[gentoo-user] Problems with Konqueror in KDE3.2

2004-02-26 Thread Tiago Lima

Now my konqueror sometimes is showing a message box when I open a konqueror to 
explore my files... 

Could not find mime type

What is causing this ?

I noticed that when I go to Configure Konqueror  File associations and I 
choose anything in applications it show the same error... Are they 
connected ?

Anyone experiencing this ?

Please help...

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] KDE3.2 changes gnome applications and Mozilla fonts!!

2004-02-15 Thread Tiago Lima

Now my gnome applications and Mozilla have strange fonts...
I think was after I went to KDE fonts folder !? and I think it altered my 
XF86config file... What should I do?

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Where can I get more KDE fonts?

2004-02-15 Thread Tiago Lima

Where can I get more font for KDE, Gnome... ?
For example the Monospace font that I like in gnome-terminal... ? I would to 
put it on Konsole... :)

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] / partition full after emerge

2004-02-13 Thread Tiago Lima

I have my / 9Gb partition full after emerging a large number of packages...
What can I safely remove? I think my /var/tmp is responsible... with 2.5Gb... 
and with openoffice I guess...

Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] / partition full after emerge

2004-02-13 Thread Tiago Lima
Ok, thanks!

On Friday 13 February 2004 10:55, Priit Külaots wrote:
 Tiago Lima wrote:
  I have my / 9Gb partition full after emerging a large number of
  packages... What can I safely remove? I think my /var/tmp is
  responsible... with 2.5Gb... and with openoffice I guess...
  Tiago Lima

 It's safe to remove anything in /var/tmp/portage and
 /usr/portage/distfiles . distfiles are tar.bz2 packages from what emerge
   does installing.


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[gentoo-user] Filesystem corruption with Software RAID1 on kernel 2.6 and Si3112

2004-02-13 Thread Tiago Lima

I've posted this in the foruns but it appears no one answers, so I decided to 
try in here...

I've been trying to install a gentoo box with software RAID1 for about four 
days now... No success...

I had all sorts of problems, at first I started using reiserfs and when I got 
filesystem corruption, I thought it was reisersfs' fault, but now I'm using 
ext3 and I have the same problem. I ran badblock on both disk and 
nothing... :(

I think that the problem is most likelly the serial ata controller, the 
infamous si3112.

I have tried gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.1, gentoo-dev-sources-2.6.2 and both gave 
me filesystem corruption. My installation was from scratch from gentoo 2004 
live cd with kernel 2.4.24.

The hardware is:
Asus a7n8x 2.0 with si3112
2* Seagate 160GB.

I have seen some info on this regarding some patches, but only to older 
versions of the kernel...

I know some lads must have this kickin'... I just need a kick in the but to 
get this working too, most likelly...

But I really apreciate all the help I can get...
Because every time I'm hit with filesystem corruption, I have to start 
all-over... Which takes me about a full day or so to test something...

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Problems emerging new hardened sources

2004-02-08 Thread Tiago Lima

I have a server with SE Linux using and old policy (from 2003 12 25 :). I 
havent synced the system for quite some time and I decided to sync it 

Some system info:

*  sec-policy/selinux-base-policy
  Latest version available: 20040202
  Latest version installed: 20031225
  Size of downloaded files: 59 kB
  Description: Gentoo base policy for SELinux
  License: GPL-2

*  sys-kernel/hardened-sources
  Latest version available: 2.4.24
  Latest version installed: 2.4.22-r2
  Size of downloaded files: 31,081 kB
  Description: Special Security Hardened Gentoo Linux Kernel
  License: GPL-2

After the sync I tried to emerge -u hardened-sources and when on the install 
fase it appear this:

make[1]: Leaving directory 
 version.h compiled successfully.
 Source unpacked.
 Install hardened-sources-2.4.24 
into /var/tmp/portage/hardened-sources-2.4.24/image/ category sys-kernel
 Copying sources...
 Completed installing into /var/tmp/portage/hardened-sources-2.4.24/image/
 Merging sys-kernel/hardened-sources-2.4.24 to /
 Setting SELinux security labels
make: Entering directory `/etc/security/selinux/src/policy'
cat file_contexts/types.fc file_contexts/program/bootloader.fc 
file_contexts/program/checkpolicy.fc file_contexts/program/chkpwd.fc 
file_contexts/program/chroot.fc file_contexts/program/crack.fc 
file_contexts/program/crond.fc file_contexts/program/crontab.fc 
file_contexts/program/devfsd.fc file_contexts/program/dhcpc.fc 
file_contexts/program/fsadm.fc file_contexts/program/getty.fc 
file_contexts/program/hwclock.fc file_contexts/program/ifconfig.fc 
file_contexts/program/inetd.fc file_contexts/program/init.fc 
file_contexts/program/initrc.fc file_contexts/program/iptables.fc 
file_contexts/program/ldconfig.fc file_contexts/program/load_policy.fc 
file_contexts/program/login.fc file_contexts/program/mkinitrd.fc 
file_contexts/program/modutil.fc file_contexts/program/mount.fc 
file_contexts/program/mta.fc file_contexts/program/netutils.fc 
file_contexts/program/newrole.fc file_contexts/program/nscd.fc 
file_contexts/program/ntpd.fc file_contexts/program/opt.fc 
file_contexts/program/pamconsole.fc file_contexts/program/passwd.fc 
file_contexts/program/ping.fc file_contexts/program/portage.fc 
file_contexts/program/pppd.fc file_contexts/program/rsyncd.fc 
file_contexts/program/selopt.fc file_contexts/program/setfiles.fc 
file_contexts/program/ssh.fc file_contexts/program/su.fc 
file_contexts/program/syslogd.fc file_contexts/program/tcpd.fc 
file_contexts/program/useradd.fc file_contexts/users.fc 
make: Leaving directory `/etc/security/selinux/src/policy'
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  read 534 specifications
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:mnt_t on line number 49
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:mnt_t on line number 50
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:cpu_device_t on line 
number 115
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:scsi_generic_device_t 
on line number 132
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:tape_device_t on line 
number 200
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:tape_device_t on line 
number 201
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:tape_device_t on line 
number 202
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:tape_device_t on line 
number 203
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:tape_device_t on line 
number 204
/usr/sbin/setfiles:  invalid context system_u:object_r:tape_device_t on line 
number 205
Exiting after 10 errors.
!!! ERROR: sys-kernel/hardened-sources-2.4.24 failed.
!!! Function dyn_preinst, Line 909, Exitcode 1
!!! Failed to set SELinux security labels.
!!! FAILED preinst: 1

Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Help with su - postgres problems

2004-01-07 Thread Tiago Lima

I've updated a server with gentoo today (emerge sync and emerge -u world) and 
i noticed I can no longer do a :

$ su - postgres

or even:

$ su postgres

because it hangs there... (using no CPU whatsoever)
I dont have a clue what could be causing this... It appears that is only 
related to the postgres user as I can su to another normal user.

I noticed that I can do this:

$ sudo -u postgres command

and the command is executed fine !

Could it be from a /etc file?
I remember etc-updateing some files but dont know them by hard...

You help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Help with su - postgres problems

2004-01-07 Thread Tiago Lima
The line is exactly the same...
Maybe something else... ?

Tiago Lima

On Wednesday 07 January 2004 17:50, David Gethings wrote:
 On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 17:38, Tiago Lima wrote:
  Could it be from a /etc file?
  I remember etc-updateing some files but dont know them by hard...

 If it is then the best was to check is to have a look at /etc/passwd.
 This file has all/most the info needed to login at that user.

 Have a look and see if you can spot anything out of the ordinary. On my
 machine it currently looks like the following:



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[gentoo-user] KDevelop C++ and STL

2003-12-11 Thread Tiago Lima

How can I compile C++ code for STL within KDevelop ?

Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Konsole configuration

2003-12-10 Thread Tiago Lima

I'am currently using Konsole and I've configured in my home directory a 
file .bash_profile with:

alias dir='ls -la --color=auto'

so that every shell has this alias but it appears that Konsole doesnt read 
this file when using the bash command (Settings  Configure Konsole  
Session) and I want Konsole to be aware of this fact. How do I do this?

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] What is the best way to start iptables on boot time?

2003-11-19 Thread Tiago Lima


Sorry for this newbie question but what is the 
"best" way to start iptables (and rules)on boot time?

Thanks in advance,
 Tiago Lima

Re: [gentoo-user] What is the best way to start iptables on boot time?

2003-11-19 Thread Tiago Lima

Thanks, but where do I put the file and how do I 
make it run on boot time?

 Tiago Lima

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 8:05 
  Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] What is the 
  best way to start iptables on boot time?
  On November 19, 2003 02:59 pm, Tiago Lima wrote: Sorry 
  for this newbie question but what is the "best" way to start iptables 
  (and rules) on boot time?hmmm. while i can't tell you the "best" 
  way, i can tell you what i did. i wrote a startup script with the 
  following contents. it may not have been the best route to go, but 
  this way, i have a panic button if i need it 
  ;-)#!/sbin/runscript## rc.firewall# firewall 
  script for alexandria#opts="start stop panic"depend() 
  { need 
  { ebegin "Enabling 
  rules go here 
  eend $?}stop() 
  { ebegin "Disabling 
  firewall" iptables --policy 
  ACCEPT iptables --policy 
  iptables --policy FORWARD 
  ACCEPT iptables -t 
  filter --flush 
  iptables -t filter 
  --delete-chain eend 
  { ebegin "SHIELDS! WHERE ARE 
  MY SHIELDS???" iptables -t 
  --flush iptables -A 
  INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT 
  iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j 
  ACCEPT iptables --policy 
  DROP iptables --policy 
  DROP iptables -t 
  --delete-chain eend 
  $?}-- understand that legal and illegal are political, and 
  often arbitrary, categorizations; use and abuse are medical, or clinical, 
  distinctions.- abbie hoffman--[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing 

[gentoo-user] Urgent: Problem with ls and SELinux policy...

2003-11-15 Thread Tiago Lima

I've already posted earlier (and in other lists with no answer) with a
problem using the ls program...

$ cd /
$ ls -la *
Segmentation fault

And sometimes it even blocks...

So I investigated a little bit and I removed the initrd.gz from lilo,
meaning removed the policy (from SELinux) from boot... And I tried ls with
no policy and guess what? It works ! So the problem lies somewhere in the
policy or using the policy, right? But where? How do I know?
Now I cannot work with no policy because the files have the context placed
by make relabel...
What do I do? Please help...

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] wget Address family not supported

2003-11-14 Thread Tiago Lima

I was also getting that error, so I tried to edit make.conf and remove
ipv6 from the USE flags. And then re-emerge wget...
I think it was that...

Tiago Lima

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas T. Veldhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 9:01 PM
Subject: [gentoo-user] wget  Address family not supported 

 I did a recent sync and wget was updated to version 1.9.  Now, when it
 to pull any source down from any location, I get the message Address
 not supported  and it fails.

 Anybody else seing this?

 Calculating world dependencies ...done!
  emerge (1 of 1) sys-apps/man-pages-1.61 to /
= `/usr/portage/distfiles/man-pages-1.61.tar.bz2'
 Resolving gentoo.oregonstate.edu...
 Connecting to gentoo.oregonstate.edu[]:80... failed: Address
 family not supported by protocol.

 Tom Veldhouse

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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[gentoo-user] Problems (re)emerging perl

2003-11-06 Thread Tiago Lima

I've tried emerging perl :

$ emerge -ep perl
[ebuild  N] dev-lang/perl-5.8.1-r2

but when I do :

$ emerge -e perl

it shows after some compilation :


Stopping right here (long long long time) for at least 180 minutes... Is
this normal?

I've done a 'ps' and the consuming process is ls:

$ ps x
19530 pts/0R 17:36 ls README TEST TestInit.pm base cmd comp
harness io j...

Anyone knows why?

Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Segmentation Fault using 'ls'

2003-11-06 Thread Tiago Lima
Hi there,

I have a problem with the ls command:

$ cd /
$ ls *
free(): invalid pointer 0x806c050!
Segmentation fault

Anyone has any idea what is causing this?

Kernel is 2.4.22.

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Fw: Segmentation Fault using 'ls'

2003-11-06 Thread Tiago Lima

$ ls -la *
 free(): invalid pointer 0x806c050!
 Segmentation fault
the command 'ls *' blocks...

- Original Message - 
From: Tiago Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:15 PM
Subject: Segmentation Fault using 'ls'

 Hi there,
 I have a problem with the ls command:
 $ cd /
 $ ls *
 free(): invalid pointer 0x806c050!
 Segmentation fault
 Anyone has any idea what is causing this?
 Kernel is 2.4.22.
 Thanks in advance,
 Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Segmentation Fault using 'ls'

2003-11-06 Thread Tiago Lima

I've tried and I saw nothing unusual... just the names in the / directory...
Perhaps recursive? (How?)

Tiago Lima

- Original Message - 
From: Rus Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Segmentation Fault using 'ls'

 On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Tiago Lima wrote:

  Hi there,
  I have a problem with the ls command:
  $ cd /
  $ ls *
  free(): invalid pointer 0x806c050!
  Segmentation fault
  Anyone has any idea what is causing this?
  Kernel is 2.4.22.
  Thanks in advance,
  Tiago Lima

 You might have file system corruption. Try echo * and see what happens.
 Any weird names?

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Re: [gentoo-user] Segmentation Fault using 'ls'

2003-11-06 Thread Tiago Lima
Hi again,

I tried:

$ ls .*
Segmentation Fault

$ ls -la .*
all ok

Tiago Lima

- Original Message - 
From: Tiago Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Segmentation Fault using 'ls'


 I've tried and I saw nothing unusual... just the names in the /
 Perhaps recursive? (How?)

 Tiago Lima

 - Original Message - 
 From: Rus Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 8:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Segmentation Fault using 'ls'

  On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Tiago Lima wrote:
   Hi there,
   I have a problem with the ls command:
   $ cd /
   $ ls *
   free(): invalid pointer 0x806c050!
   Segmentation fault
   Anyone has any idea what is causing this?
   Kernel is 2.4.22.
   Thanks in advance,
   Tiago Lima
  You might have file system corruption. Try echo * and see what
  Any weird names?
  w: http://www.jvds.com  | JVDS Virtual Servers
  e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]| Daily Specials
  t: +44 7919 373537 | http://www.jvds.com/specials.php
  t: 1-888-327-6330 | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[gentoo-user] How to emerge so that it recompiles all installed packages ?

2003-11-05 Thread Tiago Lima

Does anyone know how to make (or force) 'emerge' in recompiling every
installed package?

Thanks in advance,
Tiago Lima

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list