[gentoo-user] Laptop fails boot on battery

2008-06-23 Thread dexters84

I have an Asus Z92F laptop - a modification of Asus A6F model

ICH7 chipset
CoreDuo T2250
1,5GB DDR2
Intel 950 graphics
ATA100 HD 80GB

My problem with it is that it fails to boot into linux when working only 
on battery. When I plug the power supply and do a fresh boot kernel 
loads properly.
Boot proces freezes when kernel enumerates block devices, it is unable 
to identify my hard drive.

I've been trying with different kernel versions (2.6.20 - 2.6.24), and 
kernel settings - no luck - the only way to boot into linux is to 
connect to power supply.

I'll appreciate any advice
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Batch audio converter?

2008-04-27 Thread dexters84
Tweak below script a little and it should do the trick - should work the 
way it is - but I haven't tested it, it's a port of mine video encoder 
for multiple directories.


new_files=$(find /path/to/input/ -iname *.ogg)
for x in $new_files
   char_count=$(stat $filename[$inc]|wc -c)
   name_end=$(($char_count - 6))
   out_name[$inc]=$(echo $filename[$inc]|cut -c 10-$name_end)
   ffmpeg -i $filename -vcodec mp3 -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 256k 

   inc=$(($inc + 1))

Mark Knecht pisze:

   I've got about 200GB of OGG and FLAC files on my local machine. My
son bought an iPod and wants me to do a batch conversion to mp3. Can
anyone recommend something in portage that can do this in more or less
a single step? Directory hierarchy is basically

   Extra points I suppose if it can write the output to a different
machine across the network - Windows XP or Gentoo - so that I don't
have to deal with storage issues in this end.


gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Batch audio converter?

2008-04-27 Thread dexters84

There was a bug in my pervious script


new_files=$(find /path/to/input/ -iname *.ogg)
for x in $new_files
  char_count=$(stat $filename[$inc]|wc -c)
  name_end=$(($char_count - 6))
  out_name[$inc]=$(*stat* $filename[$inc]|cut -c 10-$name_end)
  ffmpeg -i $filename -vcodec mp3 -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 256k 

  inc=$(($inc + 1))

Mark Knecht pisze:

   I've got about 200GB of OGG and FLAC files on my local machine. My
son bought an iPod and wants me to do a batch conversion to mp3. Can
anyone recommend something in portage that can do this in more or less
a single step? Directory hierarchy is basically

   Extra points I suppose if it can write the output to a different
machine across the network - Windows XP or Gentoo - so that I don't
have to deal with storage issues in this end.


Re: [gentoo-user] Why does emerge ignore APACHE2_MPMS?

2008-04-21 Thread dexters84

AFAIK only one mpm at once is valid



My make.conf has this line:

APACHE2_MPMS=mpm-prefork mpm-worker

which used to be good enough, but now emerge ignores it:

emerge -ptuvDN world | grep apache
[ebuild   R   ] www-servers/apache-2.2.8-r2  USE=doc ssl suexec threads -debug -ldap (-selinux) 
-sni -static APACHE2_MODULES=actions alias asis auth_basic auth_digest authn_alias authn_anon 
authn_dbd authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authz_dbm authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner 
authz_user autoindex cache dav dav_fs dav_lock dbd deflate dir disk_cache dumpio env expires ext_filter 
file_cache filter headers ident imagemap include info log_config log_forensic logio mem_cache mime mime_magic 
negotiation proxy proxy_ajp proxy_balancer proxy_connect proxy_ftp proxy_http rewrite setenvif speling status 
unique_id userdir usertrack version vhost_alias -cern_meta -charset_lite -substitute% 
APACHE2_MPMS=-event -itk -peruser -prefork -worker 0 kB

This worked fine for the previous build, which apparently was the same
version.  I thought -v was supposed to flag the reasons for the
rebuild with '*' but don't see one.

What is really annoying is that if this is done from an xterm with
DISPLAY set, it pops up a series of GUI windows prompting for MPM
config details.  It seems rather out of place for a supposedly
automated build system, and it is also a bit puzzling why it is
important enough to interrupt a build under X but not without X.  Here
is that part of the log:

checking for sys/times.h... (cached) yes
checking for times... (cached) yes
checking which MPM to use... worker
Worker: Can't connect to X!


gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Bluetooth-Hotspot

2008-04-15 Thread dexters84
I've did this thing a while ago. Bluetooth router is a cool thing, 
unfortunatelly only in theory.
To solve Your problem, look in /etc/bluetooth directory and check the 
manual of bluez - there are a couple of pre-up and post-up scritps that 
solve the problem.
I did manage to get bt router working but my usb dongle was cousing a 
lot of problems - long story short - one dongle was not sufficient for 
more than two simultanous connections.

Florian Philipp pisze:

Hi list!

I could need some help.

Long story (if you don't want to hear, scroll down): 

For six months a year I'm attending a university of cooperative
education and although I pay 1000€ a year for infrastructure and stuff
like that its services for students are a big joke. Especially its
WLAN-hotspot isn't nearly up to the job.

Because I have an UMTS-card my idea was to set up a personal area
network (PAN) via bluetooth and act as a router to support my friends
during the WLAN-outages.

Most of the job is already done but I have problems setting up a
DHCP-server and the network configuration. Because the virtual ethernet
interface only exists when a connection is established, dhcpd doesn't
start from the init-script and, although I haven't tried it yet, normal
network config shouldn't fare any better. When the last client
disconnects, all the configuration is gone and when someone reconnects,
I have to call ifconfig bnep0 again.

Short question:

How do I automate the configuration of network interfaces and related
deamons when the whole interface keeps appearing and disappearing out of
the clear blue sky?

I don't think ifplugd will be up to the job (haven't tried it though).

Thanks in advance!

Florian Philipp

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user]

2008-04-04 Thread dexters84

Neil Bothwick pisze:

On Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:37:10 -0500, Dale wrote:


Maybe it was in braille?  o_O

No, my screen was still smooth as well as blank :)

I'd say the answer is a definite maybe.


There is nothing to laugh about - it's M$'s new mail filtering system.

if [ $user = $windows_live_user ] ; then do
case $user_requested_action in
$user_data  /dev/null
   tail /dev/random  $user_data
   echo Sending Your message - please wait
   sleep 10

[gentoo-user] ffmpeg ffserver problems

2008-03-29 Thread dexters84
I'm trying to create a streaming server using ffmpeg, and I'm stuck, so 
please advise if You can.

I've tested :

   * *ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20080326*
   * *ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20070616*

Both versions behave the same way. This is my emerge -pv ffmpeg
/media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20080326  USE=a52 aac amr bindist debug doc 
encode imlib mmx mp3 network theora threads x264 xvid zlib -X (-altivec) 
-hardcoded-tables -ieee1394 -ipv6 -sdl -test -truetype -vorbis/

This command:
*# ffmpeg -r 25 -s 352x288 -y -f video4linux2 -vc 1 -i /dev/video0 -f 
oss -itsoffset 00:00:00.500 -i /dev/dsp -isync -vcodec wmv1 -acodec 
wmav1 /tmp/test.wmv

*gives me a perfect wmv file created from bt878 card and audio card

Unfortunatelly when I run:
*# ffserver -f /etc/ffserver/ffserver.conf
# ffmpeg -r 25 -s vga -y -f video4linux2 -vc 1 -i /dev/video0 -f oss 
-itsoffset 00:00:00.500 -i /dev/dsp -isync http://localhost:8090/feed.ffm*
I get no viewable steam from ffserver, although everything is encoding 
like it should (at least that is what shell tells me)

My ffserver.conf : (the important parts atleast)

Port 8090
MaxClients 1000
MaxBandwidth 2
CustomLog /var/log/ffserver/access_log

Feed feed.ffm
FileMaxSize 200K
ACL allow

Stream stream.asf
Feed feed.ffm
Format asf
AudioBitRate 64
AudioChannels 1
AudioSampleRate 22050
VideoBitRate 256
VideoBufferSize 400
VideoFrameRate 15
VideoSize 160x128
VideoGopSize 25
AudioCodec wmav1
VideoCodec wmv1
VideoQMin 3
VideoQMax 16
Preroll 15

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: jffs2 on gentoo

2008-03-18 Thread dexters84


In my system I didn't bother with any of embedded file systems - I've 
created 1 GB ext2 partition (journalising in ext3 increases read/write 
count), and it worked just like any other hard drive. Bios detected 
correct capacity - I was lucky with that, but in case where BIOS doesn't 
detect CF card properly google is Your friend.

I don't have all doc I've used during setup but I remember reading this one


Stroller pisze:

On 18 Mar 2008, at 10:33, Florian Philipp wrote:

On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 01:47 +, Stroller wrote:

On 17 Mar 2008, at 18:10, James wrote:

Wear leveling is *probably* built into the IDE to CF converter
carrier board?

Almost certainly not, I'd have thought. Aren't those boards just dumb
pin-convertors? CF cards talk IDE.

Yes  they are.

Another thought crossed my mind today: Does wear leveling work if I
create loopback devices (ext2-formatted) on FAT32?

Surely so. In this case you would be writing to the flash device's 
FAT32 filessystem. It doesn't matter if you're writing a .RAW picture 
file, an .iso or your loopback fs.

By the way: Why is wear leveling filesystem-dependent anyway?

No idea. Please note that in this thread I have stated that I 
_understand_ wear-levelling to be filesystem-dependent - it is others 
who have made replies stating this more confidently.

I would
have thought it were working on blocks (like device mapper, cryptsetup,
lvm and so on) and not on files.

Ah! But here we come back to the problem of recording how many times a 
given block has been written upon, in order not to kill that block. 
Most filesystems don't have to do that.


gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] jffs2 on gentoo

2008-03-15 Thread dexters84

Florian Philipp pisze:

On Fri, 2008-03-14 at 18:27 +, James wrote:


I have a firewall that is built pretty minimally on a P3 and
and old 4 gig ide disk:

/dev/hda3  2068348   1668104400244  81% /
/dev/hda1   100728 40452 60276  41% /boot

I have a 4 gig Cf card (sandisk) and a ide-cf card that should
make the CF card look like an ide hard drive.

I've been searching for a wiki or something that describes the general
sequence of events to migrate the existing gentoo system to the
CF/ide disk, with no luck.

I did find this page:

But it seems vague(outdated) and missing many steps. Or
am I confused? I'm just looking for some outline or verbose
steps to replace an ide drive on a system with a CF/ide drive
and jffs2, as I have many systems that I'd like to do this with, 
for core reliability on minimalistic gentoo servers. I plan

on having additional space on these systems (when needed)
via NFS.

Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated.


As far as I know you won't need jffs2 (or any other fs for flash
memory). It is meant to be used on embedded devices that directly access
the flash memory. In your case, the CF-disk takes care of wear leveling.
Just use ext2. However, you could still get problems because, as far as
I know, wear leveling needs to be tuned for the FS and most probably no
one tuned the CF-disk for ext2. Maybe you could use fat instead...
I did this sort of system a while ago. I've used 1GB card with gentoo 
and cf-ide adapter. There are some tricky parts that nobody mentions.
One of them is that I wasn't able to boot from my 1GB hard drive when 
it was connected via 80 pin ide cable, I've dig up some old 40 pin ata 
cable and it worked.
Other things you have to remeber concern file system usage, you musn't 
create swap partition, disable local syslog, log rotation, turn 
everything except desired daemons etc.


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: jffs2 on gentoo

2008-03-15 Thread dexters84

Stroller pisze:

On 15 Mar 2008, at 20:17, James wrote:

dexters84 dexters84 at gmail.com writes:

  Other things you have to remeber concern file system usage, you 

  create swap partition, disable local syslog, log rotation, turn
  everything except desired daemons etc.

Where did you get the idea not to use swap?

Too many writes.
(dexters writes disable local syslog, log rotation for the same reason)

I believe the size of the writes can be relevant as well.
In any case, swapfs was not designed for flash memory
(see also Windows Vista's ReadyBoost 

That was exactly my point. Systems based on cf card as hard drive are 
usually small - one function focused devices, hence there is no need for 
swap partition. To extend lifetime of cf card you have to minimize all 
possible read/writes to card.

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] Apache 2 + portage

2008-03-02 Thread dexters84


I'm a little confused as long as new Apache use flags are concerned. 
With old Apache versions ( pre 2.2.6) all valid flags shown in

*emerge -pv Apache*
could have been set in /etc/portage/package.use in following format
*www-servers/apache flag flag -foo -bar flag*
and life was great :)

Unfortunately with the new version the concept changed. Some flags 
contain *% *some contain* ** and some both (not sure what it is for) - I 
only know that flags enclosed like this *(flag)  *are the one I have 
selected before.

My main problem is that emerge apache command is not affected by flag 
settings in /etc/portage/package.use in any way.

How do I properly set new apache flags ?
Where do I define APACHE2_MODULES ?
Where do I define APACHE2_MPMS ?

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list