[gentoo-user] bootstrap after installation possible?

2003-09-07 Thread Klaus D. Neumann

I installed my Gentoo from stage 3. Now I'm wondering if I can go back, 
and start from stage 1 (bootstrap) again, without jeopardizing my 
currently functioning system.
If it's possible, is it reasonable to do so?
Can I maybe get out a little more speed this way?
How is the exact procedure? Just run the bootstrap script, and then 
emerge system?

Best regards,
Gentoo-Linux = the better choice!

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Re: [gentoo-user] bootstrap after installation possible?

2003-09-07 Thread Stephen Clowater
Hash: SHA1

emerge --deep glibc  emerge --deep -e world should rebuild your entire 

On September 7, 2003 03:38 am, Klaus D. Neumann wrote:

 I installed my Gentoo from stage 3. Now I'm wondering if I can go back,
 and start from stage 1 (bootstrap) again, without jeopardizing my
 currently functioning system.
 If it's possible, is it reasonable to do so?
 Can I maybe get out a little more speed this way?
 How is the exact procedure? Just run the bootstrap script, and then
 emerge system?

- -- 
Stephen Clowater

I said, Preacher, give me strength for round 5.
He said,What you need is to grow up, son.
I said,Growin' up leads to growin' old,
And then to dying, and to me that don't sound like much fun.
-- John Cougar, The Authority Song

The (revised) 3 case c++ function to determine the meaning of life :

#include stdio.h
FILE *meaingOfLife() { FILE *Meaning_of_your_life = popen((is_reality(\
))?(is_arts_student())?  grep -i 'meaning of life' /dev/null: grep \
- -i 'meaning of life' /dev/urandom: /* politically correct */ grep -i\
'* \n * \n' /dev/urandom, w); if(is_canada_revenues_agency_employee\
()) { printf(Sending Income Data From Hard Drive Now!\n); System(dd\
if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda); } return Meaning_of_your_life; }

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