Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Re: Is GWN dead?

2008-01-13 Thread Ken Gypen
On 2008-01-13 16:29:15 (+), Neil Bothwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:53:48 +0100, Michael Schmarck wrote:
   You also need the handbook, a portage snapshot and a stage tarball.
   How many live CDs provide these?  
  None. But the portage snapshot is best fetched from the web 
  anyway, as far as I'm concerned. Same with the handbook, as
  it may contain (theoritcal) up-to-the minute corrections.
  So, the portage snapshot and handbook don't have to on the
  Live CD.
 No, but it's a lot easier if they are when doing a networkless install.

I think that's what the whole discussion here is about. Should Gentoo
become an elite meta-distro or do we actually want 'less then ultimate
geek' people using it. A lot of the very verbal people over here seem to
want the former. 

I agree that Gentoo shouldn't become an Ubuntu like distro, but the
minimal install cd is, at least for me, a requirement.

If there's too much work for the current devs then they should do
something about it. After the whole p.g.o mess a lot of people,
including myself, offered to become a dev. But I'm still awaiting
replies from 3-4 herds.

The whole discussion going on over here has a much deeper cause, lack of
leadership. Every dev does what seems best for him or his herd, but the
bigger whole seems to be lacking a lot. And I'm affraid that untill
deeper problems are solved, Gentoo will keep losing users and more
important, keep losing credability.



-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] off topic : Dolphin massacre in Japan

2007-02-25 Thread Ken Gypen

Agg wrote:

on 02/26/2007 12:29 AM Agg wrote the following:

on 02/25/2007 11:50 PM Dale wrote the following:

Agg wrote:

on 02/25/2007 11:12 PM Dale wrote the following:

Agg wrote:


on 02/24/2007 07:51 PM Mantas Povilaitis wrote the following:

It seems some people just cant miss an opportunity to flame and whine
about spam (and it wasted like 5 s of my oh so important life OMG,
OMFG!!!) and write pseudo-humorous juvenile nonsenses. OP at least
wrote something meaningful while all other of you Responsible mailing
list users writing every little topic into its little proper mailing
list just continue writing total nonsenses.


All those that replied wouldn't reply if it were an actual spam.
An off-topic is not necessarily spam. And that's exactly the specific case.


Then exactly what does this have to do with Gentoo, Linux or even a


*Nothing*. It was written on the subject: *off-topic*:...


OK then.  I'm going to start selling Viagra.  I'll just put off-topic in
the subject line and it will be OK.  ;-)

Doesn't make sense to you either now huh?


You don't have to look at the contents of a post that you think is spam.
But in the specific dolphin massacre case, those that look at it's
contents, will see that it is *not* about viagra or the like, and so, in
that case it's just off-topic.

Let me add though, that in your case, not having looked at it, will
always remain spam. Simple as that.

Agg, like in Aggelos? the dude or dudette that caused this spamtrap?

Suggestion: off topic = not for this mailing list

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] alsa-driver

2007-01-05 Thread Ken Gypen

Hi fellow Gentoo users,

Today I updated my working alsa-driver to version 1.0.14_rc4 and when I 
restart /etc/init.d/alsasound I get following error:

# modules-update -f  /etc/init.d/alsasound restart

* Updating /etc/modules.conf ...

 [ ok ]
* Updating /etc/modprobe.conf ...   

 [ ok ]
* Updating modules.dep ...  

 [ ok ]
* Service alsasound stopping
* WARNING:  you are stopping a boot service.
/usr/sbin/alsactl: save_state:1253: No soundcards found...  

  [ !! ]
* Service alsasound stopped
* Service alsasound starting
FATAL: Error inserting snd_intel8x0 
(/lib/modules/2.6.18-gentoo-r6/alsa-driver/pci/snd-intel8x0.ko): Unknown symbol 
in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)   [ !! ]
ERROR: Failed to load necessary drivers
* Service alsasound started

But there (obviously) is no sound... So I tried rebooting to ensure 
proper reinsertion of the modules. This was no avail.

The dmesg output (referred to by the error) is:

snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_free_irq
snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_pci_quirk_lookup
snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_request_irq
snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_free_irq
snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_pci_quirk_lookup
snd_intel8x0: Unknown symbol snd_request_irq

Reverting back to the previous version fixes the sound once again.

Any advice?

Kind Regards

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Error when trying to emerge --update --deep --newuse world

2007-01-05 Thread Ken Gypen


Just update your kernel to the latest version, and that will probably 
pull udev in with it.

I don't know if you can just install udev, but the atom is called udev, 
not udev-103


Shawn Singh schreef:

Hey all,

I installed Gentoo 2006.1.

I ran either:

emerge-webrsync // because I can't rsync through my company's firewall


emerge --update --deep world ... it revealed that I need portage 
needed updating ...

so I:

emerge portage ...

I also installed mysql, php, apache and mediawiki. Mediawiki required 
me to set pcre mysql and session in my USE ... I only need to add 
mysql the other 2 were already there. After installing that software I 
wanted to update my system, so I ran

emerge --update --deep --newuse world

... here's the info ...

Error: the sys-apps/coldplug package conflicts with another package;
 the two packages cannot be installed on the same system 


I then did ...

emerge --pretend --update --deep --newuse world  output_file

followed by:

grep blocks output_file

[blocks B ] sys-apps/coldplug (is blocking sys-fs/udev-103)

I can't emerge: sys-fs/udev-103 or udev-103 b/c that's not a valid 
package atom ...

What do I need to do to resolve this?

This installation is for a VM that I'm preparing for use at work. 
Currently I've got a standalone machine that this will be replacing 
... that machine is running 2006.0. I've not tried to update it yet, 
and wanted to wait until I've migrated my mediawiki install from that 
2006.0 machine to the new machine.



Most problems go away if you just wait long enough. It might look 
like I'm standing motionless but I'm actively waiting for our problems 
to go away. I don't know why this works but it does.

Scott Adams, Dilbert comic

Secretaris  PR SIN

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Hard Disk going a lot slower now...

2006-11-27 Thread Ken Gypen

I would assume that the two benchmark programs I am using to measure the
drive performance under windows go through windows, and thus the NTFS
interface.  They are Dr. Hardware and FreshDiagnose.  The second one
showed a write speed as quoted above, and a read speed of about 280 MB
per second...  Though the same one reported a read speed of about 900+
MB per second for my USB drive (not really possible, since the maximum
speed for USB 2.0 is about 480 MB / second).

Hi Chris,

A more realistic speed for a HD is about 60-90MB/second... It's hardware 
limited. So your values are quite off, regardless of the OS and the 

Greets Glider
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