Re: [geos-devel] GEOS 3.1

2007-12-20 Thread strk
On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 05:47:37PM -0700, Charlie Savage wrote:
> >>Are we going to keep fixing bugs in branches/3.0.0, following similar
> >>procedure as GDAL does?
> >
> >Mateusz,
> >
> >Charlie seems to doubt the need for this, but I think it is good for us to
> >treat 3.0 as a stable branch so we can put out a 3.0.1 if we fine some
> >significant errors in the next few months before Ben's (3.1) work is 
> >complete.
> Its not that I doubt its a good idea.  Its that I doubt there are the 
> people to actually maintain the branch.  If there are, then by all means 
>  there should be a branch.

For what is worth, +1 for 3.0.0 stable and branch.


geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Unclear objects lifetime and ownership issues in Monotone Chain components

2008-09-24 Thread strk
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 02:10:51PM +0200, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> Here is longer story [2] with suggested solution, however I'm not enough
> knowledgeable about all internals especially about possible relations
> between various collections allocated internally as well as flows and
> ownership transfers.
> I'd be thankful if original authors of these components (Ben?, Sandro?)
> could share their minds.

Truth is (and you know): GEOS needs a GC !
Can't keep being considered 1:1 mapping with JTS if doesn't have one...

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Unclear objects lifetime and ownership issues in Monotone Chain components

2008-09-24 Thread strk
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 04:56:29PM +0200, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> strk wrote:
> > Truth is (and you know): GEOS needs a GC !
> > Can't keep being considered 1:1 mapping with JTS if doesn't have one...
> Any particular GC technique you have in mind?
> IMHO, one of possible and clean solution for this kind of issues in GEOS
> is to apply GC in form of shared_ptrĀ - smart pointer that controls
> lifetime of objects and frees developers from knowing *when* an object
> is/should be deallocated.

As long as you're sure no circular references exist, shared_ptr 
wuold be fine. But the point is if we GEOS needs to directly
map JTS algorithms, they are based on a conservativ
garbage collector.

GCJ uses the bohem one, and is very nice.
Ever tried to build JTS natively ?

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Unclear objects lifetime and ownership issues in Monotone Chain components

2008-09-24 Thread strk
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 08:30:13PM +0200, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> strk wrote:

> > As long as you're sure no circular references exist, shared_ptr
> > wuold be fine.
> I should precise I mean shared_ptr + weak_ptr. These two together solve
> circular references issue.
> > But the point is if we GEOS needs to directly
> > map JTS algorithms, they are based on a conservativ
> > garbage collector.
> I can't answer this. However, I suppose it would be better if GEOS
> implements the same algorithms as JTS does but not follows JTS
> implementation line-by-line.

Memory management is part of the algorithm, not an implementation
detail. For strong/weak pointers to work it takes a design decision.
If Martin never had to take it you'll be in trouble...

> > GCJ uses the bohem one, and is very nice.
> Bohem can solve some/many problems, but it's not native C++ and
> portable option, it's yet another dependencies (a big one), etc.
> I don't think it would meet users' needs and expectations ;-)

'yet another' ? Isn't GEOS depencencies-free anymore ?
Where I left it it had no dependencies except a C++ compiler
and the standard template library.

> Smart pointers would do solve this problem easier with
> less complex solution. Although, I'm afraid it would require a lot of work.

Bohem will likely require lot of work too...
It's fun for me to talk about these issues *now* :)
You can tell why I tried manual management always so far.

The most effective way was usually kind of "pools".
Basically, you use containers of things to delete at the
end of the operations (every operation is a class anyway).
It usually did fine.

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Unclear objects lifetime and ownership issues in Monotone Chain components

2008-09-24 Thread strk
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:50:59PM +0200, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> strk wrote:

> > The most effective way was usually kind of "pools".
> > Basically, you use containers of things to delete at the
> > end of the operations (every operation is a class anyway).
> > It usually did fine.
> Generally, true but number of issues come to my mind:
> Those pools are not documented.

Right. But you'll find a few around...

> There is no way to learn where are start and end points of operations and
> algorithms, unless you read the code from start to the end.

There kind of is, if you assume operations are driven by operation

> Memory and time boundaries of operations are not documented.

True, you may very well end out of memory before getting 
a chance to dispose all.

> So, tracking objects ownership and flows is very hard.
> How do we know all users of given pool in given time (without reading the
> whole codebase).

Which is another well known problem: there are too many interfaces
exposed. My solution was: warranty void if you don't use the C-API.

So you'd basically follow the flow from C-API on.
The wider your pools, the more issues with memory and time boundaries.
The closer-to-low-level-op you pool the better.

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Thread Safe CAPI RFC acceptance...

2008-11-03 Thread strk
On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 01:15:15PM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Reference is here:
> Looks good to me.
> Martin, Matz, Howard, Gary, Dale, votez!

For what is worth, I think Chuck has a point in not willing
to advertise reentrancy if not verified.

The definition for "Reentrant" given in RFC3 requires 
checking under the CAPI layer to see if the core lib
isn't using statics itself.

I don't think it does, but I'm a bit outdated on latest

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Thread Safe CAPI RFC acceptance...

2008-11-03 Thread strk
On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 08:37:40PM -0600, Howard Butler wrote:

> Now, if you were an an Real American (TM) like me, you would have no  
> problem voting unknowledgeably.  Vetos have the consequences in GEOS'  
> governance, not +1's :)

> I wonder if maybe we shouldn't put the threadsafe API in its own  
> entire header, but maybe it's too late to muck up the RFC with that  
> discussion.

Being a Real Outsider (TM), I'll give my +1 here (separate header),
with no shame of having no voting rights ;)

geos-devel mailing list

[geos-devel] GEOS on wikipedia

2008-11-12 Thread strk
I've stubbed an article on wikipedia about GEOS.,_Open_Source

It's been proposed for deletion for being:
 "Non-notable software"

Would you mind showing it's notable to you ?


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Re: [geos-devel] GEOS on wikipedia

2008-11-12 Thread strk
On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 11:25:01AM -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:,_Open_Source

> It has no pages linking to it and it references only one other page. I 
> think you should link it to PostGIS, OSGeo, Mapserver and maybe make a 

Linked to PostGIS and OSGeo.
Does Mapserver make direct use ?

> list of projects that are using it.
> Also I would add links to OSGeo page 
> point to the wiki page, and maybe some of the other projects that use 
> GEOS and are also in wikipedia.

Help welcome...

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Motion: Add Sandro Santilli to GEOS PSC

2008-11-13 Thread strk
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 09:30:00AM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Nevermind, I see the answer in Frank's followup.

And your vote is ? :>


> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Paul Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has Sandro indicated his interest in returning to more full involvement?
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 7:43 AM, Howard Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> PSC Members,
> >>
> >> I would like to motion to add Sandro Santilli to the PSC.  Sandro wrote a
> >> lot of GEOS, and his input, direction, and historical perspective is
> >> beneficial to the project.
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Motion: Add Sandro Santilli to GEOS PSC

2008-11-13 Thread strk
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:42:30AM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Actually, I don't have a vote :)

Ouch, it was a trap then ! ':-O

geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Motion: Add Sandro Santilli to GEOS PSC

2008-12-10 Thread strk
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 09:10:18AM -0800, Dale Lutz wrote:
> +1

With Dale vote we're up to 4. 
I get Matz and Gary otes are still missing ?

/me wonders how useful PSCs are to free software advancement,
surely sounds like they slow things down pretty much :)

geos-devel mailing list

Re: 3D operations (Re: [geos-devel] C API coordinate sequence dimensions)

2009-01-14 Thread strk
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 07:54:21AM +, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

> Can anyone with more experience with BuildArea (like Martin!) comment on
> whether this is a GEOS bug or simply a problem with behaviour > 2
> dimensions being undefined?

JTS didn't support 3d when I added it to GEOS, so can't really
serve as a source of information. The 3d task was added driven by
customer needs, so the only working and tested functions was the one
the customer needed. If I recall correctly it was mainly Intersection
and probably Union.

Since other functions are based on the former, there may be side-effects
you wouldn't care about if you aren't using 3d features.

Paul draw the specs about expected behaviour. Dunno if there's a doc
around and I likely lost mine (Oops).


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geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] 3.1.0 Last Chance

2009-03-11 Thread strk
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 10:39:30AM -0700, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> I have placed a tarball here: 
> PSC, please download, compile and check on your platforms/clients of  
> choice and report back in a day before I make a public announcement.

Downloaded built and 'make check'ed successfully on:

 Debian 4.0 x86_32
 Debian 5.0 x86_32
 Ubuntu 8.10 x86_64


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Re: [geos-devel] Question

2009-03-31 Thread strk
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:24:50PM +0800, LiN YongHeng wrote:
> hello everyone, Please look these code:
> GEOSGeom g1, g2;
> g1 = GEOSGeomFromWKT("SRID=5001;POINT(44 31)");
> g1srid = GEOSGetSRID(g1);
> g2 = GEOSGeomFromWKT(GEOSGeomToWKT(g1));
> g2srid= GEOSGetSRID(g2);
> g2srid not have the same value with g1srid, which g1srid value is 5001 and
> g2srid is -1. My GEOS version is "3.1.0". I don't know why? Can anyone give
> me answer 

The WKT standard doesn't include a SRID specification,
so GEOSGeomToWKT won't get it. Still GEOSGeomFromWKT
accepts that.


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[geos-devel] JTS-1.9 Buffer enhancement to be ported

2009-04-07 Thread strk
FYI, Safe Software funded me for porting enhancement in Buffer
and Valid operation from JTS-1.9 to GEOS.

I'm at work already. Thanks Safe.


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[geos-devel] geos_ts_c.cpp warning

2009-04-07 Thread strk
FYI: this is the only warning I get building GEOS trunk:

geos_ts_c.cpp:2132: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer 


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[geos-devel] SegmentString to become an abstract class

2009-04-07 Thread strk
One of the changes introduced in JTS-1.9 is that SegmentString
became an abstract class (from a concrete one).

I feel comfortable changing that as the C-API won't notice,
but I'd like to signal that this would be of course a change
in the known-to-be-fragile C++ API and ABI, thus calling for 
a lib version bump.

If anyone has problems with it please scream loud.


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geos-devel mailing list

[geos-devel] Prepared geometry API

2009-04-08 Thread strk
While working on a testcase for prepared geometries in GEOS
I've found that the documentation for the "GEOSPrepare" function
doesn't match with actual behaviour:

  * Argument ownership is taken by prepared geometry
 extern const GEOSPreparedGeometry GEOS_DLL *GEOSPrepare(const GEOSGeometry* g);

Testcase is along these lines:

const GEOSPreparedGeometry* pg = GEOSPrepare(g);

// 'g' leaks w/out the call below

So, is it documentation wrong or implementation ?


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[geos-devel] Memory bug in Prepared geometry

2009-04-08 Thread strk
I've just committed a fix for a bad memory
bug in PreparedPolygonContainsProperly.cpp into trunk.

I suspect it was in latest release too (I haven't checked).
If so, I think this would be worth pushing out with
a new patch-level release.



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[geos-devel] Buffer gets 20 times faster

2009-04-14 Thread strk
Good news: bringing the Buffer package in sync with JTS-1.9+
results in some buffer operations completing in 1/20 of the time
they used to.

In particular, the fme.xml testcase under tests/xmltester runs now in
1.04 seconds while it took ~ 21.89 in geos-3.1.0.

This is due to both robustness and performance improvements.
Robustness results in the operation being performed only once
rather than 3 times each at reduced precision. Performance still
beats this much lower the nominal 7 seconds you get by dividing
the original time.

Time for testing some known dataset here.

Paul, where can I find the dataset you used at the Toronto Sprint
for such tests ?


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[geos-devel] Numerical stability and -ffloat-store flag

2009-04-15 Thread strk
Some of you may remember the numerical stability issue
I've been struggling with 3 years ago:

That problem shows up again now that I added a testcase
for buffering operation taken from JTS repository:

The test succeeds on a 64bit system, fails on a 32bit one, adding
this other variable to the already complex situation.

Both me and Mateusz confirmed adding -ffloat-store to CFLAGS
fixed the run on 32bit system too, so I suggest we add
that flag by default, for improved numerical stability, when
available in the compiler.

Ok for everyone ? 


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Re: [geos-devel] build error on trunk

2009-04-20 Thread strk
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:33:53AM -0400, Kralidis,Tom [Ontario] wrote:

> DiscreteHausdorffDistance.cpp:108: fatal error: opening dependency file
> .deps/DiscreteHausdorffDistance.Tpo: Permission denied
> compilation terminated.

Try a make distclean, also check permissions of the new directories.


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Re: [geos-devel] Re: GEOS, Shapely, DLLs, and memory (Mateusz Loskot)

2009-05-08 Thread strk
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:02:51AM -0700, Ragi Y. Burhum wrote:

> This shows my ignorance of the C-API :) I have been working exclusively with
> the C++ ABI

Don't!! :)
I'm changing more of the ABI, everytime something improves
it's an ABI (and sometimes API) change for C++.
C api is rock-solid !


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Re: [geos-devel] GEOS cross-heap problems

2009-05-12 Thread strk
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 12:19:23AM -0400, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Paul Ramsey wrote:

> >I'd like to hear from others on this.
> OK - though I don't see the downside.  Downstream packages only need
> to check for, and use GEOSFree() if they want.  We are just adding a
> new option, not altering an existing one or removing anything.

Agreed, no compatibility problem adding a GEOSFree.
Only, it'll have to stay (I've read Mateusz suggesting using
type-specific destroyers).

Worth going throught the CAPI header files and properly document 
when to use GEOSFree on the return right above the function. 

PS: I've noticed Frank added a ChangeLog entry manually.
Was that the way ? As I haven't touched it :(


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[geos-devel] Release 3.2.0 plans ?

2009-05-26 Thread strk
Hello all,
I might have the chance to help with closing up release 3.2.0
so would like to ask you: is there a plan for that already ?


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geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0 Preparations

2009-05-29 Thread strk
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 12:27:14PM -0700, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> I have triaged most of the bugs in the tracker now, and I think we  
> have a reasonable working set to examine and either fix or defer now  
> under the 3.2 milestone. Once that list has been worked, we can move  
> to an RC1 release.

Thank you.
I got my involvement in the process approved, so I'm with you.

I'd give end of June as a release date target, so Safe (who is
sponsoring my recent developments) has time to properly test the
new code. Ok with all ?

If I have enough time I'll also give another pass at packages
port syncs so we can call 3.2.0 a JTS-1.10 port w/out being
embarassed :)


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Re: [geos-devel] DLL for MSVC

2009-06-06 Thread strk
On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 09:34:09PM -0700, Ragi Y. Burhum wrote:
> Paul,
> Since I don't have TICKET_APPEND privileges, I am attaching the patch file
> with my changes for the Windows C++ exports against TRUNK.

Patch committed to trunk (revno 2556).
Please give it a try, also for your IsValidOp failure



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2009-06-06 Thread strk
As per GEOS finally
uses proper NaN values rather than hand-crafted ones.

The downside of this is that we lost compatibility with
gcc 2.95.2 which didn't have the  header in the 
companion stdlibc++.

The good aspect is closer track of JTS.

Tests with current trunk are highly welcome to early
catch introduced problems.


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[geos-devel] installed C++ headers

2009-06-06 Thread strk
It was my idea long time ago to reduce the set
of installed C++ headers. Now I've changed my mind.

It's too much of a maintainance cost having to be selective
on what to install and what not, particularly when the MSVC
build scripts don't care and not only install headers but
even export symbols which were previously selected as NOT

Also sometimes headers we'd like not to install are required
by others which we want in resulting in a partial hiding.

Nowadays, since we're explicitly marking the C++ ABI as
incompatible at every release, I wouldn't care about headers
that much. Users are warned they shouldn't be using the C++
api, after that if they do they'll deal with API changes

I plan to update the Makefile.ams next week if nobody objects.


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Re: [geos-devel] installed C++ headers

2009-06-08 Thread strk
FYI: by installing *all* headers the include/geos
installed dir gets up to 1928Kb from 1128Kb for 335
header files from 172.

I still think it makes sense to do that, at least
for consistency (what win users get is what unix users get).


On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 12:45:52AM +0200, strk wrote:
> It was my idea long time ago to reduce the set
> of installed C++ headers. Now I've changed my mind.
> It's too much of a maintainance cost having to be selective
> on what to install and what not, particularly when the MSVC
> build scripts don't care and not only install headers but
> even export symbols which were previously selected as NOT
> public.
> Also sometimes headers we'd like not to install are required
> by others which we want in resulting in a partial hiding.
> Nowadays, since we're explicitly marking the C++ ABI as
> incompatible at every release, I wouldn't care about headers
> that much. Users are warned they shouldn't be using the C++
> api, after that if they do they'll deal with API changes
> somehow.
> I plan to update the Makefile.ams next week if nobody objects.
> --strk; 
>  Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer  ()  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
>  /\  Keep it simple! 
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list


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Re: [geos-devel] installed C++ headers

2009-06-08 Thread strk
"Let users free to hurt themselves" patch was
committed in revision 2557 ...

Welcome to the jungle.


On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 11:26:59AM +0200, strk wrote:
> FYI: by installing *all* headers the include/geos
> installed dir gets up to 1928Kb from 1128Kb for 335
> header files from 172.
> I still think it makes sense to do that, at least
> for consistency (what win users get is what unix users get).
> --strk;
> On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 12:45:52AM +0200, strk wrote:
> > It was my idea long time ago to reduce the set
> > of installed C++ headers. Now I've changed my mind.
> > 
> > It's too much of a maintainance cost having to be selective
> > on what to install and what not, particularly when the MSVC
> > build scripts don't care and not only install headers but
> > even export symbols which were previously selected as NOT
> > public.
> > 
> > Also sometimes headers we'd like not to install are required
> > by others which we want in resulting in a partial hiding.
> > 
> > Nowadays, since we're explicitly marking the C++ ABI as
> > incompatible at every release, I wouldn't care about headers
> > that much. Users are warned they shouldn't be using the C++
> > api, after that if they do they'll deal with API changes
> > somehow.
> > 
> > I plan to update the Makefile.ams next week if nobody objects.
> > 
> > --strk; 
> > 
> >  Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer  ()  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
> >  /\  Keep it simple! 
> > ___
> > geos-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> -- 
>  Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer  ()  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
>  /\  Keep it simple! 
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list


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Re: [geos-devel] Question: Cannot access geos::algorithm

2009-06-24 Thread strk
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 03:22:31PM -0700, Grace LIN wrote:
> Hello,
>  I have downloaded and built geos-3.1.1 according to instructions and
>  everything works perfectly. However it seems like I can only use member
>  functions from geos::geom, geos::io, and geos::util classes. When I tried
>  to use call functions from the geos::algorithm::CGAlgorithms, the compiler
>  gives "'algorithm': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type"
>  error.

Access restriction was by design, due to high instability of the C++
API/ABI. You're highly reccommended to use the C-API instead.
That said, in current GEOS trunk (upcoming 3.2 release) all headers
are installed so that users are free to hurt themselves.


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geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] [GEOS] #275: Topology Exception on valid geometries

2009-07-06 Thread strk
On Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 09:44:40AM -0700, Martin Davis wrote:
> This works in JTS.

It works in trunk too when converted to an XML testcase.
I'll update the trac issue ASAP. Martin: I'd appreciate if
you could follow up there. TIA.


> >#275: Topology Exception on valid geometries
> >+---
> > Reporter:  yabo|   Owner:
> > Type:  defect  |  Status:  new   
> > Priority:  major   |   Milestone:  3.1.1 
> >Component:  Default | Version:  svn-trunk 
> > Severity:  Unassigned  |Keywords:
> >+---
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've encoutered a situation where two valid geometries (as stated by
> > IsValidOp) throw a Topology Exception when being unioned. The first
> > geometry is a MultiPolygon and the second a Polygon. Unfortunately I
> > couldn't shrink the geometries down to a human-parsable size.
> >
> > I have this problem with both geos-3.1.0 and geos-svn-trunk.
> >
> > The reported error is :
> > {{{
> > TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between -3138.99 39.9929,
> > -3195.93 131.777 and -3145.05 62.5969, -3138.99 39.9929 -3138.99 39.9929
> > }}}
> >
> > I've attached the test program source to the ticket.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >  
> >
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] mapserver crash on exit, with svn head geos

2009-07-21 Thread strk
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 04:57:01PM -0400, David Fuhry wrote:
> With GEOS from svn, mapserver crashes on calling exit(), as GEOS 
> destroys the static string defined in GEOS' WKBReader.cpp:
> string WKBReader::BAD_GEOM_TYPE_MSG = "bad geometry type encountered in ";

Please check that mapserver is not linked to 2 different versions
of the geos lib. I have had a similar problem with qgis/gdal due
to this problem. A rebuild of both packages fixed it for me.


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Re: [geos-devel] Porting LengthIndexedLine.project?

2009-07-23 Thread strk
On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:13:34AM -0400, David Turner wrote:
> JTS has a class called LengthIndexedLine with a method "project", which
> lets you figure out  the nearest point on a line to a given point.  This
> is useful, for instance, if you are trying to figure out what street a
> person is on from (possibly slightly inaccurate) GPS observations.
> PostGIS calls this function st_line_locate_point.
> GEOS doesn't seem to have it, even though I was under the impression
> that GEOS was merely a port of JTS.  If I port JTS's project function
> and related functions such as extractPoint to GEOS, would that patch be
> likely to be accepted?  Or am I missing something about the relationship
> between JTS and GEOS?

Your patch would be welcome. Make sure to include unit testing please.


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geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Porting LengthIndexedLine.project?

2009-08-02 Thread strk
Let's ask Martin...
Are unit tests for LengthIndexedLine available or to be made ?


On Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 12:02:07AM -0400, David Turner wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 17:42 -0400, David Turner wrote:
> > On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 21:53 +0200, strk wrote:
> > > On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:13:34AM -0400, David Turner wrote:
> > > > JTS has a class called LengthIndexedLine with a method "project", which
> > > > lets you figure out  the nearest point on a line to a given point.  This
> > > > is useful, for instance, if you are trying to figure out what street a
> > > > person is on from (possibly slightly inaccurate) GPS observations.
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > PostGIS calls this function st_line_locate_point.
> > > > 
> > > > GEOS doesn't seem to have it, even though I was under the impression
> > > > that GEOS was merely a port of JTS.  If I port JTS's project function
> > > > and related functions such as extractPoint to GEOS, would that patch be
> > > > likely to be accepted?  Or am I missing something about the relationship
> > > > between JTS and GEOS?
> > > 
> > > Your patch would be welcome. Make sure to include unit testing please.
> > 
> > I have a patch.  Unfortunately, I do not yet have unit tests, because I
> > cannot find the relevant Java unit tests to port.  I could write my own,
> > but it seems like some of the other code uses ported Java unit tests,
> > and I want to follow the common practice.
> > 
> > Can you point me to the Java unit tests?
> Just wanted to follow up to be sure this wasn't lost.  The example I'm
> looking at, in case I'm missing something, is:
> tests/unit/algorithm/RobustLineIntersectionTest.cpp
> which claims to be:
> Ported from JTS junit/algorithm/
> I assume there are probably similar tests for the linearref stuff, but
> the JTS CVS appears to be empty or down or something, and Googling turns
> up nothing.  
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list


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Re: [geos-devel] Porting LengthIndexedLine.project?

2009-08-04 Thread strk
Martin forgot to answer publically, anyway, he mentioned
tests are here: test.jts.junit.linearref 

NOTE: they are only in CVS:


 Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer  ()  ASCII Ribbon Campaign  /\  Keep it simple! 

On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 03:23:18PM +0200, strk wrote:
> Let's ask Martin...
> Are unit tests for LengthIndexedLine available or to be made ?
> --strk;
> On Sat, Aug 01, 2009 at 12:02:07AM -0400, David Turner wrote:
> > On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 17:42 -0400, David Turner wrote:
> > > On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 21:53 +0200, strk wrote:
> > > > On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 11:13:34AM -0400, David Turner wrote:
> > > > > JTS has a class called LengthIndexedLine with a method "project", 
> > > > > which
> > > > > lets you figure out  the nearest point on a line to a given point.  
> > > > > This
> > > > > is useful, for instance, if you are trying to figure out what street a
> > > > > person is on from (possibly slightly inaccurate) GPS observations.
> > > > > 
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > PostGIS calls this function st_line_locate_point.
> > > > > 
> > > > > GEOS doesn't seem to have it, even though I was under the impression
> > > > > that GEOS was merely a port of JTS.  If I port JTS's project function
> > > > > and related functions such as extractPoint to GEOS, would that patch 
> > > > > be
> > > > > likely to be accepted?  Or am I missing something about the 
> > > > > relationship
> > > > > between JTS and GEOS?
> > > > 
> > > > Your patch would be welcome. Make sure to include unit testing please.
> > > 
> > > I have a patch.  Unfortunately, I do not yet have unit tests, because I
> > > cannot find the relevant Java unit tests to port.  I could write my own,
> > > but it seems like some of the other code uses ported Java unit tests,
> > > and I want to follow the common practice.
> > > 
> > > Can you point me to the Java unit tests?
> > 
> > Just wanted to follow up to be sure this wasn't lost.  The example I'm
> > looking at, in case I'm missing something, is:
> > 
> > tests/unit/algorithm/RobustLineIntersectionTest.cpp
> > 
> > which claims to be:
> > 
> > Ported from JTS junit/algorithm/
> > 
> > I assume there are probably similar tests for the linearref stuff, but
> > the JTS CVS appears to be empty or down or something, and Googling turns
> > up nothing.  
> > 
> > ___
> > geos-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> -- 
>  Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer  ()  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
>  /\  Keep it simple! 
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list
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Re: [geos-devel] [Fwd: [Boost-users] [boost] Formal Review: Boost.Polygon starts today August 24, 2009]

2009-09-02 Thread strk
On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 11:39:32AM +0200, Barend Gehrels wrote:

> I just debugged the Geos area routine, what could then be the reason 
> that it is relatively slow? It might be that it is accessed as a vector, 
> indeed, but not as an iterator, so getting points using "return 
> (*vect)[pos]" is not efficient as it could be using iterators. Besides 
> that it is probably no problem to make the getAt function inline.

getAt is a virtual function, can't be inlined.
Templates would make it a lot better, but far away 
from 1:1 mapping with Java.

Beside, how do you handle memory management in GGL ?


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Re: [geos-devel] IMPORTANT: Losing Regression Tests

2009-09-28 Thread strk
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 02:43:25PM +0100, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Paul Ramsey wrote:
> > Due to we are about to lose our
> > regression test harness.
> > 
> > Consider this an impassioned plea for someone w/ enough C++ chops to
> I've made a quick scan through the test source code and I think it
> should be possible to replace CMarkupSTL [1] class with TinyXML.
> It is used by XMLTester class [1] only.

Committed in r2634. Thanks for the tip. 
God save the testsuite!


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Re: [geos-devel] missing header

2009-09-29 Thread strk
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 03:33:06PM +0200, Christoph Dohmen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm quite new to geos, but I found a header missing in my installation :-(
> The DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier is described in the online doc but the
> DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier.h include file is listed under noinst_HEADERS
> in the
> Is this an error? Or, if not, why is this header not installed?

It's a long story. In short the dev team was trying hard to keep
users away of the C++ interface. You should really use the C one...

Anyway in 3.2.0 (and current trunk) we won't care anymore and let users
free to hurt themselves.


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[geos-devel] 3.2.0 closeup

2009-10-08 Thread strk
Guys, what about cutting up a 3.2.0 release ?
Significative changes since 3.1:

- Add Single-sided buffer operation
- JTS-1.10 sync ...
  - Drastically improved Buffer speed
  - Improved EdgeList duplicate edge finding
  - Added algorithm::distance package
  - Added algorithm::Angle class
  - Added algorithm::BoundaryNodeRule class
  - IsSimpleOp can now return non-simple location coordinate
  - DistanceOp can now check for 'within distance' predicate
(earlier exit)
  - MultiPolygon::getBoundary always return MultiLineString, also
when the result is the EMPTY geometry.

May I ask anyone with pending tasks on trac
to take a look at them ?

I'd like to close up a 3.2.0 before the end of the year
(but sooner is better)



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Re: [geos-devel] How to build a multipolygon from a list of rings?

2009-10-09 Thread strk
Consider looking at shp2pgsql.c from PostGIS project.
It does contain code to build SFS geometries out of a set of rings.


On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 02:51:55PM +0800, wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a list of rings which are read from shapefile.  all out rings are 
> clockwise and all hole rings are counterclockwise. After  reading  the OGC 
> spec, it seems that i have to decide for each hole ring that to which out 
> ring it belongs. Which means i have to build a list of Polygon first and then 
> build a MultiPolygon. 
> how could i build a MultiPolygon from a list of rings  directly? It is hard 
> for me to find out the relationship of holes and out rings.
> Regards,
> Abe Zhu
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list


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Re: [geos-devel] blowing up on negative value buffer() call

2009-11-03 Thread strk
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 02:23:17PM -0700, Leo Shklovskii wrote:

> Unfortunately, I've found several polygons that are valid but cause the 
> first call to buffer() to blow up (memory leak + spiked cpu + doesn't 
> return).
> Should I file this as a GEOS bug? or am I not using buffer() correctly?

Negative buffer is supported, so looks like a bug.
The best report would be in the form of an XML test.
See tests/xmltester/tests/TestBufferExternal2.xml
for examples on how to format a testcase for negative buffers.

Or feel free to just report your input polygon WKT.


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[geos-devel] 3.2.0rc1 tagged

2009-11-11 Thread strk
Cheers all.
GEOS 3.2.0 is ready for test.
I've tagged a 3.2.0rc1.
Please take your time to try upgrades against
your existing clients.

C-API clients should get the new functionalities
for free (much faster buffer operation for example).

C++ clients would need a rebuild as usual.

Get with:
svn co

I'd tag final after a week of no issues reported.
Thank you.


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0rc1 tagged

2009-11-12 Thread strk
For the record, it's here:

Thanks Paul.


On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:20:01PM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> FYI, URL is wrong:
> svn co
> I'll build a tarball for posting.
> P
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:32 PM, strk  wrote:
> > Cheers all.
> > GEOS 3.2.0 is ready for test.
> > I've tagged a 3.2.0rc1.
> > Please take your time to try upgrades against
> > your existing clients.
> >
> > C-API clients should get the new functionalities
> > for free (much faster buffer operation for example).
> >
> > C++ clients would need a rebuild as usual.
> >
> > Get with:
> > svn co
> >
> > I'd tag final after a week of no issues reported.
> > Thank you.
> >
> > --strk;
> >
> > Ā Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer Ā  Ā  Ā () Ā ASCII Ribbon Campaign
> > Ā Ā /\ Ā Keep it simple!
> > ___
> > geos-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0rc1 tagged

2009-11-13 Thread strk
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 04:13:14PM -0500, Obe, Regina wrote:

> Now for VC++ 2009 express, I tried compiling and it seems I need inttypes.h?  
> I don't recall that being a dependency before (GEOS 3.1)  or maybe I always 
> had it before on my prior boxes and didn't know it.

Was in 3.1 too, and only in platform.h.
Maybe you need to copy to platform.h ?


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0rc1 tagged

2009-11-17 Thread strk
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 01:36:40PM -0500, Obe, Regina wrote:

> Also just curious - what is the reason why autogen.bat is not packaged in the 
> tar ball?  Seems a bit of a pain to have to
> go to svn for that file.

Users of proprietary systems must suffer ;)

> This file is missing in the package
> ..\..\..\tests\unit\capi\GEOSGeomFromWKBTest.cpp

Good catch, it's missing from as well.
I'll take a look (and ok, I'll add the autogen.bat too)


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[geos-devel] autogen.bat

2009-11-17 Thread strk
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 09:24:08PM +0100, strk wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 01:36:40PM -0500, Obe, Regina wrote:
> > Also just curious - what is the reason why autogen.bat is not packaged in 
> > the tar ball?  Seems a bit of a pain to have to
> > go to svn for that file.
> Users of proprietary systems must suffer ;)

I've found this in autogen.bat:

 REM NOTE: DO NOT include this script in GEOS sources distribution

Author seems to be Mateusz.
Mat, reason ?


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[geos-devel] GEOSGeomFromWKBTest.cpp

2009-11-17 Thread strk
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 09:24:08PM +0100, strk wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 01:36:40PM -0500, Obe, Regina wrote:

> > This file is missing in the package
> > 
> > ..\..\..\tests\unit\capi\GEOSGeomFromWKBTest.cpp
> Good catch, it's missing from as well.
> I'll take a look (and ok, I'll add the autogen.bat too)

It's in as of r2716.
Please go on testing before an rc2.


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Re: [geos-devel] Benchmark between various geometry libraries

2009-11-19 Thread strk
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 11:02:13AM -0800, Martin Davis wrote:
> Thanks for clarifying this, Hartmut.  This makes good sense to me.  In 
> my (admittedly limited and dated) experience, the C/C++ heap allocator 
> (good ol' malloc still, right?) is pretty slow.  From what you're saying 
> stack allocation is substantially faster.
> The kind of change you indicated should be fairly simple to make in the 
> GEOS codebase.

I occasionally did rounds of such cleanups, but I think more time is spent
in copying read-only coordinates for the sake of memory management
while the JTS counterpart passes pointers around and delegates memory management
to the garbage collector.


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Re: [geos-devel] Benchmark between various geometry libraries

2009-11-19 Thread strk
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 05:16:53PM +0100, Maxime van Noppen wrote:

> > ~/dev/geos/trunk $ grep 'new std' `find . -iname '*.cpp'`

Thanks for another couple of eyes (see below for comment/fixes).

> > ./capi/geos_ts_c.cpp:std::vector* vgeoms = new 
> > std::vector(geoms, geoms + ngeoms);
> > ./capi/geos_ts_c.cpp:std::vector *vholes = new 
> > std::vector(holes, holes + nholes);

The above are heap-allocated to transfer their ownership to the collection
constructed with them. Should be auto_ptr for clarity and exception safety
(GeometryFactory interface needs to be extended to allow that).

> > ./tests/unit/geom/CoordinateListTest.cpp:   std::auto_ptr< 
> > std::vector > col( new std::vector() );
> > ./tests/xmltester/XMLTester.cpp:
> > std::vector*newgeoms = new std::vector > *>(lines->begin(),

Tests, not much important.

> > ./source/index/strtree/AbstractNode.cpp:childBoundables=new 
> > std::vector();

Fixed by

> > ./source/operation/polygonize/PolygonizeGraph.cpp:  
> > intNodes=new std::vector();

Fixed by

> > ./source/operation/polygonize/PolygonizeGraph.cpp:  
> > std::vector *edgeRingList=new std::vector();

Fixed by
(this is a C++ API change but of an "internal" class)

> > ./source/operation/polygonize/PolygonizeGraph.cpp:  
> > std::vector *edgeRingStarts=new 
> > std::vector();

Fixed by

> > ./source/operation/polygonize/PolygonizeGraph.cpp:  std::vector > LineString*> *cutLines=new std::vector();

Fixed by
... just moving the heap allocation closer to the surface,
will need a second pass ...

> > ./source/operation/polygonize/PolygonizeGraph.cpp:  
> > std::vector *edges=new std::vector();

Fixed by

> > ./source/operation/polygonize/PolygonizeGraph.cpp:  std::vector > LineString*> *dangleLines=new std::vector();

Fixed by
... just moving the heap allocation closer to the surface,
will need a second pass ...

> > ./source/operation/buffer/BufferBuilder.cpp:  new std::vector< Geometry 
> > * >();
> > ./source/operation/buffer/BufferBuilder.cpp:   std::vector< Geometry* >* 
> > mergedLinesGeom = new std::vector< Geometry* >();

Constructive again, should be auto_ptr when GeometryFactory is ready

> > ./source/operation/valid/ConnectedInteriorTester.cpp:   
> > std::vector *edgeRings=new std::vector();

Fixed by

> > ./source/geomgraph/DirectedEdgeStar.cpp:resultAreaEdgeList=new 
> > std::vector();

This is for lazy creation, will only be called once per instance,
could be changed by adding a flag to remember whether processing
happened already, but I don't think it will change things much.

> > ./source/noding/MCIndexSegmentSetMutualIntersector.cpp::monoChains( 
> > new std::vector()),

Fixed by

> > ./source/planargraph/Node.cpp:  std::vector* commonEdges = new 
> > std::vector();

This is in a method marked as UNUSED


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Re: [geos-devel] Benchmark between various geometry libraries

2009-11-19 Thread strk
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 10:14:17AM -0700, Martin Chapman wrote:

> Also, I noticed a long time ago that GEOS passes these vectors around to
> functions by value versus by reference.  That means the vector is getting
> copied a lot.  I don't know if this has changed since then but that would be
> a performance killer as well.

Vectors are no more passed by value.


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[geos-devel] Re: autogen.bat

2009-11-19 Thread strk
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 11:16:28PM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> I assumed that GEOS distribution is supposed to already
> provide generated and valid version.h and platform.h and geos_c.h

Uhm, those are distributed indeed.

Regina, do you still need autogen.bat to complete a build out-of-the-box ?


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Re: [geos-devel] Benchmark between various geometry libraries

2009-11-19 Thread strk
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 02:36:30PM -0700, Martin Chapman wrote:
> For my own knowledge, did you see a decent performance gain when you made
> the change or was it only a small increase in speed?

Generally speaking, the biggest performance gains I've ever seen
in GEOS had origin in algorithmical changes.
Always driven by JTS code.


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Re: [geos-devel] Benchmark between various geometry libraries

2009-11-23 Thread strk
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 06:42:53PM +0100, Maxime van Noppen wrote:

> I looked for any 'new std::something' but I just found there are 'using
> namespace std;' in the code, and therefore we should also look for 'new
> something'. I found 120 'new vector' out of 656 'new something' :

Yeah, I knew it :)

> > ./doc/example.cpp:297:  vector *holes = new vector;
> > ./tests/bigtest/bug234.cpp:17: vector< Geometry * > *polys1 = new 
> > vector();

Examples and tests we don't care...

> > ./source/planargraph/NodeMap.cpp:70:vector *values=new 
> > vector();

Fixed by
> > ./source/geom/GeometryFactory.cpp:238:  CoordinateSequence 
> > *cl=coordinateListFactory->create(new vector(1, coordinate));

This is a factory, it's meant to allocate things.
In the specific cases it create these vectors to transfer
their ownership to the Geometry objects it constructs.

> > ./source/geom/Geometry.cpp:567: vector *v = new 
> > vector();

Same as above, allocated for ownership transfer.
Optimized allocations for elements by

Beside, this is not even used by the C-API ...

Well, a lot of these are likely unused places after all so I stop here :)

I think the correct way to proceed if we want to make GEOS any faster
would be understanding what's making it slow in the first place.

The Area() timing is interesting because it's obvious where the difference
between GEOS and GGL is : coordinates access.


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[geos-devel] 3.2.0-rc2 tagged

2009-11-24 Thread strk
For the sake of heap allocation reductions...
svn co


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0-rc2 ready for download/test

2009-11-24 Thread strk
And here's the tarball:


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 07:16:20PM +0100, strk wrote:
> For the sake of heap allocation reductions...
> svn co
> --strk; 
>  Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer  ()  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
>  /\  Keep it simple! 
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list


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Re: [geos-devel] platform.h and config.h

2009-11-26 Thread strk
I've added ISNAN detection result in platform.h instead.

config.h seems to be unused except from a profiler.h file
which probably doesn't need it in turn..
I'd drop config.h (after release though).

Please test r2748. (./configure sould do, no need to again)


On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 12:40:29PM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> I'm tracking down a build failure in Solaris, which is happening because the 
> code is trying to use an std::isnan() that is not there. It is odd, because 
> ./configure is correctly detecting the presence of a cmath isnan(), but the 
> code isn't using it.
> What I am seeing is that platform.h has the proper switches in place to 
> handle the problem, but nowhere is config.h, which contains the results of 
> the configure run included, so the switches never actually move.
> Can someone confirm my diagnosis and solution (add config.h into platform.h 
> at the top) before I make this core change to the build?
> Paul___
> geos-devel mailing list


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Re: [geos-devel] Holes in holes

2009-11-27 Thread strk
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 02:47:17AM +0100, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> I have another remotely related question, that concerns the direction of 
> a polygon ring (CW or CCW). When I create a polygon with the 
> createPolygon factory method and pass it a number of rings, do I have to 
> take care that they spin in the right direction, or will GEOS make sure 
> that a correct polygon is created?

The createPolygon method takes an explicit shell and a list of holes.
You don't need to care about direction.

GEOS won't check validity automatic.
Use Geometry::isValid() if you want to check that.
Any ring direction is OGC valid.


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Re: [geos-devel] Find self-intersections

2009-11-28 Thread strk
What do you really need to do at the end of the day ?
Want a simple ring ? A polygon ?


On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 05:22:22PM +0100, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
>today I came across the following problem that I tried to solve with 
> I had 3.000 linestrings which together formed one large ring. However, 
> this ring was not simple; it was 8-shaped. I wanted to find out where 
> the intersection point - or perhaps the intersection line! - was.
> The best I could come up with was:
> for (i=0; i {
>for (j=i+1; j{
>   Geometry *p = linestring[i]->intersection(linestring[j])
>   if (p)
>   {
>  // found something
>   }
> }
> This is of course rather inefficient! I'd better build a LinearRing from 
> the lot of them and then query for self-intersection. I did find some 
> code that does this when looking at how isSimple() is implemented; 
> however, that code would only find self intersection points, not lines.
> I wonder if there is some generic way to determine a geometry's "self 
> intersection"?
> Bye
> Frederik
> ___
> geos-devel mailing list


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[geos-devel] 3.2.0-rc3 tagged

2009-11-29 Thread strk
Packaging and platform support tweaks mostly.
Please take another loop, this could be final.


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[geos-devel] Another cleanup pass on 3.2.0 ongoing

2009-12-01 Thread strk
Mateusz is doing a cleanup pass on trunk.
He mentioned it should be done in a week.
I think it's worth waiting till then and ship
an rc4. If anyone is concerned with that please
let me know. 



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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2 RC4?

2009-12-08 Thread strk
On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 08:01:25AM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Thanks to Mats for taking the cleanup run through the code! I would
> like to cut one more RC, anyone have objections, fixes-in-progress?

Just closed a couple ([1], [2]) of fresh tickets and am
now ready for rc4.



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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2 RC4?

2009-12-08 Thread strk
On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 07:04:26PM +0100, strk wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 08:01:25AM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> > Thanks to Mats for taking the cleanup run through the code! I would
> > like to cut one more RC, anyone have objections, fixes-in-progress?
> Just closed a couple ([1], [2]) of fresh tickets and am
> now ready for rc4.

Actually, distcheck is failing:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `geos.vsprops', needed by `distdir'.  Stop.

Mat ?


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.1 vs 3.2

2009-12-09 Thread strk
On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 02:12:38PM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Not sure what this means, but:

>  3.1    >  3.2 
> >
> Files: 20   > Files: 58
> Tests: 2216 > Tests: 3582
> Failed: 0   > Failed: 0
> Succeeded: 2216 > Succeeded: 3582
> PASS: testrunner> PASS: testrunner
> >
> real  0m29.194s > real  0m11.558s
> user  0m24.750s > user  0m10.630s
> sys   0m1.489s  > sys   0m0.230s

Much more tests in less of half the time !
It seems to mean 3.2.0 rocks :)


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Re: [geos-devel] Benchmark between various geometry libraries

2009-12-09 Thread strk
On Wed, Dec 09, 2009 at 05:13:15PM +0100, Maxime van Noppen wrote:
> Maxime van Noppen wrote:
> > I will post any numbers I get.
> I'm still far from having a solid and complete report but just to give
> you a taste : on 100 intersections dynamic allocations represent 25.01%
> of the time cost (17.14% spent allocating, 7.87% deallocating).
> I've also found several small optimizations that can lead to significant
> performance boosts. For example, on the 100 intersection benchmark I
> found that 10% of the time was spent in CoordinateArraySequence::getAt.
> The fact is that as the code is in the .cpp file it cannot be inlined by
> the compiler. So I juste moved the one-line code of the .cpp file to the
> .h file and the runtime cost dropped drastically (to ~ 2%).

CoordinateArraySequence::getAt is a virtual function, which is probably
the reason why the fully templated solution is much faster instead.

How can a virtual method be inlined by the compiler ? 


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0 Final

2009-12-11 Thread strk
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:30:43PM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Shall we release 3.2.0 final? Things seem quiet...

I've fixed a reported leak in r2822.
r2823 also contains an updated ChangeLog.

Ready for final myself.


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0 Final

2009-12-11 Thread strk
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 11:49:54AM +0100, Barend Gehrels wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe you can consider removing (or altering) this statement from the 
> documentation main page: "If you prefer troubles you can use the C++ 
> interface. " (in geom.h).

It's still troubles ! how would you reword it ?
Leaks, API/ABI instabilities...


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Re: [geos-devel] Re: Return value of GEOSGeom_getDimensions_r

2009-12-11 Thread strk
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 07:51:37AM -0500, Alex Trofast wrote:

> If this is the case am I misunderstanding what GEOSGeom_getDimensions_r 
> is actually supposed to do: return 0 for point, 1 for curve, 2 for surface?
> Any help is greatly appreciated,

It's the number of ordinates used in the geometry (2 or 3, but will
always be 3 atm). Pretty useless method indeed.


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0 Final

2009-12-12 Thread strk
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 08:22:31PM +0100, Barend Gehrels wrote:

> Leaks? The C Api just wraps it...

The C Api wraps a small portion of the C++ API.
The thing is that in C++ there are *a lot* of interfaces
exposed which should not be.

You might have noticed that many of the headers were not
installed up to 3.1.x. This was an attempt to reduce the
set of exposed interface.

Remember that GEOS is a direct port of JTS, where (in Java)
there are visibility levels that are not supported in C++
(default visibility == only classes in same package can use
those interfaces). In GEOS those all became public instead.


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0 Final

2009-12-12 Thread strk
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 03:55:54PM -0500, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> I am not aware of memory leaks related to the C++ API, and if there are some
> there is no reason not to fix them.

I'm not aware either, but it may happen because the clients
we test GEOS again all use the C Api, which doesn't expose
the leaks itself.

I just fixed a couple of leaks reported by a C++ API user
in methods that would never be called by the C-Api, that's
why I mentioned them.


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0 Final

2009-12-12 Thread strk
On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 10:04:26AM +0100, Maxime van Noppen wrote:
> strk wrote:
> > Remember that GEOS is a direct port of JTS, where (in Java)
> > there are visibility levels that are not supported in C++
> > (default visibility == only classes in same package can use
> > those interfaces). In GEOS those all became public instead.
> I believe it's a design issue. It could be possible to put those methods
> as protected and to define friend classes that have access to those methods.

Yes but then we'll have to add new friends everytime a new class is added
and it's something increasing the maintainance cost. If we could mark
a whole namespace as a friend that'd be 1:1 mapping with JTS I guess, and
no additional maintainance cost.


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0 Final

2009-12-14 Thread strk
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 03:55:54PM -0500, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> I would suggest "If you prefer troubles you can use the C++ interface"
> to "Applications requiring API/ABI stability are encouraged to use the
> C interface instead of the C++ interface."

I changed:
<< If you prefer troubles you can use the C++ interface. >>
<< If you don't care about adapting/rebuilding your client code you
  can still use the C++ interface. >>

Your statement was already in previous statement:

The recommended low-level interface to the GEOS library is the simplified C 
wrapper interface. This will ensure stability of the API and the ABI of the 
library during performance improvements that will likely change classes 


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0 release ready for download

2009-12-15 Thread strk
On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 06:39:21PM -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:

> The shlib major version changed; probably NEWS should mention that. 

GEOS has 2 shared libraries. 
The one implementing the C++ API and the one implementing the C API.

While we maintain proper library versioning for the C API, we don't
for the C++ one, due to the way too wide set of exposed interfaces
we should look at to figure when ABI was or wasn't broken (and in C++
land ABI breaks SO easily).

> Are
> there incompatible ABI changes? 

For the C++ shlib, most likely.

> (From a packaging point of view, shlib
> version changes when there aren't actually ABI changes generates work
> that could be avoided; all depending packages need a version change
> because they only interoperate with one or the other geos version.)

This is exactly the reason why we incourage use of the C library
( The C library hard continues to expose a compatible ABI
to the ABI-incompatible C++ library.

So, while GEOS 3.2.0 *c++* lib is a few steps away from GEOS 3.0.0 *c++* lib,
any code which linked against the *c* lib in GEOS 3.0.0 will still work
with the *c* lib of GEOS 3.2.0.

>From a packaging point of view you should likely properly encode
if a client is dependent on *libgeos* or *libgeos_c* as that makes
a big difference.

Is this too much confusing ?


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Re: [geos-devel] 3.2.0 release ready for download

2009-12-15 Thread strk
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 10:59:01AM -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:
> strk  writes (reordered)
> > Is this too much confusing ?
> Yes :-) So here are the results of the build on NetBSD with pkgsrc.  The
> build is very default, with the only change being putting @LDFLAGS@ into
> geos-config so that rpath works right.  So here are the results:
> For 3.1:
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  1703998 Dec 15 10:27
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   16 Dec 15 10:27 ->
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   18 Dec 15 10:27 -> 
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   18 Dec 15 10:27 -> 
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   103071 Dec 15 10:27
> For 3.2:
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  1894950 Dec 14 18:29
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   16 Dec 14 18:29 ->
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   18 Dec 14 18:29 -> 
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   18 Dec 14 18:29 -> 
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   133825 Dec 14 18:29

Sounds good to me. 
As you can see the SONAME for libgeos_c.o hasn't changed (
while the one for libgeos is ( vs

What I expect is that if you compile a couple simple test program
one with -lgeos and the other with -lgeos_c while only 3.1 is
installed, then when you install 3.2 the one compiled with -lgeos_c
will automatically use functionalities of while
the other will be strictly bound to

Can you confirm ?


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Re: [geos-devel] Installation of Postgis/postgresql

2010-01-11 Thread strk
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 07:43:08PM -0800, Nick Uebelhor wrote:

> during ./configure of geos errors out looking for g++
> to the best of my knowledge g++ is part of gcc and we have a current
> version of the gcc compiler on the computer

GCC is big so distributors usually split the binary packages by
different runtimes and dev environment. Make sure to install the
GNU C++ compiler.


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Re: [geos-devel] Missing file in

2010-01-13 Thread strk
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 01:04:11PM -0500, Glenn Waldron wrote:
> I wish I'd caught this before the 3.2 release, but
> geom/CoordinateSequenceFactory is missing from source/ The fixed
> is attached.

Glen, was this applied ? If not, could you put it on trac ?


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Re: [geos-devel] [#317] Build configuration for CMake build system

2010-01-19 Thread strk
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 09:31:26PM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> I have added GEOS build configuration for CMake (
> build system.


I've tried the "cmake ../trunk && make" run and got linking error:

Linking CXX executable geos_unit
CMakeFiles/geos_unit.dir/geostest2.cpp.o: In function `main':
geostest2.cpp:(.text+0x588): multiple definition of `main'
CMakeFiles/geos_unit.dir/geos_unit.cpp.o:geos_unit.cpp:(.text+0x6f2): first 
defined here
CMakeFiles/geos_unit.dir/bug176.cpp.o: In function `do_sir()':
bug176.cpp:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `do_sir()'
CMakeFiles/geos_unit.dir/geostest2.cpp.o:geostest2.cpp:(.text+0x0): first 
defined here
CMakeFiles/geos_unit.dir/bug176.cpp.o: In function `do_buffer()':
bug176.cpp:(.text+0x16a): multiple definition of `do_buffer()'
CMakeFiles/geos_unit.dir/geostest2.cpp.o:geostest2.cpp:(.text+0x16a): first 
defined here
CMakeFiles/geos_unit.dir/bug176.cpp.o: In function `main':
bug176.cpp:(.text+0x588): multiple definition of `main'
CMakeFiles/geos_unit.dir/geos_unit.cpp.o:geos_unit.cpp:(.text+0x6f2): first 
defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Is the above expected ?
SVN At revision 2876.

Funny enough, on second 'make' run, after those error, I get
an error earlier:

[  0%] Building CXX object 
In file included from 
/usr/src/geos/cmake_build/include/geos/platform.h:147:3: error: #error "Could 
not find finite or isfinite function or macro!"
make[2]: *** 
Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/geos.dir/all] Error 2


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] [#317] Build configuration for CMake build system

2010-01-21 Thread strk
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 11:05:40PM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> strk wrote:

> > /usr/src/geos/cmake_build/include/geos/platform.h:147:3: error: #error 
> > "Could not find finite or isfinite function or macro!"
> > make[2]: *** 
> > [src/CMakeFiles/geos.dir/algorithm/distance/DiscreteHausdorffDistance.cpp.o]
> >  Error 1
> > make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/geos.dir/all] Error 2
> Yes, I was playing with the platform.h a bit and then I was gradually
> fixing this kind of issues about missing isnan or isfinite on various
> systems. So, something may be still not working well on some environments.
> However, remember to remove old versions of platform.h
> if you have any, for instance generated by autoconf
> build in trunk/include/geos. It may cause problems.

No platform.h in source tree.
The platform.h in build tree is created by cmake from platform.h.cmake
(I double-checked by removing and running cmake again)


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Re: [geos-devel] Build and install instructions

2010-01-28 Thread strk
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 11:52:47PM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Hi,
> I reorganised the Build and Install instructions a bit:
> Please, update if anything is missing or buggy.

May I ask for 'make check' rather than 'make test' for the Test
TODO item ? 'check' is a GNU standard rule.


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[geos-devel] Quick cmake/autotools comparison on OpenSUSE

2010-01-29 Thread strk
Only 'make' was timed, no ./configure nor cmake runs.

> cat cmake/TIMING
sys 0m42.419s

> cat autotools/TIMING
time make
sys     0m43.067s


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[geos-devel] cmake does not recognize sub-command RENAME

2010-01-29 Thread strk
GEOS revision 2893.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:204 (file):
  file does not recognize sub-command RENAME

cmake version 2.6-patch 0


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
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Re: [geos-devel] [#317] Build configuration for CMake build system

2010-02-03 Thread strk
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 04:05:50AM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:

> The geostest no longer exists in tests/unit
> I presume you are have old source tree nodes still in your copy.

I tried with r2901 on a debian 5.0.3 (sorry if I'm following up
with different systems, just I can't find the time to be single
threaded). Here the cmake build succeeds, but make check fails
(fails tests, not build):

Scanning dependencies of target check
Start processing tests
Test project /usr/src/geos/cmake
  1/  2 Testing geos_unitPassed
  2/  2 Testing xmltester ***Failed

50% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 2

The following tests FAILED:
  2 - xmltester (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/check] Error 8
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/check.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/check.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [check] Error 2


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[geos-devel] cmake build on ubuntu-8.04

2010-02-03 Thread strk
Ubuntu 8.04 cmake build attempt:

$ cmake ../trunk
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:220 (if):
  if had incorrect arguments: ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "2.8.0" (Unknown
  arguments specified).

$ cmake --version
cmake version 2.6-patch 0

What's the min version supported ?


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[geos-devel] cmake: geos-config

2010-02-04 Thread strk
cmake based installation results in a broken geos-config
script. geos-config --ldflags, which is used by postgis,
returns '-L'.


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[geos-devel] Unary Union (was: rgeos interface to R classes)

2010-02-05 Thread strk
On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 09:48:57AM -0800, Martin Davis wrote:

> The technique of using buffer(0) to union polygons is now deprecated in 
> favour of using Unary Union (Geometry.union() - not sure what the exact 
> GEOS signature is).  Unary Union is usually faster and more robust than 
> the previous technique.  You might want to check this out.

Uhm, I might have missed this in my last port (either completely
or just the outer interface). Is the JTS repository finally landed
so to take a look ? I'm interested in evaluating its use for "geometry
cleanup" purposes (


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Re: [geos-devel] Re: cmake: geos-config

2010-02-05 Thread strk
On Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 11:38:15PM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> strk wrote:
> > cmake based installation results in a broken geos-config
> > script. geos-config --ldflags, which is used by postgis,
> > returns '-L'.
> Sandro,
> Thanks for catching it. Fixed in trunk.

Did you reintroduce or still haven't fixed this ?

 CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:220 (if):
  if had incorrect arguments: ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "2.8.0" (Unknown
  arguments specified).


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Re: cmake: geos-config

2010-02-05 Thread strk
On Fri, Feb 05, 2010 at 09:33:45PM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> strk wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 11:38:15PM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> >> strk wrote:
> >>> cmake based installation results in a broken geos-config
> >>> script. geos-config --ldflags, which is used by postgis,
> >>> returns '-L'.
> >> Sandro,
> >>
> >> Thanks for catching it. Fixed in trunk.
> > 
> > Excellent.
> > Did you reintroduce or still haven't fixed this ?
> > 
> >  CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:220 (if):
> >   if had incorrect arguments: ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "2.8.0" (Unknown
> >   arguments specified).
> OK, should be fixed now:

Nice. Works here. Thanks.
Time to move on improving 'make check' now :)


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[geos-devel] cmake: distclean-like ? out of source tree build ?

2010-02-06 Thread strk
Mat, is there a 'cleanup' command for cmake-prepared build trees ?
I start to suspect my source tree was 'infected' by cmake things :)

build$ cmake ../trunk # does things but *build* dir is empty
build$ cd ../trunk
trunk$ cmake . && make
CMakeFiles/geos_unit.dir/geostest2.cpp.o: In function `main':
/usr/src/geos/trunk/tests/unit/geostest2.cpp:56: multiple definition of `main'
 first defined here

Didn't you fix the last error ? (which is what makes me think there might
be something old around).


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
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Re: [geos-devel] What do GEOSSymDifference and GEOSIntersection (CAPI) do?

2010-02-10 Thread strk
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:46:33AM +0100, Roger Bivand wrote:
> Continuing to try to interface R and GEOS (CAPI), I am puzzled that 
> GEOSSymDifference() and GEOSIntersection() seem to require input objects 
> to be "Geometry must be a Point or LineString".

Sounds like an horrible bug, if confirmed.
Could you file a ticket with accompaining smallest C testcase showing it ?


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] What do GEOSSymDifference and GEOSIntersection (CAPI) do?

2010-02-10 Thread strk
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:00:31PM +0100, Roger Bivand wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, strk wrote:
> >On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:46:33AM +0100, Roger Bivand wrote:
> >>Continuing to try to interface R and GEOS (CAPI), I am puzzled that
> >>GEOSSymDifference() and GEOSIntersection() seem to require input objects
> >>to be "Geometry must be a Point or LineString".
> >
> >Sounds like an horrible bug, if confirmed.
> >Could you file a ticket with accompaining smallest C testcase showing it ?
> Sorry, as before, I'm working on interfacing to R, so GEOM objects are 
> created and validated from there. If there is a workhorse main() providing 
> a way of reading input or taking input from hardcoded WKT strings, I'll 
> use it, but I'd prefer not to write it - last time the testcase I wrote 
> was worse than and did not cover the problem. Just a simple boilerplate so 
> that my coding of it isn't the problem, if you see what I mean.

Sure, we have an XML format for testcases targetting the C++ interface
(xmltester), and a framework for C-API too (see tests/unit/capi/*).


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] What do GEOSSymDifference and GEOSIntersection (CAPI) do?

2010-02-10 Thread strk
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:00:31PM +0100, Roger Bivand wrote:

> I've tried to go through GEOSPolygonize() to put the MULTILINESTRING 
> together again, and am analysing what has happened, but think that the 
> output has lost hole attributions, so needs running through GEOSContains 
> or similar.

Oh, if your goal is building an area you may consider
moving the algorithm implemented by PostGIS's ST_BuildArea
code down into the C-API (from the postgis geos wrapper).
I belive it would be useful in general...


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
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Re: [geos-devel] What do GEOSSymDifference and GEOSIntersection (CAPI) do?

2010-02-10 Thread strk
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:35:46PM +0100, Roger Bivand wrote:

> Are GEOSSymDifference() and GEOSIntersection() intended to take at least 
> POLYGON inputs, and then return POLYGON output, or not?

No. They are supposed to work also on linear and puntual geometries.

> As far as I can see, all the files there are C++, not C. I need C, not 
> C++, please. Just the #include, main(), and a place in the main to put the 
> data (say as WKT strings) and the function call, and a place to put the 
> output to screen. I did meet Bjarne Stroustrup in 1987, but that was 
> enough! Just setting up initGEOS(), etc., portably is hard.

I completely understand your point of view.
That's why I push hard for the C-API in the first place :)

Just, as a matter of fact, the actual workhorse is written
in C++, so *if* a bug is found, the usual place to start
for figuring out the culprint it is in object-oriented-land.

In any case, the xmltester script takes XML files as input
so you need no C++ nor C to prepare a testcase for your
situation. Doing so would tell you if Difference and Intersection
functions are broken at the low level.


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] What do GEOSSymDifference and GEOSIntersection (CAPI) do?

2010-02-10 Thread strk
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 02:44:44PM +0100, Roger Bivand wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, strk wrote:
> >On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 12:35:46PM +0100, Roger Bivand wrote:
> >
> >>Are GEOSSymDifference() and GEOSIntersection() intended to take at least
> >>POLYGON inputs, and then return POLYGON output, or not?
> >
> >No. They are supposed to work also on linear and puntual geometries.
> Clearer please, your "also" confuses me. Do they work on POLYGON or 
> MULTIPOLYGON at all? They do work on LINESTRING and LINEARRING, I've 
> tried.

Yes, if given POLYGONS or MULTIPOLYGONS they *may* return POLYGONS
MULTIPOINGS (depending on the way the POLYGONs you passed in relate
to each other)

> The ST_BuildArea code looks useful, although I'm afraid that my 
> PARANOIA_LEVEL is >> 1! Debugging C is simply so much easier under layers 
> of other software (for me).
> I'm trying a work-around using GEOSSymDifference() for setdiff and 
> intersection operations,

That's exactly what BuildArea does in postgis (after Polygonize):
 * Iteratively invoke symdifference on outer rings
 * as suggested by Carl Anderson:
 * postgis-devel/2005-December/001805.html

> and would value advice on what "pat" in 
> GEOSRelatePattern(GCA, GCC2, pat); should be declared as (neither const 
> char pat[9] nor char pat[9] work).

Takes a 'const char *' and doesn't refuse a 'char *'.

Use the source, Luke:

 (GEOS C-API header):

 (Postgis [C code] use of GEOS C-API):


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Re: cmake: distclean-like ? out of source tree build ?

2010-02-10 Thread strk
On Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 09:13:46PM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> > mlos...@dog:~/dev/geos/_svn/trunk$ svn-clean
> By the way, if you are suspicious about some remaining garbage in the
> source tree, just run svn-clean and confirm you have trunk up-to-date
> with nothing reported by svn status.

svn-clean doesn't seem to be part of 'svn' package, do you confirm ?

On an OpenSUSE I'm prompted to install kde-related things ?!

 The program 'svn-clean' can be found in following packages:
   * kdesdk3 [ path: /opt/kde3/bin/svn-clean, repository: zypp 
(ARKANIS_openSUSE_11.1_1) ]
   * kdesdk4-scripts [ path: /usr/bin/svn-clean, repository: zypp 
(ARKANIS_openSUSE_11.1_1) ]

 Try installing with: sudo zypper install kdesdk3


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

[geos-devel] deprecate non-thread-safe CAPI interfaces

2010-02-10 Thread strk
I'd like to deprecate non-thread-safe version
of CAPI interface in next release, and stop providing
them for new methods.

If anyone sees a reason not to do that please scream
before it's too late (you've plenty of time).


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] deprecate non-thread-safe CAPI interfaces

2010-02-11 Thread strk
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 09:42:56PM -0600, Howard Butler wrote:
> On Feb 10, 2010, at 5:26 PM, strk wrote:
> > I'd like to deprecate non-thread-safe version
> > of CAPI interface in next release, and stop providing
> > them for new methods.
> > 
> > If anyone sees a reason not to do that please scream
> > before it's too late (you've plenty of time).
> The proposal would be to stop providing new methods and method updates for 
> the non-thread-safe API, correct? 

What I mean is that when *new* interfaces are added,
only the version taking GEOSContextHandler would be provided.

And (I meant) all other ones not taking that handler would
be marked with "deprecated" attribute so warnings come
out at build time (only for GCC I know how..).

Can still wait for the second part (deprecation), but I
think it makes sense for the first part (stop *adding*
the bare ones).


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Problems compiling nightly snapshot

2010-03-03 Thread strk
On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 11:20:34AM +0100, Paul Meems wrote:

> What is the best approach the get the latest version?

svn checkout


  Share. It's fair.
geos-devel mailing list

Re: [geos-devel] Problems compiling nightly snapshot

2010-03-03 Thread strk
On Wed, Mar 03, 2010 at 01:23:58PM +, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Paul Meems wrote:

> >But this doesn't work with geos_c.h because it refers to two files in 
> >sub folders. We can do two things: either create the sub folder and copy 
> >the two files in to it or copy geos_c.h and open it and change 
> >geos/version.h to geos_version.h and geos/export,h to geos_export,h..
> >Currently we do the latter workaround.
> So, I'm not really the right person to decide if/how to fix this problem.

Sorry if I ask, but wasn't geos/version.h and geos/export.h being installed
already by the 'make install' rule ?

@Mat: could it be a temporary problem created when you changed install rule
  to put all geos headers *under* the geos/ folder ?
  (which you should have fixed, but maybe he got outdated version)


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