On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 16:30 -0600, Brent Baude wrote:
> If the topic of frequent releases is put onto the survey, I would like
> to know what users anticipate as part of the new releases because new
> releases are based on the tree itself. It has been a while since I have
> used a binary distribution, but when I did, I looked forward to new
> releases because new versions of X and Y were generally tied to it;
> which is not usually the case with Gentoo except where profiles dictate
> that. Is the motivation for more releases in part the expectation of
> more features? If so, also collecting their suggestions for a features
> list would be helpful.
There is a thread on gentoo-user currently. It started out about the
GWN, but it's been hijacked to talk about the install CD. If you want
to know what / why users want the install CD, then read some of the
comments from here on:
Iain Buchanan
Bob Barker: "Which one of these lovely womanoids will take home atomic tiara?"
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