[gentoo-user] Re: No space left on device: Am I allowed...

2006-05-25 Thread Caster
Note that emerge shouldn't be leaving stuff there unless you're using FEATURES (meant for debugging) like 'noclean', 'keeptemp' or 'keepwork' in your make.conf, or unless emerge crashes during the build.Caster

[gentoo-user] Re: Xgl mem usage

2006-06-01 Thread Caster
Jure Varlec wrote:> Funny. I'm using xorg 7 and am experiencing similarly high memory usage.> I found my xorg7 mem usage to be tied with firefox mem usage... after opening lots of images in firefox, its mem usage goes high, but X's too. When I quit firefox, X mem usage goes low. 
As for Xgl, mem usage is very high but it's alpha after all?Caster

[gentoo-user] Re: apsfilter and cups

2006-06-07 Thread Caster
Douglas Orchard wrote:>  My question is ... >  How can I emerge apsfilter and ghostscript whithout the cups>  redundancy's (oops I mean dependencys)?Disable cups USEflag either globally in /etc/make.conf or for the packages you want in /etc/portage/package.keywords. Read man portage, man 
make.conf or gentoo portage handbook on details.Caster

[gentoo-user] Re: broken libraries but library-linking is consistent ;-)

2006-06-14 Thread Caster
> according to revdep-rebuild, quite a few libraries on my system are broken.> But at the end of revdep-rebuild, it tells me, my system was consistent.This means the broken libraries don't belong to any package. Something touched/altered them (probably fix libtool script when updating gcc) so they had different mtime/md5sum than what was recorded in the package db. Such altered files are not unmerged. It's quite safe to delete them. I suppose you updated kde 
3.4 to 3.5 and unmerged the old 3.4... as the kde configuration howto says, you can remove whole /usr/kde/3.4 dir (but look into there first and use common sense :) For that avifile stuff, I have no idea which package it came from, but probably you can remove it too (or is it something installed not from portage?) 
> I think some libraries are really broken, because the sound of my vlc> player stutters sometimes lately.I don't suppose it could have this effect. Broken linking usually means stuff won't run at all :)

[gentoo-user] Re: how does a pipe work? Which process wait for which one, or they don't actually wait each other?

2006-06-14 Thread Caster
张�|武 wrote:> Hello. This might be OT but I am pretty interested in this and being> unlucky not able to find a real in-depth explanation of pipe on the> Internet.> I think "man 7 pipe" gives quite precise explanation for this.
> How does pipe actually work? I mean, when there is a pipe like this:> $ appA | appB> What happen if appA produced output when appB is still busy processing> the data and did not require any data from input?
> > possibility 1) as long as appA can get the resource (CPU?), it simply> keep outputing data, and this data is cached in memory, as long as there> is enough memory, and will finally feed to appB when appB finished his
> business and begin to accept more data;> > possibility 2) as long as appB stop requiring data, appA is suspended,> the resource goes to appB. appA is only given resource (CPU?) when appB> finished his business and begin to accept more data;
> I would say "both is true", except the limitation of (1) is not whole memory, but pipe buffer size (according to man it's 64k). When this buffer is full, (2) happens.> In my case appA gets the data from another host who have very short
> timeout settings, appB is used to compress the data obtained from appA.> the compression is very difficult, usually at 30Kbps, the network is> very fast, around 10Mbps. appB compress the data tunck by tunck, if
> Linux actually works in mode 2), the network connection is dropped when> the interval of two tuncks of appB compressing data is longer then the> network timeout setting. appA acutally don't know how to restart
> connection from where it was dropped, thus understanding this difference> makes sense to me.If it's a problem, either appA or appB should be threaded, one thread buffering the the input in own memory (not relying on pipe buffer size) and second thread making the output (appA) or compression (appB).

[gentoo-user] Re: gamin

2006-06-14 Thread Caster
> This morning I noticed that gam_server was eating 80 90% of cpu...> I'm trying to find who installed gamin in my system, the dependency,> but I found nothing... ('equery depends gamin' shows nothing, with -a,
> equery breaks)Got inotify enabled in your kernel? See http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20060320-newsletter.xml#doc_chap5 for more info.
If not, enable it and try gamin + fam useflag again, it can be handy.> Equery should detect that gamin provides a virtual, and then check > for the dependents of that.  Are you any good at Python?  :) 
You don't need. Just check if this problem is known in bugs.gentoo.org, and if not, add it :)Seems there is a bug... but kinda dead - 

Re: [gentoo-user] What to do when you can't loggin

2006-06-21 Thread Caster
On 6/21/06, Paul Stear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi,I am running an ~x86 system and yesterday I did an emerge world, all went welluntil the next time I booted. kdm ran but the screen just had a flashingloggin box.  I could not even get another terminal using alt F1-F7. So I am
faced with not being able to loggin at all.  This raises a few questionsabout my own inadequacies :-1. What is the correct procedure to recover a system in this state?  Whattools do I need?
You answered yourself in point 3. It's also possible to boot in single user mode (edit kernel line in grub and add "1" to the end) and remove xdm from default bootlevel, so on next reboot you are console only and can downgrade freetype.
2. I have an rsynced backup on an external usb harddrive, but unless I can
loggin how can I restore the files from the backup?Again, single user or livecd. 
3. It appears that a freetype update was the cause of this failure, but thisinformation was hard to find on the forum's (I was lucky). I had an oldinstallation cd and chroot'ed and emerged the previous version of freetype,
rebooted and all is well (I hope).Good. 4. How can an update like this get into ~x86 tree when it plainly causes a
major problem?  I wonder if I should revert to just x86.That's what ~arch is for, packages are TESTED there, not all problems can be known beforehand. Of course after the bug was reported, the first thing they should have done was to 
package.mask it to prevent problems even for more users, because now it was a known major problem.But still if you run ~arch, you should be ready for problems. If you don't want, revert to arch...Caster

Re: [gentoo-user] emerge --sync fails

2006-06-21 Thread Caster
On 6/22/06, Rafael Alfaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS="300"This is the problem, remove that from your /etc/make.conf - that's not an valid option... What were you trying to accomplish with it?Caster

Re: [gentoo-user] Does USB devices share bandwidth?

2006-06-22 Thread Caster
On 6/22/06, 张�|武 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello. My old sparc server have a USB extension card, which provides twoUSB slots at the back of the machine, driving a USB printer on Slot A.This printer runs at heavy load. because it cannot print the documents
as fast as we need, I wish to add another printer. In most casese, weneed the two printer working together the same time rather then oneafter the other.The two USB slots provided by the USB card are both OHCI (some USB 
1.xstuff, not USB 2.0). So far it seems one single printer uses up all theUSB bandwidth (sometimes printer stop there several seconds wait forsignal). What would happen if I put another Printer there?case A: the new printer uses the bandwidth on slot B, both run as fast
as if they were the only USB printer;case B: the new printer share bandwidth with the old one, the result isboth printer work 1/2 fast, that is equal to not having bought anotherprinter at all.Which one is true?
Thanks in advance:)--gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing listAccording to 
http://www.sounddevices.com/tech/usbbasics.htm if the ports are on the same controller, they share bandwith. It probably depends on the hardware if it provides controller for each port or not. I think mostly it's two ports per controller, but dunno how to determine it... From lspci, and lsusb I would think that in my case (nforce4ultra) it's only one controller, but to share 10 ports ? Nonsense. In windows it shows 5 devices, which would correspond with the idea of 2 ports per controller... but dunno how to see that in linux.
You could probably plug some usb flash storage in and perform transfers to see if it slows down the printing, to be sure :)Caster

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Does USB devices share bandwidth?

2006-06-22 Thread Caster
On 6/23/06, 张�|武 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>Another small question I hope someone with professional knowledge can
>help. I was told ECP/bidirectional printer cable can handle 2Mbps data>transfer, that seems to be suggesting using parallel cable is as good as>using USB1 cable (as USB1 is supposed to handle 1.2Mbps
 ony), or even>better. Is it true?Low speed devices like mouse, keyboard uses 1.5Mbps, printer should use 12Mbps on USB 1.1. Definitely better than ECP...On 6/23/06, 张�|武
This is really making me puzzle:sappho ~ #  lspci | grep USB:02:02.0 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 41):02:02.1 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 41):02:02.2 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB 
2.0 (rev 02)Use lspci -v | grep USB, that should give you also information if  it's OHCI, UHCI or EHCI (there are 3 standards, not only two). OHCI is 1.1 EHCI/UHCI is two different standards for 2.0, depends on hardware vendor.
When the kernel boots it shows me that only ohci device is discovered,someone suggested that ohci only support USB 
1.x. Now lspci shows thecard has "USB 2.0". I don't understand, does it work in the way that thecard either work in 2.0 mode with one device, or USB 1.0 with twoseparate devices?What if I remove OCHI and add back only UHCI driver in the kernel?
You can leave both enabled in the kernel. OHCI will be used if you connect 1.1 device, EHCI/UHCI (depends on which you discover with lspci -v) will be used with 2.0 devices. Caster 

Re: [gentoo-user] OOo emerge failure

2006-06-23 Thread Caster
On 6/23/06, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-LNO_JAVA_HOME/lib -LNO_JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386-LNO_JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386/client-LNO_JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386/native_threads -L/usr/libThis looks suspicious, seems like it couldn't find java - NO_JAVA_HOME... You built with java useflag? Probably result of 
http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134131 - fixed in -r2, try unmasking it with keywords and merging that one.Caster

Re: [gentoo-user] Ran out of space

2006-06-23 Thread Caster
On 6/23/06, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What of all this can I remove with out fear of borking my system?From /tmp, everything. You can set WIPE_TMP="yes" in /etc/conf.d/bootmisc and let this cleaning happen each boot.
But I guess it won't help you much... you could also wipe /var/tmp/portage/ especially if you have broken OOo build sitting there :)Still in the long run, assuming you have everything in one root partition, that won't be enough...

Re: [gentoo-user] OOo emerge failure

2006-06-23 Thread Caster
On 6/23/06, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 23/06/06, Caster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> On 6/23/06, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:No, I don't have java on this machine.
Weird... still -r2 could be fixed for this. You can try it when you get some space back :DCaster

Re: [gentoo-user] Firefox and Java bringing X down

2006-06-23 Thread Caster
On 6/23/06, Bruno Lustosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello.I find this most weird. Whenever I try to open firefox and then open atab with a local Java applet, not only does firefox die, but it causesthe X server to die with signal 8.Here are the versions I'm using:
[ebuild   R   ] www-client/mozilla-firefox-  USE="java -debug-gnome -ipv6 -mozdevelop -xinerama -xprint"[ebuild   R   ] dev-java/sun-jdk-  USE="alsa nsplugin -X-browserplugin -doc -examples -jce -mozilla"
[ebuild   R   ] dev-java/sun-jre-bin-  USE="alsa nsplugin-X -browserplugin -mozilla"Just wondering, why do you have -X useflag? You intend to use java in X, don't you...
I thought X clients shouldn't bring the X server down, but this isclearly what's happening here. I can reproduce it everytime.
I don't even know where to start looking.Which xorg version? 
Does anyone ever had a problem similar to this?Not here. Caster

Re: [gentoo-user] graphical ssh-enabled file system browser?

2006-06-24 Thread Caster
On 6/24/06, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   I use WinSCP on my WinXP machine. It works really great for thispurpose. Something like that which is Linux based would be great forthem but I cannot yet find anythign in the Online Package Database.Probably I'm just not searching with the right terms yet. Sorry.
Krusader (K is for KDE) can do it, it's something like Total Commander on Windows. The remote computer is opened with ctrl+N, selecting protocol called fish:// and filling hostname, login/pass. You can store that info as quick bookmark too.

Re: [gentoo-user] java-config-wrapper-0.8.tar.bz2 not downloadable

2006-06-26 Thread Caster
On 6/26/06, Roy Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:This might be related to the next gen java support overlay being merged intothe main tree.  You might want to check out the gentoo-java thread"migration-overlayentering main tree".
Yes, this shouldn't affect usual arch or even ~arch users as it's package.masked for now (to catch all such issues as with java-config-wrapper which should now be fixed). But users who have some jdk like =
sun-jdk-1.5* in their package.unmask, this overrides the mask and with the new migration-aware sun-jdk version, it tries to pull the rest. Either go with it or change your package.unmask to specify exactly the jdk 1.5 version you had before.

Re: [gentoo-user] ASS/SAA in Video

2006-06-26 Thread Caster
On 6/26/06, Calvin Walton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There's a patch on the mplayer mailing list for adding full ass/ssasupport, it should be in svn soon and hopefully into an mplayerrelease... If so, mplayer will be the first linux player with styledass subtitle support.
Cool. No need for fancy karaoke effects, but I hope at least colors, positioning and such stuff for translating signs will work good, and hopefully also embedded fonts in mkv files?Caster

Re: [gentoo-user] OpenOffice

2006-06-27 Thread Caster
On 6/27/06, JC Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How can I find out how much space I need?The ebuild should have told you something like "you need 256MB RAM and 4-6GB space" and even warn you if you don't have enough. I think there's also a portage FEATURE that makes these checks to abort emerge if they fail, instead of just warn. Can't find the feature's name now, though.
And do I get this space back after the compilingprocess is finished?
You can get it instantly, remove everything in /var/tmp/portage/ (when you are not emerging something).Caster