Re: [gentoo-dev] RFI: A better workflow for github pull requests

2015-09-24 Thread wireless

On 09/24/2015 09:59 AM, Todd Goodman wrote:

Again, I'm not arguing for or against Gerrit, just relating my
experience with it.

Hello Todd,

I'm not a dev, but I have over a dozen ebuilds I have hacked together.
They need work, and there are devs who are helping me. Some of these
ebuilds are becoming quite large, due to the numerous jars or the
extensive configuration of the initial config file setup. I enjoy the
learning and hacking part, but gentoo's tool collection presents itself 
as somewhat disjointed, imho.

If a  collection of overlays could be used to setup a prototype
of Gerrit, then, I'd be willing to participate in fully exploring Gerrit
and its use to 'unify' the  development effort between user hacked 
ebuilds and the portage tree. There is currently no well defined path 
for hackers to become contributors and maybe eventually devs, the flux 
is even more partitioned with github now in the mixxx. If Gerrit could 
unify (like an integrated, experimental restructuring of the devmanual 
into)the workflow tools, I think Gerrit could become a wonderful 
addition to gentoo. Maybe a prototype effort will allow the Gerrit 
community within Gentoo to flush out issues before being formally 
proposed to the larger gentoo dev community?

The devmanual, at least the version used by hackers  and those learning 
'the gentoo way' to create ebuilds, should become more open to 
enhancements, details and examples; and who is more qualified to make 
those mods than folks trying to use the devmanual to get codes stable 
and maybe eventually into the portage tree?  The current devmanual is 
good, if you know what you are doing; a bit weak in the teaching by 
example category, particularly for current and recent issues.


Re: [gentoo-dev] New eclass: ros-catkin.eclass, new USE_EXPAND: ROS_MESSAGES, new categories: dev-ros and ros-meta for review.

2015-09-22 Thread wireless

On 09/22/2015 03:26 AM, Alexis Ballier wrote:

On Thu, 17 Sep 2015 18:36:06 +0200
Alexis Ballier  wrote:

Hi all,

As part of an effort of bringing ros ( to Gentoo,
I've come up with the following design:

ros-catkin.eclass that is a template, merging all common code for
catkinized ros packages.

ROS_MESSAGES will be a new USE_EXPANDed variable: ROS is message
based, processes write and listen to some topic, and a topic is typed
with a message. Messages are defined by simple text files but are then
pre-processed for easy usage in C++, Python & co.

Several packages are usually bundled in a single repository, with a
meta-package pulling all the others. Hence, I came with two new
categories: dev-ros for single packages, ros-meta for those

Some numbers:
  /bin/ls ros-meta | wc -l
  /bin/ls dev-ros | wc -l

I think maybe half of them are in a state that they can be added to

ebuild example:

$ cat roslib-1.12.2.ebuild
# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $


KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm"
PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_3,3_4} )

inherit ros-catkin

DESCRIPTION="Base dependencies and support libraries for ROS"

 test? ( dev-ros/rosmake ros-meta/ros )"

Eclass inlined at the end.

Best regards,


Since there hasn't been comments in a few days, I'm proceeding with the
above plan. (with hasufel's eclass review taken into account of course)


Hi Alexis.

As  a gentoo user, an ebuild hacker and engineer, I'd suggest you 
include a wiki page for gentoo users, to document the gentoo specific 
issues. I'm a big fan of the new gentoo wiki. Access to either a 
'virtual robot', or where to purchase devices that use ROS, would at 
least greatly facilitate folks  to participate with ROS  robotics codes. 
 Include links to  the main  ROS repos, and relevant other urls.

For example; one of the common things missing in such projects is
an example linux kernel, stripped to optimize only the size and 
performance of the ROS devices and software. Showing this kernel .config

would be keen. At list discussion why some of the key kernel configs
are select is sorely missing in the world of robotic and UAVs, imho.

 You may also what to include 'hooks' to relevant and commonly used 
embedded boards with ROS hardware. I am working on clustering for gentoo 
using mesos + zookeeper + apache-spark (we have 2/3 in overlays now). 
Lots of robotic work now attempts to use the power of the cluster over 
an Rf link and/or use many robots computational resources, as a mere 
node in a cluster.

I for one have been looking for such a project, if It combines
robotics issues with (UAV) issues. After all, all UAVs are robots, with 
additional constraints.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: .gitignore

2015-08-14 Thread wireless

On 08/14/2015 04:21 AM, Daniel Campbell (zlg) wrote:

Hash: SHA256

On 08/13/2015 06:29 PM, wireless wrote:

On 08/13/2015 05:28 PM, Duncan wrote:

wireless posted on Thu, 13 Aug 2015 08:33:13 -0500 as excerpted:

On 08/12/2015 09:52 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote:

On 12 Aug 2015 18:27, Brian Dolbec wrote:

2)  There is another alternate location that you can define
files to ignore locally without having to commit them to
.gitignore. Consider .gitignore a global setting.  There is
another setting inside .git/info/exclude which is a local
config file that will persist and not be affected by

as i stated, there's no reason for these paths to ever be
committed. conversely, some people (not unreasonably so) will
place files in there that have historically had known
meanings.  adding these to the global gitignore is simply the
right thing to do and negatively impacts no one.

As a gentoo user now coding again, I find the need to have
things logically organized really helps in my efforts. Like
most others, I get codes from a variety of places and try to
follow the 'logical gentoo organization'. I use
/usr/local/portage extensively for ebuilds that I develop.
There is also /opt/ which seems to collect up a variety of


What do /opt and /usr/local/portage have to do with the gentoo
repo's .gitignore, which should only need ignore settings for
locations inside the main tree, /usr/portage by default?  A
.gitignore listing for /usr/portage/local and
/usr/portage/distfiles, etc, makes sense, since that's inside the
default tree location.  But /opt and /usr/local/portage aren't
inside that default location and are thus about as apropos to
that as the price of tea on Mars, aren't they?

snip /distfiles/ /local/ /packages/ end/snip

Other postings in this thread mention /var/ and /usr/ My bad, I
thought those official directories  that were up for discussion on
gitignore relevancy?

/usr/portage/local was the original location for the user's own
personal ebuild space - an overlay if you will.
/usr/portage/distfiles and /usr/portage/packages are there
because that's where ports has put them for decades, and no-one
has gotten around to changing it in portage yet. FreeBSD defines
the use of /usr very differently to what Linux users are used

Those dirs really should be in /var/portage, and the user's
overlay has no business being under main tree itself

Ok, so why is net-analyzer/jffnms found in /usr/portage/distfiles
yet it is installed in /opt/ ?  If jffnms was (properly) installed
like other net-analyzer packages, would it not be in the portage
tree? There is no reason for it to remain in /opt/, that I'm aware
of. But jffnms could benefit form gitignore as other packages do,
regardless of where it is installed.

If I may take a stab at this: /usr/portage/distfiles is simply the
files Portage needs to fetch in order to extract them, build, and
install the package. If ./distfiles/ is in .gitignore, then nobody can
accidentally commit a package's source tarball or other related file.


/opt/ is just the installation location for the live system that it's
being installed on. The Portage tree (known forward as the Gentoo
repository) is the collection of ebuilds that allow a Gentoo system to
build the software. It's historically been in /usr/portage/, and
installs to a variety of locations, be it /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin,
/usr/sbin, /lib, and so on.

As documented here ?:

Without reading the ebuild, jffnms likely has special properties or is
built with specific technologies that indicate its files belong in
/opt. Given that the Gentoo repository by default resides in
/usr/portage, a .gitignore file can only apply to paths *under* that
particular path. So it would cover ./local and ./distfiles, but not
/opt, as /opt is outside the /usr/portage location and not under Git

Looking at jffnms would have shed some light on the arbitrariness of 
/opt/ policies. Perhaps looking more closely at /opt/ and the various 
packages, you will find deviation from this aforementioned explanation. 
Look, I know this whole git migration is a work in progress. And 
everybody knows there is quite a bit of work to do on the docs and that 
will take some time after the discussions have settled. What I am 
suggesting is that /opt/ is a mess with sources, binaries, code-license 
restriction murkyness and codes just placed there without valid 
(currently) reasons. Some attention would seem integral to the 
'gitignore' policies of both the gentoo-repo (tree) and the way ebuild 
construction documents suggest folks use gitignore on other git repos. 
That's it. No confusion at all, just a coder wanting some sanity and 
robustness injected into the processes (outside of official gentoo repo) 
that result in ebuilds (of sufficient quality and merit) ending up in 
the gentoo-repo (portage tree). A well

Re: [gentoo-dev] .gitignore

2015-08-13 Thread wireless

On 08/12/2015 09:52 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote:

On 12 Aug 2015 18:27, Brian Dolbec wrote:

2)  There is another alternate location that you can define files to
ignore locally without having to commit them to .gitignore.
Consider .gitignore a global setting.  There is another setting
inside .git/info/exclude which is a local config file that will persist
and not be affected by pulls.

   So please use that for local exclusions you want to add and not try to
   force them into a global .gitignore which is part of the repo.
   Something that seems to be hotly debated. ;)

as i stated, there's no reason for these paths to ever be committed.
conversely, some people (not unreasonably so) will place files in there
that have historically had known meanings.  adding these to the global
gitignore is simply the right thing to do and negatively impacts no one.

As a gentoo user now coding again, I find the need to have things 
logically organized really helps in my efforts. Like most others, I 
get codes from a variety of places and try to follow the 'logical gentoo 
organization'. I use /usr/local/portage extensively for ebuilds

that I develop. There is also /opt/ which seems to collect up a variety
of ebuilds. Some, are there as part of their lineage that nobody bothered
to change (net-analyzer/jffnms) others are there for license or 'fit' 
reasons   Maybe a survey of codes placed into /opt/ should also be 
examined as part of these migration efforts?

I also experiment around with a variety of sources and I think (old bsd 
habits) that these should also be under /usr/local/. My point is this::
please keep in mind those that use gentoo for software development 
outside the dev teams as they have needs for logical organization that 
mostly follows the 'gentoo way' as you devs finalize the 'gentoo way' 
for code(s) management. Combined with this is the need to organize where
the gentoo community should push their ebuilds  which will end up being 
pushed towards the portage tree. I.E. clearly define the pathways like 
Sunrise, user-overlays and the corresponding admin semantics. Otherwise 
we'll end up with lots of viable but unique pathways and that will just 
add to the support burden on lists like gentoo user and for those 
mentors as well as the 'preferred or consensus' configuration for git by 
user's coding needs.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: .gitignore

2015-08-13 Thread wireless

On 08/13/2015 05:28 PM, Duncan wrote:

wireless posted on Thu, 13 Aug 2015 08:33:13 -0500 as excerpted:

On 08/12/2015 09:52 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote:

On 12 Aug 2015 18:27, Brian Dolbec wrote:

2)  There is another alternate location that you can define files to
ignore locally without having to commit them to .gitignore.
Consider .gitignore a global setting.  There is another setting inside
.git/info/exclude which is a local config file that will persist and
not be affected by pulls.

as i stated, there's no reason for these paths to ever be committed.
conversely, some people (not unreasonably so) will place files in there
that have historically had known meanings.  adding these to the global
gitignore is simply the right thing to do and negatively impacts no

As a gentoo user now coding again, I find the need to have things
logically organized really helps in my efforts. Like most others, I
get codes from a variety of places and try to follow the 'logical gentoo
organization'. I use /usr/local/portage extensively for ebuilds that I
develop. There is also /opt/ which seems to collect up a variety of


What do /opt and /usr/local/portage have to do with the gentoo
repo's .gitignore, which should only need ignore settings for locations
inside the main tree, /usr/portage by default?  A .gitignore listing for
/usr/portage/local and /usr/portage/distfiles, etc, makes sense, since
that's inside the default tree location.  But /opt and /usr/local/portage
aren't inside that default location and are thus about as apropos to that
as the price of tea on Mars, aren't they?


Other postings in this thread mention /var/ and /usr/
My bad, I thought those official directories  that were up for 
discussion on gitignore relevancy?

 /usr/portage/local was the original location for the user's own
 personal ebuild space - an overlay if you will.
 /usr/portage/distfiles and /usr/portage/packages are there because
 that's where ports has put them for decades, and no-one has gotten
 around to changing it in portage yet. FreeBSD defines the use of /usr
 very differently to what Linux users are used to.

 Those dirs really should be in /var/portage, and the user's overlay
 has no business being under main tree itself

Ok, so why is net-analyzer/jffnms found in /usr/portage/distfiles yet it 
is installed in /opt/ ?  If jffnms was (properly) installed like other 
net-analyzer packages, would it not be in the portage tree? There is no 
reason for it to remain in /opt/, that I'm aware of.

But jffnms could benefit form gitignore as other packages do, regardless
of where it is installed.

Looking at the documentation for gitignore it would seem that the 
benefits of using gitignore on those /opt/ packages could be useful; so 
would it not be up to the particular package maintainer to make that 
decision? Regardless of where non-devs develop packages for gentoo,

using gitignore might be useful during the development of the packages,
particularly if it is destine for the portage tree (eventually).

Apologies in advance if I have missed some key points already 
established by the gentoo dev community I'm certainly no whiz with git*.


Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC] Rebooting the Installer Project

2015-07-19 Thread wireless

On 07/18/2015 11:30 PM, J.Rutkowski wrote:

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015, at 07:06 PM, hasufell wrote:

The handbook consists of different sections. Installation is only one of
them. An installer would just replace that part, not the others.

Agreed. I think that any proposed or actual installer shouldn't replace
any part of the handbook (and most would probably say the same). My
opinion is that an installer should follow the steps (in order) already
outlined in the handbook and up front, leave the rest to automation.
Nothing then changes in the installation and configuration process. The
only difference is making all choices up front and let the installer do
the rest by itself.
For example, once I prepare my disks I tell the installer I want x, y,
or z stage3; I want openrc or systemd; I want x,y, or z profile; I want
the following xxx in my kernel; etc. then set it and forget about it
til morning.

I agree with what has been stated  so far. I would just like to add that
eventual support for  embedded platforms like PPC, arm (particular 
arm8v) as well as new files systems like btrfs would been keenly 
appreciated, even if they are not yet specifically mentioned in the 
handbook. I.E. I see no reason to limit the new installer to what is 
strictly included in the handbook. Maybe those more aggressive (wider 
support) hardware issues are better off being tested in an experimental 
version(s) of the installer first. The handbook moves at a glacial pace
and that's OK, but experimental versions of the installer could be 
targeted at the rich variety of gentoo and gentoo-derived installs; 
whilst a stable version mirrors the handbook?

Also, I'd like the new installer to use usb media and persistence as the 
primary media for installation. Many new devices do not readily connect 
to cd/dvd type devices; maybe this is another stable vs experimental 
issue for the installer, rather than trying to create one system for 
disparagingly differ installation semantics. In that venue maybe 
resurrecting 'netconsole' code as a way to stream  the output remotely 
is another approach for installing on smaller devices?


Re: Code Review Systems Was: [gentoo-dev] Git Migration: launch plan schedule

2015-07-09 Thread wireless

On 07/09/2015 10:45 AM, Alec Warner wrote:

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 4:47 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 5:31 AM, hasufell wrote:

 The quality problem is that we have too many developers. If you make
 community contributions easier, sane and more reliable (due to code
 review) then you solve several problems at once, because you need _less_
 developers. Are you aware that we could potentially pull in hundreds
 of contributors who chose to work on their personal overlay instead of
 the gentoo tree? Are you aware that there are a lot of those people?

Yes and no.

I'll agree that with a review workflow we might only need one reviewer
for every 10 contributors, or something like that.  If we have 100
active devs today, in theory we could instead turn 20 of them into
reviewers, and now we can support 2000 contributors.

There are some big assumptions with this kind of argument, though:
1.  We might find that we don't even have 20 devs interested in doing
a substantial amount of review.
2.  The main repository is very diverse.  If 50% of our packages have
only one person interested in maintaining them, then they get dropped
since reviewers will ignore their contributions.  Or, they'll just
rubber-stamp them which is adding valueless work.

So, a review system could make manpower either more of an issue or
less of one.  I suspect that trying to force it would basically end up
putting the entire distro on hold until most of the current devs quit,
and a new crop signs up who is interested in using the new workflow,
and then they're starting with zero experience.

I think a review model is best implemented by individual project
teams.  They could use it to track changes in an overlay or branch in
the main tree, and then move those into the main tree using whatever
quality system seems best.  The team can figure out what is working
best for it, and if over time a large number of devs feel that it is a
good way to work we could then talk about doing it with the main tree.
I still suspect we'll end up having problems with the 70% of packages
that don't fall into a project though.

I think everybody is getting a bit heated over CI/Quality/automation, 
when clearly there is no good reason to get so heated. Let me explain. 
YES industry, commercial, research, FOSS and everybody is moving to some 
sort of paradigm where as much automation of code examination is 
streamline. Surely these efforts are a work in progress and as such will 
evolved over time. It does not mean the existing, wonderfully manual 
processes are being replaced, it just means that the simple, routine, 
(scriptable if you like) filters are automated. In fact those manual 
processes still need to occur, because the next generation of coders 
have to learn how things work in order to extent the paradigm.

Resources. Surely the major arches are at an advantage. But the current 
cluster offerings are soon going to render very powerful processing so 
even gargantuan, single threaded codes can be automated for CI, quality, 
security etc etc. Both a cross-compile and native compile strategy needs 
to experimented with. Those smaller arches will follow the bigger 
arches; so in that we should just let x86 and other such arches blaze 
the path for gentoo (in a non binding manner) while the various other 
arches (with more humble resources) figure out how to build clusters on 
these other arches. Lots of folks are clustering smalller arches to get 
big tasks back into the realm of viability.

The big benefit for those other (more constrained arches) is that folks 
that build embedded products on those arches will be very, very 
interested in work on how to build a cluster, specific to those (sub) 
arches for CI/quality/security. In fact mesos-distcc does not limit the 
various arch types. So I would think all arches would get on-board and 
just follow this paradigm in an easy, non-stressful manner. But the 
Gentoo leadership does have a responsibility to include those other 
arches in just how this occurs, during some extended transition period, 
so that these other arch's still fell like they are part of this 
extended gentoo family. Loosing those arches would be a horrible damage 
to gentoo's reputation, imho. That is our diversity in arches is 
something gentoo is widely know for and sets us apart, imho.


Re: [gentoo-dev] rfc: Go ebuilds bundling multiple upstream sources

2015-06-29 Thread wireless

On 06/29/2015 05:50 PM, Zac Medico wrote:

On 06/29/2015 02:27 PM, William Hubbs wrote:


we have several Go ebuilds in the tree that bundle multiple separate
upstream sources. One example is app-admin/consul-0.5.2.

My thought is that we shouldn't bundle like this, but we should figure
out how to write ebuilds for the dependent packages as well.

What do others think?

Maybe we should take into account the number of consumers of said
libraries? If there's only one consumer of a given library, then what's
the advantage of splitting out a separate ebuild? Also, in our
discussion, it may be useful to distinguish between bundling via one
big tarball versus bundling via multiple tarballs in SRC_URI.

You have much to consider. Consul, like zookeeper (ultrabug overlay) is 
very useful for building clusters on (gentoo) linux. It would be very 
cool to split consul into a separate build. That way one can experiment 
with combining  a wide variety of sys-cluster builds with other packages.

Regardless of which way you go, it would be great to have some detail 
documents about the various (software) components if you stay with one

large build.


Re: [gentoo-dev] rfc: Go ebuilds bundling multiple upstream sources

2015-06-29 Thread wireless

On 06/29/2015 06:50 PM, Zac Medico wrote:

On 06/29/2015 05:27 PM, wrote:

On 06/29/2015 05:50 PM, Zac Medico wrote:

On 06/29/2015 02:27 PM, William Hubbs wrote:


we have several Go ebuilds in the tree that bundle multiple separate
upstream sources. One example is app-admin/consul-0.5.2.

My thought is that we shouldn't bundle like this, but we should figure
out how to write ebuilds for the dependent packages as well.

What do others think?

Maybe we should take into account the number of consumers of said
libraries? If there's only one consumer of a given library, then what's
the advantage of splitting out a separate ebuild? Also, in our
discussion, it may be useful to distinguish between bundling via one
big tarball versus bundling via multiple tarballs in SRC_URI.

You have much to consider. Consul, like zookeeper (ultrabug overlay) is
very useful for building clusters on (gentoo) linux. It would be very
cool to split consul into a separate build. That way one can experiment
with combining  a wide variety of sys-cluster builds with other packages.

While it would certainly be possible to split out a number of separate
ebuilds for Go libraries that are used *exclusively* by consul, what
advantages would it have? You mention a wide variety of sys-cluster
builds, but I'm not sure what packages you're talking about. For
example, are you aware of any other packages that use hashicorp's raft
library [1]?

First of all, I'm not sure  why my  nntp interface to gentoo-dev is not 
following the thread (sorry, I'm still working out how to use nntp to 

I'm not up on raft, although it looks very interesting [FSM] and all.
I've been working on apache-mesos a bit. Consul is used frequently
with mesos; here is one example [A]. My experience is that current 
clusters/clouds are mostly a unique mix of different software, consul 
being but one of many common components. Perhaps I did not have a 
sufficiently deep understanding of raft, but my comment was meant to 
encourage a consul package for gentoo, I guess dependant on a raft 
package too.

Regardless of which way you go, it would be great to have some detail
documents about the various (software) components if you stay with one
large build.

You can see all of the components (including
in the SRC_URI variable of the ebuild [2].

Yea, I need to read up on raft; it does look promising as it took mesos 
a while to become popular.  Is raft as a separate ebuild useful; I'm not 
sure, but it does look interesting from what I've seen. Many projects 
within the cluster/cloud space have morphed, so raft has just as good a 
chance to diversify it's appeal and usefulness. Surely the convenience 
of the dev that maintains the package(s) is also keenly important.




Re: [gentoo-dev] Openstack image availability

2015-06-08 Thread wireless

On 06/08/2015 10:30 AM, Matthew Thode wrote:


I've just started generation of Gentoo Openstack images.  Right now it
is just a basic amd64 image, but I plan on adding nomultilib and
hardened variants (for a total of at least 4 images).  I plan on
generating these images at least weekly.

These images are not yet sanctioned by our infra team, but I plan on
remedying that (being a member of said team should help).

I am currently using the scripts at to generate the
images (based on a heavily modified version of Matt Vandermeulen's
scripts).  If you have any issues please submit bugs there or contact me
on irc (prometheanfire on freenode).

Here's the link to the images, I'm currently gpg signing them with the
same key I use to sign this email (offline master key smartcard setup
for security minded folk).

Let me know if you have questions,

OK, So to test the images, just burn a dvd/usbstick and run it like a 
liveDVD? I did not see instructions or brief guidance; I'm noob with 
openstack but curious to see how she performs..

Long term, will we get an openstack-meta (testing) out of this in 
portage, or should I just dedicated an old dual core amd64 box for image 

I'm  building up (from 100%  sources) a mesos cluster offering
with cephfs, Apache-spark, Apache-storm and tachyon. It'd be great to
run some tests of codes on openstack (running on local hardware) and 
then test the same hardware running Apache-mesos. So any suggestions you 
have on that (so the comparisons are as similar as possible, including 
recommended test codes) would be of keen interest to me.
