See <>

[...truncated 1137 lines...]
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-info_format-1 
         Assertion: When the INFO_FORMAT parameter is missing, then the 
Content-type header returned is one of the formats advertised.
         VAR_DEFAULT_INFO_FORMAT: text/plain
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-info_format-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-info_format-2 
         Assertion: When the INFO_FORMAT parameter is application/vnd.ogc.gml, 
then the Content-type header returned is the same.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-info_format-2 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-info_format-3 
         Assertion: When the INFO_FORMAT parameter is application/vnd.ogc.gml, 
then the response validates with the Galdos GML instance document validator.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-info_format-3 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-1 
         Assertion: When a GetFeatureInfo request contains a single layer, then 
the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-2 
         Assertion: When a GetFeatureInfo request contains two layers, then the 
response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-2 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-3 
         Assertion: When a GetFeatureInfo request contains three layers, then 
the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-3 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-4 
         Assertion: When a GetFeatureInfo request contains fewer layers in the 
QUERY_LAYERS parameter than it does in the LAYERS parameter, then the response 
is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-4 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-5 
         Assertion: When a layer requested is not contained in the Capabilities 
XML of the WMS, then the server issues a Service Exception.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-params-query_layers-5 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-10 (wms-1.1.1/d39e1966_1)...
         Assertion: When a request contains a Bounding Box with y values that 
are beyond 90 degrees, then the server returns empty content for the area 
beyond 90 degrees.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-10 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-3 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2009_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request uses scientific notation values for 
the BBOX parameter, then the response is valid.
         VAR_CHECKSUM_1: 577702721
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-3 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-4 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2038_1)...
         Assertion: The server interprets the bounding box as going around the 
"outside" of the pixels of the image rather than through the centers of the 
border pixels.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-4 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-5 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2052_1)...
         Assertion: When the BBOX parameter's minimum X is greater than the 
maximum X, then the server throws an exception.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-5 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-6 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2066_1)...
         Assertion: When the BBOX parameter's minimum X is equal to the maximum 
X, then the server throws an exception.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-6 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-7 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2080_1)...
         Assertion: When the BBOX parameter's minimum Y is greater than the 
maximum Y, then the server throws an exception.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-7 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-8 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2095_1)...
         Assertion: When the BBOX parameter's minimum Y is equal to the maximum 
Y, then the server throws an exception.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-8 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-9 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2109_1)...
         Assertion: When a request contains a Bounding Box whose area does not 
overlap at all with the BoundingBox advertised, then the server returns empty 
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bbox-9 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bgcolor-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2123_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request is made with no BGCOLOR parameter, 
then areas which are not covered contain white (0xFFFFFF) pixels.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bgcolor-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bgcolor-2 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2137_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request is made with a BGCOLOR parameter, 
then areas which are not covered are set to the value of BGCOLOR.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-bgcolor-2 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-exceptions-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2149_1)...
         Assertion: When an exception is raised without specifying the 
EXCEPTIONS parameter, then the Content-type of the return header is 
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-exceptions-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-exceptions-2 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2158_1)...
         Assertion: When an exception is raised and 
EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml, then the Content-type of the return 
header is application/vnd.ogc.se_xml.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-exceptions-2 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-exceptions-4 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2170_1)...
         Assertion: When an exception is raised and 
EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage, then the Content-type of the return 
header is the same as the FORMAT requested.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-exceptions-4 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-format-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2218_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains a Format that is not 
advertised, then the server throws a Service Exception (code="InvalidFormat").
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-format-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-format-2 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2230_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request is made using format=image/gif, then 
the response is a valid gif.
         VAR_IMAGE_TYPE: gif
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-format-2 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-format-3 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2243_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request is made using format=image/jpeg, then 
the response is a valid jpeg.
         VAR_IMAGE_TYPE: jpeg
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-format-3 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-format-4 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2255_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request is made using format=image/png, then 
the response is a valid png.
         VAR_IMAGE_TYPE: png
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-format-4 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2267_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains a single layer name, then 
the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-2 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2281_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains two layer names (separated 
by a comma), then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-2 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-3 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2297_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains three layer names (separated 
by commas), then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-3 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-5 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2314_1)...
         Assertion: When the layer in a GetMap request is invalid, then the 
response is an exception (code="LayerNotDefined").
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-5 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-6 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2326_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains two layers where the first 
is valid and the second is invalid, then the response is an exception 
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-6 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-7 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2340_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains two layers where the first 
is invalid and the second is valid, then the response is an exception 
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-layers-7 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-request-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2354_1)...
         Assertion:  When a GetMap request is made using REQUEST=map instead of 
REQUEST=GetMap, the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-request-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-srs-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2368_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains a single layer and a SRS 
where the SRS is contained directly in the layer in the capabilities document, 
then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-srs-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-srs-3 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2396_1)...
         Assertion: When the SRS parameter in a GetMap request contains a SRS 
that is not valid for any of the layers being requested, then the server shall 
throw a Service Exception (code = "InvalidSRS").
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-srs-3 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2411_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains a single layer and a single 
style where the style is contained directly in the layer in the capabilities 
document, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-10 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2427_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains two layers, where one of the 
styles is valid and one is not, then the response is an exception 
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-10 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-3 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2462_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains two layers and two styles 
(separated by a comma), then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-3 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-4 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2478_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains three layers and three 
styles (separated by commas), then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-4 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-5 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2494_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains an unadvertised Style, then 
the response is an exception (code=StyleNotDefined).
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-5 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-6 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2509_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains a single layer and a null 
style value (as in "STYLES="), then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-6 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-7 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2523_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains multiple layers and a 
mixture of named and default styles (as in "STYLES=style1,,style2,,"), then the 
response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-7 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-8 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2546_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains multiple layers and requests 
all layers to be shown in the default style by using null values between commas 
(as in "STYLES=,,,"), then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-8 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-9 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2567_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request contains multiple layers and requests 
all layers to be shown in the default style by using a single null value (as in 
"STYLES="), then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-styles-9 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-transparent-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2588_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request is made with no TRANSPARENT parameter 
and a FORMAT that supports transparency over a BBOX that is not completely 
covered, then the response contains no transparent pixels.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-transparent-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-transparent-2 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2602_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request is made with TRANSPARENT=fAlSe and a 
FORMAT that supports transparency over a BBOX that is not completely covered, 
then the response contains no transparent pixels.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-transparent-2 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-transparent-3 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2617_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request is made with TRANSPARENT=TRUE and a 
FORMAT that supports transparency over a BBOX that is not completely covered, 
then the response contains transparent pixels.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-transparent-3 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-version-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2631_1)...
         Assertion: When a GetMap request is made using WMTVER instead of 
VERSION, the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-version-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-width_height-1 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2645_1)...
         Assertion: When a request is made with WIDTH=1024 and HEIGHT=768, the 
image returned is exactly the size requested.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-width_height-1 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-params-width_height-2 (wms-1.1.1/d39e2664_1)...
         Assertion: When a request is made with WIDTH=16 and HEIGHT=16, the 
image returned is exactly the size requested.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-params-width_height-2 Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-each-info_format 
         Assertion: For each advertised GetFeatureInfo format, when a 
GetFeatureInfo request is made with the INFO_FORMAT parameter set to the 
format, then the Content-type header returned is the same.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-each-info_format Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-each-info_format 
         Assertion: For each advertised GetFeatureInfo format, when a 
GetFeatureInfo request is made with the INFO_FORMAT parameter set to the 
format, then the Content-type header returned is the same.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-each-info_format Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-each-info_format 
         Assertion: For each advertised GetFeatureInfo format, when a 
GetFeatureInfo request is made with the INFO_FORMAT parameter set to the 
format, then the Content-type header returned is the same.
      Test wms:wmsops-getfeatureinfo-each-info_format Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_1)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_2)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Failed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_3)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_4)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_5)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_6)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_7)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_8)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_9)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_10)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_11)...
         Assertion: For each of the Styles in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the STYLES parameter set to the element of the 
style, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_1)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_2)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Failed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_3)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_4)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_5)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_6)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_7)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_8)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_9)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_10)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_11)...
         Assertion: For each of the Layers in the capabilities document, when a 
GetMap request is made with the LAYERS parameter set to the element of the 
layer, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-each-srs (wms-1.1.1/d39e2711_1)...
         Assertion: For each SRS in the capabilities document, when a GetMap 
request uses the SRS, then the response is valid.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-srs Passed
      Testing wms:wmsops-getmap-layer-encoded-name (wms-1.1.1/d39e2739_1)...
         Assertion: When a layer is requested using encoded characters in its 
name, the response is a map.
      Test wms:wmsops-getmap-layer-encoded-name Passed
      Testing wms:basic_elements-validate-exception (wms-1.1.1/d39e2745_1)...
         Assertion: When an exception is generated, it validates.
      Test wms:basic_elements-validate-exception Passed
   Test wms:main Failed (Inherited failure)
Suite wms:main_wms Failed
Test wms:main (wms-1.1.1) Failed (Inherited Failure)
   Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-style (wms-1.1.1/d39e2691_2) Failed
   Test wms:wmsops-getmap-each-layer (wms-1.1.1/d39e2701_2) Failed
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