The man page for auto.master(5) refers to direct maps, ie 
"The mount-point for the direct map is always specified as /- in the
auto.master map."

My auto.master map looks like this:

>speyburn ~ # ypcat -k auto.master
>/home auto.home

and my map looks like this:

>speyburn ~ # ypcat -k
>/users -rw,soft banff:/export/home/banff

So a reference to /users/username should result in 
banff:/export/home/banff being mounted on /users - but
this does not happen, I get "no such file or directory".

Also I only have two automount daemons running, for the
two indirect maps. Can the Gentoo automounter handle direct

BTW while experimenting with this I found a funny in pam.
/etc/pam.d/xdm refers to, but there is
no such module in /lib/security. Is this provided by
a user package? I can't remember the incantation for searching
the whole package set for a single file, even if that
package isn't installed.

Also BTW is it worth reporting on errors in man pages?
The man page for autofs refers to /etc/autofs/init.d/autofs,
where it should be /etc/init.d/autofs.

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