Re: [geo] 1. Prospects for an Emergency Drawdown of CO2

2013-02-27 Thread John Nissen
Hi all,

I also think that Professor Calvin's analysis is superb, and we have to
find a way to draw down 30 Gt of carbon per year.  We might allow ten years
to ramp up to this level - with a view to achieving carbon neutrality by
the end of that period.  During the following years we should continue to
ramp up, extracting even more than 30 GtC per year, with the aim to reduce
CO2 to a safe level - if necessary 280 ppm within ten years.

This drawdown should, for justice sake, be funded out of revenues from
fossil fuel, preferable at the point of extraction - so that carbon out of
the ground pays for carbon to be put back in the ground.  However a carbon
offset scheme could start the ball rolling.

But at even higher priority we have to do the same type of analysis for the
Arctic, where it is necessary to apply the SRM type of geoengineering for
cooling the Arctic in order to reduce risk to an acceptable level.  I have
tried to do a risk analysis, and come to the conclusion that we would need
0.4 petawatts of cooling simply to counter the heating from albedo loss per
annum, at the 2012 rate.  This heating from albedo loss will increase to
double by 2015, and triple by 2020, if the exponential trend caused by
albedo positive feedback is followed.  Thus we need to get quickly up to a
level of cooling of around a petawatt, starting this summer with
stabilisation by next summer.

Thus we have two colossal challenges but on different timescales - the CO2
drawdown ramping up to about 30 GtC per year over the next 10 years, and
the Arctic cooling ramping up to about 1 PW over the next 12 months.

These are essentially technical/engineering challenges, but political
backing is required.  At present, politicians are not being presented with
the stark reality of the situation, which is, let's face it, a planetary
emergency.  Government advisers are too frightened to speak out.

Yet these challenges present nations with a unique opportunity for
collaboration in the interests simply of survival.  When the astronauts
aboard Apollo 13 sent a message "Houston, we have a problem", the whole
world was united in brainstorming for a solution to save them.  Cannot we
raise such a concentration of minds again, to save the whole human
population aboard this planet?




On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 11:07 PM, Robert Tulip wrote:

> I thought Professor Calvin's paper was superb and have extracted the
> summary of main points below.
> Information on Professor Calvin's other writings is at
> On the push-pull pipe sequestration idea, I think wave and tide power have
> more potential than wind as a pumping energy source.
> Robert Tulip
>  William Calvin wrote:
> emissions reduction ... has become a largely ineffective course of action
> with poor prospects... Most of the growth in emissions now comes from the
> developing countries burning their own fossil fuels to modernize with
> electricity and personal vehicles. Emissions growth is likely out of
> control, though capable of being countered by removals elsewhere.
> ...drastic emissions reduction worldwide would only buy the US nine extra
> years. However useful it would have been in the 20th century, emissions
> reduction has now become a failed strategy, though still useful as a
> booster for a more effective intervention.
> We must now resort to a form of geoengineer­ing that will not cause more
> trouble than it cures, one that addresses ocean acidification as well as
> overheating and its knock-on effects. Putting current and past CO2
> emissions back into secure storage would reduce the global overheating,
> relieve deluge and drought, reverse ocean acidification, reverse the
> thermal expansion portion of sea level rise, and reduce the chance of more
> abrupt climate shifts.
> Existing ideas for removing the excess CO2 from the air appear inadequate:
> too little, too late. They do not meet the test of being sufficiently big,
> quick, and secure. There is, however, an idealized approach to ocean
> fertilization that appears to pass this triple test. It mimics natural up-
> and down-welling processes using push-pull ocean pumps powered by the wind.
> One pump pulls sunken nutrients back up to fertilize the ocean surface—but
> then another pump immediately pushes the new plankton production down to
> the slow-moving depths before it can revert to CO2.
> ...The atmospheric CO2 is currently above 390 parts per million and the
> excess CO2 growth has been exponential. Excess CO2 is that above 280 ppm in
> the air, the pre-industrial (1750) value and also the old maximum
> concentration for the last several million years of ice age fluctuations
> between 200 and 280 ppm.
> Is a 350 ppm reduction target, allowing a 70 ppm anthropogenic excess, low
> enough? We hit 350 ppm in 1988, well after the sudden circulation shift in
> 1976, the decade-long failure of Greenland Sea flushing that began in 1978,
> and

Re: [geo] 1. Prospects for an Emergency Drawdown of CO2

2013-02-22 Thread Robert Tulip
I thought Professor Calvin's paper was superb and have extracted the summary of 
main points below.
Information on Professor Calvin's other writings is at
On the push-pull pipe sequestration idea, I think wave and tide power have more 
potential than wind as a pumping energy source.
Robert Tulip
  William Calvin wrote:
emissions reduction ... has become a largely ineffective course of action with 
poor prospects... Most of the growth in emissions now comes from the developing 
countries burning their own fossil fuels to modernize with electricity and 
personal vehicles.  Emissions growth is likely out of control, though capable 
of being countered by removals elsewhere.
>...drastic emissions reduction worldwide would only buy the US nine extra 
>years.  However useful it would have been in the 20th century, emissions 
>reduction has now become a failed strategy, though still useful as a booster 
>for a more effective intervention. 
>We must now resort to a form of geoengineer­ing that will not cause more 
>trouble than it cures, one that addresses ocean acidification as well as 
>overheating and its knock-on effects.  Putting current and past CO2 emissions 
>back into secure storage would reduce the global overheating, relieve deluge 
>and drought, reverse ocean acidification, reverse the thermal expansion 
>portion of sea level rise, and reduce the chance of more abrupt climate 
>Existing ideas for removing the excess CO2 from the air appear inadequate: too 
>little, too late. They do not meet the test of being sufficiently big, quick, 
>and secure. There is, however, an idealized approach to ocean fertilization 
>that appears to pass this triple test. It mimics natural up- and down-welling 
>processes using push-pull ocean pumps powered by the wind. One pump pulls 
>sunken nutrients back up to fertilize the ocean surface—but then another pump 
>immediately pushes the new plankton production down to the slow-moving depths 
>before it can revert to CO2. 
>...The atmospheric CO2 is currently above 390 parts per million and the excess 
>CO2 growth has been exponential. Excess CO2 is that above 280 ppm in the air, 
>the pre-industrial (1750) value and also the old maximum concentration for the 
>last several million years of ice age fluctuations between 200 and 280 ppm. 
>Is a 350 ppm reduction target, allowing a 70 ppm anthropogenic excess, low 
>enough? We hit 350 ppm in 1988, well after the sudden circulation shift in 
>1976, the decade-long failure of Greenland Sea flushing that began in 1978, 
>and the sustained doubling (compared to the 1950-1981 average) of world 
>drought acreage that suddenly began in 1982.
>Clearly, 350 ppm is not low enough to avoid sudden climate jumps, so for 
>simplicity I have used 280 ppm as my target: essentially, cleaning up all 
>excess CO2. But how quickly must we do it? That depends not on 2°C overheating 
>estimates but on an evaluation of the danger zone we are already in.
>...big trouble could arrive in the course of only 1-2 years, with no warning. 
>So the climate is already unstable. (“Stabilizing” emissions is not to be 
>confused with climate stability; it still leaves us overheated and in the 
>danger zone for climate jumps. Nor does “stabilized” imply safe.)  While 
>quicker would be better, I will take twenty years as the target for completing 
>the excess CO2 cleanup in order to estimate the drawdown rate needed. 
>...we need to take back 600 GtC within 20 yr at an average rate of 30 GtC/yr 
>in order to clean up...  we must find ways of capturing 30 GtC/yr with 
>traditional carbon-cycle biology, where CO2 is captured by photosynthesis and 
>the carbon incorporated into an organic carbon molecule such as sugar. Then, 
>to take this captured carbon out of circulation, it must be buried to keep 
>decomposing methane and CO2 from reaching the atmosphere.
>One proposal is to bundle up crop residue and sink the weighted bales to the 
>ocean floor. They will decompose there but it will take a thousand years 
>before this CO2 can be carried back up to the ocean surface and vent into the 
>air. Such a project, even when done on a global scale, will yield only a few 
>percent of 30 GtC/yr. Burying raw sewage is no better.
> photo­synthesis, competing for space and water with human uses, 
>cannot do the job in time. It would need to be far more efficient than 
>traditional plant growth. At best, augmented crops on land would be an order 
>of magnitude short of what we need for either countering or cleanup.
>Because of the threat from abrupt climate leaps, the cleanup must be big, 
>quick, and secure. ...we must look to the oceans for the new photosynthesis 
>and for the long-term storage of the CO2 thus captured. 
>Algal blooms are increases in biological productivity when the ocean surface 
>is provided with fertilizer containing missing nutrients...A sustained bloom

RE: [geo] 1. Prospects for an Emergency Drawdown of CO2

2013-01-29 Thread markcapron
Dear Dr. Tuck,Might you outline how to perform an entropy analysis on Ocean MacroAlgal Afforestation captured and stored CO2?  Or suggest someone who could?  The bioCO2 from OMA is a byproduct of solar powered photosynthesis along with bioCH4.  The bioCO2 is separated and concentrated in a low-energy microbial anaerobic digestion process.  A portion, perhaps 10% of the bioCH4 could power the bioCO2 storage.Mark E. Capron, PEOxnard,

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [geo] 1. Prospects for an Emergency Drawdown of CO2
From: "Dr. Adrian Tuck" <>
Date: Sun, January 27, 2013 11:08 pm
Cc:,  James Donaldson
<>, Matt Hitchman <>,  Erik
Richard <>,  Heikki Tervahattu
<>, Veronica Vaida <>, 
Chuck Wilson <>

With regard to the sequestration of excess carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere and halocline, I'd like to see an entropy analysis of such a procedure. The entropically entailed energy cost of removing the present burden at a dilution 400 ppmv is very likely to be so large that a thermodynamic profit, as contrasted to a possible short term economic one, is probably unattainable. Even if it could be theoretically done in an engineering sense, the nonlinearities in the entire, coupled system would still make the consequences unpredictable. On 28 January 2013 00:51, William H. Calvin <> wrote:   This is written for a less expert audience than seen here at Google Groups Geoengineering, but bear with me as this is an example of how to frame policy priorities.  Suppose we had to quickly put the CO2 genie back in the bottle. After a half-century of “thinking small” about climate action, we would be forced to think big—big enough to quickly pull back from the danger zone for tipping points and other abrupt climate shifts.  By addressing the prospects for an emergency drawdown of excess CO2 now, we can also judge how close we have already come to painting ourselves into a corner where all escape routes are closed off.7  Getting serious about emissions reduction will be the first course of action to come to mind in a climate crisis, as little else has been discussed. But it has become a largely ineffective course of action11 with poor prospects, as the following argument shows. In half of the climate models14, global average overheating is more than 2°C by 2048. But in the US, we get there by 2028. It is a similar story for other large countries. Because most of the growth in emissions now comes from the developing countries burning their own fossil fuels to modernize with electricity and personal vehicles, emissions growth is likely out of control, though capable of being countered by removals elsewhere. But suppose the world somehow succeeds. In the slow growth IPCC scenario, similar to what global emissions reduction might buy us, 2°C arrives by 2079 globally–but in the US, it arrives by 2037.  So drastic emissions reduction worldwide would only buy the US nine extra years.  However useful it would have been in the 20th century, emissions reduction has now become a failed strategy, though still useful as a booster for a more effective intervention.  We must now resort to a form of geoengineer­ing that will not cause more trouble than it cures, one that addresses ocean acidification as well as overheating and its knock-on effects. Putting current and past CO2 emissions back into secure storage5 would reduce the global overheating, relieve deluge and drought, reverse ocean acidification, reverse the thermal expansion portion of sea level rise, and reduce the chance of more4 abrupt climate shifts.  Existing ideas for removing the excess CO2 from the air appear inadequate: too little, too late. They do not meet the test of being sufficiently big, quick, and secure. There is, however, an idealized approach to ocean fertilization5 that appears to pass this triple test.  It mimics natural up- and down-welling processes using push-pull ocean pumps powered by the wind. One pump pulls sunken nutrients back up to fertilize the ocean surface—but then another pump immediately pushes the new plankton production down to the slow-moving depths before it can revert to CO2.  How Big? How Fast? The atmospheric CO2 is currently above 390 parts per million and the excess CO2 growth has been exponential. Excess CO2 is that above 280 ppm in the air, the pre-industrial (1750) value and also the old maximum concentration for the last several million years of ice age fluctuations between 200 and 280 ppm.  Is a 350 ppm reduction target12, allowing a 70 ppm anthropogenic excess, low enough? We hit 350 ppm in 1988, well after the sudden circulation shift18 in 1976, th

Re: [geo] 1. Prospects for an Emergency Drawdown of CO2

2013-01-28 Thread Mike MacCracken
Hi Adrian--Interesting question, but does not the domain of the entropy
analysis matter? Basically, one is going to be using materials to channel
solar energy (via wind power and growth of algae) into concentrated form,
that one then stores. So, letting solar energy just cause heating and then
that heat being radiated away increases entropy and the efforts proposed
here basically slow that process down by intercepting the energy and using
it to not so rapidly disperse. Is that not just what a forest does, or a
forest plantation, etc.?


On 1/27/13 9:08 PM, "Dr. Adrian Tuck" 

> With regard to the sequestration of excess carbon dioxide already in the
> atmosphere and halocline, I'd like to see an entropy analysis of such a
> procedure. The entropically entailed energy cost of removing the present
> burden at a dilution 400 ppmv is very likely to be so large that a
> thermodynamic profit, as contrasted to a possible short term economic one, is
> probably unattainable. Even if it could be theoretically done in an
> engineering sense, the nonlinearities in the entire, coupled system would
> still make the consequences unpredictable.
> On 28 January 2013 00:51, William H. Calvin  wrote:
>> This is written for a less expert audience than seen here at Google Groups
>> Geoengineering, but bear with me as this is an example of how to frame policy
>> priorities.
>> Suppose we had to quickly put the CO2 genie back in the bottle. After a
>> half-century of "thinking small" about climate action, we would be forced to
>> think big--big enough to quickly pull back from the danger zone for tipping
>> points and other abrupt climate shifts.
>> By addressing the prospects for an emergency drawdown of excess CO2 now, we
>> can also judge how close we have already come to painting ourselves into a
>> corner where all escape routes are closed off.7
>> Getting serious about emissions reduction will be the first course of action
>> to come to mind in a climate crisis, as little else has been discussed. But
>> it has become a largely ineffective course of action11 with poor prospects,
>> as the following argument shows.
>> In half of the climate models14, global average overheating is more than 2°C
>> by 2048. But in the US, we get there by 2028. It is a similar story for other
>> large countries.
>> Because most of the growth in emissions now comes from the developing
>> countries burning their own fossil fuels to modernize with electricity and
>> personal vehicles, emissions growth is likely out of control, though capable
>> of being countered by removals elsewhere.
>> But suppose the world somehow succeeds. In the slow growth IPCC scenario,
>> similar to what global emissions reduction might buy us, 2°C arrives by 2079
>> globally-but in the US, it arrives by 2037.
>> So drastic emissions reduction worldwide would only buy the US nine extra
>> years. 
>> However useful it would have been in the 20th century, emissions reduction
>> has now become a failed strategy, though still useful as a booster for a more
>> effective intervention.
>> We must now resort to a form of geoengineer-ing that will not cause more
>> trouble than it cures, one that addresses ocean acidification as well as
>> overheating and its knock-on effects.
>> Putting current and past CO2 emissions back into secure storage5 would reduce
>> the global overheating, relieve deluge and drought, reverse ocean
>> acidification, reverse the thermal expansion portion of sea level rise, and
>> reduce the chance of more4 abrupt climate shifts.
>> Existing ideas for removing the excess CO2 from the air appear inadequate:
>> too little, too late. They do not meet the test of being sufficiently big,
>> quick, and secure. There is, however, an idealized approach to ocean
>> fertilization5 that appears to pass this triple test.
>> It mimics natural up- and down-welling processes using push-pull ocean pumps
>> powered by the wind. One pump pulls sunken nutrients back up to fertilize the
>> ocean surface--but then another pump immediately pushes the new plankton
>> production down to the slow-moving depths before it can revert to CO2.
>> How Big? How Fast?
>> The atmospheric CO2 is currently above 390 parts per million and the excess
>> CO2 growth has been exponential. Excess CO2 is that above 280 ppm in the air,
>> the pre-industrial (1750) value and also the old maximum concentration for
>> the last several million years of ice age fluctuations between 200 and 280
>> ppm. 
>> Is a 350 ppm reduction target12, allowing a 70 ppm anthropogenic excess, low
>> enough? We hit 350 ppm in 1988, well after the sudden circulation shift18 in
>> 1976, the decade-long failure of Greenland Sea flushing24 that began in 1978,
>> and the sustained doubling (compared to the 1950-1981 average) of world
>> drought acreage6 that suddenly began in 1982.
>> Clearly, 350 ppm is not low enough to avoid sudden climate jumps4, so for
>> simplic

Re: [geo] 1. Prospects for an Emergency Drawdown of CO2

2013-01-28 Thread Dr. Adrian Tuck
With regard to the sequestration of excess carbon dioxide already in the
atmosphere and halocline, I'd like to see an entropy analysis of such a
procedure. The entropically entailed energy cost of removing the present
burden at a dilution 400 ppmv is very likely to be so large that a
thermodynamic profit, as contrasted to a possible short term economic one,
is probably unattainable. Even if it could be theoretically done in an
engineering sense, the nonlinearities in the entire, coupled system would
still make the consequences unpredictable.

On 28 January 2013 00:51, William H. Calvin wrote:

> **
> **
> This is written for a less expert audience than seen here at Google Groups
> Geoengineering, but bear with me as this is an example of how to frame
> policy priorities.
> Suppose we had to quickly put the CO2 genie back in the bottle. After a
> half-century of “thinking small” about climate action, we would be forced
> to think big—big enough to quickly pull back from the danger zone for
> tipping points and other abrupt climate shifts. 
> By addressing the prospects for an emergency drawdown of excess CO2 now,
> we can also judge how close we have already come to painting ourselves into
> a corner where all escape routes are closed off.7* *
> Getting serious about emissions reduction will be the first course of
> action to come to mind in a climate crisis, as little else has been
> discussed. But it has become a largely ineffective course of action11with 
> poor prospects, as the following argument shows.
> In half of the climate models14, global average overheating is more than
> 2°C by 2048. But in the US, we get there by 2028. It is a similar story for
> other large countries.
> Because most of the growth in emissions now comes from the developing
> countries burning their own fossil fuels to modernize with electricity and
> personal vehicles, emissions growth is likely out of control, though
> capable of being countered by removals elsewhere.
> But suppose the world somehow succeeds. In the slow growth IPCC scenario,
> similar to what global emissions reduction might buy us, 2°C arrives by
> 2079 globally–but in the US, it arrives by 2037. 
> *So drastic emissions reduction worldwide would only buy the US nine
> extra years. *
> However useful it would have been in the 20th century, emissions
> reduction has now become a failed strategy, though still useful as a
> booster for a more effective intervention. 
> We must now resort to a form of geoengineer­ing that will not cause more
> trouble than it cures, one that addresses ocean acidification as well as
> overheating and its knock-on effects.
> Putting current and past CO2 emissions back into secure storage5 would
> reduce the global overheating, relieve deluge and drought, reverse ocean
> acidification, reverse the thermal expansion portion of sea level rise, and
> reduce the chance of more4 abrupt climate shifts. 
> Existing ideas for removing the excess CO2 from the air appear
> inadequate: too little, too late. They do not meet the test of being
> sufficiently big, quick, and secure. There is, however, an idealized
> approach to ocean fertilization5 that appears to pass this triple test. **
> **
> It mimics natural up- and down-welling processes using push-pull ocean
> pumps powered by the wind. One pump pulls sunken nutrients back up to
> fertilize the ocean surface—but then another pump immediately pushes the
> new plankton production down to the slow-moving depths before it can revert
> to CO2. 
> *How Big? How Fast?*
> The atmospheric CO2 is currently above 390 parts per million and the
> excess CO2 growth has been exponential. Excess CO2 is that above 280 ppm
> in the air, the pre-industrial (1750) value and also the old maximum
> concentration for the last several million years of ice age fluctuations
> between 200 and 280 ppm. 
> Is a 350 ppm reduction target12, allowing a 70 ppm anthropogenic excess,
> low enough? We hit 350 ppm in 1988, well after the sudden circulation shift
> 18 in 1976, the decade-long failure of Greenland Sea flushing24 that
> began in 1978, and the sustained doubling (compared to the 1950-1981
> average) of world drought acreage6 that suddenly began in 1982.
> Clearly, 350 ppm is not low enough to avoid sudden climate jumps4, so for
> simplicity I have used 280 ppm as my target: essentially, cleaning up all
> excess CO2. 
> But how quickly must we do it? That depends not on 2°C overheating
> estimates but on an evaluation of the danger zone2 we are already in.
> *The Danger Zone*
> Global *average* temperature has not been observed to suddenly jump, even
> in the European heat waves of 2003 and 2010. However, other global aspects
> of climate have shifted suddenly and maintained the change for many years.
> The traditional concern, failure of the northern-most loop