Re: [gentoo-dev] Council Meeting logs 20060309

2006-03-16 Thread Mike Frysinger
On Thursday 16 March 2006 11:12, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 10:54:34 -0500 Seemant Kulleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | I've attached the council meeting logs thanks to my proxy dsd.  I have
> | updated the council project page to add them there and to add a
> | summary of the events.  I suppose when that thar www refreshes itself
> | on the internets, the new content will show up.
> So, uh, was 42 approved or not then? 

no, it was not, as it wasnt voted on, we just chatted about it ... here's a 

19:17 <@agriffis> anyway, it should be enough for now to say that we're in 
favor but where is the implementation plan, who is going to do the work, etc?
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Council Meeting logs 20060309

2006-03-16 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 10:54:34 -0500 Seemant Kulleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| I've attached the council meeting logs thanks to my proxy dsd.  I have
| updated the council project page to add them there and to add a
| summary of the events.  I suppose when that thar www refreshes itself
| on the internets, the new content will show up.

So, uh, was 42 approved or not then? I was under the impression that
the final draft was too late to make the March deadline...

Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Wearer of the shiny hat)
Mail: ciaranm at
Web :

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[gentoo-dev] Council Meeting logs 20060309

2006-03-16 Thread Seemant Kulleen

Dear All,

I've attached the council meeting logs thanks to my proxy dsd.  I have
updated the council project page to add them there and to add a summary
of the events.  I suppose when that thar www refreshes itself on the
internets, the new content will show up.

Meanwhile...enjoy :)


--- Log opened Thu Mar 09 18:22:56 2006
18:22 -!- dsd_ [EMAIL PROTECTED]/developer/dsd] has joined #gentoo-council
18:22 -!- Irssi: #gentoo-council: Total of 9 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 
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18:23 -!- Halcyon [EMAIL PROTECTED]/supporter/active/Halcy0n-gentoo] has joined 
18:32 -!- cshields [EMAIL PROTECTED]/staff/cshields] has joined #gentoo-council
18:53 < dsd_> which gleps are voted on tonight?
18:53 < dsd_> 42 and 44?
18:55 <@Koon> tyhat's what I have
18:55 <@Koon> but I didn't read all gentoo-dev so I might have missed some vote 
18:55 <@Koon> back in 10 minutes
18:57 <@SwifT> damned, 42 has been improved since I last read it
19:00 -!- vapier [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #gentoo-council
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19:02 -!- seemant [EMAIL PROTECTED]/developer/seemant] has joined 
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19:02 <@seemant> hi all, dsd_ is my proxy
19:02 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [+o dsd_] by seemant
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19:03  * vapier touches seemant's proxy
19:03 <@Koon> vapier: proxies are not toys
19:04 -!- agriffis [EMAIL PROTECTED]/developer/agriffis] has joined 
19:04 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [+o agriffis] by ChanServ
19:05 <@dsd_> abuse!
19:06 < cshields> greetings all!  I'll be standing in for solar
19:06 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [+o cshields] by Koon
19:06 <@SwifT> 'evening both of you
19:07 <@cshields> or morning..  ;)
19:07 <@vapier> dsd_: it's only abuse if you didnt like it
19:07 <@Koon> who wants to chair ? I may have to leave early so I prefer not to
19:08 <@vapier> i may have to jet, work has meetings on me today
19:08 <@vapier> but i think we only have the manifest2 glep today correct ?
19:08 <@SwifT> and news thingie
19:08 <@vapier> the news thing wasnt requested i thought
19:08 <@Koon> well it all depends if we consider we should vote on glep 42 too
19:08 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [+m] by Koon
19:08 <@SwifT> if I can believe Koon and dsd
19:09 <@dsd_> SwifT: dont listen to me
19:09 <@vapier> lets do GLEP 44 first :P
19:09 <@Koon> easy cake: yes
19:09 <@SwifT> 1
19:09 <@vapier> i think all our maybes and such were covered sufficiently on 
the list
19:09 <@cshields> solar votes yes
19:09 <@Koon> anyone covering up azarah's ass ?
19:09 <@vapier> any last questions ? (and if you have one i kill you for not 
asking it on the dev list)
19:10 <@SwifT> that's blackmail
19:10 <@dsd_> i vote yes (on seemant's behalf)
19:10 <@agriffis> yes to 42
19:10 <@vapier> ok, i'll just poke you, i wont kill you :p
19:10 <@Koon> agriffis: current itam is 44
19:11 <@vapier> i'm for 42 as well
19:11 <@agriffis> I meant 44, sorry
19:11 <@vapier> adsflkajsdfl 44
19:11  * vapier blames agriffis
19:11 <@Koon> ok then we have a winner
19:12 <@Koon> up to GLEP 42, wit the traditional question: should we really 
vote on it given it's not been properly submitted
19:12 <@SwifT> oh well, no then
19:12 <@Koon> I propose that we emit an opinion and raise any question we may 
have, and pompously vote on it next month
19:13 <@cshields> solar touched on this in an email, but to me it seems to be 
missing an implementation plan.   If it is voted on (and approved) it may end 
up sitting for a while without any action.  We made a similar mistake with the 
webiste redesign vote long ago
19:13 <@Koon> cshields: unfortunately we cannot really enforce implementation 
19:13 <@vapier> we can
19:13 <@Koon> it needs someone to pick it up
19:13 -!- Netsplit <-> quits: Lejban
19:13 <@vapier> we dont approve it w/out an implementation plan :P
19:13 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Lejban
19:14 <@cshields> Koon: you don't need to -enforce- one..  but some kind of a 
plan would be nice  :)
19:14 <@Koon> then we can emit a favorable opinion on the content but require 
some implementation details to accept it
19:14 <@cshields> I could glep that we all get $100k/yr for doing gentoo, and 
it may sound good and have rationale behind it, but without a plan to implement 
it will probably never happen  :)
19:14 <@Koon> I vote yes on that one
19:14 <@SwifT> who knows
19:14 <@vapier> details that the portage team is cool with ... but from 
genone's e-mails, seems they wont have much trouble with it
19:15 -!- spb [EMAIL PROTECTED]/developer/spb] has quit [Client Quit]
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19:15 <@vapier> has infra weighed in on it ?