Re: [gentoo-user] optimum disk performance

2003-11-08 Thread James H . Cloos Jr .
 Hall == Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hall The fact that DMA is *off* immediately jumped out at me. This
Hall can/should be on with any or most modern HDs and/or controllers.

The using_dma flag is not relevant to udma modes, based on old
postings on lkml.

Since the -i info on that drive said *udma2 using_dma does not need
to be bothered with.


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Re: [gentoo-user] optimum disk performance

2003-11-08 Thread James H . Cloos Jr .
 Hall == Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hall I honestly noticed that discrepency, but then thought that it
Hall meant the drive could or should be in 'udma2' mode, but because
Hall of a configuration error, it wasn't. Oh well..

The discrepency is a result of all of the cruft in the ata spec from
past versions.  With luck sata will leave all of that in the past.  :)

Anyway, I do clearly remember a post from Anrdre saying to ignore the
hdparm output and only worry about what is printk()ed.  Ie look in
the dmesg(8) output to see what the drives are using.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Emerge'ing with dialup tips??

2003-09-11 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 Joshua == Joshua Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Joshua Would it be smarter to do an emerge -uDf world so that I
Joshua atleast get the needed sources faster?

I always try to do a -f before actual merging.  Even then it can take
several hours if you don't do it every day


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Re: [gentoo-user] forums

2003-09-06 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 John == John Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John Any way to get the forums via mailing list?  --

What they really need is an nntp server (using the same
authentication as the web side for posting privs).


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Re: [gentoo-user] ipv6 tunnel broker.

2003-09-06 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 Carlos == Carlos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The only down thing is that FreeNet6's portage doesn't provide an
 init.d script to start and stop the ipv6 tunnel...

Carlos Apparently it does now. :)

It is not perfect, though.  start pulls up the tunnel, but stop/zap
try to kill a daemon that doesn't exist, rather than trying to pull
the tunnel interface down


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Re: [gentoo-user] metalog equivalent to /var/log/messages?

2003-08-31 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 Todd == Todd Sunderlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Todd It should be hiding under /var/log/everything/current

And be sure to use:

:; tail --follow=name /var/log/everything/current 

because metalog moves current to the rotated filename when it
rotates.  W/o --follow=name tail(1) will follow the file descriptor.

(You may need to upgrade to sys-apps/core-utils-5.0 to get a tail(1)
that supports --follow=name; I only noticed that option after upgrading.)


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Re: [gentoo-user] xargs:environment is too large for exec

2003-07-08 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 Rex == Rex Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Rex This definitely fixes the error but I'm curious why the first
Rex version doesn't work?  Seems like a bug in gnu find or xargs to
Rex me -- the fix is really more of a workaround.

In xargs.  One of the notes on that tree of bugzilla ids references
an email sent to one of the gnu mail lists.  The bug is that xargs'
test for the size of the env comes before the args are parsed; the
arg -s allows the env to be elarged, but xargs fails to take that
into consideration before bailing out.

The error only shows up at boot because the rc process must be
creating an env larger than 20k.  Once booted your shell has a
much smaller env.  (Mine is just under 3k.)


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Re: [gentoo-user] Annotating PDF's in Linux

2003-05-29 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 Ulrich == Ulrich Plate [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ulrich 'Annotations are non-printing notes, which Scribus can
Ulrich optionally embed within a PDF.

AFAICD, scribus does not import pdf files or allow one to edit
existing pdfs.  What it can do is generate annotations in pdfs
that it creates, much as pdftex can.

PdfTeX does have support for importing (parts of) existing pdf
files (if using LaTeX you want pdfpages; ConTeXt also supports
importing (parts of) pdfs).  It can create jsut about anything
that the pdf spec support, encryption being the big exception.

There are numerous toolkits that can add annotations to pdfs.
itext; several perl and python modules; C libs.  Even php can
probably do it.  But these solutions all require some coding.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Package management for non-ebuild software

2003-04-03 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 Craig == A Craig West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Craig The biggest problem I find with cooking up ebuilds is sandbox
Craig violations, where some package doesn't necessarily follow the
Craig rules about where to install stuff. I occasionally have to make
Craig a patch to fix it...

Yeah.  But I find that dobin, doman and friends ease that for most
packages.  I just put one together for
and used:

dobin lft
doman lft.8
dodoc CHANGELOG COPYING README TODO lft-manpage.html

to essentially duplicate what their srpm does.  (I didn't expect any
sandbox issues, but just didn't need to bother with make install.)

src_compile was even easier as:

econf || die
emake || die

The only issue is that lft needs to be suid to work for non-root, and
I've not yet dealt with that in the ebuild


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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: sudo not setting the path (was sudo not running a shell as a login shell)

2003-03-31 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 The problem appears to be that for some reason, sudo doesn't put
 the /usr/sbin and /sbin directories in the path.

| sudo wasn't designed to do that. 

That is not generally true.  I have at least two boxen (with
distribution-provided sudo installs) where sudo does result in a PATH
that includes /sbin and /usr/sbin even though those are not in my
account's PATH on those boxen.

On a debian box:

:; printenv PATH
:; sudo printenv PATH

OTOH, I've verified that rh7.3 does not to PATH.

I'd suggest gnetoo should follow debian's precedents more than rh's precedents


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Re: [gentoo-user] build fail : net-snmp-5.0.6

2003-03-19 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
 Stanislas == Stanislas  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Stanislas I have problems emerging nagios because of net-snmp-5.0.6
Stanislas who fails to build ...

The emerge, per the output you attached, dies because the security
module ucm is not found.  According to the ebuild that module is
specified in the args to configure when USE includes kerberos.

As such, the kludge is:

USE=-kerberos emerge net-snmp

That should allow you to get net-snmp built until the bug is located
and exterminated.


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[gentoo-user] en_US.UTF-8 unknown?

2003-03-02 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
I still working on getting my gentoo partition ready for use (dl is
slow at 44kbps) and was running emerge in a chroot(2)ed shell.

Whenever a perl module was tested for dependencies, perl complained
that it was unable to set the locale to en_US.UTF-8.

Being an english speaking yank, I natuarlly run with LANG=en_US.UTF-8.

Is that error from perl indicative of a bug in the perl ebuild?  Or
does gentoo lack support for en_US.UTF-8?  Or is it simply a case of
an as yet unfinished emerge --update world?

I didn't find anything on google or in the faq


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[gentoo-user] snail-mail mirror of distfiles?

2003-02-04 Thread James H. Cloos Jr.
I need to seed my mirror of rsync://
via CDR or DVD-R.  Can anyone help?

It looks like three DVD-R and a CDR should be enough to hold the data
(about 14 GB based on rsync -avn).

I'll cover the media and (usps) postage.  And can pass them on to
someone else in need once I copy them to disk.


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