On 07/10/2017 06:41 PM, Paweł Hajdan, Jr. wrote:
> Hey folks,
> If you'd like to help Gentoo stable be more up to date, please read on.
> See
> <http://dev.gentoo.org/~phajdan.jr/stabilization-candidates-2017-07-09.txt>
> for potential stabilization candidates (over 1000 of them).
> These are automatically checked to pass repoman, and bugzilla is also
> checked for bugs. Only ebuilds not modified in last 30 days are considered.
> Feel free to check out <https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/arch-tools.git/>
> for the script(s) which generate this. It's a project I've been working
> on throughout 2011-2014, and might now work more on it.
> Feedback about next steps would be welcome.
> Paweł

This worked really well in the past - I hope you decide to continue this
great work.

I have two suggestions:

1. Put out a call for updated blacklist requests. This will help avoid
(a) whinging from the vocal minority who are terribly offended by this
sort of thing, and (b) unnecessary requests for sets of packages that
are managed in bulk eg. certain kde and qt categories

2. Please update the bug filing script to use the new bugzilla
components and package list fields - these are now essential to getting
prompt service from arch teams

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