Re: [gentoo-dev] [PATCH v5] go-module.eclass: deprecate EGO_SUM

2022-03-07 Thread tastytea
On 2022-03-05 16:17-0600 William Hubbs  wrote:

> +# @CODE
> +#
> +# $ cd /path/to/project
> +# $ GOMODCACHE="${PWD}"/go-mod go mod download -modcacherw
> +# $ tar -acf project-1.0-deps.tar.xz go-mod

What's the reason to use `go mod download` here and not `go mod
vendor`? The former seems to always generate much bigger directories.
For www-apps/hugo it is 1.5G vs. 65M and someone on IRC mentioned that
for another ebuild it is >600M vs 22M.

Kind regards, tastytea

[gentoo-dev] USE-flag gnome-keyring isn't accurate anymore

2021-12-23 Thread tastytea
Hi! I've noticed that the gnome-keyring use-flag is not accurate
anymore for most packages. The only ebuilds with that flag that depend
on gnome-base/gnome-keyring seem to be[1] sys-auth/pambase and
All others depend on app-crypt/libsecret, which depends on
virtual/secret-service currently depends on gnome-base/gnome-keyring or
app-admin/keepassxc and KSecretService will be added too once upstream
is ready.

That's confusing for users of a secret service provider other than
gnome-keyring, so I propose we find a new use-flag.

x11-plugins/wmudmount already uses “secret” and
mate-extra/mate-power-manager uses “libsecret”.

I think “secret” may be too generic and “libsecret” is not ideal in case
an implemention comes along that is named differently. How about

Previously discussed in <>.

Kind regards, tastytea

[1] I did a rather naive search with
`grep -Er 'gnome-keyring\?.*gnome-keyring' \
$(portageq get_repo_path / gentoo)`

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