Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo not starting with eth0, router not giving IP

2007-01-23 Thread Joseph
What kind of router is it?
I'm assuming you are running dhcpd on your router, can you access it
from windows and check if dhcpd is enabled?


On Tue, 2007-01-23 at 18:51 -0500, Samuel Baldwin wrote:
> Hello.
> Recently after rebooting from Windows to Gentoo, I noticed I had no
> internet access. 
> My router, which is set to give my mac address the same IP
> (, seems to 
> have decided NOT to do this anymore. Nothing has changed in my
> settings on either my computer
> or the router. I get the same thing for every OS (Gentoo LiveCD,
> Gentoo installed, SuSE installed)
> besides windows. I'm totally stumped. Sometimes eth0 gets enabled at
> startup but gets no IP (SuSE), 
> other times (Gentoo & Gentoo LiveCD) it doesn't and I have to run
> ifconfig eth0 up. 
> Running "route add eth0" returns "eth0: Host name lookup
> failure" 
> ifconfig returns:
> eth0  Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:17:18:D5:4A
> RX packets:498 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 
> TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:2 overruns:0 carrier:0
> collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
> RX bytes:152940 (149.3 Kb)   TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
> Interrupt:19 base address:0xe000 
> lo Link encap: Local Loopback
> inet addr: Mask:
> RX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> TX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> RX bytes:1188 (1.1 Kb)   TX bytes:1188 (1.1 b)
> Any help would be apreciated, I'm stumped.
> -- 
> Samuel (shardz)
> Shardz's Igloo: 
> Registered Linux User #410639

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoo not starting with eth0, router not giving IP

2007-01-24 Thread Samuel Baldwin

What kind of router is it?

It's a DX-E401

check if dhcpd is enabled?

Yeah, it's running. However, it's setup to give me a static local IP to
my mac address, but that shouldn't matter, since It's been like that
long before the problem started.

The only thing new that I can think of
is the introduction of a switch to the network, between me and the router.
I don't think that should cause any problems, as it's serving Windows
and my OpenBSD server just fine, but I'm going to try taking it out of the
loop and see if Linux will get an IP.
Samuel (shardz)

Shardz's Igloo:

Registered Linux User #410639

RE: [gentoo-user] Gentoo not starting with eth0, router not giving IP

2007-01-24 Thread Adam Carter

Recently after rebooting from Windows to Gentoo, I noticed I had
no internet access. 
My router, which is set to give my mac address the same IP
(, seems to 
have decided NOT to do this anymore. Nothing has changed in my
settings on either my computer
or the router. I get the same thing for every OS (Gentoo LiveCD,
Gentoo installed, SuSE installed)
besides windows. I'm totally stumped. Sometimes eth0 gets
enabled at startup but gets no IP (SuSE), 
other times (Gentoo & Gentoo LiveCD) it doesn't and I have to
run ifconfig eth0 up. 

Running "route add eth0" returns "eth0: Host name
lookup failure"  

Does the system have link? Depending on the driver, you may have to use
"mii-daig eth0" or "ethtool eth0" to show that. If you dont have link
you either have a dead cable, dead port on the router or dead NIC.
The route is of no use until you can get your DHCP stuff sorted out.
BTW, the format of the command you've shown is incorrect;
I use "route add default gw ", but until you can
ping the gateway there's no point in adding the route.