[geo] Re: Copy of Invitation by Ronald Momogeeshick Peters to Meet former President Bill Clinton

2009-07-14 Thread John Nissen

Hi Albert,

I might be interested.  Anything to get a bit of awareness in high
places.  The ignorance of danger is staggering, up to PM level, see




P.S.  Here's a bit from Hansard, from the PM, where I've added a

Ian Taylor
(Esher & Walton, Conservative)
As my son is serving in Operation
Panther's Claw,
it would not be appropriate for me to comment on that. However, I say
on a personal basis that I profoundly hope that the Prime Minister's
assurances are right.
On environmental issues, can the Prime Minister tell us what the global
has been in the past 10 years? Can he say whether the real impact that
we have to look at is that it is not all man-made and that carbon
dioxide and methane can come from natural causes? I am not a denier of
climate change, but would not the money be better spent on measures to
prevent rising sea levels and other such issues?

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  Hansard source (Citation: HC Deb, 13 July 2009, c33)

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Gordon Brown
(Prime Minister, No Department; Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath,
First, let me say about those serving in Afghanistan
that we owe them a huge debt. These are very difficult times. Operation
Panther's Claw
was never going to be easy. This is an important summer not just for
Afghanistan but for the security of the whole region. We are therefore
indebted to those who are making the sacrifice and giving service not
only in Operation Panther's Claw but throughout Afghanistan.
As for climate change, over the past few years there
has been a rise in temperatures from the trough—

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Ian Taylor
(Esher & Walton, Conservative)
By how much?

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Gordon Brown
(Prime Minister, No Department; Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath,
by more than 1° C. At the same time, we want to prevent a situation
whereby the rise is above 2° C. All the expert predictions that we have
seen suggest that by the year 2100, without taking action, the rise in
temperatures would be in the order of 6 per cent., which would make it
very difficult for some countries to be able to survive in the way that
they are doing at the moment. The need for action is urgent, and the
agreement that we should recognise this as a problem is worldwide. The
question is whether we can get an agreement at Copenhagen, and I hope
that we can all strive to do that as quickly as possible.

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  Hansard source (Citation: HC Deb, 13 July 2009, c33)

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he means 6 degrees, not 6%. It would be almost impossible for
civilisation to survive 6 degrees, if you look at the climate change it
would produce, as projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC). And there would be a mass extinction of land and sea
creatures, on a par with the greatest mass extinctions of geological
  Submitted by John Nissen

Veli Albert Kallio wrote:

  Dear Indianice Members, 
  His Honourable Ronald Momogeeshick
Peters of Geecheemanitou has suggested me/Indianice to join the meeting
to discuss all kinds of prospects and projects to Present to the former
US President Bill Clinton. (I already mentioned to Hillary Clinton
that I would meet her husband in September as a part of looking at
First Nations' projects and we would raise the matter there.)
  I suggest, Indianice put forward its
best expert team to states. Geoengineering Group will also feed me some
  I suggest Indianice team is me,
supported by 2 experts, plus Jim for BBC:
  Jim McNeill should
join me to make a news report for the BBC about meeting with Bill
Clinton. (BBC is a major news company.) Jim is familiar of
the UN-ignored UNGA 101292 request that the North American First
Nations' People made under the auspices of the World Indigenous Nations
Summit as its closing plenary investigation request to the United
Nations' General Assembly. 
  Pano Kroko from the
Environmental Parliament Group is an expert of Hopi Native history and
folklore. Pano also met recently Bill's Vice-President, Al Gore.
Therefore, his presence at the meeting brings a good succession to the
earlier meetings that have laid down the foundations for the American
government to recognise and seriously investigate the American Native
people's histories which appear in form of folklore and 

[geo] Vote on Manchester Report

2009-07-14 Thread markcapron
Hi guys,
You might want to vote-in on the Manchester Report at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/page/2009/jul/13/1.
I recommend the Dr. Hansen supported Thorium Reactors.  I've attached my MSWord summary of all the presentations.
Stephen, Tim and I finished out of the top ten voting, but you can view 1-minute videos, which were taken after the 15-minute presentation.  I'm planning to make a .pdf of the "notes" from my PowerPoint.  Let me know if you would like the 7 MB PowerPoint or a hopefully smaller .pdf.  I am suggesting a potential compromise on the developed-developing world impasse on legacy carbon.  You might want to promote the concept to elected representatives in time to help China and India agree with the US and Europe at the Copenhagen meeting in December.
Mark E. Capron, PE
Oxnard, California
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Manchester rpt summaries.doc
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