On Monday, January 25, 2016 02:55:44 AM James wrote:
> J. Roeleveld <joost <at> antarean.org> writes:
> > What do people use these days to filter out websites?
> Dansguardian might do the trick. I do think there are holes
> in it, so it might not work for tech savvy folks? You might have
> to revert to an older version, or read up on the bugs related to
> the latest issues.

Dansguardian was originally my first choice, but it's being tree-cleaned and I 
prefer not to have to maintain it myself.

Squidguard looks like a good alternative.

And no, it's not to keep tech savvy people from bypassing it, she is currently 
I'm also not going to hide the fact I'm filtering out unsuitable/not nice stuff 
from her. Am planning on removing that when she is old enough to filter it out 


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