On Tuesday 05 August 2003 14:53, Andrea Bergia wrote:
> Alle Tuesday 05 August 2003 09:55, Michael Schreckenbauer ha scritto:
> > I believe that. But may I ask, why you changed from a stable KDE-Version
> > to the CVS one? I think, it's normal, that versions coming from the CVS
> > do not always work as they are supposed to do. Since a few days KDE 3.1.3
> > is in portage (at least ~x86), I use this since then and had yet no
> > problems (even with arts).
> Because I like to do some small patches, and I can't do it on an outdated
> version.

I just want to add a quick note here.  I have actually found stable to be less 
stable for me than CVS.  Of course I also do daily updates on KDE-CVS and 
have only have problems a few times (recompiling in an hour or so usually 
fixed that.)  I personally like seeing what is new and up and coming and 
getting a few surprises than waiting for 6 months for the next version to 
come out (if I wanted that then I wouldn't be using Gentoo which gives me 
these opportunities to play.)

> > Well, things in CVS change, perhaps some critical code changed from your
> > "slackware" CVS snippet to the one you are using with Gentoo (just a
> > guess).
> Probably. I'll try to downgrade Arts. Thanks anyway.

Question here... are you using the wonderful ebuilds from Dan Armak ( http://
dev.gentoo.org/~danarmak/kde-cvs.html )?  If not I would suggest trying them.  
If you are you might want to look at the following use flag:


It is a local USE flag for Arts CVS that will set the suid on the artswrapper.  
This should help.  If that isn't set then there will be a lag generally (even 
though this was supposedly fixed without that I can't get good sound.)

Another place to look into would be your kernel.  I'm not sure which kernel 
you are using, but some are definitely better than others in terms of sound 
and also desktop usage.  I'm currently using the CK-Sources ( http://bugs.
gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22822 ) as they are the best functioning sources I 
have found (without doing it all from a vanilla kernel.)

Just a few suggestions that may help.  One last one... ccache... this should 
almost be a requirement with CVS ebuilds.  Works wonderfully to lower the 
amount of time required to recompile the sources.

Hope that helps a little and good luck :)

Justin T

> --
> Andrea Bergia - studente              Linux Registered User #281550

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