Re: [Geoserver-users] geoserver behind proxy - WMS not getting displayed

2010-07-30 Thread sanchit gupta
hello Rob/Andrea/all,

I checked using firebug and it seems when a WMS request is being sent ...the
reverse mapping is not getting done from internal url to mapped url i.e.
www.internalIP/geoserver  is not getting mapped to , though i have setup a proxy pass and reverse
proxy pass in the apache configuration ..

I did the GetCapabilities(from outside the proxy)  request and it is also
returning fine is also getting mapped correctly ..  with the url inside
the xml being ...

It is only the WMS request that is not getting mapped correctly .
I checked the error console and it is saying Openlayers not defined ..

Error: OpenLayers is not defined
Source File:,4913947.342298816,609518.2117427464,4928071.049965891&width=512&height=360&srs=EPSG:26713&format=application/openlayers
Line: 116

But if i do
it is getting displayed ..

Any clue regarding the problem?

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 7:30 PM, Rob  wrote:

> Are you trying to access   using a browser
> or a WMS client?
> I would suggest using a browser, then you can see any error messages.
> You could also try checking the getcapabilities response internally and
> externally.  This should tell you whether the "proxy base url" has been
> configured correctly, as this URL will be published within.
> I would have thought that there can be only two things you have wrong:
> 1) Geoserver "proxy base url".
> 2) Apache proxy settings.
> As to the info not working from within the proxy, that suggests that you
> have configured your "proxy base url" correctly (your WMS client is using
> the values in the GetCapabilties response to send the GetFeatureInfo
> requests), but that Apache is incorrect.  Assuming of course that you CAN
> query that layer.
> Rob
> On 20 July 2010 11:03, sanchit gupta  wrote:
>> hello Andrea ,
>> I tried setting the Proxy_Base_url in the geoserver's web.xml file ..  but
>> still the same .. WMS not working ..
>> Also I have one more problem .. From inside the proxy ... even though the
>> map is getting displayed .. but when i click the map to get feature info ..
>> it is not fetching the information ...  Any idea what could be the problem
>> .. I am struck here for days..
>> On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 6:25 PM, Andrea Aime  wrote:
>>> saanchi ha scritto:
 I have a setup like this:
 internal ip1 --- application running
 internal ip2 --- geoserver running
 i am behind a proxy .. at proxy server apache is running at proxy server
 i have added reverse proxy for geoserver and application server   internal ip1 internal ip2  The application is
 running fine from outside the proxy server ..
 but the WMS request for geoserver does not work properly from outside
 the proxy ..
 Any suggestions are welcome.

>>> You probably haven't configured "proxy base url" in the
>>> server settings. For example
>>> is running behing an apache proxy, and the proxy base url
>>> has been setup as "";.
>>> Most reverse proxies (Apache mod_proxy included) do not handle
>>> well the xml documents filled with back references generated
>>> by an OGC server
>>> Cheers
>>> Andrea

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>>> Andrea Aime
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>> Sincere Regards,
>> Sanchit Gupta
>> --
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Sincere Regards,
Sanchit Gupta
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[Geoserver-users] Why is my SLD not working?

2010-07-30 Thread Gregor at HostGIS
Hey, all. I'm a long-time fan of MapServer but I'm doing my first 
project with GeoServer. I'm quite impressed.

A question about SLD: How can I define a default rules? to catch any 
features not caught by previous rules?

I put a no-filter rule at the END of the SLD, but this had the opposite 
effect: everything matched it. Apparently the order of rules isn't 
important? It's not the case that the first matching rule is THE one used?

HostGIS, Open Source solutions for the global GIS community
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[Geoserver-users] example of app-schema postgis the_geom column?

2010-07-30 Thread Tara Athan
I am having some difficulty deciphering the manuals regarding how to 
incorporate the geometry (in my case polygons) from a PostGIS data 
source into my GML3 output with app-schema. Ideally, I would end up with 
a  element for each feature, but I don't see how to 
specify this and extract the shape.

For example, I have tried the "it couldn't be this easy" approach:

to the sequence in my schema and



to the mapping file
but the WFS request returns";
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Type with same name already exists in 
Type with same name already exists in cache.

Does anyone have an example of this construction?

Thanks, Tara

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Bulk creation for Layers / Feature Types

2010-07-30 Thread David Winslow
GeoServer now has a REST API for such automation.  Hopefully this is 
actually easier than automating the old UI :)

Take a look at 
for more info.

David Winslow
OpenGeo -

On 07/30/2010 03:38 PM, Robert Hicks wrote:
> Hello all, I was wondering if there is a clever way to create Feature
> Types in bulk. For example: let's say I have a hundred or so Postgis
> tables that I want to make layers out of but doing them one by one
> would take forever. I am using Geoserver 2.0.2 now and before was
> using 1.7.5.
> With older versions another fellow developer had written a tool that
> would interface with the Geoserver application using Sockets but with
> 2.0.x this is more difficult. So I am looking for an alternative to
> writing a new utility.
> Thanks!

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[Geoserver-users] Bulk creation for Layers / Feature Types

2010-07-30 Thread Robert Hicks
Hello all, I was wondering if there is a clever way to create Feature
Types in bulk. For example: let's say I have a hundred or so Postgis
tables that I want to make layers out of but doing them one by one
would take forever. I am using Geoserver 2.0.2 now and before was
using 1.7.5.

With older versions another fellow developer had written a tool that
would interface with the Geoserver application using Sockets but with
2.0.x this is more difficult. So I am looking for an alternative to
writing a new utility.


aim hyx1138

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Re: [Geoserver-users] [ExternalEmail] Re: Geosciml 3.0?

2010-07-30 Thread Ryan Clark
Thanks for taking a look at this. Ben - I am trying to use the GML 3.1
version. The schema I'm trying to use is here:

Victor - The OpenGeo suite that I'm trying to use runs PostgreSQL on 54321.
I'm pretty sure the database connection works, because everything ran fine
when I was trying to use GeoSciML version 2.0. When I changed to 3.0.0 it

Again, thanks for the help!

-Original Message-
From: Ben Caradoc-Davies [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 7:48 PM
To: v...@csiro
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] [ExternalEmail] Re: Geosciml 3.0?

The stack trace looks more like a schema resolution problem to me.

On 30/07/10 10:37, v...@csiro wrote:
> Kindly check your database connection details. Is your postgis port 
> 5432 or 54321? By default postgis I believe is 5432 without the 1

Ben Caradoc-Davies  Software Engineering Team
Leader CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering Australian Resources
Research Centre

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Re: [Geoserver-users] 2.0.2 WFS-V Versioning Extension, NoClassDefFoundError and IOException

2010-07-30 Thread Tim Waters
Doing some digging around, I downloaded geoserver 2.0.0a and the
corresponding wfsv extension of the same version and encountered a
different error

the stack trace is here:

which seems similar to a thread on the geoserver-devel list,

I have also newly downloaded and run 1.7.6 and it was able to create a
datasource with the db and featuretype on a table.

Hope this helps!


On 28 July 2010 22:17, Tim Waters  wrote:
> Hi,
> On 28 July 2010 22:01, Andrea Aime  wrote:
>> are you using the WFSV extension for 2.0.2 or the one for 1.7.6?
>> They are not binary compatible, you need to use the extensions
>> with the same version as the GeoServer you're using.
> I'm using the extension for 2.0.2 - freshly downloaded, and the
> GeoServer version is 2.0.2 too. I tried a couple of different mirrors,
> just in case there were some missing files in the extension's zip
> file, but no change. The jar files within the extension's zip file
> are: gt-postgis-versioned-2.6.4.jar  net.opengis.wfsv-2.6.4.jar
> wfsv-2.0.2.jar
> (the 1.7.6 server is deployed another box)
> many thanks,
> Tim
>> Cheers
>> Andrea

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Re: [Geoserver-users] GetFeature with CQL_FILTER - can I specify the projection of the shape?

2010-07-30 Thread Freeman, Aleda (EEA)
Of course just after I posted I managed to figure out how to do it with a 
regular Filter:

Data is natively in 26986, but I supply a 900913 shape and ask for 4326 output.";

Still curious about the possibility of using CQL_FILTER though.

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[Geoserver-users] GetFeature with CQL_FILTER - can I specify the projection of the shape?

2010-07-30 Thread Freeman, Aleda (EEA)
I have a working URL that sends a shape (in the native data projection of 
26986) and asks for data back in 4326.
However, I have a user that wants to send the selection shape in, say, XXX and 
get back in YYY, neither of which is the native projection.

Is there a way to tell CQL_FILTER which projection the selection shape is in?  
A simple question but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere.

Here's what I have so far working:

Maybe I need to use a regular Filter?

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Re: [Geoserver-users] How to enable anti-aliasing for WMS rendered from raster data

2010-07-30 Thread Andrea Aime
Min Feng wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to create a WMS layer from a GeoTIFF image using
> GeoServer. However, I noticed that the WMS images looks much worse
> than viewing the TIFF in my picture editor tools, especially when
> viewing it after zooming out. It turns out that these tools did
> anti-aliasing after zooming out the image. I wonder if GeoServer
> supports anti-aliasing feature for WMS? I noticed the "anti-aliasing"
> option in the "WMS Service" configuration page, but it seams the
> option is only for SVG and has nothing to do with the WMS images
> rendered from raster data.

What you want is called interpolation, not antialiasing.
Try setting bilinear interpolation in the wms page.
Mind, that comes with quite a performance price


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Re: [Geoserver-users] Duplicate mappingname or target element error

2010-07-30 Thread Tara Athan
Ben- thanks for the explanation - that clarifies things. It would be 
great to have a single WFS request be able to aggregate multiple 
sources, as long as it is also not too difficult to access them 
separately also. Having separate sources for similar data with, say 
different time-stamps, different native projections for different 
regions, or accessed from different external WFSs through app-schema, 
would make data maintenance easier, rather than having to manually merge 
everything together just because it has the same feature type. And then 
use a WFS request to aggregate, query, etc.  Is this capability in the 


P.S. There is (at least) one development effort to do this kind of data 
harmonization and aggregation externally using WFS/WCS as inputs. This 
is the Thinklab/ARIES project at the University of Vermont that was 
spearheaded by Ferdinando Villa.

Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> The problem is that GeoServer supports only one WFS and assumes that 
> all features of a given type come from a single source[*]. (There is a 
> proposal called the "resource-publishing split" that may allow 
> multiple WFS service URLs.)
> [*] app-schema also makes this assumption to implement feature 
> chaining. (Or maybe it is only app-schema that makes this assumption?)
> A WFS request specifies one or more feature types, and the 
> implementation finds the source ("DataAccess") that can service the 
> request, gets and returns the features.
> If you have multiple sources of the same feature type, GeoServer does 
> not know which source to use.
> If you have multiple sources of the same feature type, would you 
> expect them to be aggregated in a single WFS request for this feature 
> type?
> Kind regards,
> Ben.
> On 30/07/10 13:56, Tara Athan wrote:
>> I'm confused about something in the app-schema extension. For testing
>> purposes, I brought up an app-schema layer that uses a PostGIS database
>> table as datastore. Since the origin of the table was a shapefile that I
>> was using for a different app-schema layer, I thought I could use the
>> same schema element in the mapping files for these two layers. But when
>> I do that I get this error
>> 2010-07-29 22:37:04,546 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store
>> 'topp_StatesUOM_db'
>> 2010-07-29 22:37:04,828 WARN [org.geoserver] - Error connecting to
>> 'topp_StatesUOM_db'. Disabling.
>> 2010-07-29 22:37:04,828 INFO [org.geoserver] -
>> Duplicate mappingName or
>> targetElement across FeatureTypeMapping instances detected.
>> They have to be unique, or app-schema doesn't know which one to get.
>> Please check your mapping file(s) with mappingName or targetElement of:
>>  at
>>  at
>> ...
>> I can fix the problem by copying the schema element ("StatesUOM_F") in
>> question and then giving it a different name.  Here's the schema that 
>> works
>> xmlns:gml="";
>> xmlns:topp="";
>> targetNamespace="";
>> elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
>> schemaLocation=""/>
>>  > substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature"/>
>>  > substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature"/>
>>  > type="gml:ReferenceType"/>
>> But I don't understand why this is necessary. Isn't the whole point of
>> schemas that you can reuse the elements?
>> The datastore and layer names are different so I don't see where there
>> is any ambiguity.
>> Tara

Tara Athan
Owner, Athan Ecological Reconciliation Services
tara_athan at
707-272-2115 (cell, preferred)
707-485-1198 (office)
249 W. Gobbi St. #A
Ukiah, CA 95482

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[Geoserver-users] Example of HTML Geoserver ImageMap

2010-07-30 Thread Paul D Pruitt

Can someone point me to a working example of a Geoserver HTML imagemap?  The
example provided at, doesn't
work for me.



Paul D Pruitt
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Re: [Geoserver-users] ScaleDenominators Max and Min

2010-07-30 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

First, ratio is a plain number so it does not matter if in the 1:5 scale 
map 1 mm on the map means 5 millimeters in the nature or if it is 1 cm on a 
map and 5 centimeters in real life. However, web map scales are more 
mysterious than those with paper maps. This is what WMS standard says about 

" Layers may include a  element that suggests minimum and maximum scales for 
which it is appropriate to display this layer. Because WMS output is destined 
for output devices of arbitrary size and resolution, the usual definition of 
scale as the ratio of map size to real-world size is not appropriate here. The 
following definition of Scale Hint is recommended. Consider a hypothetical map 
with a given Bounding Box, width and height. The central pixel of that map (or 
the pixel just to the northwest of center) will have some size, which can be 
expressed as the ground distance in meters of the southwest to northeast 
diagonal of that pixel. The two values in ScaleHint are the minimum and maximum 
recommended values of that diagonal. It is recognized that this definition is 
not geodetically precise, but at the same time the hope is that by including it 
conventions will develop that can be later specified more clearly. "

-Jukka Rahkonen-

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Sila Khan []
Lähetetty: to 29.7.2010 14:59
Aihe: [Geoserver-users] ScaleDenominators Max and Min
Hi All
i m confusing that if scale denominator ratio is 1:5 then what is this
5 means?what is its unit is it meter,cm,mm, ??
the other thing is that when we define maxscaledenominator in our SLD lets
suppose i define1:181000
the intervel of zoom which i see in openlayer .
what does the one intervel shows
here i m attaching a image in which intervels of zoom levels are shown what
does each intervel means the value of?
here are 13 lines of zoom here
1:181000 divided in 13 lines why not 14 or 12???
plz help me solving this mystry

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[Geoserver-users] Attribute Based Styling

2010-07-30 Thread UKPAD

I have some data which I want to style in WMS using different colours.
Normally this would not be a problem but in this case the attribute value
that I want to use has a number of values over a large spread. The data is
stored in an Oracle table.

The data set is of soil types and for each polygon there is an attribute
value (integer) which indicates the soil type. The value range is somewhere
between 1 and 12. Within a physical area of a few kilometres you would
typically have 40-50 different soil types. The attribute values will almost
appear to be random across the range of values so there maybe values that 1
apart or 1 apart - it is impossible to guess.

In a dataset where there are only a few distinct values for an attribute a
simple SLD can be constructed with "if" or "less than", "equal", "greater
than" type constructs but this clearly is not going to be an option here. I
can't use a rasterized polygon as the attribute is not part of the spatial
field like DEM data is.

Now if I used ArcMap I could create a symbology using unique values and a
color ramp but I am using Geoserver 2.0.2 (hurrah!). Does anyone have a good
suggestion as to how I can colorize my dataset?
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2010-07-30 Thread Paolo Pasquali

I'm running Geoserver 2.0-SNAPSHOT in Debian/Tomcat. I would like to enable
the ADVANCED_PROJECTION_HANDLING. I set it as a servlet context parameter in
WEB-INF/web.xml and it works fine for http://myserver/geoserver/wms. 
But I'd like to make it work also for
In this way it doesn't work for GWC so I set it in Tomcat's
but without success...
So, how can I set it for gwc?
Thank you very much for your help.


View this message in context:
Sent from the GeoServer - User mailing list archive at

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of $1 Million in cash or HP Products. Visit us here for more details:
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[Geoserver-users] How to enable anti-aliasing for WMS rendered from raster data

2010-07-30 Thread Min Feng
Dear all,

I am trying to create a WMS layer from a GeoTIFF image using
GeoServer. However, I noticed that the WMS images looks much worse
than viewing the TIFF in my picture editor tools, especially when
viewing it after zooming out. It turns out that these tools did
anti-aliasing after zooming out the image. I wonder if GeoServer
supports anti-aliasing feature for WMS? I noticed the "anti-aliasing"
option in the "WMS Service" configuration page, but it seams the
option is only for SVG and has nothing to do with the WMS images
rendered from raster data.

I would really appreciate your help on this.


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Re: [Geoserver-users] [Geotools-gt2-users] WFSDemo does not work with some of the data

2010-07-30 Thread Jody Garnett
Sounds like a configuration problem; you can set up geoserver to have
more information in the response; or check the geoserver logs.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 12:36 AM, Jakub Rojek  wrote:
> When i make getFeature request to shp layer, the response from server is
> fine. But, when I make request postgres layer created from this shp file the
> response is like this:
>  xsi:schemaLocation="
> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/schemas/ows/1.0.0/owsExceptionReport.xsd";>
> -
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> null
> This happens also when I make request to some other shp layers.
> do you have any idea, where the problem might be?
> Cheers
> Kuba
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Jody Garnett 
> wrote:
>> GeoServer also has a "demo request" page where you can issue the requests
>> yourself and look at the result.
>> Jody
>> On 29/07/2010, at 7:31 PM, Roy Braam wrote:
>> Jakub,
>> Can you check the network activity between geotools and the wfs server?
>> Most of the times it helps to understand the problem.
>> Roy
>> From: Jakub Rojek []
>> To: GeoTools []
>> Sent: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 11:01:42 +0200
>> Subject: [Geotools-gt2-users] WFSDemo does not work with some of the data
>> Hi!
>> I was trying out WFS demo available on GeoTools User Guide Wiki web
>> site
>> The problem is that it works only with some of the data. Mostly with those
>> that come along with Geoserver instalation. The problem appears when I use
>> the demo on the data that are stored in POSTGIS data bank.
>> I realy do not know where is the problem. NetBeaans indicate that there is
>> NullPoIntException in this code line:
>> FeatureReader ft = wfs.getFeatureReader(query,
>> Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT);
>> this the whole error message that I get when I run the WFSDemo:
>> 29.07.2010 10:56:31 org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler processException
>> SCHWERWIEGEND: java.lang.NullPointerException
>> null
>> org.geotools.xml.filter.FilterComplexTypes$ServiceExceptionType.getValue(
>> org.geotools.xml.handlers.ComplexElementHandler.endElement(
>> org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler.endElement(
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown
>> Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown
>> Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown
>> Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown
>> Source)
>> javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
>> javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
>> org.geotools.xml.DocumentFactory.getInstance(
>> 29.07.2010 10:56:31 org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler endElement
>> WARNUNG: java.lang.NullPointerException
>> null
>> 29.07.2010 10:56:31 org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler endElement
>> WARNUNG: Line 10 Col 20
>> 29.07.2010 10:56:31
>> createFeatureReaderPOST
>> WARNUNG: org.geotools.ows.ServiceException:
>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> null
>> 29.07.2010 10:56:31 org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler processException
>> SCHWERWIEGEND: java.lang.NullPointerException
>> null
>> org.geotools.xml.filter.FilterComplexTypes$ServiceExceptionType.getValue(
>> org.geotools.xml.handlers.ComplexElementHandler.endElement(
>> org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler.endElement(
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown
>> Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown
>> Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown
>> Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
>> org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown
>> Source)
>> j

Re: [Geoserver-users] [Geotools-gt2-users] WFSDemo does not work with some of the data

2010-07-30 Thread Roy Braam
It looks like a java error in your server, the server is returning a 
ServiceExceptionReport maybe you can look at the logs of the server? It could 
be some unexpected corrupt data?



From: Jakub Rojek []
To: Jody Garnett [], GeoServer 
Sent: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 16:36:10 +0200
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] [Geotools-gt2-users] WFSDemo does not work with 
some of the data

When i make getFeature request to shp layer, the response from server is fine. 
But, when I make request postgres layer created from this shp file the response 
is like this: 



This happens also when I make request to some other shp layers.
do you have any idea, where the problem might be?



On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 3:47 PM, Jody Garnett  wrote:
GeoServer also has a "demo request" page where you can issue the requests 
yourself and look at the result.

On 29/07/2010, at 7:31 PM, Roy Braam wrote:



Can you check the network activity between geotools and the wfs server? Most of 
the times it helps to understand the problem.



From: Jakub Rojek []
To: GeoTools []
  Sent: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 11:01:42 +0200
Subject: [Geotools-gt2-users] WFSDemo does not work with some of the data


I was trying out WFS demo available on GeoTools User Guide Wiki web site
  The problem is that it works only with some of the data. Mostly with those 
that come along with Geoserver instalation. The problem appears when I use the 
demo on the data that are stored in POSTGIS data bank. 
  I realy do not know where is the problem. NetBeaans indicate that there is 
NullPoIntException in this code line:
FeatureReader ft = wfs.getFeatureReader(query, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT);

this the whole error message that I get when I run the WFSDemo: 
29.07.2010 10:56:31 org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler processException
SCHWERWIEGEND: java.lang.NullPointerException
org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)

  org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
  org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)

29.07.2010 10:56:31 org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler endElement
WARNUNG: java.lang.NullPointerException
29.07.2010 10:56:31 org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler endElement
  WARNUNG: Line 10 Col 20
29.07.2010 10:56:31 
WARNUNG: org.geotools.ows.ServiceException: 
29.07.2010 10:56:31 org.geotools.xml.XMLSAXHandler processException
SCHWERWIEGEND: java.lang.NullPointerException
org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)

  org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)

Re: [Geoserver-users] Duplicate mappingname or target element error

2010-07-30 Thread Ben Caradoc-Davies
The problem is that GeoServer supports only one WFS and assumes that all 
features of a given type come from a single source[*]. (There is a 
proposal called the "resource-publishing split" that may allow multiple 
WFS service URLs.)

[*] app-schema also makes this assumption to implement feature chaining. 
(Or maybe it is only app-schema that makes this assumption?)

A WFS request specifies one or more feature types, and the 
implementation finds the source ("DataAccess") that can service the 
request, gets and returns the features.

If you have multiple sources of the same feature type, GeoServer does 
not know which source to use.

If you have multiple sources of the same feature type, would you expect 
them to be aggregated in a single WFS request for this feature type?

Kind regards,

On 30/07/10 13:56, Tara Athan wrote:
> I'm confused about something in the app-schema extension. For testing
> purposes, I brought up an app-schema layer that uses a PostGIS database
> table as datastore. Since the origin of the table was a shapefile that I
> was using for a different app-schema layer, I thought I could use the
> same schema element in the mapping files for these two layers. But when
> I do that I get this error
> 2010-07-29 22:37:04,546 INFO [org.geoserver] - Loaded data store
> 'topp_StatesUOM_db'
> 2010-07-29 22:37:04,828 WARN [org.geoserver] - Error connecting to
> 'topp_StatesUOM_db'. Disabling.
> 2010-07-29 22:37:04,828 INFO [org.geoserver] -
> Duplicate mappingName or
> targetElement across FeatureTypeMapping instances detected.
> They have to be unique, or app-schema doesn't know which one to get.
> Please check your mapping file(s) with mappingName or targetElement of:
>  at
>  at
> ...
> I can fix the problem by copying the schema element ("StatesUOM_F") in
> question and then giving it a different name.  Here's the schema that works
> xmlns:gml="";
> xmlns:topp="";
> targetNamespace="";
> elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
> schemaLocation=""/>
>   substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature"/>
>   substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature"/>
> But I don't understand why this is necessary. Isn't the whole point of
> schemas that you can reuse the elements?
> The datastore and layer names are different so I don't see where there
> is any ambiguity.
> Tara

Ben Caradoc-Davies 
Software Engineering Team Leader
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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