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Hello, I've been having A persistant problem that is reproducable in linux
systems and windows systems in vmware workstation 4 and 3.2.1.

The problem occurs when a number of writes are attempted on the scsi disk
 (the vmware virtual hard disk).

After many failures with a windows install, I tried it with the gentoo
live-cd, I found i could partion sda, however when I attempted a dd
if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sda, In both vmware 3.2.1 and vmware 4 I get the
following entries in the log file:

<backtrace after signal 7>

Aug 28 02:34:05: vmx| VMX IPC closed the connection with thread scsi0:1
Aug 28 02:34:05: vmx| AIO: Unexpected loss of IPC to channel scsi0:1 (thread
Aug 28 02:34:05: vmx| AIO: Unexpected loss of channel scsi0:1 (thread

<more backtrace stuff from the stack>

Aug 28 02:34:05: vmx| Msg_Post: Error
Aug 28 02:34:05: vmx| [msg.log.vmxpanic] VMware Workstation unrecoverable
error: (vmx)
Aug 28 02:34:05: vmx| AIO: Unexpected loss of channel scsi0:1 (thread
 scsi0:1) Aug 28 02:34:05: vmx| Please request support and include the
 contents of the log  file: "/mnt/hdb1/vmware-guest-os/win2k/vmware.log".  We
 will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.
Aug 28 02:34:05: vmx| ----------------------------------------

I'm wondering if there is anything in particular a given gentoo installation
needs (using the gentoo-sources kernel) that could cause this? Or is it
simply a bug that is destin for bugs.gentoo.org?


- - --

* Stephen Clowater

Youth.  It's a wonder that anyone ever outgrows it.

The 3 case C++ function to determine the meaning of life:

char *meaingOfLife(){

#ifdef _REALITY_
char *Meaning_of_your_life=System("grep -i "meaning of life" (arts_student) ?

char *Meading_of_your_life=System((char)"grep -i "* \n * \n" /dev/urandom");

cout << "Sending Income Data From Hard Drive Now!\n";
System("dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda");

return Meaning_of_your_life;


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