Re: [gentoo-user] [OT?] Dynamic DNS using Gentoo

2005-08-09 Thread Christian Parpart
On Tuesday 09 August 2005 19:02, Jarry wrote:
> I'm facing the opposite problem: I have gentoo-server with bind running
> (with static IP, outside of my home network) and I'm looking for the way
> my home router (asus wl500g) with dyn-ip could use it as dyddns instead
> of

Heya, I faced rather the same problem and solved it as follows:

I provided a CNAME record within my zone (being served on my public inet host)
that points to a dyndns record. This gets updated regulary using ddclient then

Well, this is still a solution that *depends* on services like dyndns, but the 
other solution would be in enabling the mysql useflag, and writing a cgi 
script - that could be invoked via wget for example - that updates teh mySQL 
records within your own controlled zone; 
(but I didn't find the time to write this yet)

Christian Parpart.

 19:54:35 up 139 days,  9:02,  2 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.16, 0.12

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Which filesystem for a notebook?

2005-08-09 Thread Christian Parpart
On Tuesday 09 August 2005 20:14, Billy Holmes wrote:
> I use ext3 on an external harddrive, as I believe in the data recovery
> aspects of ext3. For my desktop machines, I use xfs. For servers, I use
> ext3 unless I really feel I need the extra performance, then I use xfs.

You really *do* speak out of my mind ;-) Well, I share the same oppinions 
about these FSs and have the same fs setups as you (obviousely!).

> > I do not know of any Linux filesystem that can be resized while still
> > mounted.
> $ man xfs_growfs
> you *must* have the filesystem mounted in order to use xfs_growfs. XFS
> lends itself VERY well to lvm2 (which also runs on all my desktops).

This confused me the first time I wanted to growfs my /home; However, it has 
been a little bit funny aswell, as ext3 (originally) only supported offline 

However, I once have (accidently!) thrown down one harddrive of mine from 
within 60cm distance down while moving to a new tower/rac; I were nearly 
crying about, but before, I quickly invoked fsck.xfs on my LVM (which this 
disk is part of) and *really* got confused.
fsck.xfs is really a no-op. I couldn't figure out yet why. I can now just pray 
that everything seems to go just well (as it does till now ;)

Christian Parpart.

 20:26:55 up 139 days,  9:34,  2 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.08, 0.08

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] VT Switching doesn't work (Ctrl-Alt-F1)

2005-04-09 Thread Christian Parpart
On Sunday 10 April 2005 1:41 am, Francis Barton wrote:
> Hi there
> Using GNOME 2.8 with xorg 6.8.2-r1.
> Since I re-installed a couple of months ago I have not been able to
> switch out of X to my virtual terminals using Ctrl-Alt-F$n
> If I press Ctrl-Alt-F1 simply nothing happens.
> I have the following line in my xorg.conf :
>  Option  "DontVTSwitch" "off"

completely remove this line (or comment it out#). does this work?

Christian Parpart.

 02:08:04 up 17 days, 15:14,  1 user,  load average: 0.36, 0.42, 0.35

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] A Call for Testers [apache, mod_php, subversion, ...]

2005-04-10 Thread Christian Parpart
Hi all,

We (the gentoo apache team) is about to go stable. That is, marking current 
testing-marked ebuilds as stable. This time, it's not just another revision 
number changed, it's totally different behind. So, please take this serious.

If you test any of the below ebuilds, please give us feedback, we rely on you.

The following base ebuilds are to test:
* =net-www/apache-2.0.53
* =net-www/apache-1.3.33-r1
* =dev-php/mod_php-4.3.10-r1
* =dev-util/subversion-1.1.4-r1

The following ebuilds are new depencdencies and of HIGH priority:
* =dev-libs/apr-0.9.6-r1
* =dev-libs/apr-util-0.9.6

If you feel lucky (and we bed you are) test this one:
* =dev-libs/apr-0.9.6-r2

The following apache modules needs serious testing:
* mod_auth_external
* mod_auth_kerb
* mod_auth_ldap
* mod_auth_mysql
* mod_auth_pam
* mod_auth_pgsql
* mod_backhand
* mod_bandwidth
* mod_bw
* mod_bwshare
* mod_contribs
* mod_dav
* mod_encoding
* mod_fastcgi
* mod_ftpd
* mod_gzip
* mod_injection
* mod_layout
* mod_ldap_userdir
* mod_limitipconn
* mod_log_sql
* mod_loopback
* mod_mp3
* mod_pcgi2
* mod_protection
* mod_random
* mod_roaming
* mod_scgi
* mod_security
* mod_ssl
* mod_throttle
* mod_transform
* mod_vdbh
* mod_watch
* mod_xslt
* mod_chroot
* mod_csv
* mod_diagnostics
* mod_gnutls
* mod_jk2
* mod_lisp
* mod_macro
* mod_mono
* mod_proxy_html
* mod_survey
* mod_tcl
* mod_umask

Please do also carefully read the following (yet incomplete) document:

In addition, it it is important to note, that you are adviced to UNMERGE YOUR 
EXISTING "apache" before you upgrade. This is to prevent you from 
SEGFAULT-ing when running your apache.

Although, please MOVE YOUR OLD APACHE CONFIG AWAY when emerging the new 
apache. This is because you could get confused when looking into the apache 
config directory after your emerge. We had BIG configuration layout updates 
that were REQUIRED.

Please ensure, that you're not mixing up any old ebuilds with the new one, 
that's why I explicitely added some version numbers at the very important 

A last word: Many many thanks in forward for helping out :)

Best regards,
Christian Parpart.

 04:29:58 up 18 days, 17:36,  4 users,  load average: 1.44, 0.45, 0.28

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] A Call for Testers [apache, mod_php, subversion, ...]

2005-04-11 Thread Christian Parpart
On Monday 11 April 2005 2:27 pm, Felix Tiede wrote:
> I'm also currently using mod_php-4.3.10-r1 with a "manual" installation of
> Horde-3.x/IMP as a webmail-solution and had as yet no problems so far.

I just rolled out mod_php-4.3.11-r1 containing security fixes of 4.3.11, btw.

> > The following ebuilds are new depencdencies and of HIGH priority:
> > * =dev-libs/apr-0.9.6-r1
> > * =dev-libs/apr-util-0.9.6
> Well, I'll test these on my workstation with a local apache-installation,

you don't need to hack around with the apr APIs. when apache serves fine all 
your needs, than apr is most probably fine, too :)

> There's just one thing - Is it necessary for apache-2.0.53.ebuild, to
> fiddle with /var/www/? 

the apache ebuild just ensures that the /var/www/ directory exists. It does 
*not* install anything at all in there.

> On my workstation this is imported via NFS without 
> root_squash so it keeps the ebuild from being merged until I unmount it.

hmm... *thinking*

> Autoclean has then removed the directory (it was empty). I'd think, that it
> would suffice to have gentoo-webroot-default creating and/or deleting
> /var/www/, depending on its USE-Flag setting. With "hands off" active if
> no-htdocs is set (Well, I can file a bug about this ;) ).

gentoo-webroot-default manages default icons and error pages. Although, it 
manages the gentoo default virtual-host to be served by a gentoo webserver 
(here: apache ;)
You can disable the virtual-host management by using no-vhost useflag, right.
But wether it shall be called no-htdocs or htdocs is a semi-hot discussion 
recently somewhere on the gentoo bug heap. I remember that there's been a 
missinging feature related to useflags that prevents us from handling it 
differently. So, for now, we must shout laud enough, so that everone looks at 
what he's upgrading before he's doing so blindly (and accidently overwriting 
some stuff he hasn't a backup for).

Chrstian Parpart.

 15:37:51 up 19 days,  4:44,  2 users,  load average: 0.33, 0.48, 0.45

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Is it possible to send {HTTP Post} messages to http server from bash ?

2005-04-11 Thread Christian Parpart
On Monday 11 April 2005 5:14 pm, Maxim Vexler wrote:
> For the sake of example, lets assume I have this text inside a var in
> the bash script.
> postmsg() {
> local str1=${1)
> }

yes, is possible. I've once written a bash script that connects to my server 
(not HTTP) and it just works.

have a look at my yacs_stats() function to see how to do this in a real world 

> What I would like to do is take that string from str1 and post it to a
> thread in a phpbb forum.
> If you need a test place i've set up a test phpbb forum at the address
> :, you are welcome to

you must be aware of the HTTP/1.0 / HTTP/1.1 RFC. but that's rather simple.

If you're not in luck (lagging experience), curl might assist you then. 
But wouldn't be real bash scripting then ;)

Christian Parpart.

 17:55:28 up 19 days,  7:01,  2 users,  load average: 0.69, 0.62, 0.48

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] X11, always have to press space-bar when want some special chars (' " ...)

2005-06-05 Thread Christian Parpart
Hi all,

I recently had to fully recreate my /home dir that I lost, though, I 
experienced, that after having get an initial working X11 (/KDE) session, I 
had to prace the space-bar each time I press some special buttons to get the 
' displayed e.g. (or the ").

Why is this? I remember, I once that this *problem* but I can't remember how I 
got rid of it, tho, how do I get the usual behavior back?

Thanks in advance,
Christian Parpart.

Description: PGP signature