Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-09 Thread Dale
Dale wrote:

I posted a thread on the folding forums.  If no one replies before to
long, I'm going to delete and start over with a fresh install.  Maybe I
got a bug or something.  Knowing me, I just screwed up something.  LOL 
It happens, especially with me.  :(  The best thing that has happened to
me in a very long time is finding my new lady, after 15 years of looking
I might add.




Well, the folks on the forums couldn't figure it out either.  I deleted
the folding stuff and re-installed it.  It works fine now.  I guess it
had a bug in it's butt or something.

Strange though.



To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Dale

Hi all, it is me again.  LOL

I run folding on all my rigs and noticed something strange.  It uses
screen so I can detach, logout and etc.  Check this out though:

 top - 06:27:32 up 19:34,  4 users,  load average: 2.08, 0.76, 0.26
 Tasks: 103 total,   3 running, 100 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s): 25.2% us, 72.4% sy,  2.3% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi, 
 0.0% si
 Mem:   1034548k total,   937264k used,97284k free,   257980k buffers
 Swap:   488336k total,  188k used,   488148k free,   287116k cached

  1781 root  25   0 59760 1196  568 R 49.2  0.1   0:44.51
  1713 root  16   0  2676 1232  892 S 44.6  0.1   0:39.55 screen
  8649 root  15   0  191m  60m 4644 S  3.3  6.0  32:26.83 X
  1800 root  35  19 43728  32m  472 R  2.0  3.3   0:00.11
 1 root  16   0  1464  492  428 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.20 init
 2 root  34  19 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.04 ksoftirqd/0
 3 root  10  -5 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.06 events/0
 4 root  15  -5 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 khelper
 5 root  11  -5 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 kthread

Now so you will know, this rig has a AMD 2500+ CPU.  This is not one of
my very slow rigs.  Why is screen taking up so much CPU time?  Almost
45%.  O_O

What I have done so far, re-emerged screen and done a etc-update, almost
hit the tab key after etc-.  :/  Habit I guess.  LOL  I did a env-update
and even logged out and back in.  Nothing but more smoke.

What is up with this?  It was working fine the other day.  I have gotten
to where I use it a lot.  I'm still trying to figure out screen but I am
making progress with it.  This is what it looks like on my AMD 800 MHz rig:

 top - 07:01:15 up 12:28,  1 user,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
 Tasks:  38 total,   3 running,  35 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s):  0.3% us,  0.0% sy, 99.7% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi, 
 0.0% si
 Mem:125004k total,   122484k used, 2520k free,79124k buffers
 Swap:   193496k total,   88k used,   193408k free, 7340k cached

  6168 root  39  19 15712 7524 1064 R 99.8  6.0 427:21.84
 1 root  16   0  1440  484  428 S  0.0  0.4   0:00.17 init
 snip big time
  5852 root  16   0  2740 1484  952 S  0.0  1.2   0:04.43 screen
  5853 root  25   0 10732 1072  792 S  0.0  0.9   0:06.01
  5907 root  16   0 10732 1072  792 S  0.0  0.9   0:00.00
  5908 root  15   0 10732 1072  792 S  0.0  0.9   0:05.88
  5909 root  16   0 10732 1072  792 S  0.0  0.9   0:00.00
  6165 root  15   0 10732 1072  792 S  0.0  0.9   0:00.00
  6166 root  34  19 15712 7524 1064 S  0.0  6.0   0:00.23
  6167 root  34  19 15712 7524 1064 S  0.0  6.0   0:00.00
  6169 root  34  19 15712 7524 1064 S  0.0  6.0   0:00.00
  7369 root  16   0  6336 1928 1548 R  0.0  1.5   0:00.05 sshd
  7375 root  16   0  2292 1344 1096 S  0.0  1.1   0:00.02 bash
  7381 root  16   0  2028 1052  828 R  0.0  0.8   0:00.06 top

Do I need to back up a version and mask it for a while?  If so, how do I
get the previous version info?  I assume it is equery something.  I know
how to emerge it I think but they changed how to get a list of what
versions are in portage since I used it last time.

This is the uncommented bit of screenrc:

autodetach on
startup_message off
crlf off
multiuser off
defscrollback 1000
silencewait 15
shell -$SHELL
pow_detach_msg Screen session of \$LOGNAME \$:cr:\$:nl:ended.
termcap  xterm hs@:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l
terminfo xterm hs@:cs=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l
termcapinfo  xterm Z0=\E[?3h:Z1=\E[?3l:is=\E[r\E[m\E[2J\E[H\E[?7h\E[?1;4;6l
termcapinfo xterm* OL=100
termcapinfo xterm 'VR=\E[?5h:VN=\E[?5l'
termcapinfo xterm 'k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~'
termcapinfo xterm 'kh=\EOH:kI=\E[2~:kD=\E[3~:kH=\EOF:kP=\E[5~:kN=\E[6~'
termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=\E]2;:fs=\007:ds=\E]2;screen\007'
termcapinfo xterm 'vi=\E[?25l:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vs=\E[34l'
termcapinfo xterm 'XC=K%,%\E(B,[\304,\326,]\334,{\344,|\366,}\374,~\337'
termcapinfo xterm* be
termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs ti@:te=\E[2J
termcapinfo wy75-42 xo:hs@
termcapinfo wy* 
termcapinfo  hp700 
termcap  vt100* ms:AL=\E[%dL:DL=\E[%dM:UP=\E[%dA:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC
terminfo vt100* 
termcapinfo linux C8

 left out the bindings 

register [ \033:se noai\015a
register ] \033:se ai\015a

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Dale
Dale wrote:

Thanks, I hope someone knows how to fix this.  I may copy my config file
from one of my other rigs and try it.  Sort of chicken though.


OK, it is in the config file somewhere.  I renamed the old config
screenrc.old and then copied the config file from another rig, it works
fine now:

 top - 07:31:03 up 12:58,  1 user,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
 Tasks:  42 total,   3 running,  39 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s):  0.0% us,  0.0% sy, 100.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi, 
 0.0% si
 Mem:125004k total,   122064k used, 2940k free,75512k buffers
 Swap:   193496k total,   88k used,   193408k free, 8924k cached

  6168 root  39  19 15712 7528 1064 R 99.7  6.0 457:08.54
  7462 root  16   0  2028 1044  828 R  0.3  0.8   0:00.44 top
 1 root  16   0  1440  484  428 S  0.0  0.4   0:00.17 init
 snip a lot 
  5852 root  16   0  2740 1484  952 S  0.0  1.2   0:04.43 screen

That is how it should be.  I do want to figue out that config thing
though.  It may cause something else to mess up that I don't know about,

Thanks again for the help.  I'm clueless but I'm looking.


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Dale
Dale wrote:

That is how it should be.  I do want to figue out that config thing
though.  It may cause something else to mess up that I don't know about,

Disregard all that.  I was logged into one of my old rigs via ssh and didn't 
notice it.  That was the old rig that runs correctly.  It is still using a lot 
of CPU time even with the older config file.  May be something else after all.  
At least we eliminated that though.

I need help.  I have to many rigs to keep up with.  o_O

Any ideas?  Thanks.



To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Dale
OK, as a bit of a update.  I started a screen session and then emerged
mozilla inside that session.  It worked fine that way.  There is
something wrong with the way folding is using screen I guess.  So I did
a bit more digging here.  I found this command in one of the startup

add_pref=screen -dmS FAH1

I looked at the man page, they are listed but I have no clue what the
heck they do, even though I RTFM.  Does anybody here see something wrong
with these options?  Maybe have some better options that I can use?

I had to stop my folding so I really need to beat this into shape.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Willie Wong
On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 01:35:27PM -0600, Dale wrote:
 add_pref=screen -dmS FAH1
 I looked at the man page, they are listed but I have no clue what the
 heck they do, even though I RTFM.  Does anybody here see something wrong
 with these options?  Maybe have some better options that I can use?

Looks alright, fairly standard options. 
  -d -m (same as -dm) implies starts a new screen detached
  -S FAH1 says that screen session will be named FAH1, so you can
 reattach the session via 'screen -r FAH1'

It is probably something else that is causing you trouble. 

These are things people actually said in court
Q: What is your date of birth?
A: July fifteenth.
Q: What year?
A: Every year.
Q: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
A: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
Q: Sir, what is your IQ?
A: Well, I can see pretty well, I think.
Q: Did you blow your horn or anything?
A: After the accident?
Q: Before the accident.
A: Sure, I played for ten years. I even went to school for it.
Q: Trooper, when you stopped the defendant, were your red and blue 
   lights flashing?
A: Yes.
Q: Did the defendant say anything when she got out of her car?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: What did she say?
A: What disco am I at?
Q: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep,
   he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
Q: The youngest son, the twenty-year old, how old is he?
Q: Were you present when your picture was taken?
Q: She had three children, right?
A: Yes.
Q: How many were boys?
A: None.
Q: Were there any girls?
Q: How was your first marriage terminated?
A: By death.
Q: And by whose death was it terminated?
Q: Is you appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice
   which I sent to your attorney?
A: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.
Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began
   the autopsy?
A: No.
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Q: But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?
A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing
   law somewhere.
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 5 days, 23:30
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Dale
Willie Wong wrote:

Looks alright, fairly standard options. 
  -d -m (same as -dm) implies starts a new screen detached
  -S FAH1 says that screen session will be named FAH1, so you can
 reattach the session via 'screen -r FAH1'

It is probably something else that is causing you trouble. 


You're right, it is something else.  I used the command with something
beside folding and it works just fine.  I have no clue what to do with
this thing. 

I also searched the emerge log, screen has not been updated.

I may delete the folding directory and just start with a fresh install. 
I use finstall to do my folding.  Funny thing is, I have not done
anything to folding except stop start when I need to reboot or
something.  Other than that, it just runs.  It works fine on my other
rigs as well.  I use the same version of screen and used finstall on
them too.

If anybody has any ideas, I need them.  I did just download a new
folding thing so I am not really loosing anything but it will make them
think I'm working on it when I am not.

Thanks for any help you can give.


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Willie Wong
On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 06:25:59PM -0600, Dale wrote:
 You're right, it is something else.  I used the command with something
 beside folding and it works just fine.  I have no clue what to do with
 this thing. 
 I also searched the emerge log, screen has not been updated.
 I may delete the folding directory and just start with a fresh install. 
 I use finstall to do my folding.  Funny thing is, I have not done
 anything to folding except stop start when I need to reboot or
 something.  Other than that, it just runs.  It works fine on my other
 rigs as well.  I use the same version of screen and used finstall on
 them too.

Sorry if you might have explained this before, but can you refresh my
memory on what it is, this folding thing you keep referring to? 

Steve:Face it, you're no match for a human opponent.
Pintsize: That's because I don't have thumbs.
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 6 days,  3:33
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Dale
Willie Wong wrote:

Sorry if you might have explained this before, but can you refresh my
memory on what it is, this folding thing you keep referring to? 


Well, I didn't but I thought most everybody had heard of it.

It is a medical research thing that people run on their rigs.  It is
very CPU intensive too.  If you think you have a cooling issue with your
CPU, run folding for a while, it will find it.

No clue yet why it is doing this.  I may post it on the folding forums
and see if anybody else if having this problem.



To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Nick Rout
On Tue, 08 Nov 2005 22:07:17 -0600

 Willie Wong wrote:
 Sorry if you might have explained this before, but can you refresh my
 memory on what it is, this folding thing you keep referring to? 
 Well, I didn't but I thought most everybody had heard of it.
 It is a medical research thing that people run on their rigs.  It is
 very CPU intensive too.  If you think you have a cooling issue with your
 CPU, run folding for a while, it will find it.
 No clue yet why it is doing this.  I may post it on the folding forums
 and see if anybody else if having this problem.

U is it possible that the screen cpu usage is reflecting the CPU
usage of folding (which is running within a screen session if I read
you posts properly)

perhaps try running some other cpu intensive task within screen and see
what happens?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Willie Wong
On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 06:15:36PM +1300, Nick Rout wrote:
 U is it possible that the screen cpu usage is reflecting the CPU
 usage of folding (which is running within a screen session if I read
 you posts properly)
 perhaps try running some other cpu intensive task within screen and see
 what happens?

The OP mentioned he tried compiling mozilla inside of screen. And the
CPU usage was normal for screen. So I don't think this possibility is

Pintsize: An entire alternate universe of nuns! THE NUNIVERSE!
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 6 days,  7:27
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Willie Wong
On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 10:07:17PM -0600, Dale wrote:
 Well, I didn't but I thought most everybody had heard of it.
 It is a medical research thing that people run on their rigs.  It is
 very CPU intensive too.  If you think you have a cooling issue with your
 CPU, run folding for a while, it will find it.
 No clue yet why it is doing this.  I may post it on the folding forums
 and see if anybody else if having this problem.

Oh... the protein folding thing. Since you run it in screen, I assume
you are running the text-mode client? Just out of curiousity, on the
two boxes you have, did you run the same version of the client? 

I just downloaded the stable version (FAH502-Linux.exe) and have been
running it in screen for the last hour or so. So far I cannot see the
same behaviour you are describing. One thing I noticed, for some
reason the one I am running is loading FahCore_82, while yours load

Anyway, did you install foldingathome through portage? What is the
command you are using to start the process? 

Try downloading the client directly from the Stanford website, put it
in a new directory, cd to that directory, and issue
  screen ./FAH502-Linux.exe
and see if the problem persists. 

Nothing is fool-proof to sufficiently talented fools.
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 6 days,  7:29
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Dale
Nick Rout wrote:

U is it possible that the screen cpu usage is reflecting the CPU
usage of folding (which is running within a screen session if I read
you posts properly)

perhaps try running some other cpu intensive task within screen and see
what happens?


I tried that and it worked fine.  I started a screen session and emerged
mozilla.  The merge stuff showed heavy CPU usage but screen only showed
1 or 2%, like it should.

I really think this has something to do with folding itself somehow. 
Screen is actually taking up the CPU time though.  Folding is really
slow when it does this, real slow.



To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Screen is being a CPU hog, big time!!!

2005-11-08 Thread Dale
Willie Wong wrote:

Oh... the protein folding thing. Since you run it in screen, I assume
you are running the text-mode client? Just out of curiousity, on the
two boxes you have, did you run the same version of the client? 

I just downloaded the stable version (FAH502-Linux.exe) and have been
running it in screen for the last hour or so. So far I cannot see the
same behaviour you are describing. One thing I noticed, for some
reason the one I am running is loading FahCore_82, while yours load

Anyway, did you install foldingathome through portage? What is the
command you are using to start the process? 

Try downloading the client directly from the Stanford website, put it
in a new directory, cd to that directory, and issue
  screen ./FAH502-Linux.exe
and see if the problem persists. 


Well I used finstall.  The reason I did that is because of my quad CPU
Compaq server.  With finstall, it handles all 4 CPUs and the same time
and with one command to start or stop.  It is a really nice way to do
it.  I like consistancy so I installed it on all my rigs.  I also fell
in love with the screen thing as well.  Funny huh?  LOL

I posted a thread on the folding forums.  If no one replies before to
long, I'm going to delete and start over with a fresh install.  Maybe I
got a bug or something.  Knowing me, I just screwed up something.  LOL 
It happens, especially with me.  :(  The best thing that has happened to
me in a very long time is finding my new lady, after 15 years of looking
I might add.



To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list