Re: [gentoo-user] Disable password required to mount removable hard disk.

2021-06-18 Thread Hund
On April 1, 2021 10:12:00 AM GMT+02:00, William Kenworthy  
>I have used fstab in the past -its more a workaround that breaks (i.e, a
>disk usually, but not always appears as /dev/sde [...]

fstab? Workaround? Use UUID.


Re: [gentoo-user] Exact setting in grub to default to a kernel by name?

2021-06-12 Thread Hund
>Let me rephrase the question more generally... given a
>kernel "/boot/vmlinuz-fubar" how and where do I specify it by name as
>the default boot kernel?

What about this?


Re: [gentoo-user] Terminal over ssh badly scrambled

2021-06-09 Thread Hund
>Some Google hits
>suggested checking that "TERM" and locale match on both machines.  They
>do match on my systems.  What next?

What terminal emulator are you using and what did you set the $TERM to?

Are you running any terminal multiplexer?


Re: [gentoo-user] gentoo alternatives

2021-06-09 Thread Hund
>My biggest problem with Gentoo was not so much the time needed to 
>compile huge ebuilds like Firefox, Thunderbird, or Chromium, but that 
>say if you neglected doing updates for a while and then decided to start 
>again, then you'd have serious problems.  This is because, at least the 
>way I understood it, after some time old ebuilds would get deleted from 
>the Portage servers to conserve space there, but some of those now 
>deleted ebuilds would still be needed as dependencies to do iterative 
>updates.  The sure-way to resolve this problem would be to re-emerge the 
>whole @world set, which of course would take way-longer than just 
>Firefox, and might work differently because the '/etc/' configuration 
>schema might have changed.
>In my case I had some weird problem either emerging some ebuild or 
>keeping an old version of an ebuild to keep the functionality or the 
>'/etc/' schema removed in the new versions.  I just let things sit, and 
>moved on to other projects.  But when later on I tried to go back to the 
>original issue, I had even more trouble because now I was even further 
>behind @world, and more ebuilds would not upgrade because of deleted 
>So to sum it up, my problem with Gentoo was that you could not just do 
>iterative updates after long periods of inactivity.  You pretty much had 
>to emerge daily and if you had some problem then drop everything and fix 
>it right away, or else you'll fall even further behind and eventually 
>might have to rebuild @world.  And so because constant attention 
>intervention and trial and error was required you could not just compile 
>huge ebuilds overnight and go about your life during the day.

It's funny how different two people can perceive the same thing.

One of the very reason I like Gentoo is the fact that I *don't* have to do 
daily, or even weekly updates. I'm rather busy with life right now and I just 
love how little love Gentoo requires to work, and how reliable it is. I have 
never had any issues with postponing updates for longer periods of time.


Re: [gentoo-user] can anybody recommend any VoIP package?

2021-06-03 Thread Hund
On June 1, 2021 4:52:51 PM GMT+02:00, n952162  wrote:
>Has anybody good luck with any gentoo VoIP package?
>I imagine the skype package is binary, right?
>I've tried linphone and some others over the years, but they didn't
>perform acceptably.  Has there been any progress in that regard?

I would put my vote on Mumble. It's easy, lightweight, libre software, secure, 
good quality and available on pretty much every platform.


Re: [gentoo-user] it keeps growing

2021-06-01 Thread Hund
On June 1, 2021 3:38:30 PM GMT+02:00, n952162  wrote:
>337 packages this month to be updated.  It keeps getting more and more. 
>Pretty soon, gentoo will overtake Bitcoin in energy use.

One might then ask why you have so many packages? And why you have a computer 
that consumes enough power for you to be worried about it?


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Gentoo IRC presence moving to Libera Chat

2021-05-28 Thread Hund
On May 28, 2021 5:50:32 AM GMT+02:00, "caveman رَجُلُ الْكَهْفِ 穴居人" 
>hi.  any reason why you guys didn't go to OFTC
>instead of libera?
>despite libera being called after liberty in latin,
>its tor support is hypocritical, as it requires
>registering SASL over an un-tor-ed connection,
>hence revealing your IP address, which defeats the
>whole point of tor (hiding your IP address).
>OFTC, on the other hand, is the home of the tor
>project, and has best tor support.  so, in a
>sense, OFTC is the true libera.

(I'm not representing Gentoo.)

The purpose of Libera Chat is to provide a community platform for libre 
software and peer directed projects, like Gentoo.

Libera means "to set free". Which is the philosophical view of software that it 
should be free as in free speech, not necessarily as in free beer. It has 
nothing to with online anonymity.


Re: [gentoo-user] IPv4 broken beyond repair

2021-05-20 Thread Hund
On May 20, 2021 11:20:27 PM GMT+02:00, wrote:
>On 5/20/21 1:29 PM, tastytea wrote:
>> On 2021-05-20 11:20-0600 wrote:
>>> It seems to me IPv4 is broken beyond repair.
>>> I'm trying to block spammers but they rewrite the source IP (that is not
>>> checked) so it is impossible to block them. Example below is from a
>>> single source:
>>> - - [20/May/2021:09:49:29 -0600] "GET /contact_us.php
>>> HTTP/1.0" 200 25552 - - [20/May/2021:09:49:31 -0600]
>>> "GET /vvc_display.php?vvc= HTTP/1.0" 200 4149 - -
>>> [20/May/2021:09:49:33 -0600] "POST /contact_us.php?action=send
>>> HTTP/1.0" 302 13 - - [20/May/2021:09:49:35 -0600] "GET
>>> /contact_us.php?action=success HTTP/1.0" 200 24031 - -
>>> [20/May/2021:09:49:37 -0600] "GET /contact_us.php HTTP/1.0" 200 25725
>> As long as the website is find-able by search engines, it doesn't
>> matter if it is IPv4 or IPv6.
>> A good measure against non-targeted spam is a hidden input field with
>> the name “url”. If the bot put anything in that field, throw it out.
>> Simple math captchas (like “what is 2 + 3?”) work well too.
>> If the spam is targeted, you'll probably need a more advanced captcha
>> solution.
>> See also:
>>   <>
>> <>
>> Kind regards, tastytea
>Simple math captchas  might work, but I have to find out how to implement it 
>into current php e-mail form.

I use Antispam Bee[1] for my contact form on my WordPress website. It works 
very well without any annoying capcha or anything. You could have a look at how 
they do it.



Re: [gentoo-user] What groups should user "root" be in?

2021-05-20 Thread Hund
On May 20, 2021 11:42:23 AM GMT+02:00, Dr Rainer Woitok 
>On Wednesday, 2021-05-19 19:14:27 -0400, you wrote:
>> ...
>> Are you running your machine day-to-day as root?
>> That sounds like a recipe for disaster...
>Of course not.   But if that quote [1] had any substance in it, it COULD
>happen that some deamon running as user "root" failed  because of "root"
>not being in the correct groups.
>> That preaching aside, I do have audio working as a normal user and my groups 
>> are -
>> $ groups aisha
>> wheel video portage lxc lxd aisha
>> $ groups root
>> root bin daemon sys adm disk wheel floppy tape video lxc lxd
>So neither your own id nor "root" is a member of group "audio" and audio
>is working nevertheless.   Hum, that just triggers  the next question to
>all Gentooers: What the heck is group "audio" good for?
>> ...
>> > [1] 
>> >
>  Rainer

Here's a good explanation:


Re: [gentoo-user] Looking for other Seamonkey users

2021-04-05 Thread Hund
On April 5, 2021 12:17:59 AM GMT+02:00, Dale  wrote:
>As some may know, I use Seamonkey for several things.  Mostly for email
>but using it for email leads to it being used for other things, like
>clicking links in email and viewing the page in Seamonkey.  I tried
>switching to Thunderbird, which is supposed to be about the same thing
>but I didn't like it at all.  It's different and in a bad way. 
>Thing is, some sites are no longer working as they should.  It seems
>with each upgrade, Seamonkey has more issues with things not working
>correctly.  I might add, most add-ons, adblock being a big one, no
>longer work.  They haven't had updates in ages.  With all this, it makes
>me wonder if Seamonkey is still viable or if it is something I have set
>wrong.  Is anyone else who uses Seamonkey noticing the same problems
>with add-ons and sites not working right?  I may start trying to make a
>list of sites that don't work right. Maybe someone else can see what it
>does for them.  I know my financial sites act weird but without login
>info, no way to really test those.  I might add, it seems that sites
>with security measures are the ones with the most issues.  I use Firefox
>for most things now.  I have different profiles and even use containers
>to help secure things.  I really wish I liked Thunderbird and could use
>that and Firefox to replace Seamonkey.  Sadly, Thunderbird just isn't
>for me last I checked. 
>This is my Seamonkey info:
>[ebuild U ~] www-client/seamonkey-2.53.7::gentoo
>[2.53.7_beta1::gentoo] USE="chatzilla dbus gmp-autoupdate ipc roaming
>startup-notification system-av1 system-harfbuzz system-icu system-jpeg
>system-libevent system-libvpx system-sqlite -crypt -custom-cflags
>-custom-optimization -debug -jack (-lto) -minimal (-neon) -pulseaudio
>(-selinux) -test -wifi" L10N="-cs -de -en-GB -es-AR -es-ES -fr -hu -it
>-ja -lt -nl -pl -pt-PT -ru -sk -sv -zh-CN -zh-TW"
>Anyone else seeing this or am I the only Gentoo user using Seamonkey? 
>:-)  :_) 

Have you considered something more modern like Neomutt?


Re: [gentoo-user] problem mounting windows share on samba

2021-03-18 Thread Hund
On March 18, 2021 11:15:18 AM GMT+01:00, John Covici  
>Hi.  I have a strange problem mounting a windows share on my gentoo
>box.  I have two windows disks that I can share c and d drive.  If I
>mount.smb3 //ccs2/c the c drive is mounted.  If I say mount.smb3
>//ccs2/d  the system does not complain, but I get the c drive
>instead.  In both cases it asks for the password and I give it.
>Windows version is 20h2 and samba version is 4.13.4.
>Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Just ignore my previous message. I read your message a bit fast. I thought it 
was a local device.

My apologies!


Re: [gentoo-user] problem mounting windows share on samba

2021-03-18 Thread Hund
On March 18, 2021 11:15:18 AM GMT+01:00, John Covici  
>Hi.  I have a strange problem mounting a windows share on my gentoo
>box.  I have two windows disks that I can share c and d drive.  If I
>mount.smb3 //ccs2/c the c drive is mounted.  If I say mount.smb3
>//ccs2/d  the system does not complain, but I get the c drive
>instead.  In both cases it asks for the password and I give it.
>Windows version is 20h2 and samba version is 4.13.4.
>Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Linux doesn't care about "C:/" or anything. Just mount it like you would with 
any other disk in a Linux based operating system:

# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/windows

Or whatever device name it is and wherever you may want to mount it.


Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Saving an image as black and white

2021-03-01 Thread Hund
On March 1, 2021 12:50:35 PM GMT+01:00, Wols Lists  
>I've got a bunch of scans, let's assume they're text documents. And
>they're rather big ... I want to email them.
>How on earth do I convert them to TRUE b documents? At the moment they
>are jpegs that weigh in at 3MB, and I guess they're using about 5 bytes
>to store all the colour, luminance, whatever, per pixel. But actually,
>there's only ONE BIT of information there - whether that pixel is black
>or white.
>I'm using imagemagick, but so far all my attempts to strip out the
>surplus information have resulted in INcreasing the file size ???
>So basically, how do I save an image as "one bit per pixel" like you'd
>think you'd send to a B printer?
>Even at 300dpi, I make that 300*300/8 ~= 10KB/in^2 or 800KB of
>uncompressed info for a page of A4, not 3MB.

Have you tried an optical character recognition software like Tesseract[1]?



Re: [gentoo-user] routine maintenance.

2021-02-18 Thread Hund
>My waterblock is clogged again, down to a trickle of flow, not bad
>enough to be dangerous at idle but I've had to order some fresh O-rings
>from Germany and will need to rebuild the damn thing again.

Unless you're a hardcore overclocker, there's really no reason to bother with 
it, especially not today with modern hardware that's running cool with pretty 
weak cooling to begin with. :)

>Any thoughts about running a drive this old, and what I should be
>looking at as a replacement?

No matter how old or new your disk is, keep your backups current and in working 

If it's old, I would just keep an extra eye on the S.M.A.R.T. status and 
replace it when it's getting close to dying. If you're lucky it will last you 
for a long time and if you're unlucky it could die any day, which is also to 
true for any disk.

>Root is a 256gb SATA Samsung SSD, no concerns about lifespan on that
>drive. I hadn't heard of M.2 yet when I bought it...

A SSD is just fine. You're not gaining any performance with a M.2 disk anyway.
