Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-03-30 Thread james

On 2/18/20 11:00 PM, wrote:

On Feb 18, 2020 22:33, james  wrote:

On 2/18/20 9:29 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:
 > On 19/2/20 4:16 am, james wrote:
 >> So,
 >> After contacting several US carriers, the cover story is you can
get a
 >> cell phone, root it with linux, and it 'should work'.
Supposedly, you
 >> are encourage, but they
 >> will not offer any help. So rather than spending months,
 >> I'd like to 'cheat' and find a gentoo hack(er) that has
 >> rooted and put some form of gentoo, or embedded_gentoo
 >> on a cell phone.
 >> Please respond to the list, but, for whatever reason, private
 >> responses are OK too.
 >> I'm just tire of my Android cell phone downloading update *every
 >> night*. I want/need control of the stacks
 >> running on the phone. I have heard this is quite popular in
Europe and
 >> the Rf circuits have their own firmware, so it's really next to
 >> impossible to hack the Rf side
 >> of communications.?
 >> Any and all responses, public or private, are most welcome.
Links only
 >> are fine too!
 >> James
 > For gentoo, I would say "not easy at all" - the problem is custom
 > hardware, propriety drivers and lack of information, even in well
 > supported models.
 > There was an app where you could install gentoo into something
like a
 > container - worked well but the android kernel I was using at the
 > didn't have some functioned enabled that fed into limiting some
 > operations in the container.
 > Easier and more practical would be to install LibreOS. You can
build ii
 > yourself and build/include your own software as needed - I did it
 > times with its Cyanogenmod predecessor (I presume you still
can).� There
 > are some other stacks suitable for phones such as sailfish and even
 > android can be built yourself (and you can defang/customise it while
 > doing it - google not needed and if you dont install GAPPS it still
 > works fine)
 > To be honest, if what you mentioned is your main gripe, build
 > and use a third party app store like F-Droid to control that side
of the
 > equation.
 > Make sure you look into rooting, flashing a new OS and the
 > of doing so - that can be another whole level of pain depending
on the
 > brand of your hardware, and how recent it is (less chance with
new stuff
 > as the really smart people have not had time to trailblaze :)
 > BillK

Good info (thanks!)
Here's what I've found so far. The purpose of this posting is to share
info, so we have a gentoo on a cell phone. I am currently researching
'unlocked' samsung phones that support 5G and CDMA, so most sim cards
should work. If others are interested, or know of viable github (etc)
places to upload codes to, gentoo centric, I'd be all for that. I just
done with carriers running my cell phones. Sure they can control the RF
(hardware), but not the software running on the phone. here are a few

Here is an unlocked 5G and CDMA? I'm looking at to root with gentoo::

Galaxy S20 5G 128GB (Unlocked)

Chating with samsung right now. Explaining *why* there needs to be a
samsung dev phone, supporting and working with Gentoo�� we'll see
how this goes...

More comments? encouragement, folks interested?


I am very interested, although my testing capabilities would be 
restricted to a non-samsung Pixel 3. My�understanding is also that the 
Pixel and Nexus devices publish their "vendor blobs" or hardware 
binaries online which may help?�I've experimented with Ubuntu Touch a 
bit on the Nexus 5, however the device is quite slow at this point. My 
use case wouldn't be so much for control over updates, but more for 
things like Convergence (Ubuntu), Dex (Samsung) or Android Desktop. 
Where you dock your phone and have a linux/Android desktop with floating 
windows etc.

 �I'd like to be kept in the loop on this, and if possible I would also 
like to help contribute software however I'm not really skilled with 
hardware. I configure my kernel and that's about it.

Look at what's new, says it runs Kali, This new phone  would be 
excellent for a gentoo-embedded (cell) port?

Astro Slide

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-03-01 Thread james

On 3/1/20 2:51 AM, n952162 wrote:

well, without wanting to get political or anything ... but your point
begs the question of what country yours is, or any other country, that's
not grounded in greed?

I'm currently a US citizen, but places like BC, Canada, Australia or 
Denmark, etc etc, could surely bribe me away from the USA, to part of a 
very, aggressive

'Gentoo for everybody' type of project
That'd be my stipulation, is it is about Gentoo, but others, like 
(GEntoo->CoreOS->Redhat->IBM) could sponge off if the base gentoo distro.

I'd insist of giving Gentoo the credit, but realize, when startup and 
large corps get involved, sure they have to create many jobs, and 
eventually make a profit.

5G everywhere, FAST, with all unlocked cell phones, would make me very, 
very happy. ymmv.


"Greed" is a stupid concept

On 2020-03-01 02:49, antlists wrote:

On 29/02/2020 17:40, james wrote:

is if the US government returns to the fundamental christian value
system, that made our country great. Greed, un-bridled, is changing
the quality of our lives, regardless of your personal belief systems.

Our country? I think you mean YOUR country. And seen from outside,
that greed has been there pretty much from its birth ...

I'll agree about greed being the problem, though. But it's pretty
difficult to return to a place you've never been, imho ...



Getting back on-topic, Rf tools on gentoo, did you guys check these 
aforementioned 2D tools out?

I sure hope a 3D version, for certain terrains  and  wireless, 
autonomous vehicles, etc, grows out of these projects. Immense amounts 
of data could be handled, in Real-Time, if folks in many of the areas 
put up community servers to share data with mobile vehicles in an open 
network scenario.

The Texas universities will surely be pioneers in this, just to get the 
kids and grad students thinking about what is now possible with 5G and 
justifying that almost complete multi (fiber Channel) 100 Gig/s 
educational network.  If they open that bad-boy, to hitech startups,
it'd cause another tech-job-explosion, in just that. A Texas water 
company, with 2,500 miles of right away is very interested in mirroring 
what the universities do, for commercial interest

Also got a (personal) hit from a company in Vancouver BC. Very advanced, 
beautiful (and EXPENSIVE) there in Vancouver. It'd be a dream 
city/province to roll out 5G on  with Gentoo toys.!

over-excited about 5G,

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-03-01 Thread james

On 2/29/20 8:49 PM, antlists wrote:

On 29/02/2020 17:40, james wrote:
is if the US government returns to the fundamental christian value 
system, that made our country great. Greed, un-bridled, is changing 
the quality of our lives, regardless of your personal belief systems. 

Our country? I think you mean YOUR country. And seen from outside, that 
greed has been there pretty much from its birth ...

I'll agree about greed being the problem, though. But it's pretty 
difficult to return to a place you've never been, imho ...



Sorry for the confusion, IMHO, each country belongs to the citizens, of 
that country; not the elites, wealthy or the politicians. All I was 
implying is that Gentoo,
is a great 'game-changer' for each country. That uniqueness and 
'midis-operandi' is up to the citizens to decide.

Gentoo, is the best of all the linux/unix distro, imho, period.

As users/devs of Gentoo, we are all on the same side of empowerment of 
the people.

One-thousand apologies, if what I wrote, did not come seem congenial.


Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-03-01 Thread n952162

well, without wanting to get political or anything ... but your point
begs the question of what country yours is, or any other country, that's
not grounded in greed?

"Greed" is a stupid concept

On 2020-03-01 02:49, antlists wrote:

On 29/02/2020 17:40, james wrote:

is if the US government returns to the fundamental christian value
system, that made our country great. Greed, un-bridled, is changing
the quality of our lives, regardless of your personal belief systems.

Our country? I think you mean YOUR country. And seen from outside,
that greed has been there pretty much from its birth ...

I'll agree about greed being the problem, though. But it's pretty
difficult to return to a place you've never been, imho ...



Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-29 Thread antlists

On 29/02/2020 17:40, james wrote:
is if the US government returns to the fundamental christian value 
system, that made our country great. Greed, un-bridled, is changing 
the quality of our lives, regardless of your personal belief systems. 

Our country? I think you mean YOUR country. And seen from outside, that 
greed has been there pretty much from its birth ...

I'll agree about greed being the problem, though. But it's pretty 
difficult to return to a place you've never been, imho ...



Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-29 Thread james

On 2/29/20 4:44 AM, Wols Lists wrote:

On 26/02/20 03:10, james wrote:

I'm just not convinced that our USA government continuing to "sell
bandwidth rights", is constitutional?

Problem is, if bandwidth is "opened to all" the reality in the past
would have been a free-for-all leading to a major tragedy of the

Agreed. but now, there are plenty of technologies, software systems and 
RF testing gear to ensure the bandwidth channels can be "shared" 
robustly and there implement a vastly better efficiencies 
(bits/s/bandwith); than the current models of exclusive license for a 
one time pop of money to the government. Just like Oxygen, we all have 
the rights to the RF spectrum, imho.
A one time sale, particularly when analyzed, decades later, is a gross 
miscarriage of justice, imho.

I hope somebody finds this (with better searching fu) 
handoff-visualizer, to track Rf signals via mobile cells

and a gentoo lappy.

It's a signal/comm-channel handoff graphic tool


If somebody cannot find it in a overlay, I'd be willing to take it over 
and update, on an overlay

It'd really help remote campers to find signals, when backpacking in the 
mountains or even hills. Adding an altimeter data input and getting the 
devs to go '3D' with this rendering, would also help folks home-building 

Much like we're seeing in space and low-earth orbit now. If
we're not *very* careful, soon we will not be able to launch low-earth
and geo-synchronous satellites, because there'll be a massive debris
belt that will destroy satellites within a few years.

Some experts are say that we're all ready on that coarse. Space vessels 
to capture, collect and then send into deep space, our current cadre of 
commercial/military space junk. I think they'll do this, but send the 
space garbage directly to our sun, just burning up and adding to the 
total mass of the sun. Here is the real twist. Global corporations, are 
standing up claiming rights to space rights, on behalf of nations that 
are very technology poor. The next few wars will most likely sort out 
rights, i.e. First to deploy-use, will get the rights, regardless if its 
a gov or corp, or group, like the HAM-operators, imho.

The new high-frequency bandwidths I'm not too worried about - like
low-earth orbit stuff there will decay into the atmosphere and
self-cleanse over 30-40 years - high frequencies don't travel far - but
where there is the likelihood of interference some sort of regulation is

YES YES, but who is the arbiter with final say?  The guys with the best 
missile technology, that's who, from a pragmatic point-of-view.

Do you really want your home network to collapse in a heap every time
your neighbour jacks up his power because your network is causing his
home network to collapse in a heap? 

With all due respect, as an EE_rf guy, it's already solved by who has 
the best technology. That is scan and avoid the bands/protocols being 
used. Less and less technically (Rf) astute folks want to work for any 

Random 'bit-burst' over a multitude of frequencies is not hard to do and 
solves this scenario, at least for the technology superior Rf types. 
Consumers and idiots are at the mercy of the Rf mercenaries (whom are 
always a decade or more ahead what is legally possible). ymmv.

(That's why my home network is
mostly cat-5 or ethernet-over-power :-)

Good for now. However, there are Rf sniffers that can pick up the 
signals from those aforementioned signals, quite easily. It use to be 
james_bond sort of stuff, but now it is cafeteria.

 Fiber should replace both of those, pretty soon.
Routers where various types of connectors for both multi-mode and 
single-mode fiber, are pretty cheap, if you know where to look. If you 
build new, put pvc conduits in the roof and walls, so you have ample & 
hidden pipes. That way it's pretty trivial to pull the fibers later, for 


5G-multipath supersedes all of this, where the algorithms that implement 
the multi-path, are 'walk-once' or pseudo-walk-once.  Upgrading 
multipath to Asycnronos-multipath, is still in the development phases, 
or folks are not publishing detailsNo way the brightest fed/mil 
hacks can stop this, as they will not even know where it is, who is 
doing it and how to monitor it, in RealTime. Make it mobile, and how the 
elite hackers go and do whatever they want, whenever they want, 

Several vehicles with links between and cellular bandwidth, can hop 
around a city, clandestinely and there is nothing our most sophisticated 
law enforcement can do, currently. There stuck buying commercial gear 
that is decades old in capability. The average cop, or intellectual at 
the FBI is able to wheel-deal with this stuff? Are you kidding me? Add 
to that the 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-29 Thread Wols Lists
On 26/02/20 03:10, james wrote:
> I'm just not convinced that our USA government continuing to "sell
> bandwidth rights", is constitutional?

Problem is, if bandwidth is "opened to all" the reality in the past
would have been a free-for-all leading to a major tragedy of the
commons. Much like we're seeing in space and low-earth orbit now. If
we're not *very* careful, soon we will not be able to launch low-earth
and geo-synchronous satellites, because there'll be a massive debris
belt that will destroy satellites within a few years.

The new high-frequency bandwidths I'm not too worried about - like
low-earth orbit stuff there will decay into the atmosphere and
self-cleanse over 30-40 years - high frequencies don't travel far - but
where there is the likelihood of interference some sort of regulation is

Do you really want your home network to collapse in a heap every time
your neighbour jacks up his power because your network is causing his
home network to collapse in a heap? (That's why my home network is
mostly cat-5 or ethernet-over-power :-)


Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-25 Thread james

On 2/18/20 11:00 PM, wrote:

On Feb 18, 2020 22:33, james  wrote:

On 2/18/20 9:29 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:
More comments? encouragement, folks interested?


I am very interested, although my testing capabilities would be 
restricted to a non-samsung Pixel 3. My�understanding is also that the 
Pixel and Nexus devices publish their "vendor blobs" or hardware 
binaries online which may help?�I've experimented with Ubuntu Touch a 
bit on the Nexus 5, however the device is quite slow at this point. My 
use case wouldn't be so much for control over updates, but more for 
things like Convergence (Ubuntu), Dex (Samsung) or Android Desktop. 
Where you dock your phone and have a linux/Android desktop with floating 
windows etc.

 �I'd like to be kept in the loop on this, and if possible I would also 
like to help contribute software however I'm not really skilled with 
hardware. I configure my kernel and that's about it.

Look at this 5G unlocked phone from Samsung (we'll need a gentoo test & 
development  deep discount). That's what I've been pitching to Samsung

" While the unlocked S20+ and S20 Ultra will work on every US 5G 
carrier, the small S20 won't. "

A very informative read.  5G 'is not limited to 5GHz bands, 5G will be 
in most 2020 model cars/trucks here in 
us, they're just not publishing it, so the carriers + auto-manufactures, 
can work out the bugs. 5Ghz with IoT micro devices is here already. Lots 
of 5G transponders already deploy, via the companies that run/own the 
cell towers. The eyes && ears are among us now, already.

So get your unlocked 5G phone, complete with a built in network 
analyzer, today! Spectrum analyzers built in tba in 2021.  Be up on 
this, or be a victim, as the nefarious communities are deeply invest in 
this race including law-enforcement, drug-dealers, and foreign 
surveillance devices.

I'm still hoping a '5G dev-kit' will be publically released to the horde 
of honest (gentoo) linux hackers.

Look at those frequencies above 5G! There is so much more to come and 
yet to be disclosed.

GENTOO needs to be the development platform solution for this fast 
moving technology!


Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-25 Thread james

On 2/24/20 5:22 PM, james wrote:

On 2/24/20 4:30 PM, n952162 wrote:

What do you mean with this?

On 2020-02-21 00:38, james wrote:

Now, I'm a 5G activist, so that telcos become merely non-exclusive
bandwidth providers and only the less informed use them for mobile
software stacks.

I, like everybody else, am "less informed", but I'm informed enough to
strongly doubt that the telcos will give up the grip that they have on
the mobile market.� 3gpp is not Wikileaks.� It's a telco tool to make
money (that's not a criticism.� The mobile industry put food on my 
for decades).� I'm not on the 5G track, but as far as I understand, 

mostly just new Radio Access Network technology.� Does it have a
different interface to the core (business systems)?� Not likely - 

been serving since G2.

Exactly. The major telcos, like many other super corps, need to be 
'reigned in'. Many experts know this, they haven't a clue, nor the balls 
to speak up.

A myriad of linux technologies and efforts, from the people, can look 
'the beast' in the eyes and say NO.
ENOUGH. OR they can just lay down and prepare to be subsumed. I've made 
my choice; but I'm old and ready to go. So what the hell do I have to 

There is so much more, than the published standards on 5G, which are 
still not finalized, than most comprehend.
I doubt 5G will ever have a finalized standard, not even in the USA. 
Sure they may act like it is, but there are too many things afoot, for 
it to become static.

I cannot nor will not exactly finger specifics, as that could land me in 
incarceration, where I'm not even allowed a lawyer.

What I am willing to speak up about, is GENTOO, needs a cellular 
offering, imho. That way, movement from the cell to workstation to the 
lappy-tablet and other devices, becomes the essence of security for the 

Just marinate of having 3 or more cellphone-stacks on a single phone so 
you can boot (1s) into different distros. Or having 3 sockets with 
different sim cards:

Common man, the carriers are in charge of cellular security. Do you 
think there is any real security on your or my cellphone?

So what happens when ordinary folks, like comm_hackers,
have hundreds of sim cards. Swaping of sim_cards. The list goes on and 
on and on.

The real opportunity here, is that CONSTITUIONALLY,
law-abiding citizens have every right to privacy, which includes 
personal ID security. One day, maybe soon, after 5G takes hold, a 
class-action lawsuit, will find favor at the Supreme court. At the state 
and regional level, not much hope. But the US supreme court has a 
history of siding with citizens in such matters. The Supreme court is 
very likely to become a stong activist,
due to the Trillions of dollars in fraud, and that fraud mostly damages 
folks at the bottom of our society.

Things like hospital and doctor groups, where you owe money of services, 
you can never pay, are about to make the bottom half of US society, 
permanent victims all via that vendor controlled cell phone.

ENOUGH BULLSHIT!� Time to act, ymmv.

Local lawenforcement can easily circumvent 'due process' via modern cell 
phones. Many companies are doing just that, and selling illegal data, to 
anyone with money.

Shall I continue to elaborate? NO. Picture is more than adequately 
framed, imho.

Be Blessed,

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-25 Thread james

On 2/24/20 5:10 PM, n952162 wrote:

On 2020-02-24 23:00, james wrote:

On 2/24/20 4:33 PM, n952162 wrote:

On 2020-02-24 22:18, james wrote:

On 2/24/20 3:55 PM, n952162 wrote:

what do you see 5G providing that 4G couldn't deliver?

On 2020-02-21 00:38, james wrote:

5G CAN change everything! Gentoo should blaze the open source pathway
of contributions and WE all should dream, build and get control of 

country back!

5G may be our last chance before Satan rules via consolidating all 

large governments! 5G is our last chance, imho, for citizens to get
control of their respective countries back. Stand or die, as the
plagues of the last days, are just around the corner. Gentoo saves 

world? Sound like a good movie for someone to make.

That is simple and complex.
simple??? more bandwidth, lower latencies in the silicon,
and many advances that are hard to leverage with 4G limitations.

Can you list some examples of these advances, beyond throughput and
latency improvements?

Can, yes. Going to, nope. Things are still 'fluid' even in the 
standard and rules governing 5G. Right now, ALL are encouraged to 
experiment and party. The major carriers are moving to drastically 
limit entrepreneurship in all things 5G.? Just look at the myriad of 
failures with Verizon. They are the poster-child of way carriers are 
the last folks on the earth that need to be 'architecting' the furture 
of 5G.

Not to mention they will sell out any country, in a heartbeat.

5G is from the 3gpp organization, which is basically a European 
organization.? Who cares about Verizon?? CDMA - America's attempt to 
answer 3gpp -? was a bust.? If by /drastically/ "limit 
entrepreneurship", you mean to open access to the network (as opposed to 
using it as a (rented) utensil), then I can only wonder who you are.

"James" is my moniker, look through the gentoo records.

I disagree. I know a few savant EEs that are building the chip sets. 5G 
is more about what is inside the gallium Arsenide. What you allude to is 
the 'cover story' of what 5G is.

5G is much more about what's inside the chip sets, as opposed to 
government edicts. That's why the USA woke up and said no to china, 
selling 5G chip sets in the USA. Folks are building processors and 
memory inside the Gallium Arsenide. Surely France and Germany have GA 
chipset capabilities as do China, Russia and others.

So now it seems that  the Co-founder of Mirantis Boris Renski is all 
about open source, 5G:

"Mirantis co-founder to create open-source 5G startup"

More folks are getting the 5G 'shared bandwidth' concept:

So gentoo will have reference codes to include in gentoo-arm buildouts?

"But, now that the FCC has opened up the 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband 
Radio Service (CBRS) band, there's room for new open-source based 
companies to offer 4G LTE and eventually 5G voice and data. Renski will 
be one of its pioneers."

All I'm trying to say, is this.  GENTOO has numerous trees/stacks 
running on arm, as arm is the basis processor for most cell phones, 
currently.  (embedded gentoo). I'm excited about gentoo pushing a cell 
phone stack out, even it's clandestinely called another distro, 
leveraging the Gentoo codes, ebuilds and low level stacks OUR 
community is awesome!

I'm just not convinced that our USA government continuing to "sell 
bandwidth rights", is constitutional?

So Bandwidth utilization efficiencies would skyrocket, already 
mathematically proven and via numerous studies and tests, if the 
bandwidth was 'open' to all legal and non-nefarious communications 
companies and their visionary activities. 5G is the tech battleground, 
of this decade, imho. 5G can ignite  a commercial resonance here in the 
USA, and elsewhere, if allowed to be opened up to startups. Selling 
bandwidth to companies like Verizon, is a very, very bad idea. WE can 
reverse this selling of RF frequency domain space, very very easily.

Technically, it's a done deal. Financially and legally,
it's going to take a constitutional amendment, to get it to 'stick'.

A myriad of small companies, could easily figure out how to offer 
cost-effective communications, if allowed to compete. High prices of 
limited RF spectrum is a massive cost-barrier-to-entry. Very-Large Mega 
corps, just stick their hand out to the government, requiring ever 
increasing sums of money, just to pretend to be offering real 
communications solutions. The government needs to start fining large 
corporations for security breaches, and limiting their rights to 
build/sell more services, until they are proven to be secure. Why do you 
think that MS windows continues to suck at security?  Much more money, 
as they see the lack of security, as a cash-cow.

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-24 Thread james

On 2/24/20 4:30 PM, n952162 wrote:

What do you mean with this?

On 2020-02-21 00:38, james wrote:

Now, I'm a 5G activist, so that telcos become merely non-exclusive
bandwidth providers and only the less informed use them for mobile
software stacks.

I, like everybody else, am "less informed", but I'm informed enough to
strongly doubt that the telcos will give up the grip that they have on
the mobile market.� 3gpp is not Wikileaks.� It's a telco tool to make
money (that's not a criticism.� The mobile industry put food on my table
for decades).� I'm not on the 5G track, but as far as I understand, it's
mostly just new Radio Access Network technology.� Does it have a
different interface to the core (business systems)?� Not likely - that's
been serving since G2.

Exactly. The major telcos, like many other super corps, need to be 
'reigned in'. Many experts know this, they haven't a clue, nor the balls 
to speak up.

A myriad of linux technologies and efforts, from the people, can look 
'the beast' in the eyes and say NO.
ENOUGH. OR they can just lay down and prepare to be subsumed. I've made 
my choice; but I'm old and ready to go. So what the hell do I have to loose?

There is so much more, than the published standards on 5G, which are 
still not finalized, than most comprehend.
I doubt 5G will ever have a finalized standard, not even in the USA. 
Sure they may act like it is, but there are too many things afoot, for 
it to become static.

I cannot nor will not exactly finger specifics, as that could land me in 
incarceration, where I'm not even allowed a lawyer.

What I am willing to speak up about, is GENTOO, needs a cellular 
offering, imho. That way, movement from the cell to workstation to the 
lappy-tablet and other devices, becomes the essence of security for the 

Just marinate of having 3 or more cellphone-stacks on a single phone so 
you can boot (1s) into different distros. Or having 3 sockets with 
different sim cards:

Common man, the carriers are in charge of cellular security. Do you 
think there is any real security on your or my cellphone?

So what happens when ordinary folks, like comm_hackers,
have hundreds of sim cards. Swaping of sim_cards. The list goes on and 
on and on.

The real opportunity here, is that CONSTITUIONALLY,
law-abiding citizens have every right to privacy, which includes 
personal ID security. One day, maybe soon, after 5G takes hold, a 
class-action lawsuit, will find favor at the Supreme court. At the state 
and regional level, not much hope. But the US supreme court has a 
history of siding with citizens in such matters. The Supreme court is 
very likely to become a stong activist,
due to the Trillions of dollars in fraud, and that fraud mostly damages 
folks at the bottom of our society.

Things like hospital and doctor groups, where you owe money of services, 
you can never pay, are about to make the bottom half of US society, 
permanent victims all via that vendor controlled cell phone.

ENOUGH BULLSHIT!  Time to act, ymmv.

Local lawenforcement can easily circumvent 'due process' via modern cell 
phones. Many companies are doing just that, and selling illegal data, to 
anyone with money.

Shall I continue to elaborate? NO. Picture is more than adequately 
framed, imho.

Be Blessed,

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-24 Thread n952162

On 2020-02-24 23:00, james wrote:

On 2/24/20 4:33 PM, n952162 wrote:

On 2020-02-24 22:18, james wrote:

On 2/24/20 3:55 PM, n952162 wrote:

what do you see 5G providing that 4G couldn't deliver?

On 2020-02-21 00:38, james wrote:

5G CAN change everything! Gentoo should blaze the open source pathway
of contributions and WE all should dream, build and get control of
country back!

5G may be our last chance before Satan rules via consolidating all
large governments! 5G is our last chance, imho, for citizens to get
control of their respective countries back. Stand or die, as the
plagues of the last days, are just around the corner. Gentoo saves
world? Sound like a good movie for someone to make.

That is simple and complex.
simple� more bandwidth, lower latencies in the silicon,
and many advances that are hard to leverage with 4G limitations.

Can you list some examples of these advances, beyond throughput and
latency improvements?

Can, yes. Going to, nope. Things are still 'fluid' even in the
standard and rules governing 5G. Right now, ALL are encouraged to
experiment and party. The major carriers are moving to drastically
limit entrepreneurship in all things 5G.  Just look at the myriad of
failures with Verizon. They are the poster-child of way carriers are
the last folks on the earth that need to be 'architecting' the furture
of 5G.

Not to mention they will sell out any country, in a heartbeat.

5G is from the 3gpp organization, which is basically a European
organization.  Who cares about Verizon?  CDMA - America's attempt to
answer 3gpp -  was a bust.  If by /drastically/ "limit
entrepreneurship", you mean to open access to the network (as opposed to
using it as a (rented) utensil), then I can only wonder who you are.

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-24 Thread n952162

On 2020-02-24 22:18, james wrote:

On 2/24/20 3:55 PM, n952162 wrote:

what do you see 5G providing that 4G couldn't deliver?

On 2020-02-21 00:38, james wrote:

5G CAN change everything! Gentoo should blaze the open source pathway
of contributions and WE all should dream, build and get control of our
country back!

5G may be our last chance before Satan rules via consolidating all the
large governments! 5G is our last chance, imho, for citizens to get
control of their respective countries back. Stand or die, as the
plagues of the last days, are just around the corner. Gentoo saves the
world? Sound like a good movie for someone to make.

That is simple and complex.
simple  more bandwidth, lower latencies in the silicon,
and many advances that are hard to leverage with 4G limitations.

Can you list some examples of these advances, beyond throughput and
latency improvements?

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-24 Thread n952162

What do you mean with this?

On 2020-02-21 00:38, james wrote:

Now, I'm a 5G activist, so that telcos become merely non-exclusive
bandwidth providers and only the less informed use them for mobile
software stacks.

I, like everybody else, am "less informed", but I'm informed enough to
strongly doubt that the telcos will give up the grip that they have on
the mobile market.  3gpp is not Wikileaks.  It's a telco tool to make
money (that's not a criticism.  The mobile industry put food on my table
for decades).  I'm not on the 5G track, but as far as I understand, it's
mostly just new Radio Access Network technology.  Does it have a
different interface to the core (business systems)?  Not likely - that's
been serving since G2.

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-24 Thread james

On 2/24/20 3:55 PM, n952162 wrote:

what do you see 5G providing that 4G couldn't deliver?

On 2020-02-21 00:38, james wrote:

5G CAN change everything! Gentoo should blaze the open source pathway
of contributions and WE all should dream, build and get control of our
country back!

5G may be our last chance before Satan rules via consolidating all the
large governments! 5G is our last chance, imho, for citizens to get
control of their respective countries back. Stand or die, as the
plagues of the last days, are just around the corner. Gentoo saves the
world? Sound like a good movie for someone to make.

That is simple and complex.
simple  more bandwidth, lower latencies in the silicon,
and many advances that are hard to leverage with 4G limitations.

Complex answer. There is a technical war afoot, as to the plethora of 
advanced capabilities in the 5G chipsets, the rules of usage for 5G, and 
the fact that several orders of magnitude increase in the number of 
antennae needed alone, will cause an explosion of entrepreneurial 
activity, a vast diversity of hardware

and many new 'sub_methods' to modulate bits around, legally.

That's one of the reason our govt. will exclude china from this 
activity, at least on US soil.

Asynchronous, multi-path Rf is just one aspect I'm working on. It's a 
feeding freenzy for technologist,

both hardware,software and even bio-centric devices.

Nefarious activities, like unauthorized injection, are but one boon for 
those with illicit intentions. Be aware, be strong, and get ready to 
secure you signals,

all of them.

Gentoo folks should be leading on this, cause 5G can be implement is a 
small number of cars, just driving down the road. Build it in 
milliseconds, deploy and have fun

tear down, and rinse-repeat, with different security semantics.

The greater Dallas area is already on fire with activity
leaving Calif. behind in the dust, cause they build the hardware in a 
myriad of non-disclosed vendor haunts

Rock and Roll, brother!

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-24 Thread n952162

what do you see 5G providing that 4G couldn't deliver?

On 2020-02-21 00:38, james wrote:

5G CAN change everything! Gentoo should blaze the open source pathway
of contributions and WE all should dream, build and get control of our
country back!

5G may be our last chance before Satan rules via consolidating all the
large governments! 5G is our last chance, imho, for citizens to get
control of their respective countries back. Stand or die, as the
plagues of the last days, are just around the corner. Gentoo saves the
world? Sound like a good movie for someone to make.

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-24 Thread james

On 2/20/20 7:28 PM, Dale wrote:

james wrote:

On 2/20/20 5:23 PM, Dale wrote:

james wrote:

Reading that Samsung is interested in this makes me glad I bought a
Samsung cell phone.� :-D� While nervous about this sort of thing,
I might brick the thing, it is interesting and something I would
consider when the time is right.

Agreed; totally. That's the hint, new releases of the latest cell
phones, that are flexible, particularly with groups. Developing a
gentoo base, with their help, is a win-win. Just look at where CoreOS
(a gentoo derivative) ended up. Big business, and now trying to save
IBM from themselves. Of coarse Redhat is dropping very fast in
popularity as a linux distro, cause they now see the power of gentoo.
But they did continue with systemd,
which is another 'can of worms'.

There is a recent 'spat' between Samsung and Google on kernel
sources... that is an interesting read; ymmv. What the result is; is
that Samsung is reaching out directly to the hard core linux community
(that's gentoo folks), although not directly credited (as usual). It's
a short read.

I got backed into this because of my history (I actually put GTE on
the commercial internet back in 1990, as� Florida's fist ISP Lots of dead bodies...

Now, I'm a 5G activist, so that telcos become merely non-exclusive
bandwidth providers and only the less informed use them for mobile
software stacks.� We'll see, I may get shot, but I'm old and just
tired of the bullshit of the carriers, the F_fed idiots and all of
those punks with nefarious intentions. Time to stand up, ymmv.

I think 'doctor trump' is ready to return the freedom and control of
the airwaves, back to the citizens. The swamp really, really smells
bad and is rotten to the core.

Who is this DALE you mention?� Just curious since that's my name
and I'm
on a tractor, when arthritis allows it.

Yep, that was (you) I referenced, with just one pseudo use case of
multiple gentoo cell phones acting in a mobile cluster. I hope I did
not insult your countenance.?

Like it or not, you seem to find bugs and flaws that most of us miss.
Besides with 4 cell phones, you could have an audio reproduction
system that is 3 dimensional, and custom graphical tools, not
purchased from a farm equipment dealer but hacked together many
internet folks.

Folks like you, are the poster child for what 5G is all about. The
carriers think it's an opportunity to extort more money from the US
citizens.� Let's build our own secure networks, cheaply, and use the
carriers as but one option to move bits. Carriers should not have ever
been allowed to dictate and control communications. Dig ditches, lay
fiber and connect to a myriad of equipment, controlled by others, is
what carriers *should* be focused on.

5G is an opportunity for a real communications revolution and GENTOO
needs to be right in the middle of the birthing of real communications
freedom.� Multi-path links and 5G hardware, will allow the citizens to
control their secure communications. Very likely to be the biggest
issue, in the 2024 election, republican or democrat, as we all have
the right to completely secure communications, as much as we have the
right to consume oxygen from the atmosphere!


:-)� :-)

WE rig you up, you just might have to ride that tractor to DC, so
folks see that this pending communications revolution is about
empowerment of the masses. Lots of street parties along the way;
that's my hope (and prayer). an old fashion 'hippi music festival in
each town.

99.9� percent of classified material is bullshit. It's� a ruse; just a
tool of economic competition and exclusion, for the LARGE� vendors to
have exclusive, non competitive access to do work for the government,
without small vendors having a shot.

5G CAN change everything! Gentoo should blaze the open source pathway
of contributions and WE all should dream, build and get control of our
country back!

5G may be our last chance before Satan rules via consolidating all the
large governments! 5G is our last chance, imho, for citizens to get
control of their respective countries back. Stand or die, as the
plagues of the last days, are just around the corner. Gentoo saves the
world? Sound like a good movie for someone to make.

Be blessed,

Yea, I'm good at finding a bug.� My recent experience with a stage3
tarball shows that.� After several tries, I came to the conclusion that
the stage3 tarball is basically worthless.� I unpacked it, copied over
the new tree, no need downloading a new one when I have one, then tried
to update it with the default USE flags the stage3 provides.� Right at
the start, I ran into a circular dependency and some blocked packages.
No matter what I tried, including posts on how to get around it, it
never would upgrade.� I just wonder if anyone else is running into the

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-20 Thread Dale
james wrote:
> On 2/20/20 5:23 PM, Dale wrote:
>> james wrote:
>> Reading that Samsung is interested in this makes me glad I bought a
>> Samsung cell phone.� :-D� While nervous about this sort of thing,
>> scared
>> I might brick the thing, it is interesting and something I would
>> consider when the time is right.
> Agreed; totally. That's the hint, new releases of the latest cell
> phones, that are flexible, particularly with groups. Developing a
> gentoo base, with their help, is a win-win. Just look at where CoreOS
> (a gentoo derivative) ended up. Big business, and now trying to save
> IBM from themselves. Of coarse Redhat is dropping very fast in
> popularity as a linux distro, cause they now see the power of gentoo.
> But they did continue with systemd,
> which is another 'can of worms'.
> There is a recent 'spat' between Samsung and Google on kernel
> sources... that is an interesting read; ymmv. What the result is; is
> that Samsung is reaching out directly to the hard core linux community
> (that's gentoo folks), although not directly credited (as usual). It's
> a short read.
> I got backed into this because of my history (I actually put GTE on
> the commercial internet back in 1990, as  Florida's fist ISP
> Lots of dead bodies...
> Now, I'm a 5G activist, so that telcos become merely non-exclusive
> bandwidth providers and only the less informed use them for mobile
> software stacks.  We'll see, I may get shot, but I'm old and just
> tired of the bullshit of the carriers, the F_fed idiots and all of
> those punks with nefarious intentions. Time to stand up, ymmv.
> I think 'doctor trump' is ready to return the freedom and control of
> the airwaves, back to the citizens. The swamp really, really smells
> bad and is rotten to the core.
>> Who is this DALE you mention?� Just curious since that's my name
>> and I'm
>> on a tractor, when arthritis allows it.
> Yep, that was (you) I referenced, with just one pseudo use case of
> multiple gentoo cell phones acting in a mobile cluster. I hope I did
> not insult your countenance.?
> Like it or not, you seem to find bugs and flaws that most of us miss.
> Besides with 4 cell phones, you could have an audio reproduction
> system that is 3 dimensional, and custom graphical tools, not
> purchased from a farm equipment dealer but hacked together many
> internet folks.
> Folks like you, are the poster child for what 5G is all about. The
> carriers think it's an opportunity to extort more money from the US
> citizens.  Let's build our own secure networks, cheaply, and use the
> carriers as but one option to move bits. Carriers should not have ever
> been allowed to dictate and control communications. Dig ditches, lay
> fiber and connect to a myriad of equipment, controlled by others, is
> what carriers *should* be focused on.
> 5G is an opportunity for a real communications revolution and GENTOO
> needs to be right in the middle of the birthing of real communications
> freedom.  Multi-path links and 5G hardware, will allow the citizens to
> control their secure communications. Very likely to be the biggest
> issue, in the 2024 election, republican or democrat, as we all have
> the right to completely secure communications, as much as we have the
> right to consume oxygen from the atmosphere!
>> Dale
>> :-)� :-)
> WE rig you up, you just might have to ride that tractor to DC, so
> folks see that this pending communications revolution is about
> empowerment of the masses. Lots of street parties along the way;
> that's my hope (and prayer). an old fashion 'hippi music festival in
> each town.
> 99.9  percent of classified material is bullshit. It's  a ruse; just a
> tool of economic competition and exclusion, for the LARGE  vendors to
> have exclusive, non competitive access to do work for the government,
> without small vendors having a shot.
> 5G CAN change everything! Gentoo should blaze the open source pathway
> of contributions and WE all should dream, build and get control of our
> country back!
> 5G may be our last chance before Satan rules via consolidating all the
> large governments! 5G is our last chance, imho, for citizens to get
> control of their respective countries back. Stand or die, as the
> plagues of the last days, are just around the corner. Gentoo saves the
> world? Sound like a good movie for someone to make.
> Be blessed,
> James

Yea, I'm good at finding a bug.  My recent experience with a stage3
tarball shows that.  After several tries, I came to the conclusion that
the stage3 tarball is basically worthless.  I unpacked it, copied over
the new tree, no need downloading a new one when I have one, then tried
to update it with the default USE flags the stage3 provides.  Right at
the start, I ran into a circular dependency and some blocked 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-20 Thread james

On 2/20/20 5:23 PM, Dale wrote:

james wrote:

On 2/18/20 11:00 PM, wrote:

On Feb 18, 2020 22:33, james  wrote:

 ��� On 2/18/20 9:29 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:
 ���� >
 ���� > On 19/2/20 4:16 am, james wrote:
 ���� >> So,
 ���� >>
 ���� >> After contacting several US carriers, the cover story is you 
 ��� get a
 ���� >> cell phone, root it with linux, and it 'should work'.
 ��� Supposedly, you
 ���� >> are encourage, but they
 ���� >> will not offer any help. So rather than spending months,
 ���� >> I'd like to 'cheat' and find a gentoo hack(er) that has
 ���� >> rooted and put some form of gentoo, or embedded_gentoo
 ���� >> on a cell phone.
 ���� >>
 ���� >> Please respond to the list, but, for whatever reason, private
 ���� >> responses are OK too.
 ���� >>
 ���� >>
 ���� >> I'm just tire of my Android cell phone downloading update 
 ���� >> night*. I want/need control of the stacks
 ���� >> running on the phone. I have heard this is quite popular in
 ��� Europe and
 ���� >> the Rf circuits have their own firmware, so it's really next to
 ���� >> impossible to hack the Rf side
 ���� >> of communications.?
 ���� >>
 ���� >>
 ���� >> Any and all responses, public or private, are most welcome.
 ��� Links only
 ���� >> are fine too!
 ���� >>
 ���� >>
 ���� >> James
 ���� >
 ���� >
 ���� > For gentoo, I would say "not easy at all" - the problem is 
 ���� > hardware, propriety drivers and lack of information, even in 
 ���� > supported models.
 ���� >
 ���� > There was an app where you could install gentoo into something
 ��� like a
 ���� > container - worked well but the android kernel I was using at 
 ��� time
 ���� > didn't have some functioned enabled that fed into limiting some
 ���� > operations in the container.
 ���� >
 ���� > Easier and more practical would be to install LibreOS. You can
 ��� build ii
 ���� > yourself and build/include your own software as needed - I did 
 ��� many
 ���� > times with its Cyanogenmod predecessor (I presume you still
 ��� can).� There
 ���� > are some other stacks suitable for phones such as sailfish and
 ���� > android can be built yourself (and you can defang/customise it
 ���� > doing it - google not needed and if you dont install GAPPS it
 ���� > works fine)
 ���� >
 ���� > To be honest, if what you mentioned is your main gripe, build
 ��� android
 ���� > and use a third party app store like F-Droid to control that 
 ��� of the
 ���� > equation.
 ���� >
 ���� > Make sure you look into rooting, flashing a new OS and the
 ��� implications
 ���� > of doing so - that can be another whole level of pain depending
 ��� on the
 ���� > brand of your hardware, and how recent it is (less chance with
 ��� new stuff
 ���� > as the really smart people have not had time to trailblaze :)
 ���� >
 ���� > BillK

 ��� Good info (thanks!)
 ��� Here's what I've found so far. The purpose of this posting is to
 ��� info, so we have a gentoo on a cell phone. I am currently
 ��� 'unlocked' samsung phones that support 5G and CDMA, so most sim
 ��� should work. If others are interested, or know of viable github
 ��� places to upload codes to, gentoo centric, I'd be all for that. I
 ��� done with carriers running my cell phones. Sure they can control
the RF
 ��� (hardware), but not the software running on the phone. here are a
 ��� links::

 ��� Here is an unlocked 5G and CDMA? I'm looking at to root with

 ��� Galaxy S20 5G 128GB (Unlocked)

 ��� Chating with samsung right now. Explaining *why* there needs to be a
 ��� samsung dev phone, supporting and working with Gentoo��
we'll see
 ��� how this goes...

 ��� More comments? encouragement, folks interested?

 ��� James

I am very interested, although my testing capabilities would be
restricted to a non-samsung Pixel 3. My�understanding is also that
the Pixel and Nexus devices publish their "vendor blobs" or hardware
binaries online which may help?�I've experimented with Ubuntu Touch

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-20 Thread Dale
james wrote:
> On 2/18/20 11:00 PM, wrote:
>> On Feb 18, 2020 22:33, james  wrote:
>>     On 2/18/20 9:29 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:
>>  >
>>  > On 19/2/20 4:16 am, james wrote:
>>  >> So,
>>  >>
>>  >> After contacting several US carriers, the cover story is you can
>>     get a
>>  >> cell phone, root it with linux, and it 'should work'.
>>     Supposedly, you
>>  >> are encourage, but they
>>  >> will not offer any help. So rather than spending months,
>>  >> I'd like to 'cheat' and find a gentoo hack(er) that has
>>  >> rooted and put some form of gentoo, or embedded_gentoo
>>  >> on a cell phone.
>>  >>
>>  >> Please respond to the list, but, for whatever reason, private
>>  >> responses are OK too.
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >> I'm just tire of my Android cell phone downloading update *every
>>  >> night*. I want/need control of the stacks
>>  >> running on the phone. I have heard this is quite popular in
>>     Europe and
>>  >> the Rf circuits have their own firmware, so it's really next to
>>  >> impossible to hack the Rf side
>>  >> of communications.?
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >> Any and all responses, public or private, are most welcome.
>>     Links only
>>  >> are fine too!
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >> James
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > For gentoo, I would say "not easy at all" - the problem is custom
>>  > hardware, propriety drivers and lack of information, even in well
>>  > supported models.
>>  >
>>  > There was an app where you could install gentoo into something
>>     like a
>>  > container - worked well but the android kernel I was using at the
>>     time
>>  > didn't have some functioned enabled that fed into limiting some
>>  > operations in the container.
>>  >
>>  > Easier and more practical would be to install LibreOS. You can
>>     build ii
>>  > yourself and build/include your own software as needed - I did it
>>     many
>>  > times with its Cyanogenmod predecessor (I presume you still
>>     can).� There
>>  > are some other stacks suitable for phones such as sailfish and
>> even
>>  > android can be built yourself (and you can defang/customise it
>> while
>>  > doing it - google not needed and if you dont install GAPPS it
>> still
>>  > works fine)
>>  >
>>  > To be honest, if what you mentioned is your main gripe, build
>>     android
>>  > and use a third party app store like F-Droid to control that side
>>     of the
>>  > equation.
>>  >
>>  > Make sure you look into rooting, flashing a new OS and the
>>     implications
>>  > of doing so - that can be another whole level of pain depending
>>     on the
>>  > brand of your hardware, and how recent it is (less chance with
>>     new stuff
>>  > as the really smart people have not had time to trailblaze :)
>>  >
>>  > BillK
>>     Good info (thanks!)
>>     Here's what I've found so far. The purpose of this posting is to
>> share
>>     info, so we have a gentoo on a cell phone. I am currently
>> researching
>>     'unlocked' samsung phones that support 5G and CDMA, so most sim
>> cards
>>     should work. If others are interested, or know of viable github
>> (etc)
>>     places to upload codes to, gentoo centric, I'd be all for that. I
>> just
>>     done with carriers running my cell phones. Sure they can control
>> the RF
>>     (hardware), but not the software running on the phone. here are a
>> few
>>     links::
>>     Here is an unlocked 5G and CDMA? I'm looking at to root with
>> gentoo::
>>     Galaxy S20 5G 128GB (Unlocked)
>>     Chating with samsung right now. Explaining *why* there needs to be a
>>     samsung dev phone, supporting and working with Gentoo��
>> we'll see
>>     how this goes...
>>     More comments? encouragement, folks interested?
>>     James
>> I am very interested, although my testing capabilities would be
>> restricted to a non-samsung Pixel 3. My�understanding is also that
>> the Pixel and Nexus devices publish their "vendor blobs" or hardware
>> binaries online which may help?�I've experimented with Ubuntu Touch
>> a bit on the Nexus 5, however the device is quite slow at this point.
>> My use case wouldn't be so much for control over updates, but more
>> for things like Convergence (Ubuntu), Dex (Samsung) or Android
>> Desktop. Where you dock your phone and have a linux/Android desktop
>> with floating windows etc.
>>  ï¿½I'd like to be kept in the loop on this, and if possible I would
>> also like to help contribute 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-20 Thread james

On 2/18/20 11:00 PM, wrote:

On Feb 18, 2020 22:33, james  wrote:

On 2/18/20 9:29 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:
 > On 19/2/20 4:16 am, james wrote:
 >> So,
 >> After contacting several US carriers, the cover story is you can
get a
 >> cell phone, root it with linux, and it 'should work'.
Supposedly, you
 >> are encourage, but they
 >> will not offer any help. So rather than spending months,
 >> I'd like to 'cheat' and find a gentoo hack(er) that has
 >> rooted and put some form of gentoo, or embedded_gentoo
 >> on a cell phone.
 >> Please respond to the list, but, for whatever reason, private
 >> responses are OK too.
 >> I'm just tire of my Android cell phone downloading update *every
 >> night*. I want/need control of the stacks
 >> running on the phone. I have heard this is quite popular in
Europe and
 >> the Rf circuits have their own firmware, so it's really next to
 >> impossible to hack the Rf side
 >> of communications.?
 >> Any and all responses, public or private, are most welcome.
Links only
 >> are fine too!
 >> James
 > For gentoo, I would say "not easy at all" - the problem is custom
 > hardware, propriety drivers and lack of information, even in well
 > supported models.
 > There was an app where you could install gentoo into something
like a
 > container - worked well but the android kernel I was using at the
 > didn't have some functioned enabled that fed into limiting some
 > operations in the container.
 > Easier and more practical would be to install LibreOS. You can
build ii
 > yourself and build/include your own software as needed - I did it
 > times with its Cyanogenmod predecessor (I presume you still
can).� There
 > are some other stacks suitable for phones such as sailfish and even
 > android can be built yourself (and you can defang/customise it while
 > doing it - google not needed and if you dont install GAPPS it still
 > works fine)
 > To be honest, if what you mentioned is your main gripe, build
 > and use a third party app store like F-Droid to control that side
of the
 > equation.
 > Make sure you look into rooting, flashing a new OS and the
 > of doing so - that can be another whole level of pain depending
on the
 > brand of your hardware, and how recent it is (less chance with
new stuff
 > as the really smart people have not had time to trailblaze :)
 > BillK

Good info (thanks!)
Here's what I've found so far. The purpose of this posting is to share
info, so we have a gentoo on a cell phone. I am currently researching
'unlocked' samsung phones that support 5G and CDMA, so most sim cards
should work. If others are interested, or know of viable github (etc)
places to upload codes to, gentoo centric, I'd be all for that. I just
done with carriers running my cell phones. Sure they can control the RF
(hardware), but not the software running on the phone. here are a few

Here is an unlocked 5G and CDMA? I'm looking at to root with gentoo::

Galaxy S20 5G 128GB (Unlocked)

Chating with samsung right now. Explaining *why* there needs to be a
samsung dev phone, supporting and working with Gentoo�� we'll see
how this goes...

More comments? encouragement, folks interested?


I am very interested, although my testing capabilities would be 
restricted to a non-samsung Pixel 3. My�understanding is also that the 
Pixel and Nexus devices publish their "vendor blobs" or hardware 
binaries online which may help?�I've experimented with Ubuntu Touch a 
bit on the Nexus 5, however the device is quite slow at this point. My 
use case wouldn't be so much for control over updates, but more for 
things like Convergence (Ubuntu), Dex (Samsung) or Android Desktop. 
Where you dock your phone and have a linux/Android desktop with floating 
windows etc.

 �I'd like to be kept in the loop on this, and if possible I would also 
like to help contribute software however I'm not really skilled with 
hardware. I configure my kernel and that's about it.

Sorry, I missed this. Super busy, trying to get Samsung to 'throw this 
effort a bone', in the form of deeply one-time discounted Samsung 
note:11 phone, that are unlocked and support booting multiple embedded 
(phone) OSes. Think about it (3) or more different stacks to test out 
one against 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-19 Thread james

On 2/19/20 7:57 AM, Andrew Lowe wrote:

On 19/2/20 10:29 am, William Kenworthy wrote:

On 19/2/20 4:16 am, james wrote:





Easier and more practical would be to install LibreOS. You can build ii
yourself and build/include your own software as needed - I did it many
times with its Cyanogenmod predecessor (I presume you still can).� There
are some other stacks suitable for phones such as sailfish and even
android can be built yourself (and you can defang/customise it while
doing it - google not needed and if you dont install GAPPS it still
works fine)


This is the most painless way of doing this. I have been using Gentoo 
since the early naughties and love the customisation etc but on a phone, 
not worth the pain. Ride off someone else's coat tails and the one I use 
is LineageOS [1]. Except for the occasional blob for the wireless bits 
and pieces which need a bit of ferretting around for, it just runs.


Andrew; I'll have to look into LineageOS.   Still, a gentoo based, 
portable stack for Arm and Snapdragon and other processors, are 
straightforward with gentoo sources.  Having multiple stack (cell-OS 
buildouts) to run from via controlled semantics, is a good idea, imho.

Switching between several different embedded OSes on a cell phone, is an 
intriguing idea. THANKS for that IDEA. Multiboot cell phones; totally 
awesome ?

5G is paramount for me. Most are not aware, but 5G basically allows for 
any person in good standing legally, to act as a pseudo-carrier, retail 
or wholesale or free or (?). The most awesome features of 5G are not 
being discuss publically, because there are many  entrepreneurial 
actions centric to 5G. 5G will be bigger than the current carrier/gov 
based internet, more secure, and controlled by the equipment (that means 
you and me) owner/operators. 5G is very security oriented, both in the 
communications domain and the RF domain.

One new method of security is to use 'multi-path' over Rf links, that 
are not regular (non-recurrent). The communications algorithms, 
mathematically, are known as "walk-once" basically no repeated patterns.

That alone is but one "game_changer" baked into 5G. I just think Gentoo 
needs to be on the 'forefront' of this communications revolution; hth.


Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-19 Thread Andrew Lowe

On 19/2/20 10:29 am, William Kenworthy wrote:

On 19/2/20 4:16 am, james wrote:





Easier and more practical would be to install LibreOS. You can build ii
yourself and build/include your own software as needed - I did it many
times with its Cyanogenmod predecessor (I presume you still can).  There
are some other stacks suitable for phones such as sailfish and even
android can be built yourself (and you can defang/customise it while
doing it - google not needed and if you dont install GAPPS it still
works fine)


This is the most painless way of doing this. I have been using Gentoo 
since the early naughties and love the customisation etc but on a phone, 
not worth the pain. Ride off someone else's coat tails and the one I use 
is LineageOS [1]. Except for the occasional blob for the wireless bits 
and pieces which need a bit of ferretting around for, it just runs.



Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-18 Thread rudi
On Feb 18, 2020 22:33, james  wrote:On 2/18/20 9:29 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:


> On 19/2/20 4:16 am, james wrote:

>> So,


>> After contacting several US carriers, the cover story is you can get a

>> cell phone, root it with linux, and it 'should work'. Supposedly, you

>> are encourage, but they

>> will not offer any help. So rather than spending months,

>> I'd like to 'cheat' and find a gentoo hack(er) that has

>> rooted and put some form of gentoo, or embedded_gentoo

>> on a cell phone.


>> Please respond to the list, but, for whatever reason, private

>> responses are OK too.



>> I'm just tire of my Android cell phone downloading update *every

>> night*. I want/need control of the stacks

>> running on the phone. I have heard this is quite popular in Europe and

>> the Rf circuits have their own firmware, so it's really next to

>> impossible to hack the Rf side

>> of communications.?



>> Any and all responses, public or private, are most welcome. Links only

>> are fine too!



>> James



> For gentoo, I would say "not easy at all" - the problem is custom

> hardware, propriety drivers and lack of information, even in well

> supported models.


> There was an app where you could install gentoo into something like a

> container - worked well but the android kernel I was using at the time

> didn't have some functioned enabled that fed into limiting some

> operations in the container.


> Easier and more practical would be to install LibreOS. You can build ii

> yourself and build/include your own software as needed - I did it many

> times with its Cyanogenmod predecessor (I presume you still can).� There

> are some other stacks suitable for phones such as sailfish and even

> android can be built yourself (and you can defang/customise it while

> doing it - google not needed and if you dont install GAPPS it still

> works fine)


> To be honest, if what you mentioned is your main gripe, build android

> and use a third party app store like F-Droid to control that side of the

> equation.


> Make sure you look into rooting, flashing a new OS and the implications

> of doing so - that can be another whole level of pain depending on the

> brand of your hardware, and how recent it is (less chance with new stuff

> as the really smart people have not had time to trailblaze :)


> BillK

Good info (thanks!)

Here's what I've found so far. The purpose of this posting is to share 

info, so we have a gentoo on a cell phone. I am currently researching 

'unlocked' samsung phones that support 5G and CDMA, so most sim cards 

should work. If others are interested, or know of viable github (etc) 

places to upload codes to, gentoo centric, I'd be all for that. I just 

done with carriers running my cell phones. Sure they can control the RF 

(hardware), but not the software running on the phone. here are a few 


Here is an unlocked 5G and CDMA? I'm looking at to root with gentoo::

Galaxy S20 5G 128GB (Unlocked)

Chating with samsung right now. Explaining *why* there needs to be a 

samsung dev phone, supporting and working with Gentoo   we'll see 

how this goes...

More comments? encouragement, folks interested?


I am very interested, although my testing capabilities would be restricted to a non-samsung Pixel 3. My understanding is also that the Pixel and Nexus devices publish their "vendor blobs" or hardware binaries online which may help? I've experimented with Ubuntu Touch a bit on the Nexus 5, however the device is quite slow at this point. My use case wouldn't be so much for control over updates, but more for things like Convergence (Ubuntu), Dex (Samsung) or Android Desktop. Where you dock your phone and have a linux/Android desktop with floating windows etc. I'd like to be kept in the loop on this, and if possible I would also like to help contribute software however I'm not really skilled with hardware. I configure my kernel and that's about it. 

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-18 Thread james

On 2/18/20 9:29 PM, William Kenworthy wrote:

On 19/2/20 4:16 am, james wrote:


After contacting several US carriers, the cover story is you can get a
cell phone, root it with linux, and it 'should work'. Supposedly, you
are encourage, but they
will not offer any help. So rather than spending months,
I'd like to 'cheat' and find a gentoo hack(er) that has
rooted and put some form of gentoo, or embedded_gentoo
on a cell phone.

Please respond to the list, but, for whatever reason, private
responses are OK too.

I'm just tire of my Android cell phone downloading update *every
night*. I want/need control of the stacks
running on the phone. I have heard this is quite popular in Europe and
the Rf circuits have their own firmware, so it's really next to
impossible to hack the Rf side
of communications.?

Any and all responses, public or private, are most welcome. Links only
are fine too!


For gentoo, I would say "not easy at all" - the problem is custom
hardware, propriety drivers and lack of information, even in well
supported models.

There was an app where you could install gentoo into something like a
container - worked well but the android kernel I was using at the time
didn't have some functioned enabled that fed into limiting some
operations in the container.

Easier and more practical would be to install LibreOS. You can build ii
yourself and build/include your own software as needed - I did it many
times with its Cyanogenmod predecessor (I presume you still can).� There
are some other stacks suitable for phones such as sailfish and even
android can be built yourself (and you can defang/customise it while
doing it - google not needed and if you dont install GAPPS it still
works fine)

To be honest, if what you mentioned is your main gripe, build android
and use a third party app store like F-Droid to control that side of the

Make sure you look into rooting, flashing a new OS and the implications
of doing so - that can be another whole level of pain depending on the
brand of your hardware, and how recent it is (less chance with new stuff
as the really smart people have not had time to trailblaze :)


Good info (thanks!)
Here's what I've found so far. The purpose of this posting is to share 
info, so we have a gentoo on a cell phone. I am currently researching 
'unlocked' samsung phones that support 5G and CDMA, so most sim cards 
should work. If others are interested, or know of viable github (etc) 
places to upload codes to, gentoo centric, I'd be all for that. I just 
done with carriers running my cell phones. Sure they can control the RF 
(hardware), but not the software running on the phone. here are a few 

Here is an unlocked 5G and CDMA? I'm looking at to root with gentoo::

Galaxy S20 5G 128GB (Unlocked)

Chating with samsung right now. Explaining *why* there needs to be a 
samsung dev phone, supporting and working with Gentoo   we'll see 
how this goes...

More comments? encouragement, folks interested?


Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-18 Thread William Kenworthy

On 19/2/20 4:16 am, james wrote:
> So,
> After contacting several US carriers, the cover story is you can get a
> cell phone, root it with linux, and it 'should work'. Supposedly, you
> are encourage, but they
> will not offer any help. So rather than spending months,
> I'd like to 'cheat' and find a gentoo hack(er) that has
> rooted and put some form of gentoo, or embedded_gentoo
> on a cell phone.
> Please respond to the list, but, for whatever reason, private
> responses are OK too.
> I'm just tire of my Android cell phone downloading update *every
> night*. I want/need control of the stacks
> running on the phone. I have heard this is quite popular in Europe and
> the Rf circuits have their own firmware, so it's really next to
> impossible to hack the Rf side
> of communications.?
> Any and all responses, public or private, are most welcome. Links only
> are fine too!
> James

For gentoo, I would say "not easy at all" - the problem is custom
hardware, propriety drivers and lack of information, even in well
supported models.

There was an app where you could install gentoo into something like a
container - worked well but the android kernel I was using at the time
didn't have some functioned enabled that fed into limiting some
operations in the container.

Easier and more practical would be to install LibreOS. You can build ii
yourself and build/include your own software as needed - I did it many
times with its Cyanogenmod predecessor (I presume you still can).  There
are some other stacks suitable for phones such as sailfish and even
android can be built yourself (and you can defang/customise it while
doing it - google not needed and if you dont install GAPPS it still
works fine)

To be honest, if what you mentioned is your main gripe, build android
and use a third party app store like F-Droid to control that side of the

Make sure you look into rooting, flashing a new OS and the implications
of doing so - that can be another whole level of pain depending on the
brand of your hardware, and how recent it is (less chance with new stuff
as the really smart people have not had time to trailblaze :)


[gentoo-user] Gentoo on a cell?

2020-02-18 Thread james


After contacting several US carriers, the cover story is you can get a 
cell phone, root it with linux, and it 'should work'. Supposedly, you 
are encourage, but they

will not offer any help. So rather than spending months,
I'd like to 'cheat' and find a gentoo hack(er) that has
rooted and put some form of gentoo, or embedded_gentoo
on a cell phone.

Please respond to the list, but, for whatever reason, private responses 
are OK too.

I'm just tire of my Android cell phone downloading update *every night*. 
I want/need control of the stacks
running on the phone. I have heard this is quite popular in Europe and 
the Rf circuits have their own firmware, so it's really next to 
impossible to hack the Rf side

of communications.?

Any and all responses, public or private, are most welcome. Links only 
are fine too!
