dear all,

I am keen to offer up a synopsis of the situation to the NGO community - especially around methane. I produced a 3 sider some years ago and it seemed useful, even if somewhat of an unwelcome shock. It did change some things. But new data are available now and a 2 side update would be really useful.

What would also be very useful is a 2 sider with a reasoned case about the need now and the options for active intervention into stabilising the climate through reducing ghg Levels and possibly other options (along side ghg emissions reductions).

I have failed to produce one myself, as I'd hoped due to lack of time and confidence that I know this topic well enough.

Is there something already which covers this and please can you point me to it? If not, is anyone interested in writing one / helping me to write one please?

It'd be really valuable to communicate the situation and options as broadly as possible in a moderate tone and simple language. It'd need to be very short too - total 4 pages.

many thanks and best wishes,


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