Hi everyone,

My name is Kevin Carillo. I am a PhD student currently living in Wellington 
(New Zealand) and I am doing some research on Free/Open Source Software 

If you have joined the Gentoo community after January 2010 (within 
approximately the last 3 years), I would like to kindly request your help. I am 
interested in hearing from people who are either technical or non-technical 
contributors, and who have had either positive or negative newcomer experiences.

The purpose of the research is to work out how newcomers to a FOSS community 
become valued sustainable contributors. I am basically studying how the 
experience of a FOSS community newcomer has an influence on this person's 
actions and project contributions in the community.

The survey has already gathered 250+ responses in less than 2 weeks and has 
been supported by the following projects: Debian, FreeBSD, GNOME, KDE, Mozilla, 
NetBSD, OpenSUSE, Python, Ubuntu or Wikimedia.

The survey can be found at:

The survey is anonymous, and the dataset will be released under a share-alike 
ODbL license.

I will post news about my progress with this research, and the results on my 
blog: http://kevincarillo.org. Don't hesitate to contact me at 

You can also find some more information at:
and also on the planets of the listed projects...


Kevin Carillo
School of Information Management
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Wellington NEW ZEALAND
(04) 463 5233 ext. 8679 | Room RH401

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