* William L. Thomson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [07/07/14 13:29 -0400]:
> Anyone notice no more GWNs?

Well, I noticed it.  And I read the news from June 14 on

Unfortunately, all our GWN-Editors stop working on it after
some months.  It's a really time-consuming job.  Think about
four to five hours just for collecting all articles, put
some glue between them, create the XML and posting it on the
list.  And count in another four to five hours for writing
most of the stuff yourself (which is the default, as the
contributions are very rare).

So, currently we don't have a GWN for two months already.
It was our main publicity medium for telling users about the
current development inside Gentoo, showing the faces of some
devs and notice them about updates in the tree.  We have
other media which can compensate the GWN, like the Forums,
the GLSAs, the dev-mailinglist etc.  But the GWN was a good
compendium of all.

Don't let it die!

Regards, Lars

Lars Weiler  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  +49-171-1963258
Instant Messaging     : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gentoo Linux PowerPC  : Developer
Gentoo Infrastructure : CVS Administrator

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