Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild is giving me fits

2005-11-04 Thread Dale
Holly Bostick wrote:

By the way, what version of gentoolkit do you have installed? If the
last stable (0.2.0-r2), you might very well want to consider unmasking
the unstable version for this package only -- add
app-portage/gentoolkit ~x86 to /etc/portage/package.keywords-- as
revdep-rebuild is vastly improved (though still not perfect) in the most
recent unstable version.

app-portage/gentoolkit-0.2.0-r2 is what I have.  I may update it when it
gets through with -ev world.

It is within the realm of possiblility that your version of
revdep-rebuild is less trustworthy than mine (I use the unstable
version), so the reason why you're receiving untrustworthy reports, and
I'm saying the application is trustworthy despite this is because my
version *is* reasonably trustworthy and yours is not (which would make
all of the following completely incorrect).

I understand that all those brokens seem like they should be of
concern, but the important thing is that *revdep-rebuild is not offering
to rebuild anything*. What I suspect has happened is that you have
changed your USE flags and possibly run revdep-rebuild based on a
revdep-rebuild -p that you had done prior to changing your USE flags.

Well, I'm the same way with my car, the house and just about everything
else I have.  If I think it has something that I *may* can not depend
on, I fix it.  I would rather fix it than to just hope for the best. 
I'm one of those that has had my fair share of bad luck so I paln for
the worst and hope for the best.  Brakes on my car is a good example.  I
want them to work everytime, not just on occasion.

I say this because I notice that gaim and python both have the tcltk USE
flag available; they must have been compiled at least once with this
flag active for them to require and, but now,
even though these libraries are broken, gaim and python are not offered
to be rebuilt-- therefore the optional dependency on these libraries
must have been removed in the meantime. This could occur if you had run
revdep-rebuild -p (which makes a list of the proposed rebuilds based on
the system at that moment), changed your USE flages, removing tcltk,
then re-emerged gaim and python during the course of a emerge --newuse
world, and then run revdep-rebuild without the -p (which reads the list
created from the previous --pretend run rather than re-evaluating the

I do have tcltk in the USE section.  Pysol, one of my card games,
requires it.

All the broken gnome libs depending on libsigc++ (which is where comes from) seem to be deep dependencies (no packages
are offered to be fixed related to them); since you appear to be a KDE
user, the only way I see for these libraries to be on your system is
that they were optional dependencies emerged via the +gnome USE flag
(since the direct dependencies for these libraries are not being
mentioned as broken, or offered to rebuild). Perhaps this USE flag has
also been disabled and the applications previously using it rebuilt.

I have not changed my USE flags in a really long time, that I can recall
anyway.  It is possible though.

The icewm applications depending on libungif are also not offered to
rebuild, although they are broken w.r.t the libraries, which suggests
that icewm is not in your world file, but is a dependency or deep
dependency of something that is.

But what's interesting is that icewm does not depend on libungif, but
giflib, which is apparently not broken, and certainly not broken w.r.t

So what it looks like to me is that your system is very sloppy at the
moment, but nothing in fact is broken by some miracle of fate, which is
why revdep-rebuild put out all this output, but offered to fix nothing.

Well, that is sort of what I am working on here.  I want to get
everything back up to fubar here.  I installed Gentoo a couple years ago
and have been doing my updates pretty regular but that is about it
really.  Time to change the oil so to speak.

Or it's a gigantic bug. but if that was the case, you would likely have
noticed; you would have rather a wide range of programs and DE/WMs that
would not start, such as GNOME, IceWM, and Gaim, which I think you would
have reported if it had happened.

No Gnome or IceWM here.  That gaim sounds familiar though.  I may have
it but I don't use it.

So I think that revdep-rebuild is telling the truth, and although many
things are bent, nothing is broken and nothing in fact needs rebuilding.

I would consider an

emerge depclean -p (do *not* forget the -p!!!)

to begin the process of getting rid of some of these apparently
no-longer needed packages and libraries.

*Absolutely* look at the list and make sure nothing essential is
suggested to unmerge before attempting an emerge depclean without

I'll do that in a bit and post what it says, we'll look at and see what
is *safe*.  LOL


Well, that was the command I was given and copy and paste works.  I'm

Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild is giving me fits

2005-11-03 Thread Dale
Bob Sanders wrote:

Before you do that, get rid of /root/.revdep*
Run - python-updater
Then - perl-cleaner all
Then - emerge -uDNav world
Then - revdep-rebuild -p


OK.  I went in circles with those for a while.  I have now come to a
brick wall here.  I had a earlier thread about this just in case.  I
have a package.use file that tells it not to do the doc thing for
gentoo-sources but it seems it is more stubborn than I am.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # emerge -uDNavp world
  --pretend disables --ask... removing --ask from options.

 These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

 Calculating world dependencies ...done!
 [ebuild  N] app-text/xmlto-0.0.18  0 kB

 Total size of downloads: 0 kB

I did take the -p out and try it but it failed, like I expected.  May be
something in the command that is making it want to ignore the
package.use file.  Anyway . . . . . .

OK, the revdep-rebuild command now gives me this:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # revdep-rebuild

 Checking reverse dependencies...
 Packages containing binaries and libraries broken by any package update,
 will be recompiled.

 Collecting system binaries and libraries... done.

 Collecting complete LD_LIBRARY_PATH... done.

 Checking dynamic linking consistency...
   broken /usr/lib/gaim/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/bin/icewm-session (requires
   broken /usr/bin/icewm (requires
   broken /usr/bin/gnome-panel-properties-capplet (requires
   broken /usr/bin/icewmtray (requires
   broken /usr/bin/icehelp (requires
   broken /usr/bin/icewmbg (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/gaim/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/
   broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icewm-session (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icewm (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/bin/gnome-panel-properties-capplet (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icewmtray (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icehelp (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icewmbg (requires

 Assigning files to ebuilds... done.

 Evaluating package order... done.

 Dynamic linking on your system is consistent... All done.

Don't get me started on that libingif and giflib circle either.  :/  I'm
not sure what to do about that.  The forums don't seem to have a fix
either.  If I emerge it, it gripes, if I unmerge it, it gripes.  I'm

What next, hammer?  Will a emerge -ev world help those broken things?  I
don't mind running it to much it just slows down my folding a lot is
all.  I have a AMD 2500+ CPU with 1GB of ram so it is not a really huge
deal, if it will help.  I run 24/7 anyway.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # uptime
  04:21:49 up 7 days, 10:22,  5 users,  load average: 1.07, 1.77, 2.17

Thanks for the help everybody, need a little more.  We're getting close
I think.


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild is giving me fits

2005-11-03 Thread Holly Bostick
Dale schreef:
 Bob Sanders wrote:
 Before you do that, get rid of /root/.revdep* Run - python-updater 
 Then - perl-cleaner all Then - emerge -uDNav world Then -
 revdep-rebuild -p
 OK.  I went in circles with those for a while.  I have now come to a 
 brick wall here.  I had a earlier thread about this just in case.  I 
 have a package.use file that tells it not to do the doc thing for 
 gentoo-sources but it seems it is more stubborn than I am.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # emerge -uDNavp world
 --pretend disables --ask... removing --ask from options.
 These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
 Calculating world dependencies ...done! [ebuild  N]
 app-text/xmlto-0.0.18  0 kB
 Total size of downloads: 0 kB [EMAIL PROTECTED] / #

Did you re-emerge gentoo-sources after removing the doc USE flag?

If not, then the currently installed version, which was installed using
the doc flag, would still require that xmlto be installed.

That brings me to another question, because if you didn't re-emerge
gentoo-sources, and you have changed the USE flag, then it *should* be
coming up as recompileable when you do a --newuse (-N).

Why isn't it? Most likely because you have not actually changed the USE

What is the format of the relevant entry in /etc/portage/package.use?

If it does not look like this

sys-kernel/gentoo-sources -doc

then fix it. Alternatively, you could just remove doc or add -doc to
/etc/make.conf, if you don't use that USE flag the majority of the time,
and only add it for those packages you *do* use it for. This is how I do
it, doc is off by default, but enabled specifically for imagemagick, for
which I need all the docs I can get.

Also, try

emerge -uDNptv world

emerge --update --deep --newuse --pretend --tree --verbose

(with --tree being the important change)

 to see what packages are requiring xmlto. We're
just guessing that it's gentoo-sources, really; maybe it's not.

 I did take the -p out and try it but it failed, like I expected.  May
 be something in the command that is making it want to ignore the 
 package.use file.  Anyway . . . . . .

No, your syntax in package.use is likely wrong. Happens to all of us. :-) .

 OK, the revdep-rebuild command now gives me this:
 Dynamic linking on your system is consistent... All done.

Great. No more need to deal with that atm, then.

 Don't get me started on that libingif and giflib circle either.  :/
 I'm not sure what to do about that.  The forums don't seem to have a
 fix either.  If I emerge it, it gripes, if I unmerge it, it gripes.
 I'm confused.
 What next, hammer?  Will a emerge -ev world help those broken things?
*Will* you stop trying to get authorization for emerge -e at every
opportunity!!!??? :-)

It's really not necessary. And you're getting yourself all worked up
over a relatively minor issue (or in fact a couple of them).

As I said, you probably have a typo in /etc/portage/package.use. You
want to spend a week reinstalling your system over a typo?

As for the gif/libungif problem, search the ML archives; we just talked
about this last week. I'd have to look it up, but iirc the solution has
to do with uninstalling either gif or libungif and the program that's
being a problem about it, then reinstalling the apps in the correct order.

But depending on your usage patterns, perhaps you don't even need to
worry about this *at this minute*. If the program or programs that
depend on the gif/libungif circle are not mission critical for you atm
(or you aren't using it because you're solving the other issues), then
put the issue on the back burner for now.

Basically, you seem to be upset because Portage is having a fit when you
try to update world. Not because a program is broken, or because you
can't do some specific task (because a program is broken). If that is a
correct assessment of the situation, then have some perspective.

You don't have to update world every day, or even every month. So don't.
If things work OK for what you need them to do, then the fact that you
can't update easily right now is *not a problem*. Certainly not one
needing a reinstall of the entire system.

If something specific is broken due to the gif/libungif issue, then tell
us what that is. It may be that gif/libungif needs to be sorted out to
fix whatever is broken, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

It's really not a big deal. Relax.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild is giving me fits

2005-11-03 Thread Dale
Holly Bostick wrote:

Did you re-emerge gentoo-sources after removing the doc USE flag?

Yup, I sure did.

What is the format of the relevant entry in /etc/portage/package.use?

If it does not look like this

sys-kernel/gentoo-sources -doc

Mine looks like this:  O_O

 sys-kernel/gentoo-sources -doc

Looks cool.

Also, try

emerge -uDNptv world

emerge --update --deep --newuse --pretend --tree --verbose

(with --tree being the important change)

 to see what packages are requiring xmlto. We're
just guessing that it's gentoo-sources, really; maybe it's not.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # emerge -uDNptv world

 These are the packages that I would merge, in reverse order:

 Calculating world dependencies ...done!
 [nomerge  ] sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-  -build +doc -symlink
 [ebuild  N]  app-text/xmlto-0.0.18  0 kB

 Total size of downloads: 0 kB

Something new that didn't show up last time.  My new package.use:

sys-kernel/gentoo-sources  -doc
sys-kernel/vanilla-sources -doc


No, your syntax in package.use is likely wrong. Happens to all of us. :-) .

Me, have a typo, no way.  I'm a perfect typer, NOT.  LOL  My typing sucks.

Great. No more need to deal with that atm, then.

What about the broke stuff?

*Will* you stop trying to get authorization for emerge -e at every
opportunity!!!??? :-)

Well, that was the command I was given and copy and paste works.  I'm a
bad typer remember.  I copy and paste all I can.  It's safer.

It's really not necessary. And you're getting yourself all worked up
over a relatively minor issue (or in fact a couple of them).

I'm not all worked up here.  I'm ROTFLMAO though.  LOL  I'm OK as long
as I can figure it out OR get help fixing it. 

Basically, you seem to be upset because Portage is having a fit when you
try to update world. Not because a program is broken, or because you
can't do some specific task (because a program is broken). If that is a
correct assessment of the situation, then have some perspective.

I'm not mad at portage.  I love portage.  I still remember Mandrake. 
I'll never forget that mess.  At least with this, it can be fixed
without a re-install.

You don't have to update world every day, or even every month. So don't.
If things work OK for what you need them to do, then the fact that you
can't update easily right now is *not a problem*. Certainly not one
needing a reinstall of the entire system.

I do mine each night because I'm on dial-up and it is easier to get
little tidbits than to wait until there is a new KDE and Open Office at
the same time.  o_O  It takes me about three days to get just Open
Office so I like to nibble on it a bit.  Plus, it is fun to watch,
unlike Mandrake.  Yea, I watch all that Greek stuff go by.  I don't
understand it much but I watch it anyway.

If something specific is broken due to the gif/libungif issue, then tell
us what that is. It may be that gif/libungif needs to be sorted out to
fix whatever is broken, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

I'm not sure if anything is broke or not.  It was a block thing that I
thought may be messing up revdep-rebuild since it was complaining about
it.  Everything seems to be working OK.  It's the reboot I worry about. 
I ran for almost 10 months just to reboot and find out my inittab was
blank.  It wasn't happy at all and I was very worried.

It's really not a big deal. Relax.

I'm allmost always relaxed.  As long as I can get to the net and surf or
email, I'm relaxed.  Other than that, I'm worried.  Right now, I'm
relaxed.  I just joke a lot, especially about the hammer.  I do have a 5
lb mini sledge but I would not hit my puter, I may threaten it though. 
LOL  Now to get over this dizzy spell that I have been in with that gif
thing.  I ran in circles for a while with that.  I also have a bald spot
where I was scratching my head.

I re-emerged vanilla-sources, it had the -doc on it too.  Now I get this:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # emerge -uDNptv world

 These are the packages that I would merge, in reverse order:

 Calculating world dependencies ...done!

 Total size of downloads: 0 kB

Just for the heck of it, I'm doing a emerge -ev world.  Just to be
sure.  I'll skip Open Office though.  It won't take to long.

My only question is about those broken things in revdep-rebuild.  I
guess the emerge -ev world will deal with that though, right?

Thanks for the help.  I need it.  Maybe one day I will get all this
absorbed.  Problem is, they keep changing and adding features.  I'm
playing catch-up.  Can you see me in your mirror yet?  LOL  What a sense
of humor.  I take a bit of getting used to.  Hang in there folks.  It's
a fun ride generally.


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild is giving me fits

2005-11-03 Thread Holly Bostick
Dale schreef:
 Holly Bostick wrote:
 Did you re-emerge gentoo-sources after removing the doc USE flag?
 Yup, I sure did.
 What is the format of the relevant entry in 
 If it does not look like this
 sys-kernel/gentoo-sources -doc
 Mine looks like this:  O_O
 sys-kernel/gentoo-sources -doc

OK, that eliminates that possibility; it must be something else, then.
 Also, try
 emerge -uDNptv world
 emerge --update --deep --newuse --pretend --tree --verbose
 (with --tree being the important change)
 to see what packages are requiring xmlto. We're just guessing that 
 it's gentoo-sources, really; maybe it's not.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # emerge -uDNptv world
 These are the packages that I would merge, in reverse order:
 Calculating world dependencies ...done! [nomerge  ] 
 sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-  -build +doc -symlink [ebuild N
  ]  app-text/xmlto-0.0.18  0 kB
 Total size of downloads: 0 kB [EMAIL PROTECTED] / #

And so, in fact, it is something else. Or something more, that we didn't
know about.

Do you use/need vanilla-sources? If not, then you might consider
unmerging it, so it does not appear in your world file and attempt to
update every time you do an emerge -whatever world.

And you might also consider adding -doc to /etc/make.conf, as noted

 Something new that didn't show up last time.  My new package.use:
 sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-doc sys-kernel/vanilla-sources -doc

That should solve that, then.

 Great. No more need to deal with that atm, then.
 What about the broke stuff?

According to your last output:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / # revdep-rebuild
 Checking reverse dependencies... Packages containing binaries and 
 libraries broken by any package update, will be recompiled.
 Collecting system binaries and libraries... done. 
 Collecting complete LD_LIBRARY_PATH... done. 
 Checking dynamic linking consistency... broken /usr/lib/gaim/
  (requires broken 
 /usr/lib/ (requires broken 
 /usr/lib/ (requires broken 
 /usr/lib/ (requires broken
  /usr/lib/ (requires broken
  /usr/lib/ (requires broken 
 /usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/ (requires broken 
 /usr/lib/ (requires broken /usr/bin/icewm-session (requires broken /usr/bin/icewm (requires 
 broken /usr/bin/gnome-panel-properties-capplet (requires broken /usr/bin/icewmtray (requires
  broken /usr/bin/icehelp (requires broken 
 /usr/bin/icewmbg (requires broken 
 /usr/X11R6/lib/gaim/ (requires 
 broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ 
 (requires broken 
 /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
  broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ 
 (requires broken 
 /usr/X11R6/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/ (requires broken 
 /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icewm-session (requires broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icewm (requires
  broken /usr/X11R6/bin/gnome-panel-properties-capplet (requires broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icewmtray (requires broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icehelp (requires broken /usr/X11R6/bin/icewmbg (requires done. (/root/.revdep-rebuild.3_rebuild)
 Assigning files to ebuilds... done. 
 Evaluating package order... done. (/root/.revdep-rebuild.5_order)
 Dynamic linking on your system is consistent... All done.

Dynamic linking on your system is consistent... All done. means that
nothing needs rebuilding, in the opinion of revdep-rebuild (meaning no
libraries are disconnected from the programs that depend on them).

By the way, what version of gentoolkit do you have installed? If the
last stable (0.2.0-r2), you might very well want to consider unmasking
the unstable version for this package only -- add
app-portage/gentoolkit ~x86 to /etc/portage/package.keywords-- as
revdep-rebuild is vastly improved (though still not perfect) in the most
recent unstable version.

It is within the realm of possiblility that your version of
revdep-rebuild is less trustworthy than mine (I use the unstable
version), so the reason why you're receiving untrustworthy reports, 

Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild is giving me fits

2005-11-03 Thread Willie Wong
On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 05:44:00AM -0600, Dale wrote:
 Mine looks like this:  O_O
  sys-kernel/gentoo-sources -doc

One of these e-mail things that needs to be checked. Sorry if you have
done it already. 

In that line quoted above in /etc/.../package.use, does the line begin
with a greater-than sign, or does it not? If it does begin with a
greater-than sign, please remove it. 

If I could choose between a second brain and a detachable stomach, I would 
 definitely choose the stomach. I mean, then I could eat a lot, dump it all 
 out, and simply continue eating, without any health worries! Whereas, I am 
 perfectly happy with my brain as it is right now.
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 20:08
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild is giving me fits

2005-11-03 Thread Dale
Willie Wong wrote:

On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 05:44:00AM -0600, Dale wrote:

Mine looks like this:  O_O

sys-kernel/gentoo-sources -doc

One of these e-mail things that needs to be checked. Sorry if you have
done it already. 

In that line quoted above in /etc/.../package.use, does the line begin
with a greater-than sign, or does it not? If it does begin with a
greater-than sign, please remove it. 


It does not have those.  From my understanding, which is often wrong by
the way, this file doesn't use those.  It turned out that
vanilla-sources was also causing this.  I added it to the package.use
file and xmlto is no longer a problem.  Basically, I took my hammer and
beat the stuffing out of it.  LOL

Thanks for making sure though.  You can never be to sure with these
things because it has to be just right for it to work.


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.


-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild is giving me fits

2005-11-02 Thread Dale
Well, here it is again but this is weird.  I did a little cleaning over
the past week or so and may have done a little to much cleaning.  I
*may* have screwed up a bit here.  This is what revdep-rebuild gives me:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # revdep-rebuild

 Checking reverse dependencies...
 Packages containing binaries and libraries broken by any package update,
 will be recompiled.

 Collecting system binaries and libraries... done.

 Collecting complete LD_LIBRARY_PATH... done.

 Checking dynamic linking consistency...
   broken /usr/lib/gaim/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/ (requires
   broken /usr/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/bin/gnome-panel-properties-capplet (requires
   broken /usr/sbin/ab2 (requires
   broken /usr/sbin/htdbm (requires
   broken /usr/sbin/logresolve2 (requires
   broken /usr/sbin/htpasswd2 (requires
   broken /usr/sbin/ab2-ssl (requires
   broken /usr/sbin/rotatelogs2 (requires
   broken /usr/sbin/checkgid2 (requires
   broken /usr/sbin/htdigest2 (requires
   broken /usr/sbin/apache2 (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/gaim/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/ (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/python2.2/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/
   broken /usr/X11R6/lib/
   broken /usr/X11R6/bin/gnome-panel-properties-capplet (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/sbin/ab2 (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/sbin/htdbm (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/sbin/logresolve2 (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/sbin/htpasswd2 (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/sbin/ab2-ssl (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/sbin/rotatelogs2 (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/sbin/checkgid2 (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/sbin/htdigest2 (requires
   broken /usr/X11R6/sbin/apache2 (requires

 Assigning files to ebuilds... done.

 Evaluating package order...
 Warning: Failed to resolve package order.
 Will merge in random order!
 Possible reasons:
 - Some ebuilds are no more in portage tree.
 - Some ebuilds are masked, try to change ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~your
   and/or use /etc/portage/package.unmask
 . done.

 All prepared. Starting rebuild...
 emerge --oneshot --nodeps  =net-www/apache-2.0.52-r1
 Calculating dependencies
 emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy =net-www/apache-2.0.52-r1.

 Result is not OK, you have following choices:
 - if emerge failed during build, fix the problems and re-run
 - use -X or --package-names as first argument (try to rebuild package,
 not exact
   ebuild - ignores SLOT!)
 - set ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~your platform and/or
   (and remove /root/.revdep-rebuild.5_order to be evaluated again)
 - modify the above emerge command and run it manually
 - compile or unmerge unsatisfied packages manually, remove temporary
 files and
   try again (you can edit package/ebuild list first)

 To remove temporary files, please run:
 rm /root/.revdep-rebuild*.?_*

As you can see I have a few broken thingys.  It says I need to re-emerge
apache and I have never used apache in my life.  What the heck does it
need that for?  This is my desktop rig not some fancy server.

Should I just do a emerge -ev world and be done with it or does someone
have a better solution to this thing?  It was also a little upset about
something called faad2 but for some reason it decided it didn't need it
anymore.  This was the original list of 

Re: [gentoo-user] revdep-rebuild is giving me fits

2005-11-02 Thread Bob Sanders
On Wed, 02 Nov 2005 19:29:14 -0600

 As you can see I have a few broken thingys.  It says I need to re-emerge
 apache and I have never used apache in my life.  What the heck does it
 need that for?  This is my desktop rig not some fancy server.

Perhaps you have an apache(2) USE flag in /etc/make.conf?
 Should I just do a emerge -ev world and be done with it or does someone
 have a better solution to this thing?

Before you do that, get rid of /root/.revdep*
Run - python-updater
Then - perl-cleaner all
Then - emerge -uDNav world
Then - revdep-rebuild -p

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