[gentoo-user] N failed logins since your last login

2014-06-10 Thread walt
I remember seeing that message years ago when logging in at an ordinary
console, but not any time recently and never on my gentoo machines.

But I just saw that message again yesterday when logging into a Fedora20
virtual machine running the gdm (gnome) display manager.

Is there a way to display that 'failed logins' message without using

Also, is there a way to display the same 'failed logins' message when
logging in with ssh?

Thanks for any clues.

Re: [gentoo-user] N failed logins since your last login

2014-06-11 Thread Florian HEGRON

Is there a way to display that 'failed logins' message without using


See that : http://linux.die.net/man/8/faillog

I am not on my Gentoo machine so I don't know if the faillog file is 
really present.

With this, you just have to make a script with Bash / faillog / awk.
