Re: [gentoo-performance] Horrible performance

2010-08-25 Thread Mansour Moufid
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 9:32 PM, Alex Schuster wrote:
 Now I am out of ideas. I really hope someone here has one. I cannot work
 with this system any more when emerges are going on.

 I put my kernel config, make.conf, dmesg and such stuff to in case someone wants to have a look at
 it. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

Just a thought: why -ggdb in your CFLAGS? If you have =gcc-4.2, try:

CFLAGS=-march=native -O2 -pipe

Then you should re-emerge gcc itself (twice?) and then world:

# emerge --oneshot binutils gcc virtual/libc
# emerge -e world

Best of luck.

Mansour Moufid

Re: [gentoo-performance] Horrible performance

2010-08-25 Thread Mansour Moufid
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 7:09 AM, Alex Schuster wrote:
 I just added this some days ago in order to give debug information for a a
 bug in strigi I had reported. I forgot to take it out, but so far only few
 packages were compiled with this setting. But thanks for mentioning this,
 I removed the debug setting now.
 But should it matter? Optimization still happens. And when these
 interrupts hapen, the CPU is not at 100%.

 I do not use march=native because I sometimes use another host with

Oh, I thought that might have been behind the memory issue...

But actually it sounds like you don't have direct rendering? Check
with glxinfo (from x11-apps/mesa-progs):

$ glxinfo | grep -i direct

If not then check out this thread in the forums for the correct kernel

If that works you can also try building the KDE libraries with -Os to
help with memory. I don't think you should be using swap at all.

Mansour Moufid

Re: Bad desktop performance, I think (was: Re: [gentoo-performance] Hello? Thump-thump?)

2010-01-20 Thread Mansour Moufid
Hello all,

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 6:07 AM, Alex Schuster wrote:
 I am a little disappointed by the performance of my system. mplayer
 sometimes stutters a little during the calculation phase of emerge -DpN
 @world, swfdec-player does so even more. Well, sometimes even without
 emerges, I guess this flash player is not coded so well.

 My system is not the fastest, silence and low power consumption was more
 important for me. Still, it should be fast enough I think. I have an AMD
 Athlon(tm) Dual Core Processor 4850e CPU (using -march), 4GB of memory, an
 1.5 TB drive. The whole system is encrypted (aes-xts-plain) and LVMed.
 While the LVM overhead should be small, encryption of course creates some
 extra load. /var/tmp/portage is an unencrypted tmpfs volume though. kernel
 is 2.6.31-tuxonice. I'm running KDE4 with desktop effects enabled (running
 ati-drivers), X itself takes about 30-40% of CPU time according to top.
 mplayer itself needs less than 20%.

I also use LVM encryption, and mplayer plays 720p at 30 fps just fine
with only the integrated Intel graphics and 1 GB of RAM. So, I suspect
you are just not using the full potential of your CPU.

If you haven't already: grep flags /proc/cpuinfo; add any of the
{mmx,mmext,sse,sse2,ssse3,3dnow,3dnowext} flags there along with
custom-cpuopts to your mplayer line in /etc/portage/package.use;
then re-emerge of course.

With 4GB if RAM you should probably also set swappiness to a lower
value than default.

That's all I can think of for now, good luck!

Mansour Moufid