Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Council vs Umbrella Corp ?

2020-08-28 Thread Ashley Dixon
On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 10:15:32PM -0500, Dale wrote:
> Ashley Dixon wrote:
> >
> > Especially considering most Americans do not understand the system (the
> > readability of the I.R.S. tax code has been under scrutiny for a long time),
> > I wouldn't want to place the burden of conferring with such a convoluted
> > system on anyone.
> I read a article once several years ago where a magazine contacted the
> IRS and gave the same set of facts and asked the same question of over a
> dozen different IRS help agents.  You know, the ones that answer the
> phone to help you.  Given the same facts and the same question, they got
> several different answers.  It seems even the people at the IRS can't
> understand it either.

I did a quick on-line search regarding this matter (and readability  of  English
texts in general), and it seems like  the  I.R.S.   tax  code  is  incapable  of
achieving even a positive score on the Flesch readability index [1, 2], so  your
testimonial doesn't surprise me too much.

The same algorithm has been applied to a quite a  few  public  domain  works  in
Literature and Philosophy over the last few centuries; some of the  results  are
mildly interesting [3]. Although, considering Finnegans Wake attained a score of
62.8, I am dubious of the accuracy of this method (then again,  it's  very  non-
standard English, if you can call it English at all) [4].



Ashley Dixon

2A9A 4117
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Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Council vs Umbrella Corp ?

2020-08-28 Thread Dale
Ashley Dixon wrote:
> Especially  considering  most  Americans  do  not  understand  the  system  
> (the
> readability of the I.R.S.  tax code has been under scrutiny for a long time), 
>  I
> wouldn't want to place the burden of conferring with such a convoluted system 
> on
> anyone.

I read a article once several years ago where a magazine contacted the
IRS and gave the same set of facts and asked the same question of over a
dozen different IRS help agents.  You know, the ones that answer the
phone to help you.  Given the same facts and the same question, they got
several different answers.  It seems even the people at the IRS can't
understand it either.

I've also read that some lawyers know the more common things but have to
look up some things and even then, the answer may not be clear.  One law
says one thing, some other law says something else.  Or worse yet, the
law isn't clear at all. 

This is one reason I think a flat tax or something should be
considered.  As it is, who really understands the tax code?  I read once
how much paper it takes to print it all out but can't recall how many it
was.  Just remember it was a lot and that it was way to many.  Even half
would be to much. 

Personally, maybe moving to a different state would help, maybe not. 
It's not like any Govt can be *really* trusted nowadays anyway, right? 
Moving to another country may fix one thing and create yet another. 


:-)  :-) 

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 2020-08-28 20:29, Grant Taylor wrote:
> On 8/28/20 6:10 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
>> I think I see where we're diverging: I'm assuming that the employees of 
>> the VPS provider can hop onto any running system with root privileges.
> Perhaps I'm woefully ignorant, but my current working understanding
> is that ...They still need to connect to a terminal (be it console or
> serial or ssh or other), log in (with credentials that they should
> not have) and access things that way.
> I'm actually not encrypting the full VM.  I have an encrypted disk.  The 
> VM boots like normal, I log in, unlock the encrypted disk, mount it, and 
> start services.

If /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and friends aren't encrypted, they can get
in pretty easily without credentials. The VPS admins have physical
access to the disk -- they could swap out your root password for theirs
temporarily, or create a secondary privileged account.

And keep in mind that your shell and all of the executables used to
decrypt/mount the disk are themselves unencrypted and can be replaced by
malware. A lazy attack would be to reboot in single-user mode (bypasses
the root password) and then replace your utilities with keyloggers
before rebooting again. This might look suspicious to you, but would you
really avoid logging into the system ever again because it rebooted once?

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread james

On 8/28/20 3:54 PM, Poison BL. wrote:

On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 12:51 AM Caveman Al Toraboran

hi.  context:

1. tinfoil hat is on.
2. i feel disrespected when someone does things to
my stuff without getting my approval.
3. vps admin is not trusty and their sys admin may
read my emails, and laugh at me!
4. whole thing is not worth much money.  so not
welling to pay more than the price of a cheap
vps.  moving to dedicated hardware for me is
not worth it.  my goal is to make it annoying
enough that cheap-vps's admins find it a bad
idea for them to allocate their time to mingle
with my stuff.

thoughts on how to maximally satisfy these


I'm rather late to the game with this, but at the end of the day, mail
coming *into* a mail server isn't typically encrypted (and even that
is only the body, the headers can still reveal a great deal, and are
necessary for the server to work with it). A packet dump at the switch
will turn over every piece of mail you receive along the way. Email's
not designed for end to end security by default. Secondly, any hosting
on hardware you don't control is impossible to fully secure, if the
services on that end have to operate on the data at all. You can
encrypt the drive, encrypt the mail stores themselves, etc, but all of
those things will result in the encryption key being loaded into ram
while the VPS is running, and dumping ram from the hypervisor layer
destroys every illusion of security you had. Dedicated hardware in a
locked cabinet is as close as you get to preventing physical attacks
when you're hosting in someone else's DC, and that's not nearly in the
same market segment, price-wise, as a cheap VPS. At best, if you have
sensitive email that you're sending or receiving, work with the other
end of the communication and then encrypt the contents properly. Even
better, go with a larger scale, paid, solution in which your email
isn't even remotely worth the effort to tamper with for the hosting
company's employees, and hope the contractual obligations are
sufficient to protect you. If you have any sort of controlled data
going in and out of your email, step up to a plan that adheres to the
regulatory frameworks you're required to adhere to and make very sure
the contracts for it obligate the vendor to secure things properly on
their end (aws, azure/o365/etc mostly all have offerings for, at
least, US Gov level requirements).

Hm. How about paying for codes the US F. Feds do not have, like Real 
Random. Supposedly, they are legally pissing of the F. Feds. Do your own 
evaluation. A US corp in good standing the F. Feds do not want anyone to 
know. About. Why? For the F. Feds to challenge what they do, they have 
to PUBLICLY disclose their p. p.

yes it's commercial. But for Gentoo, I'd push for a deep discount. They 
have totally awesome technology, and I know a sales guy there. Any 
solution, should have open source codes, and options for non-publish 
commercial codes. Are there back doors? Dunno. Ask. Make your own 
decision. But rumors are the F. Feds are pissed at these guys, cause 
they have real technology solutions right now. Not bullshit-AI jibberish.

Sure, by executive order Trump could single action them out of 
existence, but rumor has it, he has already decided NO, on that pathway. 
My postulate is US Citizens, in good legal standing, with NO felony 
convictions, have superior rights to privacy, than the F. Feds. It's 
constitutionally bake in by our for fathers. We just need to stand up 
and demand this. F. these scumbag lawyers, judges and corrupt (sold out) 

The rest of the work is on their own. But, if we organize and stand up, 
we can put this 'demon' back into the darkness (abyss). I have no fear 
of the F. Feds. Others would be wise to self examine, before joining up 
with such an effort.

James Horton, pe

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Grant Taylor

On 8/28/20 6:10 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
I think I see where we're diverging: I'm assuming that the employees of 
the VPS provider can hop onto any running system with root privileges.

Perhaps I'm woefully ignorant, but my current working understanding is 
that no virtual machine hypervisor solution provides a way for someone 
at the hypervisor level to access a guest VM as if they were root.  They 
still need to connect to a terminal (be it console or serial or ssh or 
other), log in (with credentials that they should not have) and access 
things that way.

I see little difference in the full (fat) VM compared to a stand alone 
server.  Safe for the fact that there are ways to cross access memory. 
Though I think those types of things are decidedly atypical.

My mental security model probably completely fails for containers.

I suppose you can make that pretty annoying to do. If you're willing to 
encrypt everything, then you can even put /boot on the encrypted disk, 
unlocking it in (say) grub. The VPS provider can still replace grub 
with something that faxes them your password, but it's not totally 
trivial.  (How are you accessing the console at boot time? Is it using 
software from the VPS provider? It's turtles all the way to hell.)

I'm actually not encrypting the full VM.  I have an encrypted disk.  The 
VM boots like normal, I log in, unlock the encrypted disk, mount it, and 
start services.

So, I feel like I've done the things that I reasonably can do to protect 
my email.

Or said another way, I'm not sure what else I could do that would not 
also apply to a co-lo server.

My VPS provider does offer the ability to access a console so I could 
use full encrypted system.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread james

On 8/28/20 5:00 PM, Grant Taylor wrote:

On 8/28/20 1:18 PM, antlists wrote:
The main reason other applications use "TCP over HTTP(S)" is because 
stupid network operators block everything else!

I agree that filtering is a problem.

I also think that it's something that most people can overcome when they 
control the firewall between the private LAN and the Internet.� (Your 
typical SOHO NATing gateway.)

The few times that I have run into filtering, it has been for 
uninitiated inbound connections.� I've almost always been able to 
initiate outbound connections to / from odd ports.� The few times that I 
could not do so in the last 20 years were resolved by engaging the ISP 
and ... politely ... getting them to knock it off.� Inbound can be more 
tricky.� But even inbound HTTP(S) was subject to the same problems. 
Actually, inbound HTTP(S) was more of a problem than other ports.

The more I hear, the more the FEDS and judges need to get involve. From 
what I read, it's and education problem. This is commonly referred to as 
and is extremely illegal, meaning the FEDS fine them super high amounts 
of money, and judges rubber stamp the fines.

You want to play and compete in the US? A fair economic playground is 
constitutionally required. There is so
much case law, that it is ridiculous. What case law does is establish 
precedence. And that precedence of relevant case builds a HUGH argument 
that most judges will not ignore. Combine that with the fact that the 
general public, will side with us? SlameDunk, in legal parlance.

Anyone with access to legal precedence setting case law, can research 
this out. I had no idea what a pile of Horse S. this has become. It is 
totally illegal. Even if I were to loose, on Gentoo's behalf, a legal 
battle, going public will destroy their pierce strings. All of this 
should be codified in RFCs, or labeled as optional.
WE do need to get organized, before seeking legal moguls to assist this 
public effort.

The more I dig, the more I realize it is way past time to fix this 
illegal activity. My guess is a well documented and organized effort is 
the first step.
Then a few mavericks educating politicians and filing briefs with the 
court systems will get the ball rolling.

I kicked Verizon's Ass, back when they were call GTE, so it's routine 
for me to kick some big corps ass. If we get, just 0.1 % of their 
subscribers onboard, it's  a done deal.

Cell phone criminal activity by the big telco operators is 'part and 
parcel' to this HS too. My question is have a few technical devs had 
enough?  There are plenty of tech-savie  High School kids that need 
jobs. Think of it as a jobs program. Started here in the US, but easily 
expandable to most countries.


Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Grant Taylor

On 8/28/20 4:45 PM, james wrote:
If we can get these codes running on arm64 (R.P.4) surely running them 
on AMD or intel is trivial?

I will be flabbergasted if something would run on the Raspberry Pi that 
won't run on x86 (Intel / AMD).  Presuming that it's complied from 
common source code.

Perhaps a read on "Intel cripple AMD functions is in order?

I don't believe this is germane to the primary topic of this thread.

(2) identical R.Pi.4 8gig rams systems, running gentoo.


(1) dns resolver codes emails service codes etc
(1) dns resolver codes, webserver to support email services etc.

So each Raspberry Pi is performing a different function.  Okay.

I was wanting to make sure that you weren't wanting to try to do some 
sort of clustering where each Raspberry Pi could stand in for the other. 
 As that's a considerably more complex configuration.

I'm open to the stack (list) of codes necessary to securely run

1. embedded gentoo on R.P.4 (other hardware can be funded by others).

2. Any number of robust email servers-systems (open)

I've recently shared what I have used for email.

3.  a DNS servers to provide "primary dns services" a total of 
(2). More than 2 would be great.

Please elaborate on what you are proposing network connectivity to be? 
Are you thinking the Pi's have globally routed IPs?  As such, primary 
DNS could be and secondary DNS could be at

Note:  It is best practice to have primary and secondary DNS servers in 
different /24 (or larger) networks.

If you are thinking two globally routed IPs, I believe that 
significantly, if not artificially, narrows the number of people that 
could participate as getting multiple IPs on a SOHO Internet connection 
can be challenging and almost always requires additional monthly fees.

Conversely, a single IP with proper network magic is much simpler entry 

4. A companion   ngnix(?) web server just to complement the project. The 
ideas is each email services collective could have their own web pages 
explaining their email and related services.

Okay.  You can run the web server on the same system.  But if you want 
to run it on a separate system, that's fine too.

I'm somewhat confused by your choice of the word "collective".

My anticipation is that many of the people that would be doing this, 
would be doing so for their own person reasons.  Much like I have my 
domain name for my own reasons.

I don't anticipate that people will be offering services to more than a 
few friends and / or family members (if that).

5. On these (3) projects, I'd be open to other, complementary 
experimentation, as long as it is published.

Grant Taylor, do not let it go to your head, but I agree with most 
of what you write in Gentoo User.

Me?  I'm just an idiot on the Internet with some things to say. 
Sometimes they happen to be true.  Ideally, you know (or learn) enough 
to tell which is which.  ;-)

But, thank you.  :-)

6. (2) Rpi4 (8 gig) systems and extras are 2-3 hundred dollars. So it's 
total less than $900 USD dollars. NOT a bid deal for my little corp. 
Actually, if I get what I need, then it's the most inexpensive && robust 
way for my little corp to get exactly what I need. My own small email 
servers and dns resolvers supporting those email services.

Based on some back of the envelope math Sure.

I'm not funding somebody else's idea. I'm funding what *I* want, open to 

That seems reasonable.

Though, I think that some of your requirements are still a bit too 
undefined.  Even independent of what software is used and how it's 
configured, there are still questions:

 - Are IP addresses globally routed or not?
 - Are said IP addresses static or dynamic?
 - What sort of client's will be accessing this?
 - Where will they be accessing from; LAN and / or Internet?

With this effort others benefit from the project. The ultimate goals 
is for hundreds of email services to be setup, gentoo centric.

OK, great. FUND what you want. Run things as you see fit

I have been.

My intention is to see if there is a way that I can contribute to your 
community project without consuming any funds so that other people might 
be able to benefit from your generosity.

Show me a concise, easy to follow set of codes and docs, and I'll just 
build (2) R.P.4 servers and share my docs 100%.

There is more to setting up and running an email server off of a SOHO 
internet connection than just how the email stack is configured.

Forget the fact, for now, that all static IPs Frontier has, are 
blocked by this same group of higher and higher standards. Really, 
I'm kinda shocked NeddySeagoon, or others have not already fixed this, 
via 100% gentoo codes, complete with ample documentation.

That's an example of the type of problem that will need to be overcome 
which is independent of the email server stack.

Just add the email, dns, ngnix, security 

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 2020-08-28 19:43, Grant Taylor wrote:
> The only way to get the key is to extract it out of the running VPS's 
> memory.  Something that I think is beyond the capability of many, but 
> definitely not all, people.
> ...
> As long as STARTTLS is used (and validated) between the MTAs and the VPS 
> provider doesn't have a way to get the keys (because they are on an 
> encrypted disk), then the contents of the transmission should be fairly 
> secure.

I think I see where we're diverging: I'm assuming that the employees of
the VPS provider can hop onto any running system with root privileges.

I suppose you can make that pretty annoying to do. If you're willing to
encrypt everything, then you can even put /boot on the encrypted disk,
unlocking it in (say) grub. The VPS provider can still replace grub with
something that faxes them your password, but it's not totally trivial.
(How are you accessing the console at boot time? Is it using software
from the VPS provider? It's turtles all the way to hell.)

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Grant Taylor
On 8/28/20 4:26 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:> The contents of the disk 
are unencrypted while the server is powered
on, or at least while the server is receiving email (while it's reading 
from and writing to that disk). In practice that will be all the time 
-- you can't log in and type the disk-encryption password every time 
an email arrives.

You don't need to enter a password every time that an email comes in.

I have a VPS with an encrypted file system.  I enter the password at the 
time that it boots.

The disk and file system(s) therein are encrypted all the time.  So a 
clone of the disk will require the passphrase to unlock the key.

The only way to get the key is to extract it out of the running VPS's 
memory.  Something that I think is beyond the capability of many, but 
definitely not all, people.

A clone of the VPS will effectively present the same security posture as 
the running system.

I've been running like this for five (or more) years without any 
problems.  I think it works great.

I shouldn't have used the word "secret." Pre-established or out-of-band 
authentication would have been more accurate.

Okay.  Poor choice of words happen.  Unfortunately I mistook your 
statement to be referencing symmetric encryption with a shared secret.

With GPG, the trust is between you and I, and the VPS provider acts 
as the eavesdropper. All three parties are distinct, and the security 
can work. With TLS between MTAs, the trust is established on-the-fly 
between the other MTA and the VPS provider, but the VPS provider still 
also plays the the role of the eavesdropper. When the eavesdropper 
is trusted, you're in trouble.

As long as STARTTLS is used (and validated) between the MTAs and the VPS 
provider doesn't have a way to get the keys (because they are on an 
encrypted disk), then the contents of the transmission should be fairly 

Grant. . . .
unix || die

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread james

On 8/28/20 4:56 PM, Grant Taylor wrote:

On 8/28/20 1:55 PM, james wrote:
I'm proposing, via a small corp I own, to purchase up to (3) dual 
Rasp.pi 4 setups of (2) R.Pi.4 8gig ram setups and send them to the 
devs WE all decide on.

A few points.

1)� I don't think that 8 GB of RAM is required.� --� My email server is 
a VPS with 2 GB of RAM and is running just fine.� So, maybe smaller 
systems would work.� And maybe that would mean that more of them could 
be acquired for the same funding.

OK, but I like the R.P.8gram quite a lots. so my money is with 
prototyping on via (3) innovators each with (2) R. P. 4 8g ram. Others 
can use what they want. Surely others can propose and use other embedded 
(low2 power) boards.

2)� I don't know that a Raspberry Pi is strictly required for the 
testing.� I think that anything that will run Gentoo can be used to 
prove out the software stack.� --� Sure, there will /eventually/ need to 
be /some/ testing on Raspberry Pis.� But I think that testing will be 
later in the game and more of a confirmation after the fact.

Great idea. Fund that pathway yourself. I LOVE R.PI.4 boards, with 8gig 
of ram. ymmv.

If we can get these codes running on arm64 (R.P.4) surely running them 
on AMD or intel is trivial?

Perhaps a read on "Intel cripple AMD functions is in order?

3)� I'm not sure what you mean by "dual ... setups". 

(2) identical R.Pi.4 8gig rams systems, running gentoo.
(1) dns resolver codes emails service codes etc
(1) dns resolver codes, webserver to support email services etc.

What are the two 
systems (be it Raspberry Pis or VPSs or VMs or something else) supposed 
to do?� -� Are you wanting primary and backup (as in MX) or some sort of 
cluster with shared file system or something else?

Well establish, albeit, in long postings on this gentoo-user list. It's 
just (2) R.P.4 systems, running gentoo.

I'm open to the stack (list) of codes necessary to securely run

1. embedded gentoo on R.P.4 (other hardware can be funded by others).

2. Any number of robust email servers-systems (open)

3.  a DNS servers to provide "primary dns services"
a total of (2). More than 2 would be great.

4. A companion   ngnix(?) web server just to complement the project. The 
ideas is each email services collective could have their own web pages 
explaining their email and related services.

5. On these (3) projects, I'd be open to other, complementary 
experimentation, as long as it is published. Grant Taylor, do not let it 
go to your head, but I agree with most of what you write in Gentoo User.

6. (2) Rpi4 (8 gig) systems and extras are 2-3 hundred dollars. So it's 
total less than $900 USD dollars. NOT a bid deal for my little corp. 
Actually, if I get what I need, then it's the most inexpensive && robust 
way for my little corp to get exactly what I need. My own small email 
servers and dns resolvers supporting those email services.

Let's us start compiling up the codes, keep it simple (for now) and 
implement them with gentoo-users as the testers of the email services.

These discussions should be continued to everyone's benefit. However 
there are way more than (3) folks on these threads who are most 
capable to do this community prototyping.

I think the idea of using VPSs or VMs means that a lot more people can 
participate using the same funding.

I'm not funding somebody else's idea. I'm funding what *I* want, open to 
input. With this effort others benefit from the project. The ultimate 
goals is for hundreds of email services to be setup, gentoo centric.

If WE do not act and get hundreds of these deployed, email, as we know 
it via RFCS and other standards may just disappear, or be relegated 
to the far reaches of the Internet.� What I have read, is standards 
based email services, particularly by small organizations, are under 
extreme pressure by large corporations to be marginalized out of 

I think I disagree with that.

OK, great. FUND what you want. Run things as you see fit

Many of the big email operators are enforcing higher and higher 
standards.� But the standards /are/ /open/ and /can/ /be/ /implemented/ 
/by/ /anyone/ who wants to do so.

Show me a concise, easy to follow set of codes and docs, and I'll just 
build (2) R.P.4 servers and share my docs 100%. Forget the fact, for 
now, that all static IPs Frontier has, are blocked by this same group of 
 higher and higher standards. Really, I'm kinda shocked NeddySeagoon, 
or others have not already fixed this, via 100% gentoo codes, complete 
with ample documentation.

Just add the email, dns, ngnix, security setup codes to
this doc?

I have been researching and reading, for over (3) weeks and have yet 
been able to formulate a pathway to get a mail server up. Granted the 
industry black-balling Frontier, is a bit of a shocker 

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 2020-08-28 17:53, Grant Taylor wrote:
> On 8/28/20 3:33 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
>> TLS only secures the channel; what comes out at the end is a plain-text 
>> message that can be read with minimal effort by the VPS provider, 
>> no skullduggery needed.
> I agree that STARTTLS only protects the email while it's in flight 
> between servers.
> Though I do think that it's going to somewhat difficult for a VPS 
> provider to read the contents of the message if it's stored on an 
> encrypted disk.

The contents of the disk are unencrypted while the server is powered on,
or at least while the server is receiving email (while it's reading from
and writing to that disk). In practice that will be all the time -- you
can't log in and type the disk-encryption password every time an email

>> Unless the sender and recipient have some pre-shared secret (like GPG 
>> assumes),
> I *REALLY* thought that PGP (GPG) was based on public & private key 
> pairs, much like S/MIME and TLS.
> As such, Alice and Bob can encrypt messages to each other, even through 
> an untrusted medium such as a questionable email server.
> Yes, that still leaves the bootstraping issue of how do Alice and Bob 
> get each other's public key.  --  I defer to my recent comments about 
> publishing keys in DNS and relying on DNSSEC.

GPG is based on public keys, but you've anticipated my response:
public-key encryption still requires you to verify that "my" public key
does in fact belong to *me* somehow. If you believe in the web of trust,
then someone you know (or someone someone you know knows...) has to have
met me in person and signed my key before it means anything to you.

I shouldn't have used the word "secret." Pre-established or out-of-band
authentication would have been more accurate.

With GPG, the trust is between you and I, and the VPS provider acts as
the eavesdropper. All three parties are distinct, and the security can
work. With TLS between MTAs, the trust is established on-the-fly between
the other MTA and the VPS provider, but the VPS provider still also
plays the the role of the eavesdropper. When the eavesdropper is
trusted, you're in trouble.

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Council vs Umbrella Corp ?

2020-08-28 Thread Ashley Dixon
On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 10:03:33PM +0100, antlists wrote:
> On 28/08/2020 19:10, james wrote:
> > 
> > A council member, from say England, could manage how 1/2 of what they
> > raise is spent. It could even "english centric" but must comply with USA
> > IRS standards. Our council could be expanded to many members, from other
> > countries, with a centic goal of spending Gentoo funds
> WHY? As a Brit I wouldn't want to touch the Americal Legal System with a
> barge pole!!!
> > Truly, there is no other globally recognized tax system
> > like the USA-IRS (bad ass && world class open). That's why in times of
> > trouble, entrepreneurs world wide flock to the "dollar". Also, being in
> > elite standing with the USA-IRS opens many door doors to enhance and
> > promote and deploy GENTOO globally.
> And as a Brit, while HMRC may be a pain, I have precious little to do with
> them. My employer deals with them, and at the end of the year I occasionally
> get a letter saying I've overpaid my taxes and here's some money back. Do I
> REALLY want to get involved with some foreign system that's WAY more
> complicated?
> Get rid of your rose-tinted spectacles. For the MAJORITY of Brits, our tax
> system is way less complicated than yours. You'd be better off moving the
> foundation to somewhere that doesn't have your insane mix of state and
> federal taxes, and doesn't offload the responsibility onto people who don't
> understand the system.

Also as a Brit (West Yorkshireman), I concur one-hundred  percent.   The  I.R.S.
taxation system may be "globally recognised" in the sense that  America  is  the
only country on Earth, but in actuality, I remain gravely dubious that  managing
a U.S.-bound organisation from an "English-centric" perspective would serve  any
advantage whatsoever.

Especially  considering  most  Americans  do  not  understand  the  system  (the
readability of the I.R.S.  tax code has been under scrutiny for a long time),  I
wouldn't want to place the burden of conferring with such a convoluted system on


Ashley Dixon

2A9A 4117
DA96 D18A
8A7B B0D2
A30E BF25
F290 A8AA

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Grant Taylor

On 8/28/20 3:33 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
TLS only secures the channel; what comes out at the end is a plain-text 
message that can be read with minimal effort by the VPS provider, 
no skullduggery needed.

I agree that STARTTLS only protects the email while it's in flight 
between servers.

Though I do think that it's going to somewhat difficult for a VPS 
provider to read the contents of the message if it's stored on an 
encrypted disk.

I think that taking a snapshot of a running VPS / VM with the disk 
encryption keys in memory and accessing it qualifies as skullduggery. 
Plus, they will still need to content with the authentication 
requirements of the running snapshot, just like they would with the 
running VPS / VM.

So things like LUKS definitely raises the bar and makes a VPS provider 
work a fair bit harder to access what's on the encrypted disk.

(And the private key for each TLS session is generated on-the-fly 
by the VPS anyway, so they could snoop on the channel too if they 
wanted to.)

Harvesting keys (TLS and / or LUKS) out of memory definitely qualifies 
as skullduggery.

You can only protect against so much.  You have to find what is 
acceptable risk.

Unless the sender and recipient have some pre-shared secret (like GPG 

I *REALLY* thought that PGP (GPG) was based on public & private key 
pairs, much like S/MIME and TLS.

As such, Alice and Bob can encrypt messages to each other, even through 
an untrusted medium such as a questionable email server.

Yes, that still leaves the bootstraping issue of how do Alice and Bob 
get each other's public key.  --  I defer to my recent comments about 
publishing keys in DNS and relying on DNSSEC.

you're going to fall into the same trap that DRM falls into.  The 
technology provides a way for Alice and Bob to communicate securely 
in the presence of Eve, but only when Alice, Bob, and Eve are three 
distinct people. If the VPS is playing the part of both Bob and Eve, 
an off-the-shelf encryption model isn't going to work.

I see no need for either Alice nor Bob to be on the VPS.  I would expect 
that they are their own independent (smart) devices accessing their 
respective email servers.  Don't put any unencrypted sensitive data on 
the central server(s).

Decrypting the emails in any capacity on the central server means that 
the gig is up and anyone with access, OS level or more nefarious, can 
access things.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Michael Orlitzky
On 2020-08-28 17:12, Grant Taylor wrote:
> On 8/28/20 1:54 PM, Poison BL. wrote:
>> I'm rather late to the game with this, but at the end of the day, 
>> mail coming *into* a mail server isn't typically encrypted (and even 
>> that is only the body, the headers can still reveal a great deal, 
>> and are necessary for the server to work with it).
> You seem to be referring to S/MIME and / or PGP encryption.  You are 
> correct that S/MIME and PGP don't offer protection for headers.
> However, STARTTLS provides an encrypted channel to protect all of the 
> SMTP traffic.  Thus, even the headers of email are encrypted while in 
> flight between servers.
>> A packet dump at the switch will turn over every piece of mail you 
>> receive along the way.
> When STARTTLS is in use, the only thing that you will see is the initial 
> EHLO and STARTTLS commands.  Everything after that will be encrypted 
> traffic.

TLS only secures the channel; what comes out at the end is a plain-text
message that can be read with minimal effort by the VPS provider, no
skullduggery needed. (And the private key for each TLS session is
generated on-the-fly by the VPS anyway, so they could snoop on the
channel too if they wanted to.)

Unless the sender and recipient have some pre-shared secret (like GPG
assumes), you're going to fall into the same trap that DRM falls into.
The technology provides a way for Alice and Bob to communicate securely
in the presence of Eve, but only when Alice, Bob, and Eve are three
distinct people. If the VPS is playing the part of both Bob and Eve, an
off-the-shelf encryption model isn't going to work.

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Grant Taylor

On 8/28/20 1:54 PM, Poison BL. wrote:
I'm rather late to the game with this, but at the end of the day, 
mail coming *into* a mail server isn't typically encrypted (and even 
that is only the body, the headers can still reveal a great deal, 
and are necessary for the server to work with it).

You seem to be referring to S/MIME and / or PGP encryption.  You are 
correct that S/MIME and PGP don't offer protection for headers.

However, STARTTLS provides an encrypted channel to protect all of the 
SMTP traffic.  Thus, even the headers of email are encrypted while in 
flight between servers.

A packet dump at the switch will turn over every piece of mail you 
receive along the way.

When STARTTLS is in use, the only thing that you will see is the initial 
EHLO and STARTTLS commands.  Everything after that will be encrypted 

Email's not designed for end to end security by default.

Encryption for anything other than military use didn't really exist when 
email was developed.

Since then, things like STARTTLS (or SMTPS if you choose to abuse it for 
B2B connections) and VPNs have become a realistic option.

Most contemporary MTAs will opportunistically use STARTTLS if it is an 
option.  We only need to worry about things that try to prevent STARTTLS 
from working.  Thankfully, this is mostly authoritarian regimes in some 
parts of the world.

Secondly, any hosting on hardware you don't control is impossible 
to fully secure, if the services on that end have to operate on 
the data at all. You can encrypt the drive, encrypt the mail stores 
themselves, etc, but all of those things will result in the encryption 
key being loaded into ram while the VPS is running, and dumping ram 
from the hypervisor layer destroys every illusion of security you 

I agree those are all valid concerns.  However, we shouldn't let the 
inability to realistically have perfect prevent us from having something 
better than no encryption.

Dedicated hardware in a locked cabinet is as close as you get to 
preventing physical attacks when you're hosting in someone else's DC, 
and that's not nearly in the same market segment, price-wise, as a 
cheap VPS. At best, if you have sensitive email that you're sending 
or receiving, work with the other end of the communication and then 
encrypt the contents properly. Even better, go with a larger scale, 
paid, solution in which your email isn't even remotely worth the 
effort to tamper with for the hosting company's employees, and hope 
the contractual obligations are sufficient to protect you.

I'm not aware of any place that contracts will protect you against local 
court orders / government involvement.

If you have any sort of controlled data going in and out of your email, 
step up to a plan that adheres to the regulatory frameworks you're 
required to adhere to and make very sure the contracts for it obligate 
the vendor to secure things properly on their end (aws, azure/o365/etc 
mostly all have offerings for, at least, US Gov level requirements).


Grant. . . .
unix || die

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Dale
james wrote:
> On 8/21/20 4:10 PM, Grant Taylor wrote:
>> On 8/21/20 11:01 AM, Caveman Al Toraboran wrote:
>>> yes, i do consider re-inventing octagonal wheels.
>> I think that it's occasionally a good thing to have a thought
>> experiment about how $THING might be made better.
>> It's probably good to have discussions around green feel types of
>> replacements.
>> But it's important to eventually assess the pros and cons of the old
>> (as it exists), the new (as from green field), and the transition
>> between the two.
>> Sometimes the new doesn't warrant the transition, but it does provide
>> an option that might be worth augmenting into the old.
>> If nothing else, it's good to have the discussions and be able to
>> answer why something was done or chosen to remain the same.
>>> here, i'm just "asking" to see what makes the "safely stored"
>>> guarantee.
>> MTAs are supposed to be written such that they commit the message to
>> persistent storage medium (disk) before returning an OK message to
>> the sending server.
>> There is some nebulous area around what that actually means.� But
>> the idea is that the receiving server believes, in good faith, that
>> it has committed the message to persistent storage.� Usually this
>> involves writing the message to disk, probably via a buffered
>> channel, and then issued system calls to ask the OS to flush the
>> buffer to disk.
>> Is there room for error?� Probably.
>> Had the server made (more than) reasonable effort to commit the
>> message to disk?� Yes.
>> The point being, don't acknowledge receipt of the message while the
>> message is only in the MTA's memory buffer.� Take some steps to
>> commit it to persistent storage.
>> That being said, there are some questionable servers / configurations
>> that will bypass this safety step in the name of performance.� And
>> they /do/ /loose/ /email/ as a negative side effect if (when) they do
>> crash. This is a non-default behavior that has been explicitly chosen
>> by the administrators to violate the SMTP specification.� Some MTAs
>> will log a warning that they are configured to violate RFCs.
>>> got any specific definition of what makes a storage "guaranteed"?
>>> e.g. what kind of tests does the mail server do in order to say
>>> "yup, i can now guarantee this is stored safely!"?
>> It's more that they do something safe (write the message to disk)
>> instead of risky (only store it in memory).
>> Everything can fail at some point.� It's a matter of what and how
>> many reasonable steps did you take to be safe.� Read: Don't cut
>> corners and do something risky.
>>> i guess you think that i meant that a relay should be mandatory?
>> Sending / outbound SMTP servers /are/ a relay for any messages not
>> destined to the local server.
>> There is almost always at least two SMTP servers involved in any
>> given email delivery.� All but the final receiving system is a relay.
>>> (yes, a relay doesn't have to be used.� i'm just describing some
>>> uses of relays that i think make sense.� (1) indicate trust
>>> hierarchy, (2) offload mail delivery so that i can close my laptop
>>> and let the relay have fun with the retries.� not sure there is
>>> any other use.� anyone?)
>> There are many uses for email relays.� A common one, and best
>> practice, is to have an /inbound/ relay, commonly known as a backup
>> email server. The idea being it can receive inbound messages while
>> the primary email server is down (presumably for maintenance).
>> Many SaaS Email Service Providers (ESPs) /are/ relay servers.� They
>> receive email from someone and send it to someone else.
>> A number of email hygiene appliances function as an email relay
>> between the world and your ultimate internal email server.�
>> Services that filter inbound email qualify here too.
>> It is common, and I think it's best practice, to have web
>> applications send email via localhost, which is usually a relay to a
>> more capable hub email server which sends outbound email.� Both of
>> these layers are relays.
>> A relay is the same thing for email that a router is for a network.
> WOW do I love these discussions, but let me 'cut to the chase'.
> I'm proposing, via a small corp I own, to purchase up to (3) dual
> Rasp.pi 4 setups of (2) R.Pi.4 8gig ram setups
> and send them to the devs WE all decide on. Let's us start compiling
> up the codes, keep it simple (for now) and implement them with
> gentoo-users as the testers of the email services.
> These discussions should be continued to everyone's benefit. However
> there are way more than (3) folks on these threads who are most
> capable to do this community prototyping. If WE do not act and get
> hundreds of these deployed, email, as we know it via RFCS and other
> standards may just disappeaar, or be relegated to the far reaches of
> the Internet. What I have read, is standards based 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Council vs Umbrella Corp ?

2020-08-28 Thread antlists

On 28/08/2020 19:10, james wrote:

A council member, from say England, could manage how 1/2 of what they 
raise is spent. It could even "english centric" but must comply with USA 
IRS standards. Our council could be expanded to many members, from other 
countries, with a centic goal of spending Gentoo funds

WHY? As a Brit I wouldn't want to touch the Americal Legal System with a 
barge pole!!!

Truly, there is no other globally recognized tax system
like the USA-IRS (bad ass && world class open). That's why in times of 
trouble, entrepreneurs world wide flock to the "dollar". Also, being in 
elite standing with the USA-IRS opens many door doors to enhance and 
promote and deploy GENTOO globally.

And as a Brit, while HMRC may be a pain, I have precious little to do 
with them. My employer deals with them, and at the end of the year I 
occasionally get a letter saying I've overpaid my taxes and here's some 
money back. Do I REALLY want to get involved with some foreign system 
that's WAY more complicated?

Get rid of your rose-tinted spectacles. For the MAJORITY of Brits, our 
tax system is way less complicated than yours. You'd be better off 
moving the foundation to somewhere that doesn't have your insane mix of 
state and federal taxes, and doesn't offload the responsibility onto 
people who don't understand the system.


Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Grant Taylor

On 8/28/20 1:18 PM, antlists wrote:
The main reason other applications use "TCP over HTTP(S)" is because 
stupid network operators block everything else!

I agree that filtering is a problem.

I also think that it's something that most people can overcome when they 
control the firewall between the private LAN and the Internet.  (Your 
typical SOHO NATing gateway.)

The few times that I have run into filtering, it has been for 
uninitiated inbound connections.  I've almost always been able to 
initiate outbound connections to / from odd ports.  The few times that I 
could not do so in the last 20 years were resolved by engaging the ISP 
and ... politely ... getting them to knock it off.  Inbound can be more 
tricky.  But even inbound HTTP(S) was subject to the same problems. 
Actually, inbound HTTP(S) was more of a problem than other ports.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Grant Taylor

On 8/28/20 1:55 PM, james wrote:
I'm proposing, via a small corp I own, to purchase up to (3) dual 
Rasp.pi 4 setups of (2) R.Pi.4 8gig ram setups and send them to the 
devs WE all decide on.

A few points.

1)  I don't think that 8 GB of RAM is required.  --  My email server is 
a VPS with 2 GB of RAM and is running just fine.  So, maybe smaller 
systems would work.  And maybe that would mean that more of them could 
be acquired for the same funding.

2)  I don't know that a Raspberry Pi is strictly required for the 
testing.  I think that anything that will run Gentoo can be used to 
prove out the software stack.  --  Sure, there will /eventually/ need to 
be /some/ testing on Raspberry Pis.  But I think that testing will be 
later in the game and more of a confirmation after the fact.

3)  I'm not sure what you mean by "dual ... setups".  What are the two 
systems (be it Raspberry Pis or VPSs or VMs or something else) supposed 
to do?  -  Are you wanting primary and backup (as in MX) or some sort of 
cluster with shared file system or something else?

Let's us start compiling up the codes, keep it simple (for now) and 
implement them with gentoo-users as the testers of the email services.

These discussions should be continued to everyone's benefit. However 
there are way more than (3) folks on these threads who are most capable 
to do this community prototyping.

I think the idea of using VPSs or VMs means that a lot more people can 
participate using the same funding.

If WE do not act and get hundreds of these deployed, email, as we know 
it via RFCS and other standards may just disappeaar, or be relegated to 
the far reaches of the Internet.  What I have read, is standards based 
email services, particularly by small organizations, are under extreme 
pressure by large corporations to be marginalized out of existence.

I think I disagree with that.

Many of the big email operators are enforcing higher and higher 
standards.  But the standards /are/ /open/ and /can/ /be/ /implemented/ 
/by/ /anyone/ who wants to do so.

The /only/ thing that I've seen that is somewhat of a closed system that 
small players -- like myself -- have no real hop of is getting people 
like Google to trust our ARC (not DMARC) signatures.  Though this is 
probably more a shortcoming in the ARC specification as it doesn't 
tackle how to get providers to trust your signature as a small operator.

So any of the folks in these treads can announce publically, or send me 
private email as to your concerns. Public is best, but, I understand the 
needs for private communications sometimes. So yea, I'll personally 
finaces, at least 6 months of (3) projects.
I'll take all input, but will make my (funding) decision, in a focus, 
quick strategy.

I'm happy to participate.  My preference would be to use a VPS / VM 
(which I can provide) and allow others to take advantage of the Pis that 
are on offer.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread antlists

On 28/08/2020 20:34, J. Roeleveld wrote:


I think you meant that Caveman doesn't understand what TCP (and UDP) actually 

Grant does seem to know what he is talking about.

Sorry yes I did. I got rather confused ... not surprising really :-)


Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread james

On 8/21/20 4:10 PM, Grant Taylor wrote:

On 8/21/20 11:01 AM, Caveman Al Toraboran wrote:

yes, i do consider re-inventing octagonal wheels.

I think that it's occasionally a good thing to have a thought experiment 
about how $THING might be made better.

It's probably good to have discussions around green feel types of 

But it's important to eventually assess the pros and cons of the old (as 
it exists), the new (as from green field), and the transition between 
the two.

Sometimes the new doesn't warrant the transition, but it does provide an 
option that might be worth augmenting into the old.

If nothing else, it's good to have the discussions and be able to answer 
why something was done or chosen to remain the same.

here, i'm just "asking" to see what makes the "safely stored" guarantee.

MTAs are supposed to be written such that they commit the message to 
persistent storage medium (disk) before returning an OK message to the 
sending server.

There is some nebulous area around what that actually means.� But the 
idea is that the receiving server believes, in good faith, that it has 
committed the message to persistent storage.� Usually this involves 
writing the message to disk, probably via a buffered channel, and then 
issued system calls to ask the OS to flush the buffer to disk.

Is there room for error?� Probably.

Had the server made (more than) reasonable effort to commit the message 
to disk?� Yes.

The point being, don't acknowledge receipt of the message while the 
message is only in the MTA's memory buffer.� Take some steps to commit 
it to persistent storage.

That being said, there are some questionable servers / configurations 
that will bypass this safety step in the name of performance.� And they 
/do/ /loose/ /email/ as a negative side effect if (when) they do crash. 
This is a non-default behavior that has been explicitly chosen by the 
administrators to violate the SMTP specification.� Some MTAs will log a 
warning that they are configured to violate RFCs.

got any specific definition of what makes a storage "guaranteed"? e.g. 
what kind of tests does the mail server do in order to say "yup, i can 
now guarantee this is stored safely!"?

It's more that they do something safe (write the message to disk) 
instead of risky (only store it in memory).

Everything can fail at some point.� It's a matter of what and how many 
reasonable steps did you take to be safe.� Read: Don't cut corners and 
do something risky.

i guess you think that i meant that a relay should be mandatory?

Sending / outbound SMTP servers /are/ a relay for any messages not 
destined to the local server.

There is almost always at least two SMTP servers involved in any given 
email delivery.� All but the final receiving system is a relay.

(yes, a relay doesn't have to be used.� i'm just describing some uses 
of relays that i think make sense.� (1) indicate trust hierarchy, (2) 
offload mail delivery so that i can close my laptop and let the relay 
have fun with the retries.� not sure there is any other use.� anyone?)

There are many uses for email relays.� A common one, and best practice, 
is to have an /inbound/ relay, commonly known as a backup email server. 
The idea being it can receive inbound messages while the primary email 
server is down (presumably for maintenance).

Many SaaS Email Service Providers (ESPs) /are/ relay servers.� They 
receive email from someone and send it to someone else.

A number of email hygiene appliances function as an email relay between 
the world and your ultimate internal email server.� Services that filter 
inbound email qualify here too.

It is common, and I think it's best practice, to have web applications 
send email via localhost, which is usually a relay to a more capable hub 
email server which sends outbound email.� Both of these layers are relays.

A relay is the same thing for email that a router is for a network.

WOW do I love these discussions, but let me 'cut to the chase'.

I'm proposing, via a small corp I own, to purchase up to (3) dual 
Rasp.pi 4 setups of (2) R.Pi.4 8gig ram setups
and send them to the devs WE all decide on. Let's us start compiling up 
the codes, keep it simple (for now) and implement them with gentoo-users 
as the testers of the email services.

These discussions should be continued to everyone's benefit. However 
there are way more than (3) folks on these threads who are most capable 
to do this community prototyping. If WE do not act and get hundreds of 
these deployed, email, as we know it via RFCS and other standards may 
just disappeaar, or be relegated to the far reaches of the Internet. 
What I have read, is standards based email services, particularly by 
small organizations, are under extreme pressure by large corporations to 
be marginalized out of existence.

So any of the folks in these treads can announce publically, or send me 
private email 

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Poison BL.
On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 12:51 AM Caveman Al Toraboran
> hi.  context:
> 1. tinfoil hat is on.
> 2. i feel disrespected when someone does things to
>my stuff without getting my approval.
> 3. vps admin is not trusty and their sys admin may
>read my emails, and laugh at me!
> 4. whole thing is not worth much money.  so not
>welling to pay more than the price of a cheap
>vps.  moving to dedicated hardware for me is
>not worth it.  my goal is to make it annoying
>enough that cheap-vps's admins find it a bad
>idea for them to allocate their time to mingle
>with my stuff.
> thoughts on how to maximally satisfy these
> requirements?
> rgrds,
> cm.

I'm rather late to the game with this, but at the end of the day, mail
coming *into* a mail server isn't typically encrypted (and even that
is only the body, the headers can still reveal a great deal, and are
necessary for the server to work with it). A packet dump at the switch
will turn over every piece of mail you receive along the way. Email's
not designed for end to end security by default. Secondly, any hosting
on hardware you don't control is impossible to fully secure, if the
services on that end have to operate on the data at all. You can
encrypt the drive, encrypt the mail stores themselves, etc, but all of
those things will result in the encryption key being loaded into ram
while the VPS is running, and dumping ram from the hypervisor layer
destroys every illusion of security you had. Dedicated hardware in a
locked cabinet is as close as you get to preventing physical attacks
when you're hosting in someone else's DC, and that's not nearly in the
same market segment, price-wise, as a cheap VPS. At best, if you have
sensitive email that you're sending or receiving, work with the other
end of the communication and then encrypt the contents properly. Even
better, go with a larger scale, paid, solution in which your email
isn't even remotely worth the effort to tamper with for the hosting
company's employees, and hope the contractual obligations are
sufficient to protect you. If you have any sort of controlled data
going in and out of your email, step up to a plan that adheres to the
regulatory frameworks you're required to adhere to and make very sure
the contracts for it obligate the vendor to secure things properly on
their end (aws, azure/o365/etc mostly all have offerings for, at
least, US Gov level requirements).

Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread J. Roeleveld
On 28 August 2020 21:27:52 CEST, antlists  wrote:
>On 26/08/2020 21:21, Grant Taylor wrote:
>>> so basically total expected number of protocols/layers used in the 
>>> universe, per second, will be much less if we, on planet earth, use
>>> mail system that uses HTTP* instead of RESXCH_*.
>> I obviously disagree.
>Exactly. You now need a protocol/layer that says you're running "mail 
>over http" as opposed to "web". HTTP is tcp/80 that *means* web. As
>as you start using it for something (anything) else you've just added 
>another protocol/layer.
>I get the distinct impression that Grant doesn't actually understand 
>what TCP is ... (hint - it has port numbers that are meant (if they're 
>not abused) to indicate what is going over the connection, like SMTP,
>HTTP, or POP, or IMAP, etc etc).

I think you meant that Caveman doesn't understand what TCP (and UDP) actually 

Grant does seem to know what he is talking about.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread antlists

On 26/08/2020 21:21, Grant Taylor wrote:
so basically total expected number of protocols/layers used in the 
universe, per second, will be much less if we, on planet earth, use a 
mail system that uses HTTP* instead of RESXCH_*.

I obviously disagree.

Exactly. You now need a protocol/layer that says you're running "mail 
over http" as opposed to "web". HTTP is tcp/80 that *means* web. As soon 
as you start using it for something (anything) else you've just added 
another protocol/layer.

I get the distinct impression that Grant doesn't actually understand 
what TCP is ... (hint - it has port numbers that are meant (if they're 
not abused) to indicate what is going over the connection, like SMTP, or 
HTTP, or POP, or IMAP, etc etc).


Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread antlists

On 26/08/2020 19:51, Grant Taylor wrote:

Just because it's possible to force something to use HTTP(S) does not 
mean that it's a good idea to do so.

The main reason other applications use "TCP over HTTP(S)" is because 
stupid network operators block everything else!


Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread antlists

On 26/08/2020 18:40, Grant Taylor wrote:

On 8/21/20 10:15 PM, Caveman Al Toraboran wrote:
just to double check i got you right.  due to flushing the buffer to 
disk, this would mean that mail's throughput is limited by disk i/o?


This speed limitation is viewed as a necessary limitation for the safety 
of email passing through the system.

Nothing states that it must be a single disk (block device).  It's 
entirely possible that a fancy MTA can rotate through many disks (block 
devices), using a different one for each SMTP connection.  Thus in 
theory allowing some to operate in close lock step with each other 
without depending on / being blocked by any given disk (block device).

Thank you for the detailed explanation Ashley.

Or think back to the old days - network was slow and disks were 
relatively fast. The disk was more than capable of keeping up with the 
network, and simple winchesters didn't lie about saving to the rotating 
rust ...

As Ashley explained, some MTAs trust the kernel.  I've heard of others 
issuing a sync after the write.  But that is up to each MTA's 
developers.  They have all taken reasonable steps to ensure the safety 
of email.  Some have taken more-than-reasonable steps.

Depends on the filesystem. "sync after write" was an EXTREMELY daft idea 
on ext4 in the early days - that would really have killed system response.

Nowadays you could stick an SSD cache in front of a raid array ...


Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Council vs Umbrella Corp ?

2020-08-28 Thread james

On 8/28/20 2:10 PM, james wrote:

On 8/28/20 1:20 PM, Dale wrote:

Jack wrote:

On 8/28/20 12:33 PM, james wrote:

On 8/27/20 10:11 PM, Dale wrote:

james wrote:


Surely some of the business/legal savvy folks want to "chime in" 
on Sir Gorny's proposal?

I just read this on 'hacker news'

It just sounds like mostly a lack of fund raising to operate?


There's several issues that lead to this.� For ages, the 
financial books were not kept up to date.� From what I recall, 
some paperwork was lost which made it difficult to impossible to do 
the needed IRS filings.� Things on that part seemed to snowball 
from there.� In the past few years or so, that has been dealt 
with and from what I've read, it is now up to date and they are 
trying to get back in good standing with the IRS and other Govt 
entities.� I think I read where most of the hard work as already 
been done, just needs time to kick in.� It isn't hard to get into 
that situation, it just takes one year with a mistake to trigger 
bad things.� It takes a lot of work to get it cleared up tho.� 
All of us should be grateful to the ones who put in the hard work 
to get that taken care of.� I'm sure it took a lot of effort and 
time to get that done.� I'm sure it was boring as heck to do as 
well.� Some of us would likely have no hair left.

Another issue, not many want to run the foundation.� The devs 
mostly want to write code.� They aren't to much interested in 
running the foundation part of it.� A few do because it is needed 
and they do their best, some even go far beyond that, but they 
really want to write code.� That's what developers came to Gentoo 
for after all. Since there is two different bodies that run Gentoo 
in different ways, it further reduces the number of people wanting 
to do the job.� The foundation part is from my understanding, 
bureaucratic paperwork.� Who wants to do that for free?� 
There's not many. Basically, if you run for a position on the 
foundation, it's good odds you get it because usually just enough 
run to fill the open spots.� I often wonder, do they draw straws 
to pick people to run just so things keep chugging along??� LOL

Then there is the costs.� It costs to deal with all the paperwork 
and filings.� There's state filings as well as federal.� 
Missing either of those can cause trouble for the other and also 
get expensive and time consuming to correct.� Again, very few 
want to deal with it.� The few that do likely do it because 
Gentoo needs it not because they are jumping up and down wanting to 
do it.� It's what keeps Gentoo going. It's cheaper to join some 
other group like has been talked about for years and let them take 
a percentage of the money and them as professionals handle all that 
nasty paperwork and filings.

My personal opinion.� I'm still leaning to keep Gentoo as it is 
but I'm not the one doing all the boring work either.� My 
concern, Gentoo joins some group and it ends badly for Gentoo.� 
Maybe they screw up something and that puts Gentoo and maybe 
everyone else in the group in jeopardy with govt entities or 
lawsuits.� On the other hand, if Gentoo doesn't have the right 
people, they could do the same thing to themselves.� The people 
who do run for those seats do try their best even if something goes 
wrong.� Thing is, it doesn't take much to run afoul of govt 
entities or trigger a lawsuit. Gentoo has been lucky in that 
regard.� There is no easy answer to this.� Either way has 
advantages.� Same can be said for disadvantages as well.

I'm sure there is more that isn't known to the public and I'm sure 
some things are escaping my mind at the moment.� Either way, 
whatever keeps Gentoo going and successful, that is what needs to 
be done.� Since I don't have a crystal ball, I'm not sure which 
is best long term.

Now someone add more to this.� ;-)


:-)� :-)

The referenced article says this:

"Right now we�re already relying on a CPA to handle our filings. 
For a commercial company (we are one now), the cost is $1500 a year."

Seems way too high. I pay $500/yr for a C corp here in Florida; a 
firm that that is "outstanding" with the US IRS.

"If we wanted to go for proper non-profit, the estimated cost is 
between $2000 and $3000 a year."

Still seems way to high. With Gentoo, we can use Any state, so why 
not move the home to a low cost state?

Many corps use Delaware, just for that reason.
I think most of those listed numbers are not just the official filing 
fees, but include paying a CPA to do the filings.� While certified 
CPA is not required to do any of those filings, I suspect it is now 
that way because historically, the volunteer who was supposed to do 
it didn't.� Paying someone does seem excessively expensive, but you 
know it will get done, and 

Re: [gentoo-user] tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?

2020-08-28 Thread Caveman Al Toraboran
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Friday, August 28, 2020 2:35 AM, Ashley Dixon  wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 09:07:03PM +, Caveman Al Toraboran wrote:
> > anyway i'm out of this. massive waste of time. i
> > could've finished server-side hillarymail by it.
> Oh, come on. People on this list have decades of experience managing and
> implementing e-mail protocols, and you call their (free) help a "massive waste
> of time"? Stop being silly and realise that no initial proposal is completely
> flawless.

it's not against "people on the list".  it's
rather for them.  because continuing talking to
grant (and soon you) is fueling a useless
conversation that is effectively vandalising the
mailboxes of 100s of people on this list.

now you're posting this yet another useless drama
message trying to make it sound as if it's against
"people on the list" or as if i'm too defensive of

so now i'll also stop talking to you in this
sub-thread (in addition to grant taylor).

nothing personal.  we may talk in other
sub-threads.  it's just that talking to you 2 in
these late threads became a fuel to vandalise
others' mailboxes.

> As I keep urging you, define some goals (and as Grant said, start with 
> defining
> the current problem), finish an initial standards document, and begin writing 
> a
> reference implementation. Or just define some of the core algorithms with
> pseudocode. I can almost-guarantee that you will start realising things that
> need changing almost immediately upon doing so.

nothing new.  we already discussed this in the
other sub-thread and, as i said there, i am
already planning to write an implementation.  and
i'm already refining the draft.  i don't know why
you keep repeating non-new things over and over
(zero information content).

that sub-thread has also became very useless
thanks to you and grant for talking about margaret
thatcher, LaTeX and other unrelated things.  zero
actual comments about technical aspects.

> Perhaps it is just me with my English sense of over-politeness, but I find 
> your
> conduct to be remarkably audacious (and frankly rude) considering all the time
> people are spending to help you. ... And if you don't want this sort of 
> on-line
> discourse, why did you post on the list at all?

is your "English" sense of "over-politeness"
capable of sensing vandalism caused by having you
post texts with low information content, or
irrelevant info, to people's inboxes? (rhetorical)

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Council vs Umbrella Corp ?

2020-08-28 Thread james

On 8/28/20 1:20 PM, Dale wrote:

Jack wrote:

On 8/28/20 12:33 PM, james wrote:

On 8/27/20 10:11 PM, Dale wrote:

james wrote:


Surely some of the business/legal savvy folks want to "chime in" on 
Sir Gorny's proposal?

I just read this on 'hacker news'

It just sounds like mostly a lack of fund raising to operate?


There's several issues that lead to this.� For ages, the financial 
books were not kept up to date.� From what I recall, some 
paperwork was lost which made it difficult to impossible to do the 
needed IRS filings.� Things on that part seemed to snowball from 
there.� In the past few years or so, that has been dealt with and 
from what I've read, it is now up to date and they are trying to get 
back in good standing with the IRS and other Govt entities.� I 
think I read where most of the hard work as already been done, just 
needs time to kick in.� It isn't hard to get into that situation, 
it just takes one year with a mistake to trigger bad things.� It 
takes a lot of work to get it cleared up tho.� All of us should be 
grateful to the ones who put in the hard work to get that taken care 
of.� I'm sure it took a lot of effort and time to get that 
done.� I'm sure it was boring as heck to do as well.� Some of us 
would likely have no hair left.

Another issue, not many want to run the foundation.� The devs 
mostly want to write code.� They aren't to much interested in 
running the foundation part of it.� A few do because it is needed 
and they do their best, some even go far beyond that, but they 
really want to write code.� That's what developers came to Gentoo 
for after all. Since there is two different bodies that run Gentoo 
in different ways, it further reduces the number of people wanting 
to do the job.� The foundation part is from my understanding, 
bureaucratic paperwork.� Who wants to do that for free?� There's 
not many. Basically, if you run for a position on the foundation, 
it's good odds you get it because usually just enough run to fill 
the open spots.� I often wonder, do they draw straws to pick 
people to run just so things keep chugging along??� LOL

Then there is the costs.� It costs to deal with all the paperwork 
and filings.� There's state filings as well as federal.� Missing 
either of those can cause trouble for the other and also get 
expensive and time consuming to correct.� Again, very few want to 
deal with it.� The few that do likely do it because Gentoo needs 
it not because they are jumping up and down wanting to do it.� 
It's what keeps Gentoo going. It's cheaper to join some other group 
like has been talked about for years and let them take a percentage 
of the money and them as professionals handle all that nasty 
paperwork and filings.

My personal opinion.� I'm still leaning to keep Gentoo as it is 
but I'm not the one doing all the boring work either.� My concern, 
Gentoo joins some group and it ends badly for Gentoo.� Maybe they 
screw up something and that puts Gentoo and maybe everyone else in 
the group in jeopardy with govt entities or lawsuits.� On the 
other hand, if Gentoo doesn't have the right people, they could do 
the same thing to themselves.� The people who do run for those 
seats do try their best even if something goes wrong.� Thing is, 
it doesn't take much to run afoul of govt entities or trigger a 
lawsuit. Gentoo has been lucky in that regard.� There is no easy 
answer to this.� Either way has advantages.� Same can be said 
for disadvantages as well.

I'm sure there is more that isn't known to the public and I'm sure 
some things are escaping my mind at the moment.� Either way, 
whatever keeps Gentoo going and successful, that is what needs to be 
done.� Since I don't have a crystal ball, I'm not sure which is 
best long term.

Now someone add more to this.� ;-)


:-)� :-)

The referenced article says this:

"Right now we�re already relying on a CPA to handle our filings. 
For a commercial company (we are one now), the cost is $1500 a year."

Seems way too high. I pay $500/yr for a C corp here in Florida; a 
firm that that is "outstanding" with the US IRS.

"If we wanted to go for proper non-profit, the estimated cost is 
between $2000 and $3000 a year."

Still seems way to high. With Gentoo, we can use Any state, so why 
not move the home to a low cost state?

Many corps use Delaware, just for that reason.
I think most of those listed numbers are not just the official filing 
fees, but include paying a CPA to do the filings.� While certified CPA 
is not required to do any of those filings, I suspect it is now that 
way because historically, the volunteer who was supposed to do it 
didn't.� Paying someone does seem excessively expensive, but you know 
it will get done, and if not, you have some legal 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Council vs Umbrella Corp ?

2020-08-28 Thread Dale
Jack wrote:
> On 8/28/20 12:33 PM, james wrote:
>> On 8/27/20 10:11 PM, Dale wrote:
>>> james wrote:

 Surely some of the business/legal savvy folks want to "chime in" on
 Sir Gorny's proposal?

 I just read this on 'hacker news'

 It just sounds like mostly a lack of fund raising to operate?


>>> There's several issues that lead to this.� For ages, the financial
>>> books were not kept up to date.� From what I recall, some
>>> paperwork was lost which made it difficult to impossible to do the
>>> needed IRS filings.  Things on that part seemed to snowball from
>>> there.� In the past few years or so, that has been dealt with and
>>> from what I've read, it is now up to date and they are trying to get
>>> back in good standing with the IRS and other Govt entities.� I
>>> think I read where most of the hard work as already been done, just
>>> needs time to kick in.� It isn't hard to get into that situation,
>>> it just takes one year with a mistake to trigger bad things.� It
>>> takes a lot of work to get it cleared up tho.� All of us should be
>>> grateful to the ones who put in the hard work to get that taken care
>>> of.� I'm sure it took a lot of effort and time to get that
>>> done.� I'm sure it was boring as heck to do as well.� Some of us
>>> would likely have no hair left.
>>> Another issue, not many want to run the foundation.� The devs
>>> mostly want to write code.� They aren't to much interested in
>>> running the foundation part of it.� A few do because it is needed
>>> and they do their best, some even go far beyond that, but they
>>> really want to write code.  That's what developers came to Gentoo
>>> for after all. Since there is two different bodies that run Gentoo
>>> in different ways, it further reduces the number of people wanting
>>> to do the job.� The foundation part is from my understanding,
>>> bureaucratic paperwork.� Who wants to do that for free?� There's
>>> not many. Basically, if you run for a position on the foundation,
>>> it's good odds you get it because usually just enough run to fill
>>> the open spots.� I often wonder, do they draw straws to pick
>>> people to run just so things keep chugging along??� LOL
>>> Then there is the costs.� It costs to deal with all the paperwork
>>> and filings.� There's state filings as well as federal.� Missing
>>> either of those can cause trouble for the other and also get
>>> expensive and time consuming to correct.� Again, very few want to
>>> deal with it.� The few that do likely do it because Gentoo needs
>>> it not because they are jumping up and down wanting to do it.�
>>> It's what keeps Gentoo going. It's cheaper to join some other group
>>> like has been talked about for years and let them take a percentage
>>> of the money and them as professionals handle all that nasty
>>> paperwork and filings.
>>> My personal opinion.� I'm still leaning to keep Gentoo as it is
>>> but I'm not the one doing all the boring work either.� My concern,
>>> Gentoo joins some group and it ends badly for Gentoo.� Maybe they
>>> screw up something and that puts Gentoo and maybe everyone else in
>>> the group in jeopardy with govt entities or lawsuits.� On the
>>> other hand, if Gentoo doesn't have the right people, they could do
>>> the same thing to themselves.� The people who do run for those
>>> seats do try their best even if something goes wrong.� Thing is,
>>> it doesn't take much to run afoul of govt entities or trigger a
>>> lawsuit. Gentoo has been lucky in that regard.  There is no easy
>>> answer to this.� Either way has advantages.� Same can be said
>>> for disadvantages as well.
>>> I'm sure there is more that isn't known to the public and I'm sure
>>> some things are escaping my mind at the moment.� Either way,
>>> whatever keeps Gentoo going and successful, that is what needs to be
>>> done.� Since I don't have a crystal ball, I'm not sure which is
>>> best long term.
>>> Now someone add more to this.� ;-)
>>> Dale
>>> :-)� :-)
>> The referenced article says this:
>> "Right now we�re already relying on a CPA to handle our filings.
>> For a commercial company (we are one now), the cost is $1500 a year."
>> Seems way too high. I pay $500/yr for a C corp here in Florida; a
>> firm that that is "outstanding" with the US IRS.
>> "If we wanted to go for proper non-profit, the estimated cost is
>> between $2000 and $3000 a year."
>> Still seems way to high. With Gentoo, we can use Any state, so why
>> not move the home to a low cost state?
>> Many corps use Delaware, just for that reason.
> I think most of those listed numbers are not just the official filing
> fees, but include paying a CPA to do the filings. 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Council vs Umbrella Corp ?

2020-08-28 Thread Jack

On 8/28/20 12:33 PM, james wrote:

On 8/27/20 10:11 PM, Dale wrote:

james wrote:


Surely some of the business/legal savvy folks want to "chime in" on 
Sir Gorny's proposal?

I just read this on 'hacker news'

It just sounds like mostly a lack of fund raising to operate?


There's several issues that lead to this.� For ages, the financial 
books were not kept up to date.� From what I recall, some paperwork 
was lost which made it difficult to impossible to do the needed IRS 
filings.  Things on that part seemed to snowball from there.� In 
the past few years or so, that has been dealt with and from what I've 
read, it is now up to date and they are trying to get back in good 
standing with the IRS and other Govt entities.� I think I read 
where most of the hard work as already been done, just needs time to 
kick in.� It isn't hard to get into that situation, it just takes 
one year with a mistake to trigger bad things.� It takes a lot of 
work to get it cleared up tho.� All of us should be grateful to the 
ones who put in the hard work to get that taken care of.� I'm sure 
it took a lot of effort and time to get that done.� I'm sure it was 
boring as heck to do as well.� Some of us would likely have no hair 

Another issue, not many want to run the foundation.� The devs 
mostly want to write code.� They aren't to much interested in 
running the foundation part of it.� A few do because it is needed 
and they do their best, some even go far beyond that, but they really 
want to write code.  That's what developers came to Gentoo for after 
all. Since there is two different bodies that run Gentoo in different 
ways, it further reduces the number of people wanting to do the 
job.� The foundation part is from my understanding, bureaucratic 
paperwork.� Who wants to do that for free?� There's not many. 
Basically, if you run for a position on the foundation, it's good 
odds you get it because usually just enough run to fill the open 
spots.� I often wonder, do they draw straws to pick people to run 
just so things keep chugging along??� LOL

Then there is the costs.� It costs to deal with all the paperwork 
and filings.� There's state filings as well as federal.� Missing 
either of those can cause trouble for the other and also get 
expensive and time consuming to correct.� Again, very few want to 
deal with it.� The few that do likely do it because Gentoo needs it 
not because they are jumping up and down wanting to do it.� It's 
what keeps Gentoo going. It's cheaper to join some other group like 
has been talked about for years and let them take a percentage of the 
money and them as professionals handle all that nasty paperwork and 

My personal opinion.� I'm still leaning to keep Gentoo as it is but 
I'm not the one doing all the boring work either.� My concern, 
Gentoo joins some group and it ends badly for Gentoo.� Maybe they 
screw up something and that puts Gentoo and maybe everyone else in 
the group in jeopardy with govt entities or lawsuits.� On the other 
hand, if Gentoo doesn't have the right people, they could do the same 
thing to themselves.� The people who do run for those seats do try 
their best even if something goes wrong.� Thing is, it doesn't take 
much to run afoul of govt entities or trigger a lawsuit. Gentoo has 
been lucky in that regard.  There is no easy answer to this.� 
Either way has advantages.� Same can be said for disadvantages as 

I'm sure there is more that isn't known to the public and I'm sure 
some things are escaping my mind at the moment.� Either way, 
whatever keeps Gentoo going and successful, that is what needs to be 
done.� Since I don't have a crystal ball, I'm not sure which is 
best long term.

Now someone add more to this.� ;-)


:-)� :-)

The referenced article says this:

"Right now we�re already relying on a CPA to handle our filings. For 
a commercial company (we are one now), the cost is $1500 a year."

Seems way too high. I pay $500/yr for a C corp here in Florida; a firm 
that that is "outstanding" with the US IRS.

"If we wanted to go for proper non-profit, the estimated cost is 
between $2000 and $3000 a year."

Still seems way to high. With Gentoo, we can use Any state, so why not 
move the home to a low cost state?

Many corps use Delaware, just for that reason.
I think most of those listed numbers are not just the official filing 
fees, but include paying a CPA to do the filings.  While certified CPA 
is not required to do any of those filings, I suspect it is now that way 
because historically, the volunteer who was supposed to do it didn't.  
Paying someone does seem excessively expensive, but you know it will get 
done, and if not, you have some legal recourse.

"If we were to pass full accounting to an 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo Council vs Umbrella Corp ?

2020-08-28 Thread james

On 8/27/20 10:11 PM, Dale wrote:

james wrote:


Surely some of the business/legal savvy folks want to "chime in" on 
Sir Gorny's proposal?

I just read this on 'hacker news'

It just sounds like mostly a lack of fund raising to operate?


There's several issues that lead to this.� For ages, the financial books 
were not kept up to date.� From what I recall, some paperwork was lost 
which made it difficult to impossible to do the needed IRS filings.  
Things on that part seemed to snowball from there.� In the past few 
years or so, that has been dealt with and from what I've read, it is now 
up to date and they are trying to get back in good standing with the IRS 
and other Govt entities.� I think I read where most of the hard work as 
already been done, just needs time to kick in.� It isn't hard to get 
into that situation, it just takes one year with a mistake to trigger 
bad things.� It takes a lot of work to get it cleared up tho.� All of us 
should be grateful to the ones who put in the hard work to get that 
taken care of.� I'm sure it took a lot of effort and time to get that 
done.� I'm sure it was boring as heck to do as well.� Some of us would 
likely have no hair left.

Another issue, not many want to run the foundation.� The devs mostly 
want to write code.� They aren't to much interested in running the 
foundation part of it.� A few do because it is needed and they do their 
best, some even go far beyond that, but they really want to write code.  
That's what developers came to Gentoo for after all. Since there is two 
different bodies that run Gentoo in different ways, it further reduces 
the number of people wanting to do the job.� The foundation part is from 
my understanding, bureaucratic paperwork.� Who wants to do that for 
free?� There's not many. Basically, if you run for a position on the 
foundation, it's good odds you get it because usually just enough run to 
fill the open spots.� I often wonder, do they draw straws to pick people 
to run just so things keep chugging along??� LOL

Then there is the costs.� It costs to deal with all the paperwork and 
filings.� There's state filings as well as federal.� Missing either of 
those can cause trouble for the other and also get expensive and time 
consuming to correct.� Again, very few want to deal with it.� The few 
that do likely do it because Gentoo needs it not because they are 
jumping up and down wanting to do it.� It's what keeps Gentoo going.  
It's cheaper to join some other group like has been talked about for 
years and let them take a percentage of the money and them as 
professionals handle all that nasty paperwork and filings.

My personal opinion.� I'm still leaning to keep Gentoo as it is but I'm 
not the one doing all the boring work either.� My concern, Gentoo joins 
some group and it ends badly for Gentoo.� Maybe they screw up something 
and that puts Gentoo and maybe everyone else in the group in jeopardy 
with govt entities or lawsuits.� On the other hand, if Gentoo doesn't 
have the right people, they could do the same thing to themselves.� The 
people who do run for those seats do try their best even if something 
goes wrong.� Thing is, it doesn't take much to run afoul of govt 
entities or trigger a lawsuit. Gentoo has been lucky in that regard.  
There is no easy answer to this.� Either way has advantages.� Same can 
be said for disadvantages as well.

I'm sure there is more that isn't known to the public and I'm sure some 
things are escaping my mind at the moment.� Either way, whatever keeps 
Gentoo going and successful, that is what needs to be done.� Since I 
don't have a crystal ball, I'm not sure which is best long term.

Now someone add more to this.� ;-)


:-)� :-)

The referenced article says this:

"Right now we�re already relying on a CPA to handle our filings. For a 
commercial company (we are one now), the cost is $1500 a year."

Seems way too high. I pay $500/yr for a C corp here in Florida; a firm 
that that is "outstanding" with the US IRS.

"If we wanted to go for proper non-profit, the estimated cost is between 
$2000 and $3000 a year."

Still seems way to high. With Gentoo, we can use Any state, so why not 
move the home to a low cost state?

Many corps use Delaware, just for that reason.

"If we were to pass full accounting to an external company, the rough 
estimate I�ve been given by Trustees is $2400. So once our volunteer 
bookkeeper retires, we�re talking of around $4000 + larger taxes for a 
corporation, or $4500 to $5500 + very little taxes for a non-profit."

Again, these numbers are WAY TOO HIGH. Shop around!
Many states are way less expensive.

Ok so ask why don't I volunteer? I've been using gentoo, since 2002. I 
have made many enemies, because of my views on 

[gentoo-user] Can root verify user is secure?

2020-08-28 Thread Grant
I noticed some strange behavior recently which has since gone away.
>From a security standpoint, if root is hacked I suppose there's no way
to know, but if not can I use root to determine whether my user is
still secure?

Re: [gentoo-user] new mail protocol rfc (was Re: tips on running a mail server in a cheap vps provider run but not-so-trusty admins?)

2020-08-28 Thread Peter Humphrey
On Friday, 28 August 2020 01:30:58 BST Ashley Dixon wrote:

> I can't  really comment on LaTeX, because I've never really used it;  from 
> the  small  snippets I've seen, I just assume it's TeX with a hell of a lot
> of useful  macros.   I've always just stuck to TeX, with a copy of the
> TeXBook handy.

I used LaTeX for a time in the mid-80s. From what I remember, you're right 
about the macros, but they're a big enough addition to lift the language from 
assembler to a 'proper' symbolic language - Coral, say, or Fortran. Speaking 
metaphorically, that is.
