Re: [gentoo-user] emerge with alternate ROOT=

2019-05-29 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
May 28, 2019 9:20 PM, "tedheadster"  wrote:

> I am having problems trying to rebuild a slave disk with ROOT=/mnt/gentoo.
> While it is _sort_ of working, it does something very unexpected. It
> rebuilds 154 packages on the _host_ system.
> Oddly, it does notice that I have different CFLAGS set in
> /etc/portage/make.conf and rebuilds the host system packages
> correctly. But why does it rebuild them at all?
> Here is a sample of the emerge output:
> [ebuild R ] sys-apps/systemd-241-r1 to /mnt/gentoo/
> [ebuild R ] sys-process/procps-3.3.15-r1 to /mnt/gentoo/
> [ebuild R ] sys-apps/gentoo-systemd-integration-7 to /mnt/gentoo/
> [ebuild R ] virtual/service-manager-0 to /mnt/gentoo/
> [ebuild R ] sys-apps/attr-2.4.47-r2
> [ebuild R ] sys-devel/patch-2.7.6-r3
> [ebuild R ] sys-apps/systemd-241-r1
> [ebuild R ] sys-apps/gentoo-systemd-integration-7
> Why the heck is the _host_ sys-apps/systemd being recompiled?
> Here is my command:
> export ROOT="/mnt/gentoo"
> export DISTDIR="/mnt/gentoo/usr/portage/distfiles"
> export PKGDIR="/mnt/gentoo/usr/portage/packages"
> export PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT="/mnt/gentoo/"
> export PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp"
> export PORTDIR="/mnt/gentoo/usr/portage"
> export EMERGE_LOG_DIR="/mnt/gentoo/var/log"
> emerge --root=/mnt/gentoo --root-deps --color n --ask -e @world
> - Matthew


Are any of them listed as build time dependency perhaps?
If there are then they will be built for the host as it the host who's 
compiling and needs them.

Kind regards,
Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] CLVM and CMAN use flags dropped?

2019-04-21 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
April 21, 2019 4:55 PM, wrote:

> Howdy folks,
> around november 2018 the use flags clvm and cman seem to have been dropped 
> for LVM2
> the old ebuild has the lines
> if use clvm; then
> ...
> myconf="${myconf} --with-clvmd=${clvmd}"
> but the new ebuild just has the line
> myconf="${myconf} --with-clvmd=none --with-cluster=none"
> I've been doing some digging to try to find out if i just missed the memo but 
> this seems to have
> been silently dropped
> i was wondering if anyone knew the hows or whys? a link to the notice is fine 
> I wanted to read it
> before i hack the ebuild
> thanks in advance!

These 3 commits should give you enough information to find the reason, I'm not 
interested myself so I didnt dig deeper.

Best easter regards,
Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Something strange with use flags

2018-11-22 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
November 22, 2018 4:41 PM, "gevisz"  wrote:

> After recent bug with changed Xorg-server suid use flag,
> I became very suspicious about spontanеous use flag
> shanges during system update and check them all.
> Today, I noticed the following attemped to change use flags
> in my Gentoo system during update:
> # emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --newuse --backtrack=120 --ask world
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild R ] dev-util/ninja-1.8.2 USE="(-zsh-completion%)"
> [ebuild R ] media-video/ffmpeg-3.3.6 USE="(-celt%)"
> [ebuild R ] media-video/vlc-3.0.4 USE="(-schroedinger%)"
> The problem is that
> $ equery uses ffmpeg
> and
> $ equery uses vlc
> commands show no celt and schroedinger use flags at all.
> Why?

Because they are not in the ebuild IUSE anymore (hence the %).

From man emerge
>   %suffix  newly added or removed

Best regards
Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] ARM 17.0 profile change

2018-09-22 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
September 22, 2018 9:56 PM, "Dan Johansson"  wrote:

> But better safe than sorry, so I am going to shutdown the Raspberry,
> take out the CF-Card, make a copy of the card and THEN I will try the
> profile change.

Even better ;)

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] ARM 17.0 profile change

2018-09-22 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
September 22, 2018 5:36 PM, "Dan Johansson"  wrote:

> Hi,
> Today when I was preparing for a "emereg --update ..." on my Raspberry
> PI 2B I saw that there was a news item regarding
> "2018-09-07-arm-17-profile-migration" where it states (among other
> things) "In short, the tuple will change from
> armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi to
> armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf or similar.".
> Today I have the profile set to "default/linux/arm/13.0/armv7a (dev)"
> and I have the following in make.conf
> CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard"
> CHOST="armv7a-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi"
> I am not 100% sure on what to set my profile & CHOST to for this Raspberry.
> So (some) of my questions are.
> 1) Which new profile should a use for a Raspberry PI 2B which runs as a
> headless "server" (i.e. now desktop environment running)? I suspect
> "default/linux/arm/17.0/armv7a" would be a good idea?
> 2) What would be the correct CFLAGS & CHOST in make.conf?


The script linked in the news item should take care of that.
Don't forget to backup your packages (quickpkg */*) before doing the migration, 
it will help in
case you need to rollback.

Best regards,
Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] python targets problem

2018-08-25 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
> 2_7(-)?,python_targets_python3_4(-)?,python_targets_python3_5(-)?,python_targets_python3_6(-)?,-pyth
> n_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python2_7(-),-python_si
> gle_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),-python_single_target_python3_6(-)]
> required by (dev-python/setuptools-36.7.2:0/0::gentoo, installed)
> Can anyone else read this mess & advise what to do ?
> Perhaps just leave well along ... (smile)

Why did you try these specifically? What does emerge -puDU world say?

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] ImageMagick-7 security

2018-08-23 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 23, 2018 10:28 AM, "Corentin “Nado” Pazdera"  wrote:

> August 23, 2018 10:12 AM, "Peter Humphrey"  wrote:
>> That prompted me to emerge -K imagemagick, and I saw the same. But just
>> before the line " * For security reasons..." was this:
>> /var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/imagemagick- line
>> 2260: version_is_at_least: command not found
> That's from versionator.eclass which is ditched in favor of eapi7-er.eclass 
> or directly integrated
> in portage from eapi 7.
> The ebuild has been ported to eapi7-ver without updating all previous calls 
> to functions from
> eapi7-er.
from versionator*
> This is a bug that should be reported.

Also, link to the commit :

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] ImageMagick-7 security

2018-08-23 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 23, 2018 10:12 AM, "Peter Humphrey"  wrote:

> That prompted me to emerge -K imagemagick, and I saw the same. But just
> before the line " * For security reasons..." was this:
> /var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/imagemagick- line
> 2260: version_is_at_least: command not found

That's from versionator.eclass which is ditched in favor of eapi7-er.eclass or 
directly integrated
in portage from eapi 7.

The ebuild has been ported to eapi7-ver without updating all previous calls to 
functions from

This is a bug that should be reported.

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Update circle

2018-08-22 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 22, 2018 11:16 AM, "Zoltán Kócsi"  wrote:

> Corentin,
>> What does emerge -vuDN --verbose-conflicts --with-bdeps=y world say?
> $ emerge -vuDN --verbose-conflicts --with-bdeps=y world
> !!! Invalid news item:
> /usr/portage/metadata/news/2017-11-21-old-wine-versions-moving-to-overlay/2017-11-21-old-wine-versio
> s-moving-to-overlay.en.txt !!!
> line 5: News-Item-Format: 2.0
> [ ... several more warnings like the above ... ]
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> !!! Ebuilds for the following packages are either all
> !!! masked or don't exist:
> sys-apps/elfix
> !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy ">=app-portage/elt-patches-20170422"
> have been masked. !!! One of the following masked packages is required
> to complete your request:
> - app-portage/elt-patches-20170826.1::gentoo (masked by: EAPI 6)
> - app-portage/elt-patches-20170815::gentoo (masked by: EAPI 6)
> - app-portage/elt-patches-20170422::gentoo (masked by: EAPI 6)
> The current version of portage supports EAPI '5'. You must upgrade to a
> newer version of portage before EAPI masked packages can be installed.
> (dependency required by "app-admin/logrotate-3.9.1::gentoo" [ebuild])
> (dependency required by "@selected" [set])
> (dependency required by "@world" [argument])
> For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
> man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
>> What’s your portage version?
> $ equery -q list "*/*" | grep portage
> app-portage/gentoolkit-
> app-portage/pfl-2.4-r3
> app-portage/portage-utils-0.41
> sys-apps/portage-2.2.18
>> What profile are you using? (eselect profile show)
> $ eselect profile show
> Current /etc/portage/make.profile symlink:
> hardened/linux/x86
>> What is your gcc version?
> $ gcc --version
> gcc (Gentoo 4.7.3-r1 p1.4, pie-0.5.5) 4.7.3
> Copyright (C) [...]
> Thanks!
> Best Reagrds,
> Zoltan

Given how old this system is, I think it will be easier to setup a chroot with 
latest stage3 and buildpkg system tools in it.
From the top of my head, you’d need to repackage portage and deps, python, gcc 
(you will love that one).
I suggest reading the wiki for gcc upgrades as 4.7.3 is really old.

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Update circle

2018-08-22 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 22, 2018 10:25 AM, "Zoltán Kócsi"  wrote:

> I have a Gentoo machine, which has not been updated for a while. Quite
> a long while, actually.
> Now I needed to install a package, and I did so. It went up, no
> problem. Except that it relies on a newer version of openrc than
> what's on the system. From here it's all downhill:
> emerge openrc:
> - Fails, as the current portage is EAPI 5 (whatever that is), thus all
> EAPI 6 packages are masked. Must upgrade portage.
> emerge portage:
> - Fails, as it needs tar-1.30 and the installed tar is 1.27. Must update
> tar.
> emerge tar:
> - Fails, as tar-1.30 needs EAPI 6. Must upgrade portage.
> It seems that I'm kind of stuck. Wiping the disk and rebuilding the
> system from scratch is absolutely not an option, the existing (and
> running) system must be updated somehow.
> I would appreciate any advice, I'm in complete darkness about the
> internal workings of portage (would be happy to find some detailed docs
> about that, by the way, preferably in PDF).
> Thanks in advance,
> Zoltan

What does emerge -vuDN --verbose-conflicts --with-bdeps=y world say?
What’s your portage version?
What profile are you using? (eselect profile show)
What is your gcc version?

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Portage hooks: Allow verbose output

2018-08-21 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 21, 2018 11:52 PM, "Ben Mezger"> wrote:
Since I am running genkenel to do the compilation, I would like to see all the 
output coming from genkernel (and not the compilation itself). 
Using ebegin/eend would require me to write the error/success messages myself, 
or not?  
I see, ebegin/eend let you write a line of message at the ebegin, and will 
output any error. 

So you won't be able to see normal output with it. You could redirect 
the output to a file also, otherwise I don't know.

Good luck
Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Portage hooks: Allow verbose output

2018-08-21 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 21, 2018 10:03 PM, "Ben Mezger"> wrote:
My current portage configuration is configure to not output any compilation 
output, as so: 
--- /etc/portage/make.conf  
PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="info warn error log qa" 
FEATURES="split-elog buildpkg webrsync-gpg" 
EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--jobs=5 --load-average=4" 
However, I have set a post_pkg_postinst hook to run "genkernel all" when 
installing gentoo-sources. Is there anyway I can open an exception and allow 
any output from a hook to be completely verbose when emerging?  
You can use ebegin/eend in your hook, if there’s an error, it should be sent to 
output. Any elog will also be printed after emerge is done.
Do you really need to see the kernel compilation happening? Or do you only want 
to know whether it built successfully or not?

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Replacement for gcruft: gcrud

2018-08-17 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 17, 2018 1:09 AM, "Andrew Udvare"  wrote:

> The whitelist is the biggest work in progress right now. Most of what it 
> lists from /etc for me is
> /etc/config-archive which AFAIK is not managed by Portage at all although 
> Portage will place old
> files there? I don't use the feature because my /etc is controlled by Git. 
> The stuff listed in
> /var/ is pretty accurate as there's a lot of old website cruft and this 
> computer does not serve
> anything like that anymore.

Well, for example I use eselect-repository which puts repos in /var/dbr/repos, 
I put gentoo tree in
there as well and the whole tree is suggested for deletion.
A solution would be to read /etc/portage/repos.conf file(s) for repos location 
during the runtime
detection, or use portageq interface.
Or tell people to whitelist manually their repos location when the config file 
will be available ;)

You could add in whitelist directories containing a .keep file, although I'm 
not sure how to
specify it.
Same goes for git repositories, I’d rather delete a whole git repo or nothing 
at all inside, so
adding a rule which can interprets "pick parent dir of a .git dir to suggest 
deletion, ignore all
children of said parent".

> The idea is to move to everything in the whitelist.c file to a declarative 
> (no code unless you
> count RE) configuration file. I have not decided on a format but I am leaning 
> towards INI-style
> because GLib2 has a parser for that built-in. The config file will specify 
> exact paths, RE, and
> globs. There will be a default dynamic list generated at runtime based on 
> what packages you have
> installed (as gcruft had this feature).

That will be nice, waiting for it ;) Something basic might be enough for making 
batches of test
before choosing a definite format.

>> I also caught some wrongly listed files because of the multilib system with 
>> /lib symlink.
>> For example, dhcpcd declared /lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks, thus the realpath 
>> /lib64/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks
>> was listed in the removal suggestion. This should be fixed with profile 17.1
> The /lib vs /lib64 issue will be resolved in a later version. I think I need 
> to use lstat()
> everywhere instead of stat(), or I can call realpath() prior to storing 
> values in the set. This
> file should be whitelisted, but only if you have dhcpcd installed (I've long 
> since moved to dhcpd).

I’m in favor of the realpath suggestion, this will be useful for any symlinked 
accessed path.

>> The log is so huge at the moment it is useless for me :/
>> % wc -l out.log
>> 461575 out.log
> Any thoughts on how to simplify analysis?

A few, but I’m not sure if I have much which are /universal/ in gentoo systems.
Do you plan to integrate the sorting part in gcrud directly?
If so, I’d suggest bringing /usr/* stuff first to show, because un-owned files 
should be
Same goes for /lib, but stuff like kernel modules should be treated carefully, 
we can either
whitelist the whole /lib{,32,64}/modules, or try being smart and select old 
kernel modules only.
This might be tricky given the number of ways someone can manage them.

Also, here is small analysis of files locations by gcrud.

% cut -d/ -f2 out.log|uniq -c
295 etc
3309 lib64
1178 lib
13 opt
39586 usr
417194 var

/var containing my different repos, its logical it contains most occurences.
Next goes usr, containing another lib{,32,64} schema with /usr/lib pointing to 
/usr/lib64, with go
packages installed (in /usr/lib64/go).
With these informations, I suppose most will disappear when using 
realpath/switching to 17.1

Thanks for your work, this will probably a excellent tool in a few commits ;)

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] remove from list please

2018-08-17 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
You should send a mail to in order to 
unsubscribe from the list.

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Replacement for gcruft: gcrud

2018-08-16 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 16, 2018 8:07 AM, "Andrew Udvare"  wrote:

> gcruft seems to have died off (
> only returns ebuild results). I was using it quite a lot and wrote many
> exception files. It's gone now with no way for my or anyone else's
> ebuild to get the original source. I did preserve it though, here:
> I wrote a replacement in C named gcrud. It only needs GLib2 installed to
> work. It's much faster than gcruft ever was. The code is here:
> I am placing preference in GitLab for issues and merge requests, but I
> will accept PRs from GitHub.
> The whitelist is
> currently hard-coded and limited but the results are satisfactory for
> now in my use cases.
> Type use case:
> sudo ./gcrud | sort -u > out.log
> Examine out.log for things you can delete. There are absolutely zero
> calls to delete files from the machine in my code and never will be any
> kind of automation support.
> If anyone tries it out I certainly would like to see your output and get
> some bug reports or suggestions. The main feature planned is reading
> from a configuration file for exact file paths and regexs.
> --
> Andrew


So I tested it, and I was surprised how many /etc files weren't put into 
Actually, most of /etc shouldn't be suggested for deletion if the packages are 
still installed.

Portage stuff like repositories could be whitelisted in a dynamic manner, or at 
least bing able to
tell what directorie(s) are used to store them.

I also caught some wrongly listed files because of the multilib system with 
/lib symlink.
For example, dhcpcd declared /lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks, thus the realpath 
was listed in the removal suggestion. This should be fixed with profile 17.1

The log is so huge at the moment it is useless for me :/

% wc -l out.log
461575 out.log

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: "No CUDA device found" with nvidia-drivers newer than nvidia-drivers-396.24-r1(

2018-08-15 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 15, 2018 5:45 PM, wrote:

> I put nvidia-uvm explictly into /etc/conf.d/modules - which was not
> necessary ever beforeand it shows the same problems: No cuda
> devices.
> I think I will dream this night of no cuda devices... ;(
> On 08/15 05:11, wrote:
>> On 08/15 02:32, Corentin “Nado” Pazdera wrote:
>> August 15, 2018 2:59 PM, wrote:
> Yes I did reboot the sustem. In my initial mail I mentioned a tool
> called CUDA-Z and Blender, which both reports a missing CUDA device.
>> Ok, so you do not have a specific error which might have been thrown by the 
>> module?
>> Other ideas, check dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit version and double check 
>> nvidia/nvidia_uvm with
>> modinfo to ensure they are installed and loaded correctly with the right 
>> version?
>> Could you also run /opt/cuda/extras/demo_suite/deviceQuery (from 
>> nvidia-cuda-toolkit) and show its
>> output?
>> My installation works, so at least we know their version is not completely 
>> broken...
>> Driver version: 396.51
>> Cuda version: 9.2.88
>> --
>> Corentin “Nado” Pazdera
>> I compiled the new version of the driver again and rebooted the
>> system.
>> # dmesg | grep -i nvidia:
>> [ 11.375631] nvidia_drm: module license 'MIT' taints kernel.
>> [ 12.313260] nvidia-nvlink: Nvlink Core is being initialized, major device 
>> number 246
>> [ 12.313586] nvidia :07:00.0: vgaarb: changed VGA decodes:
>> olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=none:owns=io+mem
>> [ 12.313691] nvidia :02:00.0: enabling device ( -> 0003)
>> [ 12.313737] nvidia :02:00.0: vgaarb: changed VGA decodes:
>> olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=none:owns=none
>> [ 12.313826] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 396.51 Tue Jul 
>> 31 10:43:06 PDT 2018
>> (using threaded interrupts)
>> [ 12.491106] input: HDA NVidia HDMI as
>> /devices/pci:00/:00:0b.0/:02:00.1/sound/card2/input9
>> [ 12.492291] input: HDA NVidia HDMI as
>> /devices/pci:00/:00:0b.0/:02:00.1/sound/card2/input10
>> [ 12.493772] input: HDA NVidia HDMI as
>> /devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/:07:00.1/sound/card1/input11
>> [ 12.494605] input: HDA NVidia HDMI as
>> /devices/pci:00/:00:02.0/:07:00.1/sound/card1/input12
>> [ 13.963644] caller _nv001112rm+0xe3/0x1d0 [nvidia] mapping multiple BARs
>> [ 34.236553] caller _nv001112rm+0xe3/0x1d0 [nvidia] mapping multiple BARs
>> [ 34.516495] nvidia-modeset: Loading NVIDIA Kernel Mode Setting Driver for 
>> UNIX platforms 396.51
>> Tue Jul 31 14:52:09 PDT 2018
>> # modprobe -a nvidia-uvm
>> # dmesg | grep uvm
>> [ 209.441956] nvidia-uvm: Loaded the UVM driver in 8 mode, major device 
>> number 245
>> # /opt/cuda/extras/demo_suite/deviceQuery
>> /opt/cuda/extras/demo_suite/deviceQuery Starting...
>> CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)
>> cudaGetDeviceCount returned 30
>> -> unknown error
>> Result = FAIL
>> [1] 5086 exit 1 /opt/cuda/extras/demo_suite/deviceQuery
>> CUDA-Z shows also "no CUDA device"
>> # modinfo nvidia-uvm
>> filename: /lib/modules/4.18.0-RT/video/nvidia-uvm.ko
>> supported: external
>> license: MIT
>> depends: nvidia
>> name: nvidia_uvm
>> vermagic: 4.18.0-RT SMP preempt mod_unload
>> parm: uvm_perf_prefetch_enable:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_prefetch_threshold:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_prefetch_min_faults:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_thrashing_enable:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_thrashing_threshold:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_thrashing_pin_threshold:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_thrashing_lapse_usec:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_thrashing_nap_usec:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_thrashing_epoch_msec:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_thrashing_max_resets:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_thrashing_pin_msec:uint
>> parm: uvm_perf_map_remote_on_native_atomics_fault:uint
>> parm: uvm_hmm:Enable (1) or disable (0) HMM mode. Default: 0. Ignored if 
>> CONFIG_HMM is not set, or
>> if NEXT settings conflict with HMM. (int)
>> parm: uvm_global_oversubscription:Enable (1) or disable (0) global 
>> oversubscription support. (int)
>> parm: uvm_leak_checker:Enable uvm memory leak checking. 0 = disabled, 1 = 
>> count total bytes
>> allocated and freed, 2 = per-allocation origin tracking. (int)
>> parm: uvm_force_prefetch_fault_support:uint
>> parm: uvm_debug_enable_push_desc:Enable push description tracking (int)
>> par

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: "No CUDA device found" with nvidia-drivers newer than nvidia-drivers-396.24-r1(

2018-08-15 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 15, 2018 2:59 PM, wrote:

> Yes I did reboot the sustem. In my initial mail I mentioned a tool
> called CUDA-Z and Blender, which both reports a missing CUDA device.

Ok, so you do not have a specific error which might have been thrown by the 
Other ideas, check dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit version and double check 
nvidia/nvidia_uvm with modinfo to ensure they are installed and loaded 
correctly with the right version?
Could you also run /opt/cuda/extras/demo_suite/deviceQuery (from 
nvidia-cuda-toolkit) and show its output?

My installation works, so at least we know their version is not completely 
Driver version: 396.51
Cuda version: 9.2.88

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: "No CUDA device found" with nvidia-drivers newer than nvidia-drivers-396.24-r1(

2018-08-15 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 15, 2018 2:02 PM, wrote:
> ...sorry, I am no native speaker...I dont understand.
> I did not know how to disable CUDA on both cards.
> So...since it works perfectly with the old driver I would think:
> No, CUDA is enabled (or at least the old driver does this for me).
> Then I do an "emerge " and CUDA stops
> working. I do not change anything else nor do I know, who/what could
> disable CUDA on both cards ... except for the driver itsself.
> This is weird.
> Again, for logical reasons I think, that the culprit is either the
> driver itsself or a missing (and therefor undocumented) configuration
> step needed for the new drivers.
> The cards are not "old" in any sense.

Ok, what I meant is : how did you check CUDA "was not working"? And could you 
check it on both cards.

Also, as said by realnc, did you reboot ?

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: "No CUDA device found" with nvidia-drivers newer than nvidia-drivers-396.24-r1(

2018-08-15 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 15, 2018 1:16 PM, wrote:

> The wiki-page is speaks of nvidia-driver-174.

Yeah, for legacy cards... If you check the history its also been updated quite 

> modprobe.d/nvidia.conf:
> # Nvidia drivers support
> alias char-major-195 nvidia
> alias /dev/nvidiactl char-major-195
> # To tweak the driver the following options can be used, note that
> # you should be careful, as it could cause instability!! For more
> # options see /usr/share/doc/nvidia-drivers-396.24-r1/README
> #
> options nvidia NVreg_DeviceFileMode=432 NVreg_DeviceFileUID=0 
> NVreg_DeviceFileGID=27
> NVreg_ModifyDeviceFiles=1
> modprobe.d/nvidia-rmmod.conf
> # Nvidia UVM support
> remove nvidia modprobe -r --ignore-remove nvidia-drm nvidia-modeset 
> nvidia-uvm nvidia
> All the configurations are working all the years up to 
> x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-396.24-r1.
> After that, no CUDA device was found.
> Based on logical reasons, I would tend to think, that it is something
> version specific and no global setting which is valid since
> nvidia-driver-174.

Updates may need to change a config file after bringing breaking changes, it 
might not be the cause
I agree. But its possible.

Is CUDA disabled on both cards? I have a 970Ti, although my MB is different, we 
might try to
compare the big differences in our systems?

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: "No CUDA device found" with nvidia-drivers newer than nvidia-drivers-396.24-r1(

2018-08-15 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 15, 2018 4:19 AM, wrote:

> On 08/14 11:16, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>> On 14/08/18 13:35, wrote:
>> Hi,
>> after upgrading to nvidia-drivers-396.51 no CUDA devices were found.
>> Last version, which works for me is nvidia-drivers-396.24-r1.
>> Do you have the "uvm" USE flag set? It might be required for CUDA, but it's
>> disabled by default (perhaps wrongly, because USE flags should follow
>> upstream defaults unless there's a reason not to.)
> Yes it is:
> (this is the version, which is currentlu still working
> Installed versions: 396.24-r1(0/396)^md(08:31:04 PM 08/14/2018)(X driver kms 
> static-libs tools uvm
> -acpi -compat -gtk3 -multilib -pax_kernel -wayland ABI_MIPS="-n32 -n64 -o32" 
> ABI_PPC="-32 -64"
> ABI_S390="-32 -64" ABI_X86="64 -32 -x32" KERNEL="linux -FreeBSD")
> and set via /etc/portage/package.use
> # required by app-admin/conky-1.10.6-r1::gentoo[nvidia,X]
> # required by @selected
> # required by @world (argument)
>> =x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-378.13 static-libs uvm
> What else could be the reason for the problem?
> How can I fix it?

Can you also show content of modprobe.d file ?
Did you read the whole wiki page ? Did you check for MSI interrupts ?

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Cups without X

2018-08-14 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 14, 2018 5:32 PM, "Peter Humphrey"  wrote:

> On Tuesday, 14 August 2018 15:40:43 BST Corentin “Nado” Pazdera wrote:
>> Did you install `net-print/kyocera-1x2x-mfp-driver` or
>> `net-print/kyocera-mita-ppds` ? My guess is that cups misses some ppd
>> files.
> I haven't got that far. I want cups to find the printer so that I can define
> what it is. I didn't know about those packages; when the printer was
> connected to this box cups found it without help from me, and I gave cups
> the specific PPD file I have: /usr/local/src/Kyocera_Mita_FS-1020D_en.ppd.
> I'll try your suggestion though - thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Peter.

If you already have a specific ppd file, it should be a matter of putting it in 
the right directory.
I have no idea where, I see I have a /etc/cups/ppd, it might be worth checking 
for doc about this dir.

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] Cups without X

2018-08-14 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 14, 2018 4:24 PM, "Peter Humphrey"  wrote:

> Hello list,
> I have a trusty old Kyocera FS-1020D USB mono laser, which has been doing 
> sterling service while connected to this workstation box. I want to connect 
> it instead to a small X-less server box on the LAN and administer it from 
> here (the workstation). I'm not having much success.
> I've followed the Gentoo Wiki article, which is too old to inspire 
> confidence, and I've searched for similar experiences on the Web.
> My problem is that, even though the system detects the printer being 
> connected, cups can't see it. I've tried everything I can think of so I'm 
> now hoping that someone here can point out my (no doubt elementary) error.
> # emerge -pv cups
> --->8
> [ebuild R ] net-print/cups-2.2.7::gentoo USE="acl dbus pam ssl threads 
> usb -X -debug -java -kerberos -lprng-compat -python (-selinux) -static-libs 
> -systemd -xinetd -zeroconf" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 0 KiB
> Extract from VT12 when the printer is plugged in (minus T etc.):
> usb 1-7.1: new full-speed USB device number 7 using ehci-pci
> usb 1-7.1: New USB device found, idVendor=0482, idProduct=000e
> usb 1-7.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
> usb 1-7.1: Product: Kyocera Mita FS-1020D
> usb 1-7.1: Manufacturer: Kyocera Mita
> usb 1-7.1: SerialNumber: XAX5X26731
> Cupsd.conf attached.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Peter.

Did you install `net-print/kyocera-1x2x-mfp-driver` or 
`net-print/kyocera-mita-ppds` ?
My guess is that cups misses some ppd files.

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] flag icu

2018-08-13 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
spects of CS.
> Obviosly, I have a few things to fix on this (fragile) system, but
> that'll happen as I'm at the beginning stages of auto_installs of
> minimized systems. What are your plans for you little script?
> Just to match equery uses  and such?
> Here's a cutie:
> /usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/amd64/package.use.mask
> # Mike Frysinger  (08 May 2016)
> # This target supports VTV #547040.
>> =sys-devel/gcc-4.9 -vtv
> # Mike Frysinger  (21 Oct 2014)
> # This target supports ASAN/etc... #504200.
> sys-devel/gcc -sanitize
> And where was it that the processor/arch flags are now listed?
> tia,
> James
> cat

To check impact on negating icu on your system : `USE="-icu" emerge -puDU 
--with-bdeps=y world`

And concerning processor/arch flags I’d suggest keep exploring profiles, take a 
look at
make.defaults files.
Here the different files you can find according to PMS

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

Re: [gentoo-user] flag icu

2018-08-13 Thread CorentinNadoPazdera
August 13, 2018 4:31 PM, "james"  wrote:

> Any hints on a systematic by system parsing this sort of minimized-flag
> data :
> [12] default/linux/amd64/17.0 (stable) *
> would be keenly appreciated. "eselect profile list" is great. but
> I need it per many different architectures and do not have one
> of each of the systems I need to experiment on. How are those flag_sets
> discovered in some sort of systematic approach?


I don't know if this will be of any help but I made a script [1] recently to 
analyze the
inheritance of system set.
It may have a few bugs I did that for learning the inner workings of profiles 
It should'nt need much work to make it print USE flags details


Best regards,
Corentin “Nado” Pazdera