under _no_ circumstances, use a word MTV would have to mute, or 
that your grandmother (hopefully) wouldnt want to hear you say ;-)

Repeatedly: We are humans, we make faults.

Seemingly: If this wouldnt be part of the rule, there would be endless debates 
on wether it was on purpose or not.

On purpose: We are humans, we make faults, it has to be premeditation or so

Kicked off: There is a group of twelve zillion people who just ban those 
people from the list, or rather, their email-adresses.

harming a discussion: a list of things that can be considered harmfull should 
be set up. sth like "pointing out things that are not relevent" (like 
statements the consist of no more than "i do not like that idea"), or trying 
to shift the issue to sth different, like "oh and besides, you often have 
typos" and so on...sth that does, in no way, help finding a solution is to be 
considered harmfull in the above sense.

I also suggest banning those people from posting only.
Plus is suggest banning to be longer. a 2hr ban wont prevent flaming, but will 
look funny, and is alot of work. (if this was meant seariously)
Banning someone for a week, a month, and finally forever are more reasonable 
time frames i think...

I think those rules would ensure people sit back before replying, and think 
before they write.

There simply is no need to flame, get impolite, or harm a discussion, thus i 
find being as strict as this is okay.
How do you think to politicians discuss problems in parliament? Call each 
other fuckhead if hundrets are watching, screaming through the room while 
throwing chairs and tables? I doubt it.

Things are similar here: We are _alot_ of people and discuss.
Certain rules of civilized discussion, that what's usually taught in 
elementary school, need to be followed here, too. Only that the issue isn't 
that someone can cut someone else off...

If anyone comes up with that the progress of politicians is too slow:
It is slow, because they do break one of the above rules, and because they do 
often search for solutions where there is no objectively clear winner, 
because the want to keep their power, have personal interests, and so on.
And - would you honestly think politicians would get _more_ productive, if 
they started slandering each other?

Yet, here things are somewhat different:
Code is more secure, or faster, or smaller, or in another way "better" than 
other code, depending on what the most important thing is for this piece of 
And a documentation is more or less understandable for the avg. user / dev, or 
is more correct, and thus simply is better.

Here, i feel like we do not fail because we cannot find the solution that's 
best for most of us, but we fail because of personal problems. And those 
could easily be adressed by the above rules, as they in a way - as alot of 
what is to be considered "polite" does - 'remove' a part of our personality 
from the actual progress of discussing, since emotions are suppressed.
Shortening discussions to their functional part is sth that would help to 
adress this issue, and on the other hand people could still become 
("cyber")friends since there is IRC and private discussions need to go on 

At least, different personalities are what the current thing is all about, as 
far as i know about it, which (luckily?) isnt that much.

Bryan Østergaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Somehow a lot of people seems to think banning is the only possible
solution. I tend to think that's a horrible idea myself and most of
devrel backs me up on that.
Of course it is a horrible idea, but isnt it better than seeing someone 
constantly insulting people, instead of being productive, functional, 
objective or at least polite?
At the moment I feel like there is no real reason _not_ to insult anyone, for 
those who like to do so, which has to be changed or values will be lost 
completely. It can even be fun to get rid of aggressions collected throughout 
the week at once, yet the gym is the correct place to do so, not this list.



P.S.: I know I did not read the complete thread, yet I am physically ill at 
the moment, not able to read it all. [ <-- fuel your f