[gentoo-user] Re: sys-apps/gentoo-functions

2014-03-18 Thread eroen
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:25:38 +0530, Nilesh Govindrajan
m...@nileshgr.com wrote:
 What is sys-apps/gentoo-functions (seems to have appeared since 10
 March 2014) and how is getting installed (as part of emerge -uNDv
 @world) when it's hard masked?



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[gentoo-user] Re: Where is /etc/conf.d/net.example?

2014-03-16 Thread eroen
On Sun, 16 Mar 2014 22:15:59 +0200, Alan McKinnon
alan.mckin...@gmail.com wrote:
 You have various choices
 - an orthodox network manager like wicd or nm
 - a minimal network manager like connman
 - /etc/init.d/net* scripts supplied by OpenRc
 - no manager, do it manually

Why doesn't anyone ever mention using dhcpcd for managing connections?
It and its accompanying openrc init script are installed on almost
every gentoo box anyway. For simple setups it should Just Work(TM)


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[gentoo-user] Re: MD5SUM

2014-03-13 Thread eroen
On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 08:49:51 +0800, Guido Budack gla...@yandex.com
 md5sum livedvd-amd64-multilib-20121221.iso

 And now, any suggestion?

You don't specifically state what you are after, but I'll mention some
stuff anyway.

The gentoo livedvds are mostly meant as a showcase of gentoo's
capabilities. While they can be used to install gentoo, just like any
other linux live media in recent memory, they are not mainly intended
for this.

For installing gentoo, the minimal install livecd is recommended for
simple scenarios as noted in the handbook. For more complex setups,
notably installing without a wired network connection, I and many others
recommend using systemrescuecd[1]. If not using the gentoo minimal
install cd, please refer to [2] for some minor deviations from the
handbook that are often necessary.

1: http://www.sysresccd.org/Download


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[gentoo-user] Re: Installing gentoo - First emerge

2014-03-07 Thread eroen
 USE=-cups bindist fontconfig X a52 aac acpi avx avx2 asf x264
 bash-completion -bluetooth branding bzip2 java -cairo crypt curl doc
 -emacs exif ffmpeg ftp gimp gif gpm gzip hddtemp -ipv6 -kde -gnome
 -gnome-keyring -emacs -gtk -qt3 -gt4 -qt5 fat ntfs opengl truetype
 xorg jack jpeg jpeg2k matroska nmap mmx mp3 mp4 mpeg xv xcomposite
 multilib png pdf spell ssh posix pulseaudio rss sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1
 ssl systemd svg threads tiff -xemacs -zsh-completion

You will want to reconsider your enabling of bindist and doc.

bindist is enabled by default in stage3 tarballs due to a bug [1] in
catalyst. It is known to cause numerous issues, and is not useful for
end-user systems.

doc generally enables generation of documentation end-users will not
require, like developer docs and complete project websites for offline
reference. If you find yourself requiring documentation for a specific
package, you are better off enabling the doc useflag for that specific
package in /etc/portage/package.use . Doc generation pulls in many
otherwise unneccesary dependencies in order to generate the
documentation, and is known to cause many circular dependencies due to
eg. documentation generating software needing itself to generate its own

A general piece of advice:  You might not want to set a long string of
USE flags globally immediately in your first install, rather pick a
profile and adjust flags when/if the defaults don't suit you. Always
use '-a' with emerge to review the use flags on packages to be

1: https://bugs.gentoo.org/473332


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[gentoo-user] Re: [OT] LiveCDs for Uni students

2014-03-07 Thread eroen
On Sat, 08 Mar 2014 08:54:38 +0800, Andrew Lowe a...@wht.com.au wrote:
 Hi all,
  I'm doing some research on the topic of LiveCD's and was after
 any input the list may have.
  I'm a tutor at a Uni in Australia teaching, amongst others, 1st 
 year Engineering students. We teach them C. Last year we had a lab
 set up and as well, they could ssh into a Linux box from home so that
 they could do assignments. Now due to a bureaucratic change ssh
 access is now gone.
  I would guess that there would be under 1% Linux penetration
 with respect to home computers and I've tried, in the past, to help
 students set up a dev environment on Macs - a horrid experience, and
 lets not even mention trying to easily set up Win* with a dev
  I'm looking for a lightweight LiveCD that includes a graphical 
 environment and gcc/clang so that we can make it available on our 
 internal network for the students to download/burn and use at home.
 Does anyone have any ideas/experience in something like this? I've
 looked at Lubuntu but it lacks gcc.
  Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

You know, if you can be a bit flexible in the 'lightweight' department,
Gentoo has some really splendid full-featured live dvds. See the
release announcement[1] for the last official release (list of
included packages at [2]). More recent pre-release versions are
available at [3]. The livedvd team has an irc channel #gentoo-ten on
Freenode too.

If your requirements are more specific, you could leverage catalyst[4],
Gentoo's script for generating release media. It should be possible to
add or remove packages from the spec files used for the livedvd,
ostensibly available at [5]. You may wish to confer with #gentoo-releng
on Freenode for specific questions on catalyst usage.

1: http://www.gentoo.org/news/20121221-livedvd.xml
3: http://releases.gentooligans.com/
4: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/
5: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/releng.git;a=tree;f=releases/


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[gentoo-user] Re:

2014-03-05 Thread eroen
On Tue, 4 Mar 2014 21:26:27 + (UTC), Grant Edwards
grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 2014-03-04, Alan McKinnon alan.mckin...@gmail.com wrote:
  You need a running OS to install an OS. You get this anywhere you
  choose but the easiest is to boot from a removeable media (CD, USB,
 Booting the Gentoo minimal install CD (from CD/DVD or USB flash
 drive) is the canonical way to get to the point where you start
 following the steps in the handbook.  On one recent install, I used
 systemrescuecd 4.xx, which gives you a nice minimal XFCE desktop with
 the Midori web browser you can use to read the handbook (and wander
 around the web while stuff builds).  There was one step -- installing
 syslog-ng, I think -- where there was a glitch due to an environment
 variable set by srcd.
 Immediately after doing the chroot do the following command
 # export path=
 See below for more details

Gentoo used to have a page[1] documenting the required
deviations from the handbook to install from an arbitrary recent-glibc
linux environment. Now it redirects to a wiki page[2] with roughly
similar content.

When installing from media other than the official gentoo minimal
install cd, you should refer to the section currently labelled
Installation from non-Gentoo LiveCDs in [2] to avoid surprises. In
particular, I have several times seen people run into problems due to
not properly adapting the instructions on mounting (thus
missing /dev/pts in the chroot) and cleaning the environment prior to
chrooting (thus ending up with incomplete PATH or having various
variables set that break the build systems for packages bundling

(Sorry for arrogantly repeating some of the information you provided,
but since forums and mailing list entries get archived and are
searchable forever and are not updated, I feel it is prudent to
provide pointers to resources that have a greater chance of staying

1: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/altinstall.xml
2: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Installation_alternatives


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[gentoo-user] Re: No static or multilib support for libtcl?

2014-03-04 Thread eroen
On Tue, 4 Mar 2014 16:35:30 + (UTC), Grant Edwards
grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why isn't there a static or mutlilib libtcl.so?
 When I want to build a static binary that uses libtcl, I have to build
 my own private copy of libtcl?

I don't know about a static one, but versions since
dev-lang/tcl-8.5.15-r1 are multilib-enabled through the abi_x86_64 use
flag (or the related ABI_X86 use_expand) in testing arches.

Unfortunately, this capability is presently difficult to leverage on
stable arches, particularly because the dependency on multilib zlib
which (indirectly through blockers) turns this into an all-or-nothing
affair unless you can live without multilib variants of the other
libraries that have until now been provided by the
emul-linux-x86-baselibs package.

For your requirements, I would suggest you rather build tcl yourself
for your development and leave the gentoo packaged version for use with
other packages that use it.


[gentoo-user] Re: banshee installation without systemd

2014-02-24 Thread eroen
On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 17:52:13 +0800, William Kenworthy
bi...@iinet.net.au wrote:
 moriah ~ # emerge gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon -vp
 These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
 Calculating dependencies... done!
 [ebuild  N ] gnome-base/gnome-desktop-3.8.4:3/7
 USE=introspection -debug 1,019 kB
 [ebuild  N ] x11-themes/gnome-themes-standard-3.8.4  USE=gtk
 3,765 kB [ebuild  N ] sys-apps/systemd-208-r2:0/1  USE=filecaps
 firmware-loader gcrypt kmod lzma pam policykit python tcpd xattr -acl
 -audit -cryptsetup -doc -gudev -http -introspection -qrcode (-selinux)
 {-test} -vanilla PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET=python2_7
 PYTHON_TARGETS=python2_7 2,335 kB
 [ebuild  N ] sys-apps/gentoo-systemd-integration-2  0 kB
 [ebuild  N ] gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-  USE=colord
 cups i18n policykit short-touchpad-timeout udev -debug (-openrc-force)
 (-packagekit) {-test} INPUT_DEVICES=-wacom 1,543 kB
 [blocks B  ] sys-apps/systemd (sys-apps/systemd is blocking
 I have a system like the above ... eudev/openrc with openrc-force in
 the USE flags and the 13.0 profile (not desktop/gnome etc)
 As you can see above, something is forcing (-openrc-force) - any ideas
 on how to get it to honour the openrc-force flag or find out what is
 causing the problem?

openrc-force is masked in /usr/portage/profiles/base/use.mask:

# Pacho Ramos pa...@gentoo.org (28 Sep 2013)
# This USE flag is available after long dicussion in
# http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/gentoo/dev/276077
# to let some prople not able to run systemd to skip the dep (#480336).
# Enabling this you will get a fully unsupported Gnome setup that
# could suffer unexpected problem, don't expect support for it then.

If you are unfamiliar with gentoo's profiles, most (all the
handbook-documented) profiles inherit the base profile which
contains this file, which means this mask is in effect on most systems.
None of the other profiles currently disable this use-mask. emerge's
output indicates to you that this use flag is masked by enclosing it in
parenthesis, check the documentation for the --verbose switch in

Use-flag masks from the selected profile (and the opposite, force)
override the use-flag settings normally made by users in make.conf and
package.use. User modifications to the profile should be made
in /etc/portage/profile/, see portage(5)[2].

To un-mask the openrc use flag, you can create the
file /etc/portage/profile/use.mask with this line:


1: https://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/doc/man/emerge.1.html
2: https://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/doc/man/portage.5.html


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[gentoo-user] Re: EAPI 4-python

2014-02-24 Thread eroen
On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:30:29 +0100, Fox halfsocial...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to install an ebuild that used EAPI=4-python getting the
 API of python.eclass in EAPI=4-python not established
 I googled the problem but there is not much to read (or at least I
 could not find much) and what is there is old. So I wonder what is
 the problem with this and if there is a way to use it as there are
 many ebiulds (maybe only in overlays, I am not sure) that use it.

Afaik the *-python eapis are almost exclusively used by Arfrever's
Progress overlay (and, by extension, funtoo). The error message you
show seems to be from python.eclass in the main gentoo tree, which does
not take un-official eapis into account. The code in question for
reference (lines 30-32):

if ! has ${EAPI:-0} 0 1 2 3 4 5; then
die API of python.eclass in EAPI=\${EAPI}\ not established

You might be able to use the ebuild stand-alone by also copying the
relevant eclasses from whereever you got the ebuild into your local
overlay (where I presume you put the ebuild?). However, from previous
experience with the Progress overlay, you might want to use the entire
overlay though layman in stead. Due to unfortunately incompatible
python-implementation dependencies with gentoo proper it's rather an
all-or-nothing deal.


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[gentoo-user] Re: EAPI 4-python

2014-02-24 Thread eroen
On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 16:49:56 +0100, Fox halfsocial...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 02/24/2014 04:32 PM, eroen wrote:
  On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 14:30:29 +0100, Fox halfsocial...@gmail.com
  I am trying to install an ebuild that used EAPI=4-python getting
  the error:
  API of python.eclass in EAPI=4-python not established
  I googled the problem but there is not much to read (or at least I
  could not find much) and what is there is old. So I wonder what is
  the problem with this and if there is a way to use it as there are
  many ebiulds (maybe only in overlays, I am not sure) that use it.
  Afaik the *-python eapis are almost exclusively used by Arfrever's
  Progress overlay (and, by extension, funtoo). The error message you
  show seems to be from python.eclass in the main gentoo tree, which
  does not take un-official eapis into account. The code in question
  for reference (lines 30-32):
   if ! has ${EAPI:-0} 0 1 2 3 4 5; then
   die API of python.eclass in EAPI=\${EAPI}\ not
  established fi
  You might be able to use the ebuild stand-alone by also copying the
  relevant eclasses from whereever you got the ebuild into your local
  overlay (where I presume you put the ebuild?). However, from
  previous experience with the Progress overlay, you might want to
  use the entire overlay though layman in stead. Due to unfortunately
  incompatible python-implementation dependencies with gentoo proper
  it's rather an all-or-nothing deal.
 The ebuild is from the ezod overlay. I am trying to use the ROS
 related packages like wstool, rosdep. etc. They all seem to use this
 EAPI. I thought that using this overlay would be easier than using
 pip but apparently it's not is it?

Installing python packages though pip (without using virtualenv or such)
is not generally a great idea on gentoo, in particular many
not-quite-standard packages seem to get confused by gentoo's
python-exec and overwrite it, or automagically pull in some other
dependency (typically setuptools) which is already installed, and
clobber files that have been especially patched for gentoo with
non-working vanilla versions.

Looking at [1], it appears the overlay maintainer just recently (last 4
commits) moved to use the 4-python eapi. From having made this mistake
myself in the past, I would guess he added the eclasses to his overlay
locally and forgot to add them to git. Alternatively, an updated
layout.conf might not have been commited.

You could try creating an eclass/ folder in the overlay and put
distutils.eclass and python.eclass from the Progress overlay[2] in

I notice that the ebuilds in question seem to be quite cookie-cutter
(as python ebuilds generally are, bless them!). Functionally migrating
them to the gentoo python eclasses should not be a large job.
Change `EAPI=4-python` to `EAPI=5`,
change `inherit distutils` to `inherit distutils-r1`,
add a line `PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 python3_3 )` (or as appropriate).
Slightly more involved (but not strictly necessary to make it work
locally) is to fix up the dependencies. In particular, python library
dependencies should specify the required python implementation, like so:
See the wiki[3] for more information on python ebuilds :-)

I CC the ezod overlay maintainer on this email to inform about the issue
and facilitate a proper fix, either in documentation form or overlay

1: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=user/ezod.git
2: http://code.google.com/p/gentoo-progress/
3: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Python/distutils-r1


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[gentoo-user] Re: libpng slot usage

2014-02-23 Thread eroen
On Sun, 23 Feb 2014 17:54:07 +0100, Fox halfsocial...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to compile fltk-1.1.10 both using an ebuild from [1] and 
 with just the downloaded source. I think this version needs libpng
 1.2 which is installed in one of the slots.
 Using the source code and cmake with FLTK_USE_SYSTEM_PNG off it
 complies fine. I can see that it automatically points the libs to 
 The ebuild does not use cmake, it uses autoconf/automake which is
 also suported. I tried to build the code this way with 
 --disable/enable-localpng with no luck.
 The problem is the used png.h file. Which is /usr/include/png.h which 
 points to /usr/include/libpng16/png.h but I need the one from version
 I thought slots would allow to have both versions of the library and
 use them but only one include file is present:
 $ equery f libpng:1.2
   * Searching for libpng:1.2 ...
   * Contents of media-libs/libpng-1.2.50-r1:
 Any idea on how to solve this problem? Some how it should be possible 
 maybe not using the system lib like I did with cmake but I can't
 figure it out how to do it with autoconf/automake.
 Thank you,

The libpng slots, apart from 0, only install the shared library files,
not the headers. They are intended for compatibility with old binaries
for which no source code is available, not for building new software.

Afaik the common opinion is that different libpng versions are mostly
source compatible, and minor patching to other things is preferable to
inventing a non-standard way to make the libpng implementation
switchable at build-time.

Is there a reason you can not use fltk-1.1.10-r2.ebuild [1] in stead,
which incorporates a patch [2] for libpng-1.5 (which probably still
works with 1.6), as well as various other fixes?



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[gentoo-user] Re: banshee installation without systemd

2014-02-23 Thread eroen
On Sun, 23 Feb 2014 18:02:01 +0100, Fox halfsocial...@gmail.com wrote:
 after reading the thread about systemd somebody mentioned
 sys-fs/eudev. I decided used because I had systemd only to used udev
 and unmerge systemd.
 Now I can't use Banshee which I use as my music player because of the 
 next dependency tree:
  - gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon
  - sys-apps/gentoo-systemd-integration
  - sys-apps/systemd
 and systemd can't be used because it conflicts with eudev.
 Is there anyway to avoid emerge systemd in this case?
 Thank you,

On a system running ~amd64 with eudev/openrc:

eroen@falcon ~ $ emerge -pv media-sound/banshee 

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies   . . ... done!
[ebuild  N ] media-sound/banshee-2.6.1  USE=aac bpm cdda encode mtp {test} 
udev web -daap -doc -ipod -karma -youtube 3,246 kB
[ebuild  N ]  dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-beans-2.14.0  21 kB
[ebuild  N ]   dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-gapi-2.12.10:2  USE=-debug 1,601 kB
[ebuild  NS]sys-devel/automake-1.10.3:1.10 [1.9.6-r3:1.9, 1.11.6:1.11, 
1.12.6:1.12, 1.13.4:1.13, 1.14.1:1.14] 936 kB
[ebuild  N ]dev-lang/mono-3.2.3  USE=nls -debug -doc -minimal 
-pax_kernel -xen 0 kB
[ebuild  N ] dev-dotnet/libgdiplus-2.10.9-r1  USE=cairo 0 kB
[ebuild  N ]   dev-dotnet/glib-sharp-2.12.10:2  USE=-debug 0 kB
[ebuild  N ]   dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-2.12.10:2  USE=-debug 0 kB
[ebuild  N ]dev-dotnet/atk-sharp-2.12.10:2  USE=-debug 0 kB
[ebuild  N ]dev-dotnet/gdk-sharp-2.12.10:2  USE=-debug 0 kB
[ebuild  N ] dev-dotnet/pango-sharp-2.12.10:2  USE=-debug 0 kB
[ebuild  N ]   dev-dotnet/gio-sharp-0.3  88 kB
[ebuild  N ]  dev-dotnet/gkeyfile-sharp-0.1  20 kB
[ebuild  N ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-taglib-0.10.31:0.10  0 kB
[ebuild  N ]  dev-dotnet/dbus-sharp-0.7.0-r1  125 kB
[ebuild  N ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-soundtouch-0.10.23:0.10  0 kB
[ebuild  N ]   media-libs/libsoundtouch-1.8.0  USE=sse2 -static-libs 104 
[ebuild  N ]  dev-dotnet/gconf-sharp-2.24.2:2  USE=-debug 412 kB
[ebuild  N ]   dev-dotnet/gnome-sharp-2.24.2:2  USE=-debug 0 kB
[ebuild  N ]dev-dotnet/art-sharp-2.24.2:2  USE=-debug 0 kB
[ebuild  N ]dev-dotnet/gnomevfs-sharp-2.24.2:2  USE=-debug 0 kB
[ebuild  N ]   dev-dotnet/glade-sharp-2.12.10:2  USE=-debug 0 kB
[ebuild  N ]  net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.2.5-r200:2  USE=egl gstreamer jit 
opengl {test} webgl (-aqua) -coverage -debug -geoloc -gles2 -introspection 
-libsecret -spell 9,181 kB
[ebuild  N ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-lame-0.10.19:0.10  0 kB
[ebuild  N ]  dev-dotnet/dbus-sharp-glib-0.5.0  94 kB
[ebuild  N ]  gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-2.32.1-r2  USE=libnotify 
-debug -policykit -pulseaudio -smartcard 1,327 kB
[ebuild  N ]   gnome-base/libgnomekbd-2.32.0-r1  USE={test} 402 kB
[ebuild  N ]   gnome-base/gnome-desktop-2.32.1-r2:2  USE=-debug 
-license-docs PYTHON_TARGETS=python2_7 -python2_6 1,596 kB
[ebuild  N ]  dev-dotnet/notify-sharp-0.4.0_pre20090305  USE=-doc 78 kB
[ebuild  N ]  dev-dotnet/taglib-sharp-  503 kB
[ebuild  N ]  media-plugins/gst-plugins-gio-0.10.36:0.10  0 kB
[ebuild  N ]  dev-dotnet/mono-addins-0.6.2  USE=gtk 330 kB
[ebuild  N ]  dev-dotnet/gudev-sharp-0.1  101 kB

Total: 33 packages (32 new, 1 in new slot), Size of downloads: 20,155 kB

For ease of upgrades, you might want to add
in /etc/portage/package.mask rather than specifying it with a specific
version on the command line.


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: banshee installation without systemd

2014-02-23 Thread eroen
On Sun, 23 Feb 2014 19:47:55 -0600, Canek Peláez Valdés
can...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 7:31 PM, eroen er...@falcon.eroen.eu wrote:
  On Sun, 23 Feb 2014 18:02:01 +0100, Fox halfsocial...@gmail.com
  after reading the thread about systemd somebody mentioned
  sys-fs/eudev. I decided used because I had systemd only to used
  udev and unmerge systemd.
  Now I can't use Banshee which I use as my music player because of
  the next dependency tree:
   - gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon
   - sys-apps/gentoo-systemd-integration
   - sys-apps/systemd
  and systemd can't be used because it conflicts with eudev.
  Is there anyway to avoid emerge systemd in this case?
  Thank you,
  On a system running ~amd64 with eudev/openrc:
  eroen@falcon ~ $ emerge -pv media-sound/banshee
 [ snip emerge output ]
  For ease of upgrades, you might want to add
  in /etc/portage/package.mask rather than specifying it with a
  specific version on the command line.
 That solution is a dead end. GNOME 2 is being removed from the
 [1] http://blogs.gentoo.org/eva/2014/02/16/the-future-of-gnome-2/

You probably mean temporary. The expression dead end would imply it
makes future migration more difficult in some way.

One would hope (mostly for their image's sake) the gnome team does
not remove gnome-settings-daemon-2 until at least one of
cinnamon-settings-daemon and mate-settings-daemon are included in
gentoo proper.


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: --jobs is ignored for unmerging?

2014-02-21 Thread eroen
On Fri, 21 Feb 2014 16:14:00 +0200, Nikos Chantziaras
rea...@gmail.com wrote:
 I recently needed to unmerge Netbeans and KDE from a machine. So
 removed the top-level packages of those, and then ran:
emerge -a --depclean --jobs 20
 However, --jobs is being ignored. So I'm sitting there, watching 
 hundreds of packages being unmerged one by one, taking a long time :-/
 Is this normal? Shouldn't the --jobs option result in emerge
 unmerging multiple packages at the same time?

From emerge(1)[1]:
   -j [JOBS], --jobs[=JOBS]
  Specifies  the  number of packages to build
  simultaneously. (...)

In the past, unmerging was almost entirely IO bound, and running
several in parallel would have (at best) no significant speedup. I
suspect the (fairly recent) preserve-libs feature and detection of
unmodified configuration files introduced some cpu-intensive parts,
which might be parallelizeable to some extent if you sacrifice some of
the recoverability of an aborted unmerge.

If you can benchmark low IO utilization during unmerges, I suggest you
open a feature request bug on bugs.gentoo.org requesting parallel
unmerge. :-)

In the mean time, you might be able to speed the process up somewhat by
setting FEATURES=-merge-sync in the environment when you do unmerges.
(see make.conf(5)[2])

1: https://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/doc/man/emerge.1.html
2: https://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/doc/man/make.conf.5.html


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: emerge all packages which depend on P : how to

2014-02-20 Thread eroen
On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 13:38:06 +0100, Helmut Jarausch
jarau...@igpm.rwth-aachen.de wrote:
 I have a very simple question. How to emerge (update) all packages  
 which depend on some
 given package P.
 I've tried
 emerge -uv1 `equery -q d P`
 or  emerge -uv1 `qdepends -q -Q P`
 but both commands (equery and qdepends) generate a list with the  
 version attached like
 which emerge doesn't like (unless there is an '= in front of each
 Is there an easy way to do so without resorting to shell/python  
 Many thanks for a hint,

How about one of these?
emerge -1 $(qdepends -N -C -Q P)

emerge -1 $(qdepends -C -Q P | sed 's/^/=/')


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[gentoo-user] Re: systemd and USE=static

2014-02-20 Thread eroen
On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 21:48:01 +, Neil Bothwick n...@digimed.co.uk
 I thought I'd have another look at systemd, so switched profiles, made
 sure I had all the kernel options needed and then did an emerge -uN
 It seems the systemd profile masks the static and static-libs USE
 flags, which are needed by crytsetup and lvm for my initramfs, which
 mounts / from a LUKS partition. Forcing an unmask of these flags in
 /etc/portage/profile did no good because when those packages are built
 with USE=static they require a virtual/udev with matching flags,
 which systemd cannot provide.
 Is there a way around this or have a I found a reason for not using
 systemd that doesn't involve name calling? :-O

You are right, systemd dropped support for static libudev (or any other
library for that matter) in version 205.[1] If you want to use systemd
provided libudev for lvm  c. in an initramfs, you'll need to include
the shared library and binaries linked to it.

I believe both dracut and genkernel-next support shared libudev, while
the current versions of genkernel do not (hence why genkernel is masked
on the */systemd profiles). While I have limited experience with
genkernel, dracut has dragged in all the shared libraries I have
required of it.



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[gentoo-user] Re: EFI-based bootloader for BIOS-based computers (?)

2014-02-19 Thread eroen
On Wed, 19 Feb 2014 15:39:51 -0800, walt w41...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just spotted that phrase in the sourceforge newsletter:
 and it seems to me like an oxymoron.  If that phrase makes
 logical sense then my definitions of 'BIOS' and 'EFI' need
 the latest updates :)
 Until now I thought that EFI is a recent replacement for
 BIOS based machines.
 Can anyone clarify the linguistics involved here?

The scope of UEFI is somewhat greater than that of traditional BIOSes.
Both do various hardware initialization and such, but UEFIs (can) have
a number of additional features, including more flexibility in what it
can launch from where (eg. network booting without iPXE) and even an
interactive shell. See [1] for a less organized list of features.

I'm unfamiliar with this project in specific, but I'm going by the line

This is EFI-based bootloader for BIOS-based computers created as a
replacement to EDK2/Duet bootloader http://www.tianocore.org.

I have a box running Duet, which is an UEFI implementation that can be
launched by (eg.) the extlinux boot loader on a legacy BIOS system.
Once Duet is launched, the system is mostly indistinguishable from a
native UEFI system that has booted into it's UEFI firmware.

From here, Duet can let the user go through menus to select an EFI
executable to launch (a EFI-stub enabled kernel or some sort of boot
loader), or it can automatically launch something based on existing

1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFI#Features


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: systemd as a Profile - practical or not?

2014-02-18 Thread eroen
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 11:24:05 -0500, Tanstaafl
tansta...@libertytrek.org wrote:
 Hi all,
 Ok, before I go and open up a bug requesting this...
 I know there have to be a lot of people on this list who can answer 
 this question...
 Is making the use of systemd or not based on a selected Profile, as 
 opposed to manually trying to do it via USE flags etc, a practical 
 request, or not?

How is this different from the status quo? There are several systemd
profiles available that make use of the files
in /usr/portage/profiles/targets/systemd/ to make the proper package
settings for using systemd on gentoo. AFAIU, a user should only need to
switch the profile, install and configure systemd itself and configure
their bootloader to start using systemd.


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: Debian just voted in systemd for default init system in jessie

2014-02-15 Thread eroen
On Sat, 15 Feb 2014 14:34:34 -0600, Daniel Campbell li...@sporkbox.us
 Why didn't they consider runit? It has parallel execution of daemons
 and is backwards compatible with sysv. It has a few other
 mini-features as well, iirc. I used for a little while before Arch
 pushed systemd on their community and it was interesting.

I'll just put this link to a forum thread on epoch from late last year,
in case any potentially interested party has not seen it yet. It's
available in the gentoo package tree, and from the thread it seems to
have workable integration.



Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: WinTV Nova-T

2014-02-15 Thread eroen
On Sat, 15 Feb 2014 23:16:15 +0100, Silvio Siefke
siefke_lis...@web.de wrote:
 siefke ~ $  lsusb
 Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0402:9665 ALi Corp. Gateway Webcam
 Bus 001 Device 008: ID 2040:7070 Hauppauge Nova-T Stick 3
 Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
 Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
 Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
 Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
 Bus 002 Device 002: ID 1d57:0008 Xenta 
 Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

It appears (from grepping and skimming
drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/dib0700_devices.c and .../Kconfig) that the
driver for your device is controlled by the DVB_USB_DIB0700 kernel
configuration option, which seems to be disabled in the .config you linked.
Please try enabling this option in the kernel configuration, build and
boot to the new kernel, and see if that brings you a bit further
along :-)

In menuconfig, the option should be found here:
- Device Drivers
  - Multimedia support
- Media USB Adapters
  - Support for various USB DVB devices
- DiBcom DiB0700 USB DVB devices


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: to install portage on other gentoo installs

2014-02-14 Thread eroen
On Wed, 12 Feb 2014 16:40:22 -0800, Edward M
edwardm.gentoo.j...@live.com wrote:
 Been busy learning Linux :-) got new email other was getting crowded. 
 I'm planing on installing Gentoo on a few systems and I was wondering
 to save bandwidth, i could install portage to the other Gentoo
 installs from my system instead downloading from mirrors? 
 Thanks in advance!

Setting up a local rsync mirror for a portage tree is fairly simple,
you share the working tree at /usr/portage on a local server to
the network and make sure the server is up-to-date before syncing other
clients to it. This is documented in [1]. After setting up the mirror,
you only need to sync-uri in /etc/portage/repos.conf on the other
(local) clients. See portage(5)[2], section 'repos.conf' and
make.conf(5)[3], section 'SYNC' for details on client configuration.
Please *do* read those sections, as much of the information on the wiki
regarding the SYNC variable is outdated.

For sharing distfiles between hosts, a http server sharing the
distfiles folder and prepending the server's uri to GENTOO_MIRRORS in
make.conf[3] might be sufficient for your needs. If the installs are
not homogenous, you can even set up http servers on all of them, and
add all the other local hosts to GENTOO_MIRRORS.

You might want to skim through the FEATURES section in make.conf(5)[3]
for using local distfiles mirrors, as some of them can improve the
usefulness of the mirror significantly.

NFS is another possibility for both portage tree and distfiles and can
reduce total disk space needs, but it incurs significant network
latency which is especially noticeable for portage trees. I use it
myself for virtual machines, but would not suggest it for use over a
physical network. Also note that portage has PORTAGE_RO_DISTDIRS[3] as
an alternative to GENTOO_MIRRORS for eg. read-only *mounted* network
shares which may provide some extra flexibility.

2: https://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/doc/man/portage.5.html
3: https://dev.gentoo.org/~zmedico/portage/doc/man/make.conf.5.html


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: User eix-sync permissions problem

2014-02-10 Thread eroen
On Mon, 10 Feb 2014 14:03:44 -0500, Walter Dnes
waltd...@waltdnes.org wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 05:09:55PM +, Stroller wrote
  On Mon, 10 February 2014, at 4:55 pm, Gleb Klochkov
  glebiu...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi. Try to use sudo with no password for eix-sync.
  I'd really rather not. Thanks, though.
   Being in group portage is not enough.  That merely lets you do
 emerges with --pretend.  emerge --sync modifies files in
 /usr/portage.  Files and directories in /usr/portage/ are user:group
 root:root.  Therefore you *NEED* root-level permission to modify them.
 No ifs/ands/ors/buts.  The overall easiest method is to (as root)...
 * emerge sudoers if it's not installed
 * visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/001 (or whatever you want to call the
 * set up the file.  Here's a fragment from my system, with user
   waltdnes and machine name i660
 waltdnes  i660 = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hibernate
 waltdnes  i660 = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/fdisk -l
   I could manually type the command with sudo, but I'm lazy.  In my
 /home/waltdnes/bin directory, I have a file hb
 sleep 15
 sudo /usr/sbin/hibernate
 and file fdl
 sudo /sbin/fdisk -l
   To sync the machine, I could add to /etc/sudoers.d/001
 waltdnes  i660 = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/emerge --sync
   and create (as waltdnes) /home/waltdnes/emsy
 /usr/bin/emerge --sync
   For security, I strongly recommend that the full path of the
 executable be specified, as well as any options.  Do not use the $*
 commandline parameter in the sudoers file.  It probably works, but is
 too wide open.

eroen@falcon ~ $ wget -O - 
2/dev/null | tar tvJ | head -n 10  
drwxr-xr-x portage/portage   0 2014-02-10 01:31 portage/
-rw-r--r-- portage/portage 1232 2013-03-05 22:31 portage/skel.metadata.xml  
drwxr-xr-x portage/portage0 2014-02-10 01:31 portage/sec-policy/
drwxr-xr-x portage/portage0 2014-01-12 21:31 
-rw-r--r-- portage/portage  448 2012-10-13 18:31 
-rw-r--r-- portage/portage 10496 2014-01-12 21:31 
-rw-r--r-- portage/portage   476 2013-02-23 18:31 
-rw-r--r-- portage/portage   475 2012-12-13 11:31 
-rw-r--r-- portage/portage   475 2013-08-15 09:01 
-rw-r--r-- portage/portage   475 2012-10-04 20:31

For portage's (default-enabled) FEATURES=usersync to work (dropping
privileges when syncing as root), /usr/portage must be writeable by
portage:portage. The tree snapshots have not always had this
permissions setup, so mature installs would require manual intervention
at some point, either updating the permissions or disabling usersync.

Still, the files are not group-writeable by default, so portage group
membership would not be sufficient. I would suggest a solution based on
su/sudo, as merely changing the permissions would need to be re-done if
the tree is ever synced as root later.


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: media-libs/lilv-0.18.0 failed to compile

2014-01-31 Thread eroen
On Fri, 31 Jan 2014 03:56:36 +0100, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
 On AMD64, recent Gentoo Linux, the library 
 failed to compile:
 If wanted I will post all the files metioned below the above report to
 the console. But I dont want to pollute the mailing list in
 beforehand...may be someone has already solved this...?!?
 Thank you very much for any help in advance!
 Have a nice weekend!
 Best regards,

There are no open bugs for media-libs/lilv[1], and
media-libs/lilv-0.18.0 builds fine here on ~amd64. I suggest making the
build.log, config.log and `emerge --info` output available, like
suggested in emerge's error output.

If you like, you can add the logs as an attachments to an email to the
list, but it might be better to open a bug on the Gentoo bug
tracker[2]. That way, the maintainer of the package will learn about
the issue directly, and can fix it for everyone. :-)

[2]: https://bugs.gentoo.org


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: emerge latest in a certain version series of a package

2014-01-29 Thread eroen
On Wed, 29 Jan 2014 16:09:31 +0200, Thanasis thana...@asyr.hopto.org
 on 01/28/2014 10:12 PM eroen wrote the following:
  On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 21:29:21 +0200, Thanasis
  thana...@asyr.hopto.org wrote:
  Is there a way to specify that I want to install (emerge) the
  latest 3.10.X series of sys-kernel/gentoo-sources as a slot, in
  parallel with the latest gentoo-sources?
  Currently, that would be version 3.10.28.
  I know I can specify it like so,
  emerge =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-3.10.28
  but then it would not get auto-updated when a newer version of
  that series (for example 3.10.29) becomes available in portage.
  Afaik there is no configuration-only way to do this, but you can
  make it happen by adding your own virtual ebuilds in a local
  overlay[1], say virtual/thanasis-sources, then adding that to world.
  You can make one ebuild for each kernel-series you want, each in its
  own slot, using the =cat/pkg-3.10* syntax for RDEPEND. Find
  attached a (barely tested) suggestion for
  virtual/thanasis-sources/thanasis-sources-3.10.ebuild . 
 Thanks eroen, I tested it and it looks like it works.
 One caveat,
  =cat/pkg-3.10* also matches cat/pkg-3.107.1, 
 I guess that kernel versions = 3.100 are going to be in the tree, if
 ever, probably in about a decade from now :P
  which could become an
  issue if you wanted, say, the 3.2 series.
 Why would that be a problem?
 In the ebuild, you specified the value

I think you got it, but then I confused you with a poorly chosen
example. The problem I referred to; if you try this exact method to
follow the 3.2.x kernels, you will switch to 3.20.0 when that comes
around. Similarly, it does not currently work with 3.1.x, and could
eventually (in a very long time, like you commented :P ) break for
other versions.

It would be nice to have a better way to accomplish this, perhaps
with some sort of world file variant supporting version ranges. That
could also be more intuitive and less prone to unintended consequences
(especially in the face of SLOTs) than package.mask-ing newer versions
to keep an old version of something around.


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: emerge latest in a certain version series of a package

2014-01-28 Thread eroen
On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 21:29:21 +0200, Thanasis thana...@asyr.hopto.org
Is there a way to specify that I want to install (emerge) the latest
3.10.X series of sys-kernel/gentoo-sources as a slot, in parallel with
the latest gentoo-sources?

Currently, that would be version 3.10.28.
I know I can specify it like so,
emerge =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-3.10.28

but then it would not get auto-updated when a newer version of that
series (for example 3.10.29) becomes available in portage.

Afaik there is no configuration-only way to do this, but you can make
it happen by adding your own virtual ebuilds in a local overlay[1],
say virtual/thanasis-sources, then adding that to world.

You can make one ebuild for each kernel-series you want, each in its
own slot, using the =cat/pkg-3.10* syntax for RDEPEND. Find attached a
(barely tested) suggestion for
virtual/thanasis-sources/thanasis-sources-3.10.ebuild . One caveat,
=cat/pkg-3.10* also matches cat/pkg-3.107.1, which could become an
issue if you wanted, say, the 3.2 series.

After setting up an overlay and adding the ebuild, you can add it to
world with `emerge --select virtual/thanasis-sources:3.10`.

To add a different kernel series, you should only need to rename/copy
the ebuild in your overlay and add the new version/slot to world.

[1]: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Overlay/Local_overlay


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[gentoo-user] Re: cdnpayroll.py

2014-01-26 Thread eroen
On Sat, 25 Jan 2014 19:10:49 -0700, Joseph syscon...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 01/25/14 14:21, David Abbott wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Joseph syscon...@gmail.com wrote:
   File ./cdnpayroll.py, line 1328
  SyntaxError: EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal
 Try changing the shebang from:to
 #!/usr/bin/python  /#!/usr/bin/python2
 Thanks David, that was it. It should be /#!/usr/bin/python2

Alternatively, you can make the /usr/bin/python symlink point to a
python2 implementation with eg.
eselect python set python2.7

I do this on most of my systems, since there are still a lot of old
python scripts, that used to be valid in every way until python3 came
around, that assume 'python' is compatible with python2. Several
packages in Gentoo still have build failures due to this, although their
numbers are dwindling.

Also, scripts written for python3 that are incompatible with earlier
implementations should (IMO) be expected to declare a more specific

PS: for completeness' sake, the /usr/bin/python2 and ...3 symlinks
can be changed with the --python2 and --python3 arguments after 'set'
in the eselect command. Available implementations can be listed with
eselect python list
which also optionally takes the --python2 and --python3 arguments.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-26 Thread eroen
On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 16:35:43 +0200, Nikos Chantziaras
rea...@gmail.com wrote:
Anyone else noticed this yet? Some portage update seems to have made 
emerge -uDN @world perform about 10 times slower than before. It
used to take seconds, now it takes about 4 minutes only to tell me
that there's nothing to update. And it does that every time, even
directly in succession and with the caches warm.

Is it just me?

You don't say when your baseline was, but the complexity of resolving
the package tree has increased quite a bit over the last year due to
new features like automatic rebuilds of consumers after library updates.

Another somewhat common cause of sudden slowdowns is how portage
resolves conflicts (like packageA requiring an old version of libraryB),
which is rather time-consuming. You can try adding --backtrack=0 to the
emerge command to make it stop and print an error message when
encountering a conflict rather than look for a solution. Then you can
'help' out by manually resolving any conflicts by adding package
versions to /etc/portage/package.mask . Preferably try this *after*
running an update, so your system is up-to-date against your local
version of the gentoo tree, otherwise normal simple-to-resolve
conflicts might cause confusion. ;-)


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: Portage performance dropped considerably

2014-01-26 Thread eroen
On Sun, 26 Jan 2014 07:09:49 -0800, Greg Turner g...@malth.us wrote:
It would help if there were some decent way to get some statistics
about where portage is spending all its time (especially, I suspect,
within the bash code, but the python level would also be interesting
to analyse).  Anyone know of a good way of doing that?


Also, the attached patch to portage (works with 2.2.7 and 2.2.8 at
least, that too by TomWij) makes portage print out some more
information on what part of dependency resolution currently takes
place, without all the noise from --debug.

index 7b77edc..cfd7025 100644
--- a/pym/_emerge/depgraph.py
+++ b/pym/_emerge/depgraph.py
@@ -86,6 +86,10 @@ if sys.hexversion = 0x300:
 	_unicode = unicode
+from time import gmtime, strftime
+def time_print(message):
+	print(\n%s: %s   % (strftime(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, gmtime()), message), end=)
 class _scheduler_graph_config(object):
 	def __init__(self, trees, pkg_cache, graph, mergelist):
 		self.trees = trees
@@ -1585,6 +1589,10 @@ class depgraph(object):
 			while dep_stack:
 dep = dep_stack.pop()
+#	time_print(  Processing: %s % dep.cpv)
+#except AttributeError:
+#	pass
 if isinstance(dep, Package):
 	if not self._add_pkg_deps(dep,
@@ -2106,6 +2114,7 @@ class depgraph(object):
 		for dep_root, dep_string, dep_priority in deps:
 if not dep_string:
+#time_print(Reducing: %s % dep_string)
 if debug:
 	writemsg_level(\nParent:%s\n % (pkg,),
 		noiselevel=-1, level=logging.DEBUG)
@@ -2154,6 +2163,8 @@ class depgraph(object):
 if not dep_string:
+#time_print(Disjunct: %s % dep_string)
 if not self._add_pkg_dep_string(
 	pkg, dep_root, dep_priority, dep_string,
@@ -3005,6 +3016,7 @@ class depgraph(object):
 		virtuals = pkgsettings.getvirtuals()
 		args = self._dynamic_config._initial_arg_list[:]
+		time_print(Adding root packages)
 		for arg in self._expand_set_args(args, add_to_digraph=True):
 			for atom in arg.pset.getAtoms():
@@ -3116,20 +3128,24 @@ class depgraph(object):
 		# Now that the root packages have been added to the graph,
 		# process the dependencies.
+		time_print(Processing dependencies)
 		if not self._create_graph():
 			return 0, myfavorites
+		time_print(Checking for slot conflicts)
 		except self._unknown_internal_error:
 			return False, myfavorites
+		time_print(Checking for blocker conflicts)
 		if (self._dynamic_config._slot_collision_info and
 			not self._accept_blocker_conflicts()) or \
 			(self._dynamic_config._allow_backtracking and
 			slot conflict in self._dynamic_config._backtrack_infos):
 			return False, myfavorites
+		time_print(Checking for rebuild triggers)
 		if self._rebuild.trigger_rebuilds():
 			backtrack_infos = self._dynamic_config._backtrack_infos
 			config = backtrack_infos.setdefault(config, {})
@@ -3138,12 +3154,14 @@ class depgraph(object):
 			self._dynamic_config._need_restart = True
 			return False, myfavorites
+		time_print(Checking if restart is needed)
 		if config in self._dynamic_config._backtrack_infos and \
 			(slot_operator_mask_built in self._dynamic_config._backtrack_infos[config] or
 			slot_operator_replace_installed in self._dynamic_config._backtrack_infos[config]) and \
 			return False, myfavorites
+		time_print(Checking if we have to prune rebuilds)
 		if not self._dynamic_config._prune_rebuilds and \
 			self._dynamic_config._slot_operator_replace_installed and \
@@ -3161,10 +3179,12 @@ class depgraph(object):
 			self._dynamic_config._need_restart = True
 			return False, myfavorites
+		time_print(Checking if restart is needed)
 		if self.need_restart():
 			# want_restart_for_use_change triggers this
 			return False, myfavorites
+		time_print(Checking for parameters that change behavior)
 		if --fetchonly not in self._frozen_config.myopts and \
 			--buildpkgonly in self._frozen_config.myopts:
 			graph_copy = self._dynamic_config.digraph.copy()
@@ -3188,6 +3208,7 @@ class depgraph(object):
 		digraph_nodes = self._dynamic_config.digraph.nodes
+		time_print(Checking for changes that are needed)
 		if any(x in digraph_nodes for x in
 			self._dynamic_config._needed_unstable_keywords) or \
 			any(x in digraph_nodes for x in
@@ -3200,6 +3221,7 @@ class depgraph(object):
 			self._dynamic_config._success_without_autounmask = True
 			return False, myfavorites
+		time_print(Done resolving!)
 		# We're true here unless we are missing binaries.
 		return (True, myfavorites)
@@ -5851,21 +5873,25 @@ class depgraph(object):
 root_config.root][root_config] = root_config
 	def _resolve_conflicts(self):
+		time_print (Trying to accept blocker

[gentoo-user] Re: New dependencies suddenly popping up

2014-01-21 Thread eroen
On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 10:26:10 +
Peter Humphrey pe...@prh.myzen.co.uk wrote:

 After my daily sync today, portage wanted to emerge two new packages:
 dev- libs/lzo and x11-misc/makedepend. No other packages were
 mentioned. Odd, I thought, so:
 $ equery d lzo
  * These packages depend on lzo:
 X11-libs/cairo-1.12.14-r4 (dev-libs/lzo)

cairo is/was built slightly differently depending on whether lzo was
installed or not when cairo was built. The most significant difference
is that cairo might stop working if lzo is removed after cairo was
built*. To resolve this, the Gentoo maintainer recently added lzo to the
dependencies to make sure lzo is not removed.

If you rebuild cairo after installing lzo, some obscure feature might
be enabled, but the maintainer seems to think this is not significant,
and did not increase the revision number to force a rebuild everywhere.


* In most cases, that's prevented by the (now default-on) preserve-libs
  FEATURE in portage. Non-default setups aren't necessarily as lucky.

 $ equery d makedepend
  * These packages depend on makedepend:
 app-cdr/cdrtools-3.01_alpha17 (x11-misc/makedepend)

A similar change (though no bug :-( ), except makedepend is a
build-time-only dependency, and not strictly required after cdrtools is
built. I will not venture to guess what the consequences of building
cdrtools without makedepend installed are, but since you somehow got it
installed at some point, there is either a fallback of some sort, or
you had it installed for other reasons.

Whether this build-time dependency (DEPEND) change causes makedepend to
be installed after the fact is governed by the --with-bdeps switch to
emerge, check the man page for details.

 But cairo was last emerged 16 days ago and cdrtools last September,
 so why have these dependencies suddenly appeared today? Portage has
 been at 2.2.7 since last year too. Emerge --info doesn't mention lzo.

By default, in order to let maintainers fix issues, portage calculates
what to install based on the *current* package ebuilds, rather than the
ebuild at the time a package was installed. While this can be disabled
by the user, maintainers will expect it to work, so best not ;-)

 I can't think of anything else that might have changed, unless new 
 dependencies have been shoved into the ebuilds. Does that sort of
 thing happen in a well run family?


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: webcam software

2014-01-20 Thread eroen
On Sat, 18 Jan 2014 17:02:15 -0500
gottl...@nyu.edu wrote:

 My main system is a dell latitude E6430s.   I am embarrassed to say
 that, although I have had this system for a while, I just now realized
 that it has a build in webcam.  What software do you recommend and
 what should I start reading to learn how to use it.

ffmpeg/libav works well for capturing input from webcams, at least if
the driver uses the video4linux (v4l) framework (I haven't encountered
any other kinds). For instance, to capture one frame and store it as a
png image (using libav's avconv, ffmpeg would be similar), you can use
avconv -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 testframe.png

mplayer (and its descendants) also play well with v4l, to directly
display the webcam's input you can use
mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0 tv://
(The -tv switch and its argument are probably redundant as the default
detection is very good.)


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[gentoo-user] Re: eix-sync data comparison

2014-01-11 Thread eroen
On Sat, 11 Jan 2014 21:44:19 +0100, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
  On 11/01/2014 22:04, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:

   suppose I would do an eix-sync on two different computers of
   different platforms -- say AMR and an ordinary PC.
Sharing a portage tree (the files in /usr/portage) is perfectly safe,
as this is identical for basic gentoo systems (prefix and similar
are ...different. Best not go there ;-).

However, the eix database is not portable between different systems.
I do not have an exhaustive list of what settings cause
incompatibility, but at least different ARCH (amd64 or arm) will cause
issues since different packages are available to each.

 Especially with the ARM I need to sync once a day, since I have to
 limit the amount of software to be recompiled/updated after each sync
 since the ARM is not *that* fast (for example a kernel compilation
 take ~8h).
While that is not strictly enforced, I myself run an rsync server
locally, mostly to ensure that different systems have identical trees,
thus preserving my sanity.

Instructions for setting up a local rsync server can be found here:
To make a client (the arm box) sync from the local server, just change
the sync-uri variable in /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf and the
SYNC variable (if present) in make.conf .

You could even share a portage tree over nfs or similar, which I
sometimes do for VMs. Depending on your (networking and storage)
hardware, that might even work out favourably performance-wise. You
could also generate a squashfs image on the desktop and transfer that to
and mount it on the arm box (over http or something using a short
shell script), if, say, the arm box is limited on storage space. A
squashfs of the gentoo tree is about 70MB.


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[gentoo-user] Re: make distclean

2013-12-16 Thread eroen
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 15:12:58 -0600
Bruce Hill da...@happypenguincomputers.com wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 08:57:08PM +, Markos Chandras wrote:
  You could get your running config using
  zcat /proc/config.gz  .config
 Only if you enabled:
 in your running kernel.

If only CONFIG_IKCONFIG=y is enabled, you can still use the 
/usr/src/linux/scripts/extract-ikconfig script to extract the config
from an existing kernel image.

Regardless, enabling CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC=y makes things so much
simpler for everyone, with very little to speak against enabling it.


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[gentoo-user] Re: @preserved-rebuild gone in a loop

2013-12-15 Thread eroen
On Sun, 15 Dec 2013 17:37:53 +0100
Benjamin Block b...@zlug.org wrote:

 Most of the times, when some binary packages on my systems do cause
 something like this, then I just unemerge the package that keeps
 recompiling and emerge it again afterwards. This will cause the
 portage to drop the library-references in question and add new ones.
 So, this should do the trick:
   emerge -C app-antivirus/avast4workstation
   emerge -1 app-antivirus/avast4workstation

This will make the message from portage and the old library version go
away, yes. It will also cause the program that used the library
(/opt/avast4workstation/bin/avastgui in OP's case) crash when you try
to run it, due to the old library version not being installed.

The correct solution to this is to add the specific (old) version of the
library to the dependencies (in the ebuild) of the (binary) package that
uses it. This will prevent an upgrade that uninstalls the old library
version. Sometimes the maintainer of the library will add a slotted
version of it, so that non-binary users of it do not have to use the
outdated version.

If the binary package is not an ebuild, you can manually add the newer
library version to package.mask, or make sure that the slot for the
older version is installed if the library is slotted.

Better yet (in all cases), get a more recent version of the binary
package that is built against the newer version of the library.
Complain to the vendor if none is available :-)

The preserve-libs feature in portage is intended to let things keep on
working short-term for source-distributed packages. In that case, the
currently installed program is linked against the old library version,
and when the program is rebuilt (with @preserved-rebuild) it will be
linked against the newer version.


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[gentoo-user] Re: new printer : any thoughts ?

2013-12-11 Thread eroen
On Tue, 10 Dec 2013 21:01:29 -0500
Philip Webb purs...@ca.inter.net wrote:

 My ancient printer's ink cartridge has finally dried up
  the mobo in my regular computer accepts only USB.
 I don't do much printing, but occasionally need a few pages.
 The local store has an HP Deskjet 2510 on sale this week.
 Does anyone have thoughts or suggestions ?

I got a cheap (bw) HP LaserJet p1005 half a decade ago. It works well
with the drivers from http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/ , which lets me avoid
using the bloated hplip mess (I tried that when I got the printer, it
didn't work with network printing and required a running X session).

It looks like the printer you mentioned only works with hplip. If hplip
is acceptable to you, that is great, otherwise I would suggest looking
for a different model that is either natively supported by cups or
supported by the foo2X drivers or other similarly non-intrusive drivers.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Any good way to pick global USE flag alternatives?

2013-12-09 Thread eroen
On Mon, 09 Dec 2013 08:25:19 +0200
Nikos Chantziaras rea...@gmail.com wrote:

 There are some global USE flags that allow users to pick alternative 
 methods of implementing the same thing. For example, packages that
 offer a GUI might do so through the qt or gtk USE flag. Or audio
 support, where you can choose alsa or pulseaudio.
 Now, if I wanted to, for example, always choose PulseAudio support 
 instead of ALSA and a Qt GUI instead of a Gtk+ one, one would think
 that I could just do:
USE=pulseaudio qt -alsa -gtk
 in my make.conf. But, that doesn't work. That's because some packages 
 don't offer an alternative at all. Some package might only support
 ALSA for audio, and disabling that would lead to the package not
 offering any audio output at all. Or it might only offer a Gtk+ GUI,
 not a Qt one, and disabling the gtk flag will make the package not
 building its GUI component at all.
 So what's needed here, is a way to tell Portage to only disable a
 global USE flag for packages that also offer another one, specified
 by the user. Like this pseudo make.conf syntax:
USE=pulseaudio pulseaudio?(-alsa) qt qt?(-gtk)
 Is something like this already possible? Right now, the only way to 
 painstakingly go through every single package that comes up on an 
 'USE=use_flags_here emerge -pDN @world' and insert them individually 
 into package.use.
 There should be a proper way of doing this.

I like this idea, I think it could be especially useful in the context

I'm not sure I like all the details in the suggestion, though. In
particular, the flags you mention have widely varying meaning throughout
the tree, for example mkvtoolnix has wxwidgets and qt4 use flags that
enable independent and completely different things.

Perhaps it would be better to implement this as a new analogue to
USE_EXPAND always expands to the first item in the user configuration
that is also in IUSE for the package? This would then exclusively be
used for pick one of these options style settings, like the gui of
*some* packages, TLS implemetation, PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET and so on.

I think this could be preferable to the many packages that currently
just arbitrarily picks one choice when two mutually exclusive flags are
enabled. It might be necessary to expand this with some form of light
masking for ebuilds that want to *strongly* suggest one choice over

User sets (in make.conf):
TLS_IMPL_PREF=openssl gnutls

Ebuild with IUSE=tls_impl_pref_gnutls tls_impl_pref_openssl sees
tls_impl_pref_gnutls as disabled and tls_impl_pref_openssl as enabled.

Ebuild with IUSE=tls_impl_pref_gnutls sees tls_impl_pref_gnutls as


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