Re: [gentoo-user] utf fonts not working right

2009-01-29 Thread smallnow
Willie Wong wrote:
> The page you list is encoding in GB2312, Simplified Chinese.
> Your problem, however, is that you don't have the right fonts. Deja-Vu
> fonts do not support east asian scripts. (See their website for more
> detail.) 
> I suggest media-fonts/unifont, which has all Unicode characters, or
> media-fonts/wqy-bitmapfonts or media-fonts/arphicfonts which supports
> Chinese, Japanese, and Korean ideographs. 
> Hope this helps,
> W

Thanks. I actually had everything already setup the same way everyone else said
except you. I added those fonts, added them to my xorg.conf fonthpaths and
restarted X and it works.

- Ian

[gentoo-user] utf fonts not working right

2009-01-29 Thread smallnow

This page works fine on default fonts of other distros. For me, its got blocks
for all the asian characters.

I've been through the gentoo documentation utf guide. I'm using deja-vu font in
firefox, although it seems to be the same on some other random fonts i've tried.

The utf-8 guide says to enable cjk use flag but that seems to be deprecated
since equery says its only used by 4 packages, none of which I have installed.

Why does gentoo not default to utf-8 support?

- Ian

Re: [gentoo-user] {OT} Why RAID1?

2008-12-16 Thread smallnow

Get the best of both worlds with raid 5.
Personally, I do raid 0 and I agree with you on raid redundancy not being very 
useful. Backup ftw. I cycle out my hard drives every year or two and make the 
old ones be backups, I've only ever had the backups die.

- Ian

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] One line script for md5sum

2008-12-13 Thread smallnow
token* is the best. I also have this useful script in my bashrc.

its just an extended version of this.
[[ $(md5sum < file1) == $(md5sum < file2) ]]

so you can just give it two files as its argument and it returns 0 if they are
the same. -v for verbose

md5() {
local v x y;
[[ $1 == -v ]] && [[ $# == 3 ]] && { v=true; shift; }
if [[ $# != 2 ]]; then
[[ $v ]] && echo Error: need 2 arguments.
return 2
if [[ $v ]]; then
x=$(md5sum < "$1" ) || return 2
y=$(md5sum < "$2" ) || return 2
{ x=$(md5sum < "$1" ) ;} &> /dev/null || return 2
{ y=$(md5sum < "$2" ) ;} &> /dev/null || return 2
if [[  $x == $y ]]; then
[[ $v ]] && echo Same.
return 0
[[ $v ]] && echo Different.
return 1

- Ian

Re: [gentoo-user] locale issue to clean up

2008-12-07 Thread smallnow
Mike Edenfield wrote:
> You should have a directory in /usr/share/locale for every locale you
> want available on your system.  The source files for the locales should
> be in /usr/share/i18n/locales and /usr/share/i18n/charsets.  That is,
> you should have all of the following:
> /usr/share/i18n/locales/en_US
> /usr/share/i18n/charsets/ISO8859-1
> /usr/share/i18n/charsets/UTF-8
> /usr/share/locale/en_US.ISO8859-1
> /usr/share/locale/en_US.UTF-8

Um, on my system, i have
notice charmaps vs charsets
the other folders all have en_US files and folders, no utf8 extensions. And my
locale stuff seems to work fine. Do you actually have those files on your
computer or did you just type them from memory and get them wrong?
I do locale -a and get:
also, I do locale-gen and it succeeds and I don't get any of the files you

Heres my suggestion to the original poster. I would heed the warning in the
gentoo guide not to set LC_ALL. I also have a lot of other files under those
directories and I would just leave them alone, but if you want to delete them,
just move them so you can move them back later if it doesn't help. I think one
of your problems might be that you need to set all your locale variables in
02locale. Then do "eselect env update" and relogin. Also you should have 644
permissions on these files.

 cat /etc/env.d/02locale

 cat /etc/locale.gen

en_US ISO-8859-1
en_US.utf8 UTF-8

Re: [gentoo-user] VIM Undo Command

2008-12-07 Thread smallnow
do you have a ~/.vimrc?
:map u
and see if there is a mapping.

- Ian

Supreme wrote:
> Thanks for your reply,
> I dont have gvim installed. I'll install it and see if I get the same error.