Re: [Geoserver-users] Integrating Geoserver and application security

2011-12-01 Thread mika

 Maybe something like this, though then I wouldn't need spring security 
 at all anymore..

 Maybe I could grab the proxy part out of that package.. I wouldn't want 
 to build all from the scratch again.

 - mika -

 On Fri, 02 Dec 2011 06:04:48 +0100, wrote:
> Zitat von Mika Lehtonen :
>> Hi,
>> in that case, Geoserver services made public, anyone could delete my
>> database table rows through wfs-t?
> Not if you can protect wfs-t using url patterns as described by the
> J2EE specification. But I am not sure that this works.
>> One solution could be isolating geoserver and allowing client to use 
>> it
>> only through proxy service in my app, that would be controlled by 
>> the
>> spring security framework, right?
> Yep, this will work. First disable geoserver security completely as
> described here
> Second isolate geoserver from public access. If your webapp is taking
> the role of a security proxy, you can do anything you need. Good idea
> !!!
> Hope this helps
> Christian
>> - mika -
>> P.S. Passing the question into geoserver users list..
>> 1.12.2011 17:39, kirjoitti:
>>> Hi Mika,you should stay on the geoserver users list. You are   
>>> missing the chance that another developer had the same problems and  
>>> found a solution.
>>> Anyways, the situation is not easy. If I got you right, your web   
>>> app uses spring security. Normally, web applications have different  
>>> class loaders isolating classes loaded by one app from the others.  
>>> This makes sense since you may need another version of spring   
>>> security than geoserver.
>>> A clean solution may be to NOT use spring security in your web app  
>>> and have all geoserver services public. (This is out of the box).   
>>> Instead use the tomcat user/role service. You can protect a web app  
>>> based on URL patterns. If you find a possibility to use the tomcat  
>>> security module you will have no problems updating geoserver in  the  
>>> future.
>>> Look here for a starting point
>>> Christian
>>> Zitat von

 On Thu, 01 Dec 2011 15:11:32 +0100, 
> Zitat von
>> Hi Christian,
>> I once contacted you and asked advice on the issue mentioned on 
>> the
>> topic. I never replied to you, I am sorry.
>> Things come and go, but now I am facing the same challenge.
>> I wrote an application which utilizes Geoserver services. The 
>> app is
>> mainly written in javascript but uses jsp-pages. I implemented 
>> Spring
>> Security 3 framework in order to create services, which are only
>> available for the authenticated users. For example only 
>> authenticated
>> users should be able to use WFS-T service. How that could be 
>> done? I
>> don't want to open WFS-T for everyone. So can I somehow forward 
>> my
>> authentication/authorization rights to Geoserver which will be 
>> running
>> under the same Tomcat? Users database should be same for both.
> First, Justin an me are working on a new security architecture 
> which
> we hope to get in for 2.2.x, but there is no planned date. This 
> new
> architecture will make things easier, but there is a big chance 
> that
> all the "dirty" tricks we try will not work for 2.2.x versions.

 Sounds interesting.

> What do you mean with running under the same tomcat. I need some 
> info
> before I can give some advice. Please answer the next questions
> Are there 2 java virtual machines running, one for your 
> application
> and one for tomcat. ?

 As far as I understand, no.

> Or is there only one VM running and you deployed two web
> applications,  geoserver and your application ?

 Yep, that sounds right.

> Or is there only one VM and one web application and your jsp 
> pages
> run  within the geoserver web application.


> How do you communicate with geoserver. For java script, I assume  
> you
> use urls, how do you communicate within your jsp pages. (URL or
> direct  java calls)

 With URLs, I don't even know how to do that with direct calls 
 know nothing about Geoserver (under hood))

 - mika -

> Waiting for your answers :-)
> Christian
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

All the data continuous

Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

2011-12-01 Thread Ben Caradoc-Davies
Yes, I saw that in the GSIP. Much appreciated!

On 02/12/11 15:44, Andrea Aime wrote:
> Which I have the mandate of backporting to 2.1.x as well as an extension
> to the WFS 1.0 and 1.1 protocols. Stay tuned :)

Ben Caradoc-Davies 
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

2011-12-01 Thread Andrea Aime
On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Ben Caradoc-Davies

> WFS 2 may be quite useful for large responses because it allows the
> retrieval of parts of a response through multiple requests. A client can
> request resultType "hits" (same as WFS 1.1) to find out how many
> features match, and then make multiple requests with startIndex and
> count to get subsets. I haven't used it yet, but this is one of the big
> new features added in WFS 2.

Which I have the mandate of backporting to 2.1.x as well as an extension
to the WFS 1.0 and 1.1 protocols. Stay tuned :)


Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 962313

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

2011-12-01 Thread Chris Shain
I'd also like to add that there is some hope for the ability to leverage
extremely large datasets in the near future with non-relational (NoSQL)
datastores. I am in the process of developing one for Apache HBase, and I
hope to have it released to the community sometime in early 2012. These
datastores should help eliminate some of the bottlenecks associated with
traditional RDBMS-based storage, especially when it comes to very large
numbers of features.
On Dec 1, 2011 9:31 PM, "Ben Caradoc-Davies" 

> WFS 2 may be quite useful for large responses because it allows the
> retrieval of parts of a response through multiple requests. A client can
> request resultType "hits" (same as WFS 1.1) to find out how many
> features match, and then make multiple requests with startIndex and
> count to get subsets. I haven't used it yet, but this is one of the big
> new features added in WFS 2.
> On 02/12/11 04:25, Phil Scadden wrote:
> > Just a caveat, that while geoserver will cope with large datasets,
> browsers would choke on more than 1000 points sent from a WFS query. Use
> WMS for rendering, WFS for querying,
> --
> Ben Caradoc-Davies 
> Software Engineer
> CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
> Australian Resources Research Centre
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

2011-12-01 Thread Ben Caradoc-Davies
WFS 2 may be quite useful for large responses because it allows the 
retrieval of parts of a response through multiple requests. A client can 
request resultType "hits" (same as WFS 1.1) to find out how many 
features match, and then make multiple requests with startIndex and 
count to get subsets. I haven't used it yet, but this is one of the big 
new features added in WFS 2.

On 02/12/11 04:25, Phil Scadden wrote:
> Just a caveat, that while geoserver will cope with large datasets, browsers 
> would choke on more than 1000 points sent from a WFS query. Use WMS for 
> rendering, WFS for querying,

Ben Caradoc-Davies 
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Problems SLD_BODY - works for getlegendgraphic but not for getMap.

2011-12-01 Thread Andrea Aime
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 9:04 PM, Phil Scadden  wrote:

> Geoserver 2.0.2
> The request below returns the image styled by the layers assigned style
> not the one in SLD_BODY.
> However, the matching getLegendGraphic does produce the correct style.
> What am doing wrong?

Get the SLD 1.0 specification and read about library mode at section 6.4


To make the HTTP-GET methods more practical for use, the SLD can also be
used in
one of two different modes depending on whether the LAYERS parameter is
present in the
request. If it is not present, then all layers identified in the SLD
document are rendered
with all defined styles, which is equivalent to the XML-POST method of
usage. If the
LAYERS parameter is present, then only the layers identified by that
parameter are
rendered and the SLD is used as a “style library”.
When an SLD is used as a style library, the STYLES CGI parameter is
interpreted in the
usual way in the GetMap request, except that the handling of the style
names is organized
so that the styles defined in the SLD take precedence over the named styles
stored within
the map server. The user-defined SLD styles can be given names and they can
be marked
as being the default style for a layer. To be more specific, if a style
“CenterLine” is referenced for a layer and a style with that name is
defined for the
corresponding layer in the SLD, then the SLD style definition is used.
Otherwise, the
standard named-style mechanism built into the map server is used. If the
use of a default
style is specified and a style is marked as being the default for the
corresponding layer in
the SLD, then the default style from the SLD is used; otherwise, the
standard default style
in the map server is used.


Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 962313

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

[Geoserver-users] Geometries that cross Dateline/180 mark. Who is interested in having this solved?

2011-12-01 Thread Phil Scadden
This came up again recently eg.

Who is interested in having this solved one and for all? A parameter in 
the layer setup, telling it to make sure lines and polygons that cross 
the 180 get drawn correctly. No fake coordinates, just intelligent 
drawing? More importantly, who else would be willing contribute in cash 
to getting it solved. I have asked geosolutions for a quote for how much 
this would cost.

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please destroy and immediately notify us. Do not copy or disclose the contents.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

2011-12-01 Thread Phil Scadden

> We have large datasets of points in a database. We need to publish our 
> data via WFS in GeoServer. I would like to know what is considered to 
> be large from a GeoServer point of view. Is there a breakpoint where 
> the amount of rows starts to be too many? I have 30 Million 
> points wich seems to be problematic,  (300 000 points is no problem 
> though).

Just a caveat, that while geoserver will cope with large datasets, 
browsers would choke on more than 1000 points sent from a WFS query. Use 
WMS for rendering, WFS for querying,

Notice: This email and any attachments are confidential. If received in error 
please destroy and immediately notify us. Do not copy or disclose the contents.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Problems SLD_BODY - works for getlegendgraphic but not for getMap.

2011-12-01 Thread Olle Markljung
I'm also sitting with similar things now. 
When I removed the layers parameter and added the same layer as a named layer 
in the SLD it works. 

Hope it helps :)

1 dec 2011 kl. 21:12 skrev "Phil Scadden" :

> Geoserver 2.0.2
> The request below returns the image styled by the layers assigned style 
> not the one in SLD_BODY.
> However, the matching getLegendGraphic does produce the correct style. 
> What am doing wrong?
> -- 
> Phil Scadden, GNS Science Ltd 764 Cumberland St, Private Bag 1930, 
> Dunedin, New Zealand Ph +64 3 4799663, fax +64 3 477 5232
> Notice: This email and any attachments are confidential. If received in error 
> please destroy and immediately notify us. Do not copy or disclose the 
> contents.
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

[Geoserver-users] Problems SLD_BODY - works for getlegendgraphic but not for getMap.

2011-12-01 Thread Phil Scadden
Geoserver 2.0.2
The request below returns the image styled by the layers assigned style 
not the one in SLD_BODY.

However, the matching getLegendGraphic does produce the correct style. 
What am doing wrong?,-5009377.085,20037508.34,-3757032.81375&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256
Phil Scadden, GNS Science Ltd 764 Cumberland St, Private Bag 1930, 
Dunedin, New Zealand Ph +64 3 4799663, fax +64 3 477 5232

Notice: This email and any attachments are confidential. If received in error 
please destroy and immediately notify us. Do not copy or disclose the contents.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Integrating Geoserver and application security

2011-12-01 Thread Mika Lehtonen
in that case, Geoserver services made public, anyone could delete my 
database table rows through wfs-t?

One solution could be isolating geoserver and allowing client to use it 
only through proxy service in my app, that would be controlled by the 
spring security framework, right?

- mika -

P.S. Passing the question into geoserver users list..

1.12.2011 17:39, kirjoitti:
> Hi Mika,you should stay on the geoserver users list. You are missing 
> the chance that another developer had the same problems and found a 
> solution.
> Anyways, the situation is not easy. If I got you right, your web app 
> uses spring security. Normally, web applications have different class 
> loaders isolating classes loaded by one app from the others. This 
> makes sense since you may need another version of spring security than 
> geoserver.
> A clean solution may be to NOT use spring security in your web app and 
> have all geoserver services public. (This is out of the box). Instead 
> use the tomcat user/role service. You can protect a web app based on 
> URL patterns. If you find a possibility to use the tomcat security 
> module you will have no problems updating geoserver in the future.
> Look here for a starting point
> Christian
> Zitat von
>> On Thu, 01 Dec 2011 15:11:32 +0100, wrote:
>>> Zitat von

 Hi Christian,
 I once contacted you and asked advice on the issue mentioned on the
 topic. I never replied to you, I am sorry.
 Things come and go, but now I am facing the same challenge.

 I wrote an application which utilizes Geoserver services. The app is
 mainly written in javascript but uses jsp-pages. I implemented Spring
 Security 3 framework in order to create services, which are only
 available for the authenticated users. For example only authenticated
 users should be able to use WFS-T service. How that could be done? I
 don't want to open WFS-T for everyone. So can I somehow forward my
 authentication/authorization rights to Geoserver which will be running
 under the same Tomcat? Users database should be same for both.
>>> First, Justin an me are working on a new security architecture which
>>> we hope to get in for 2.2.x, but there is no planned date. This new
>>> architecture will make things easier, but there is a big chance that
>>> all the "dirty" tricks we try will not work for 2.2.x versions.
>> Sounds interesting.
>>> What do you mean with running under the same tomcat. I need some info
>>> before I can give some advice. Please answer the next questions
>>> Are there 2 java virtual machines running, one for your application
>>> and one for tomcat. ?
>> As far as I understand, no.
>>> Or is there only one VM running and you deployed two web
>>> applications,  geoserver and your application ?
>> Yep, that sounds right.
>>> Or is there only one VM and one web application and your jsp pages
>>> run  within the geoserver web application.
>> Nope.
>>> How do you communicate with geoserver. For java script, I assume  you
>>> use urls, how do you communicate within your jsp pages. (URL or
>>> direct  java calls)
>> With URLs, I don't even know how to do that with direct calls (don't
>> know nothing about Geoserver (under hood))
>> thanks,
>> - mika -
>>> Waiting for your answers :-)
>>> Christian

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Getting started with Oracle

2011-12-01 Thread Mark Hammond


This is the approach I thought may be necessary. Apparently a carefully
managed materialised view can minimise the amount of work Oracle has to do
to maintain a view, since the spatial data itself won't be changing.

The only trouble at the moment is when creating the view: The query involves
a spatial join which just locks up the server and never completes (I left it
8 hours just to make sure it wasn't just a slow query)

 I've posted some details on that problem to the Oracle forum in the hope of
some sensible advice.

-Original Message-
From: Rahkonen Jukka [] 
Sent: 01 December 2011 09:48
To: 'Mark Hammond'; ''
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Getting started with Oracle


Perhaps you can handle the situation by creating a view into Oracle and
publishing it with Geoserver. It is similar process than publishing tables.
Remember to add a line into geometry columns table and often it is also good
to make a primary key for the view. That is possible with Oracle. Primary
key columns are used for generating fids.  With standard settings the PK
columns are not included as attributes. If you need them there are a few
alternatives. Myself I am doing it by picking those attributes two times
with different names into a view. For example if fids in the view must
contain IDs from table_1 and table_2 to be unique you can do something like

create or replase view geoserver_view as (select first.ID PK_1, first.ID
ID_1, second.ID PK_2, second.ID ID_2 ...
from first_table first, second_table second);

Then create primary key for geoserver_view as PK_1 and PK_2. Fids will
contain both PK_1 and PK_2 and in addition the original table IDs are
published in WFS as ID_1 and ID_2 attributes.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Mark Hammond wrote:

> Thanks for your help.
> With the clues you offered, I was able to pinpoint the problem down to 
> the original Oracle tool that created populated the database table 
> from a shape file. This had created spatial objects of an older 
> version than current and neither the oracle SDO_UTIL.RECTIFY_GEOMETRY 
> nor GeoServer could do anything with them.
> For anyone else attempting this, run the SDO_MIGRATE.TO_CURRENT 
> function on your loaded spatial data to bring it up to date, then you 
> function to check for
> problems, and SDO_UTIL.RECTIFY_GEOMETRY to fix them.
> Now onto the second part of my original question:
> I'd like to be able to pull back features onto my map from GeoServer 
> based on an SQL (or SQL-like) query. The trouble is there are two or 
> three tables that I want to include in the query of which only one of 
> them contains the spatial data. Can such a thing be achieved with 
> GeoServer, or am I going to need create a list of features direct from 
> Oracle first, and then query GeoServer with that list (could be quite 
> a long list, so I'd like to avoid that if possible). Are there any 
> other solutions to this kind of problem?
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf 
> Of Andrea Aime
> Sent: 30 November 2011 13:19
> To: Mark Hammond
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Getting started with Oracle
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Mark Hammond  
> wrote:
> > Wasn't able to find this tool you mention, so have asked on
> the Oracle
> > forum about it.
> >
> > While I was there, I did find an article discussing the differences 
> > between SRID 8307 (traditional used by Oracle) and SRID
> 4326. They are
> > supposed to be equivalent, but could this be a source of
> the trouble?
> It should not.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> --
> ---
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Tech lead
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax:      +39 0584 962313
> ---
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains 
> a definitive record of customers, application performance, security 
> threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and 
> makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list


Re: [Geoserver-users] pdf export: why the request for tile dimensions of 625x458

2011-12-01 Thread Stephen V. Mather
Best bet, in my experience, for pointing mapfish at GWC as a WMS service so GWC 
can server arbitrary WMS requests.  You will probably want to allow GWC to 
build different caches for different WMS flags, such as format_options=dpi:300. 
 Search for stringParameterFilter on the GeoWebCache site.  I posted this 
(untested) configuration to the geowebcache forum a while back (search for 
Arbitrary WMS request):

" Hi All,
I think I’ve answered my own question referenced below, but 
want to confirm:  if I want to allow particular variations on a WMS request, 
such as format_options=dpi:300 and allow for alternate parameters, I’d have to 
add it to the list of parameter filters, maybe as a stringParameterFilter or 
reguedParameterFilter, correct?.



BTW, for anyone trolling the forums for something like this, what we ended up 
implementing was:




Although I think we could further constrain that wildcard with e.g. 

dpi:[0-9]?[0-9][0-9], but I don’t know if this complies with the 
wildcard rules… .

BTW, haven’t had a chance to test to see if any of the above works, so use with 


Stephen Mather
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Manager
(216) 635-3243

-Original Message-
From: Gabriel Roldan [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 9:59 AM
To: Robert Buckley
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] pdf export: why the request for tile dimensions 
of 625x458

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 3:53 AM, Robert Buckley
> Can anyone tell me why the mapfish print is requesting tiledimensions of
> 625x458?
I guess because it doesn't speak WMS-C but just plain WMS.

Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo -
Expert service straight from the developers.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance

2011-12-01 Thread Bart van den Eijnden
Hi Christian,

sure it makes sense to open up a JIRA tickets for them and discuss further 

Justin and Gabriel have already talked about possible solutions for the 
harmonized layer names, but it is actually quite complicated if I have 
understood correctly.

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden

On Dec 1, 2011, at 4:00 PM, wrote:

> Hi Bart, we also had headaches about the harmonized layer names. Does it make 
> sense to open a JIRA issue describing the problem ?
> The same holds true for multilingual services, but this is only a wish.
> Cheers
> Christian
> Zitat von Bart van den Eijnden :
>> Hi,
>> 2.1.x nightly builds and trunk is. I've used the test suite provided  by 
>> Dutch organization Geonovum to verify.
>> No multilingual services as yet possible though but Inspire does not  
>> mandate that.
>> Also no harmonized layer names but those are due end 2012 IIRC.
>> Bart
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 1, 2011, at 12:31 AM, Francesco D'Alesio  
>>  wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> I didn't find enough information about the INSPIRE plugin, and I need to
>>> know if GeoServer is now INSPIRE compliant for View Service (WMS).
>>> Anyone of you already tried to use GeoServer for a View Service?
>>> Have you tried to validate the services through the INSPIRE geoportal?
>>> Is it possible to create a multilingual, INSPIRE compliant, service with
>>> the INSPIRE plugin?
>>> Thank you
>>> Regards,
>>> Francesco
>>> --
>>> --
>>> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
>>> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
>>> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
>>> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
>>> ___
>>> Geoserver-users mailing list
>> --
>> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
>> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
>> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
>> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
>> ___
>> Geoserver-users mailing list
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance

2011-12-01 Thread christian . mueller
Hi Bart, we also had headaches about the harmonized layer names. Does  
it make sense to open a JIRA issue describing the problem ?

The same holds true for multilingual services, but this is only a wish.


Zitat von Bart van den Eijnden :

> Hi,
> 2.1.x nightly builds and trunk is. I've used the test suite provided  
>  by Dutch organization Geonovum to verify.
> No multilingual services as yet possible though but Inspire does not  
>  mandate that.
> Also no harmonized layer names but those are due end 2012 IIRC.
> Bart
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 1, 2011, at 12:31 AM, Francesco D'Alesio   
>  wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I didn't find enough information about the INSPIRE plugin, and I need to
>> know if GeoServer is now INSPIRE compliant for View Service (WMS).
>> Anyone of you already tried to use GeoServer for a View Service?
>> Have you tried to validate the services through the INSPIRE geoportal?
>> Is it possible to create a multilingual, INSPIRE compliant, service with
>> the INSPIRE plugin?
>> Thank you
>> Regards,
>> Francesco
>> --
>> --
>> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
>> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
>> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
>> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
>> ___
>> Geoserver-users mailing list
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] pdf export: why the request for tile dimensions of 625x458

2011-12-01 Thread Gabriel Roldan
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 3:53 AM, Robert Buckley
> Can anyone tell me why the mapfish print is requesting tile dimensions  of
> 625x458?
I guess because it doesn't speak WMS-C but just plain WMS.

Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo -
Expert service straight from the developers.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] geowebcache.xml prevents Geoserver from restarting

2011-12-01 Thread Gabriel Roldan
Hi Hailey,

I'm pretty sure your set up doens't work because of a bug in gwc that
makes the configuration of a gridset using the  property
instead of  unusable.

The quick workaround would be to explicitly indicate the list of
resolutions instead.


On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Hailey Eckstrand
> Hi All,
> I have GeoWebCache (V 1.2.6) that comes built-in with Geoserver and I am
> attempting to add the file geowebcache.xml to the gwc directory so that I
> can cache tiles in a projection other than 4326 or 900913.
> That is the only step I have taken so far. I have added that file & then I
> restarted Geoserver with a big FAIL (it wasn't able to start again until I
> moved the geowebcache.xml out of that directory).
> Is there a template somewhere where I can figure out how to write out the
> correct geowebcache.xml & what the next steps are?
> I have attached the geowebcache.xml file & a text file of the tomcat log
> when trying to restart Geoserver with the geowebcache.xml file in the gcw
> directory.
> My Geoserver build information:
> Version2.1-RC5
> Subversion Revision-1
> Build Date20-apr-2011 10:12
> GeoTools Version2.7.0.2 (rev -1)
> Thanks!
> Hailey
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list

Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo -
Expert service straight from the developers.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Intro and first question

2011-12-01 Thread Gabriel Roldan
Hello Brendan,

please follow the custom projection documentation from the GWC docs:

and tell whether that's useful enough to create a custom GridSet.

As for getting the bounds to use, it's odd that the CRS reports both
maxx and minx to be zero, even if that's ok given the projection.
Looking at the following demo page it seems to me like they could be
set to +- 134.0276, so


Let me know how it goes.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:25 AM, brendan barrett  wrote:
> I apologise in advance for posting so many follow ups to the list. I'm
> hoping this will come to an end very soon.
> I figured out that I need to place the geowebcache.xml file I made into the
> "data_dir\gwc" folder. I am now getting cached tiles for the gridset that I
> created.
> The problem is that I haven't defined the gridset or wmslayer in the xml
> file correctly for EPSG:3031. I don't know what values to set for
> " " or "".
> The result is that I am getting small snippets of tiles that load quickly
> (i.e. have been cached), but look completely wrong.
> Does someone here have any idea how I can find out what values to use in the
> geowebcache.xml file for EPSG:3031?
> I've attached my current xml file.
> Thanks in advance
> Regards,
> Brendan
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 1:00 PM, brendan barrett 
> wrote:
>> Ok, after a lot of reading, I think I may know where I may be going wrong.
>> The layer that I am trying to load is in EPSG 3031 (polar stereographic).
>> I would imagine that I need to define a gridset, and that I would need to
>> create a geowebcache.xml file to put this gridset into.
>> I created the geowebcache.xml file, and placed a dummy gridset into it. I
>> then moved the xml file to "C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoServer
>> 2.1.2\webapps\geoserver\WEB-INF". When I restart the server though, it says
>> "Failed to find geowebcache.xml" in the console.
>> Could anyone tell me where I need to place this xml file?
>> I've pasted the contents of my file in the hopes that someone can point
>> out any possible errors as well.
>> 1. For "", I used the "Projected Bounds" values from here:
>> 2. I have no idea what to use for "", so I left those as I
>> found them in the geowebcache.xml file I found lying around on the net.
>> The contents of my file is as follows:
>> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="";
>> xmlns="";>
>> 1.2.2
>> 120
>> true
>> true
>> Polar_Stereographic
>> 3031
>> -0
>> -134.0276
>> 0
>> 0
>> 512
>> 512
>> 1.40625
>> 0.703125
>> 0.3515625
>> 0.17578125
>> 0.087890625
>> 0.0439453125
>> 0.02197265625
>> 0.010986328125
>> 0.0054931640625
>> http://localhost:1024/geoserver/wms
>> Polar_Stereographic
>> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:32 AM, brendan barrett 
>> wrote:
>>> I just realised I didn't reply to all, so the list wasn't getting my
>>> emails... sorry.
>>> Would my data being in polar stererographic have anything to do with the
>>> demos not displaying?
>>> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:30 AM, brendan barrett 
>>> wrote:

 Hi Andrea

 Thanks for the response.

 When I go to that page, I try out the demo by clicking "jpeg" next to
 either the 4326 or 900913 options of the layer, but the page it takes me to
 remains blank... with no data. In the log file, I see the following

 "2011-11-29 11:27:43,086 INFO [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - Read
 425 from blank PNG file (expected 425)."

 On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Andrea Aime
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 8:27 AM, brendan barrett 
> wrote:
>> Hey
>> What an awesome project. I've been battling for days to get a reliable
>> WMS. Yesterday I downloaded Geoserver, install in a few minutes and
>> after a little reading I am up and running. Unbelievable. Thanks to
>> everyone that has been working on this project. I hope to be able to
>> contribute to it moving forward.
>> Now for a question:
>> I am trying to enable tile caching, but everything I do doesn't seem
>> to work.
>> >From the beginning: I added a new WorkSpace, then added a Store
>> (which
>> feeds off a GeoTiff). I then published the layer. Under the
>> GeoWebCache menu item, I checked "Enable direct WMS integration". I
>> assume this means that when I do a layer preview (using "Tiled" not

Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance

2011-12-01 Thread Bart van den Eijnden

2.1.x nightly builds and trunk is. I've used the test suite provided by Dutch 
organization Geonovum to verify.

No multilingual services as yet possible though but Inspire does not mandate 

Also no harmonized layer names but those are due end 2012 IIRC.


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 1, 2011, at 12:31 AM, Francesco D'Alesio  

> Hello list,
> I didn't find enough information about the INSPIRE plugin, and I need to 
> know if GeoServer is now INSPIRE compliant for View Service (WMS).
> Anyone of you already tried to use GeoServer for a View Service?
> Have you tried to validate the services through the INSPIRE geoportal?
> Is it possible to create a multilingual, INSPIRE compliant, service with 
> the INSPIRE plugin?
> Thank you
> Regards,
> Francesco
> -- 
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] TMS Service definately not loading!

2011-12-01 Thread Gabriel Roldan
you'll need to use a nightly build (I guess I already mentioned this).
The issue was fixed on November 7 at svn revision 16553:

On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 6:01 AM, Robert Buckley
> Hello,
> I am trying to server layers from tms. However the service is not
> loading/working/activated!
> I restarted and the logs show me a few errors (below) but I don´t know if
> they are related to the tms service. I have activated the tms checkbox under
> Geowebcache settings of course.
> Could anyone tell me how to manually start the tms service or check to see
> if the module/library is infact present?
> yours,
> Rob
> 2011-11-24 09:52:57,122 ERROR [] -
> --
> - GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR: /home/geoadmin1/data
> --
> 2011-11-24 09:52:59,784 WARN [referencing.factory] - Axis elements found in
> a wkt definition, the force longitude first axis order hint might not be
> respected:
> PROJCS["WGS84 / Simple Mercator", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984",
> SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0],
> UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295]], PROJECTION["Mercator_1SP_Google"],
> PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 0.0], PARAMETER["central_meridian", 0.0],
> PARAMETER["scale_factor", 1.0], PARAMETER["false_easting", 0.0],
> PARAMETER["false_northing", 0.0], UNIT["m", 1.0], AXIS["x", EAST], AXIS["y",
> NORTH], AUTHORITY["EPSG","54004"]]
> 2011-11-24 09:53:00,883 WARN [gce.imagemosaic] - Unable to set ordering
> between tiff readers spi
> 2011-11-24 09:53:02,114 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] -
> BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null,
> using: dgm
> 2011-11-24 09:53:03,209 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] -
> BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null,
> using: rrop08_mosaic
> 2011-11-24 09:53:03,242 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] -
> BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null,
> using: tk25
> 2011-11-24 09:53:03,932 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] -
> BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null,
> using: tk50
> 2011-11-24 09:53:07,236 ERROR [jdbc.JDBCMetaBackend] - Failed to start JDBC
> metastore: Allgemeiner Fehler: java.lang.RuntimeException: double allocation
> in file /home/geoadmin1/data/gwc/meta_jdbc_h2/gwc_metastore.index.db page 22
> blocks 1408-1471
> General error: java.lang.RuntimeException: double allocation in file
> /home/geoadmin1/data/gwc/meta_jdbc_h2/gwc_metastore.index.db page 22 blocks
> 1408-1471 [5-119]
> 2011-11-24 09:53:07,264 ERROR [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Configuration
> /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/geoserver/../resources contained no layers.
> 2011-11-24 09:53:10,094 WARN [servlet.BaseMapServlet] - Cannot delete
> file:/var/lib/tomcat6/work/Catalina/localhost/geoserver/wicket-filestore
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list

Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo -
Expert service straight from the developers.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

[Geoserver-users] ImagePyramid error

2011-12-01 Thread Jim White

|  I have used to create an imagepyramid store for a 328MB 
geotiff file. I can view the file if the layer is
geotiff, but with imagepyramid I get this error.

||   Internal error occurred
||The coordinate reference system must be the same for all objects.

The .prj file in the imagepyramid directory is
  GEOGCS["WGS 84",
DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
  SPHEROID["WGS 84", 6378137.0, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295],
AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST],
AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH],
  PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 0.0],
  PARAMETER["central_meridian", 0.0],
  PARAMETER["scale_factor", 1.0],
  PARAMETER["false_easting", 0.0],
  PARAMETER["false_northing", 0.0],
  UNIT["m", 1.0],
  AXIS["Easting", EAST],
  AXIS["Northing", NORTH]]

Any suggestions?

Jim White

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance (

2011-12-01 Thread Tim Martin
Hi christian

I request commit access a few months ago and have been caught up with other 

I would love for it to be added to the tutorial.

I just need to check on IP of the document.

Let me find out and get back to you

Best regards


- Original Message -
From: []
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 01:31 PM
To: Tim Martin

Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance (

Hi Tim, nice to here from you.

Personally, I would like to integrate your tutorial into the geoserver  

The geoserver documentation is written using Sphinx syntax. To get an  
impression of the Sphinx syntax  you can click on "Show Source" on the  
right panel.

The final target is  to have geoserver 100% INSPIRE ready and to have  
an official documentation how to get there.

For installing sphinx look here

The needed markup is described here

If you feel uncomfortable with Sphinx, I could do the formatting job.  
Additionally, I have commit access.

What do you think ?


Zitat von Tim Martin :

> Hi Christian, Sibylle and Francesco
> I wrote that tutorial on the Location Defra site some time ago.   
> Christian is right it only gets you 98% of the way there.
> I briefly tried the nightly build last Thursday and some of the   
> additional features that Christian mentions that will appear in   
> 2.1.3 will "almost certainly" get you to 100%
> These include giving you a bounding box for each EPSG code you are offering.
> A proper metadata record type
> Layers being queryrable and visible are also useful depending on   
> your requirements.
> I would really like to update the tutorial at some point but want to  
>  wait until 2.1.3 is out.
> Any questions please ask
> Tim
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2011 10:57:37 +0100
> From:
> Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance
> To: SAUL Sibylle 
> Cc: ""
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";
>   format="flowed"
> Thanks Sibylle, some additional info from the developer.
> The INSPIRE plugin is a great step towards INSPIRE compatibility but
> you have to do additional configurations. The needed features will be
> in the next geoserver version 2.1.3, or you can install a nightly
> build of 2.1.x.  With the current release 2.1.2, you can not achieve
> 100 % INSPIRE compatibility. (According to our experience)
> Looking at the documentation
> I see a link to tutorial at the bottom of the page.
> @Sibylle, can you cross check this tutorial with our configuration.
> Christian
> Zitat von SAUL Sibylle :
>> Hi Francesco,
>> we are using GeoServer 2.1-SNAPSHOT (including INSPIRE plugin) for
>> our INSPIRE View Service
>> (
>>  We have validated our service with the INSPIRE Resource Tester 
>> ( and are already 
>> in the   
>> Geoportal.
>> The INSPIRE plugin makes the getCapabilities document INSPIRE
>> conform. There is the section about the languages (supported,
>> default, response language) that is required. As we only support
>> German I am not really deep into that.
>> Sibylle
>> -Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: Francesco D'Alesio []
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 01. Dezember 2011 09:31
>> An:
>> Betreff: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance
>> Hello list,
>> I didn't find enough information about the INSPIRE plugin, and I need to
>> know if GeoServer is now INSPIRE compliant for View Service (WMS).
>> Anyone of you already tried to use GeoServer for a View Service?
>> Have you tried to validate the services through the INSPIRE geoportal?
>> Is it possible to create a multilingual, INSPIRE compliant, service with
>> the INSPIRE plugin?
>> Thank you
>> Regards,
>> Francesco
>> --
>> --
>> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
>> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
>> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
>> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense

Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance (

2011-12-01 Thread christian . mueller
Hi Tim, nice to here from you.

Personally, I would like to integrate your tutorial into the geoserver  

The geoserver documentation is written using Sphinx syntax. To get an  
impression of the Sphinx syntax  you can click on "Show Source" on the  
right panel.

The final target is  to have geoserver 100% INSPIRE ready and to have  
an official documentation how to get there.

For installing sphinx look here

The needed markup is described here

If you feel uncomfortable with Sphinx, I could do the formatting job.  
Additionally, I have commit access.

What do you think ?


Zitat von Tim Martin :

> Hi Christian, Sibylle and Francesco
> I wrote that tutorial on the Location Defra site some time ago.   
> Christian is right it only gets you 98% of the way there.
> I briefly tried the nightly build last Thursday and some of the   
> additional features that Christian mentions that will appear in   
> 2.1.3 will "almost certainly" get you to 100%
> These include giving you a bounding box for each EPSG code you are offering.
> A proper metadata record type
> Layers being queryrable and visible are also useful depending on   
> your requirements.
> I would really like to update the tutorial at some point but want to  
>  wait until 2.1.3 is out.
> Any questions please ask
> Tim
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2011 10:57:37 +0100
> From:
> Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance
> To: SAUL Sibylle 
> Cc: ""
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";
>   format="flowed"
> Thanks Sibylle, some additional info from the developer.
> The INSPIRE plugin is a great step towards INSPIRE compatibility but
> you have to do additional configurations. The needed features will be
> in the next geoserver version 2.1.3, or you can install a nightly
> build of 2.1.x.  With the current release 2.1.2, you can not achieve
> 100 % INSPIRE compatibility. (According to our experience)
> Looking at the documentation
> I see a link to tutorial at the bottom of the page.
> @Sibylle, can you cross check this tutorial with our configuration.
> Christian
> Zitat von SAUL Sibylle :
>> Hi Francesco,
>> we are using GeoServer 2.1-SNAPSHOT (including INSPIRE plugin) for
>> our INSPIRE View Service
>> (
>>  We have validated our service with the INSPIRE Resource Tester 
>> ( and are already 
>> in the   
>> Geoportal.
>> The INSPIRE plugin makes the getCapabilities document INSPIRE
>> conform. There is the section about the languages (supported,
>> default, response language) that is required. As we only support
>> German I am not really deep into that.
>> Sibylle
>> -Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-
>> Von: Francesco D'Alesio []
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 01. Dezember 2011 09:31
>> An:
>> Betreff: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance
>> Hello list,
>> I didn't find enough information about the INSPIRE plugin, and I need to
>> know if GeoServer is now INSPIRE compliant for View Service (WMS).
>> Anyone of you already tried to use GeoServer for a View Service?
>> Have you tried to validate the services through the INSPIRE geoportal?
>> Is it possible to create a multilingual, INSPIRE compliant, service with
>> the INSPIRE plugin?
>> Thank you
>> Regards,
>> Francesco
>> --
>> --
>> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
>> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
>> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
>> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
>> ___
>> Geoserver-users mailing list
>> ___
>> Die Bundesanstalt Statistik ?sterreich sowie alle Mitwirkenden an den
>> beigef?gten Unterlagen haben deren Inhalte sorgf?ltig recherchiert
>> und erstellt. Fehler k?nnen dennoch nicht g?nzlich ausgeschlossen
>> werden.

Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance (

2011-12-01 Thread Tim Martin
Hi Christian, Sibylle and Francesco

I wrote that tutorial on the Location Defra site some time ago. Christian is 
right it only gets you 98% of the way there.

I briefly tried the nightly build last Thursday and some of the additional 
features that Christian mentions that will appear in 2.1.3 will "almost 
certainly" get you to 100%

These include giving you a bounding box for each EPSG code you are offering.

A proper metadata record type

Layers being queryrable and visible are also useful depending on your 

I would really like to update the tutorial at some point but want to wait until 
2.1.3 is out.

Any questions please ask



Message: 2
Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2011 10:57:37 +0100
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance
To: SAUL Sibylle 
Cc: ""

Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

Thanks Sibylle, some additional info from the developer.

The INSPIRE plugin is a great step towards INSPIRE compatibility but  
you have to do additional configurations. The needed features will be  
in the next geoserver version 2.1.3, or you can install a nightly  
build of 2.1.x.  With the current release 2.1.2, you can not achieve  
100 % INSPIRE compatibility. (According to our experience)

Looking at the documentation
I see a link to tutorial at the bottom of the page.

@Sibylle, can you cross check this tutorial with our configuration.


Zitat von SAUL Sibylle :

> Hi Francesco,
> we are using GeoServer 2.1-SNAPSHOT (including INSPIRE plugin) for   
> our INSPIRE View Service   
> (
>  We have validated our service with the INSPIRE Resource Tester 
> ( and are already 
> in the INSPIRE   
> Geoportal.
> The INSPIRE plugin makes the getCapabilities document INSPIRE   
> conform. There is the section about the languages (supported,   
> default, response language) that is required. As we only support   
> German I am not really deep into that.
> Sibylle
> -Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Francesco D'Alesio []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 01. Dezember 2011 09:31
> An:
> Betreff: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance
> Hello list,
> I didn't find enough information about the INSPIRE plugin, and I need to
> know if GeoServer is now INSPIRE compliant for View Service (WMS).
> Anyone of you already tried to use GeoServer for a View Service?
> Have you tried to validate the services through the INSPIRE geoportal?
> Is it possible to create a multilingual, INSPIRE compliant, service with
> the INSPIRE plugin?
> Thank you
> Regards,
> Francesco
> --
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> ___
> Die Bundesanstalt Statistik ?sterreich sowie alle Mitwirkenden an den
> beigef?gten Unterlagen haben deren Inhalte sorgf?ltig recherchiert
> und erstellt. Fehler k?nnen dennoch nicht g?nzlich ausgeschlossen
> werden. Die Genannten ?bernehmen daher keine Haftung f?r die
> Richtigkeit, Vollst?ndigkeit und Aktualit?t der Inhalte, insbesondere
> ?bernehmen sie keinerlei Haftung f?r eventuelle unmittelbare oder
> mittelbare Sch?den, die durch die direkte oder indirekte Nutzung der
> angebotenen Inhalte entstehen.
> Korrekturhinweise ?bermitteln Sie bitte an die absendende Stelle.
> Diese Nachricht ist ausschlie?lich f?r die in der Anschrift genannte
> Person bestimmt. Sollten Sie dieses E-Mail irrt?mlich erhalten haben,
> verst?ndigen Sie bitte die absendende Stelle und vernichten Sie
> die Nachricht inklusive aller Anh?nge. Danke.
> Bundesanstalt Statistik ?sterreich, 1110 Wien, Guglgasse 13
> Tel. +43 (1) 71128-0, Fax +43 (1) 71128-7728
> E-Mail:, Internet:
> Firmenbuch: FN 191155k, Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
> Firmensitz: Wien, Gerichtsstand: Wien, UID: ATU37869909, DVR 043

Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

2011-12-01 Thread Maria Ripa
Thanks again and
yes I was going to do UPDATE STATISTICS but am currently installing POSTGRES 
and pgAccess on my 64 bit test environment system. Also planning to look into 
PostGis. Thanks for help.

thr_exit  :)


On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:46 AM,>> 
Tanks Andrea for your input, it seems hopeful.

Our goal is to make geoserver work wiith MS SQL 2008 where data is stored as 
nvarchar which has led us to use GeoServer Nightly Build. Is there any 
experiece out there of the difference between POSTGRES and MSSQL from a spatial 
point of view. I try to "GetFeature"  with a bounding box and the question that 
runs on the databaseserver is:

SELECT "GlobalUniqueIdentifier", ..and 20 other columns.. 
,CAST("PointCoordinate".STSrid as VARCHAR) + ':' + "PointCoordinate".STAsText() 
as "PointCoordinate"
FROM "DataTable"
WHERE  "PointCoordinate".Filter(geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((61 13, 61 
13.5, 61.5 13.5, 61.5 13, 61 13))', 4326)) = 1

Ah, MSSQL. The databases that I'd recommend for large dataset serving are 
PostGIS and Oracle
(and probably DB2 as well, but I cannot speak about it since I don't have first 
hand experience
with it).
The first is well maintained both because of the enthusiams of developers and 
because it's used
in production settings by entities that do sponsor GeoServer development, the 
latter only because
of the second reason, MSSQL... neither of them.

The sources of the MSSQL store are here, if anybody wants to improve them the 
would be welcomed (commercial support is available too, so there is an option 
to have that done
by a core developer as well):

The method Filter is supposed to be very fast but after 1 h 40 mns i get all 
memory on the disk eaten up by swapping (MSSQL). I study the estimated 
execution plan and it turns out MSSQL does not which to use the spatial index I 
made. As far as i can see i cannot "edit" the question that comes from 
Geoserver which is MS sulotion to the problem (using the WITH statement).

May it be that sql server query planner just does not know that using the 
spatial index would be beneficial?
Try the UPDATE STATISTICS command on your table


Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 962313

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

[Geoserver-users] errors on startup: Geowebcache

2011-12-01 Thread Robert Buckley

I tried to follow Andreas Advice and removed the directory "meta_jdbc_h2" in 
the geoserver data_dir directory to possibly enable the tms and rest services.

On start-up I still get the same errors??? below in red.

Should I perhaps remove all the directories in the gwc and restart geoserver or 
would that corrupt the whole system?



2011-12-01 12:37:04,596 ERROR [] - 
- GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR: /home/geoadmin1/data
2011-12-01 12:37:09,058 WARN [referencing.factory] - Axis elements found in a 
wkt definition, the force longitude first axis order hint might not be 
PROJCS["WGS84 / Simple Mercator", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", 
SPHEROID["WGS_1984", 6378137.0, 298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0], 
UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295]], PROJECTION["Mercator_1SP_Google"], 
PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 0.0], PARAMETER["central_meridian", 0.0], 
PARAMETER["scale_factor", 1.0], PARAMETER["false_easting", 0.0], 
PARAMETER["false_northing", 0.0], UNIT["m", 1.0], AXIS["x", EAST], AXIS["y", 
2011-12-01 12:37:12,906 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] - 
BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null, using: 
2011-12-01 12:37:13,758 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] - 
BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null, using: 
2011-12-01 12:37:14,986 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] - 
BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null, using: 
2011-12-01 12:37:15,121 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] - 
BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null, using: 
2011-12-01 12:37:15,717 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] - 
BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null, using: 
2011-12-01 12:37:18,873 ERROR [layer.TileLayerDispatcher] - Configuration 
/var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/geoserver/../resources contained no layers.
2011-12-01 12:37:30,176 WARN [servlet.BaseMapServlet] - Cannot delete 
2011-12-01 12:41:01,733 WARN [imagemosaic.catalog] - 
BBOXFilterExtractor::extractBasicProperties(): passed typename is null, using: 
2011-12-01 12:41:01,778 WARN [gce.imagemosaic] - Using forced coordinate 
reference system 
2011-12-01 12:42:40,573 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - Unable to 
find handler for service "tms"
2011-12-01 12:42:40,637 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - Unable to 
find handler for service "rest"
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

2011-12-01 Thread Andrea Aime
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Maria Ripa  wrote:

>   Tanks Andrea for your input, it seems hopeful.
> Our goal is to make geoserver work wiith MS SQL 2008 where data is stored
> as nvarchar which has led us to use GeoServer Nightly Build. Is there any
> experiece out there of the difference between POSTGRES and MSSQL from a
> spatial point of view. I try to "GetFeature"  with a bounding box and the
> question that runs on the databaseserver is:
>  SELECT "GlobalUniqueIdentifier", ..and 20 other columns.. 
> ,CAST("PointCoordinate".STSrid
> as VARCHAR) + ':' + "PointCoordinate".STAsText() as "PointCoordinate"
> FROM "DataTable"
> WHERE  "PointCoordinate".Filter(geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((61
> 13, 61 13.5, 61.5 13.5, 61.5 13, 61 13))', 4326)) = 1

Ah, MSSQL. The databases that I'd recommend for large dataset serving are
PostGIS and Oracle
(and probably DB2 as well, but I cannot speak about it since I don't have
first hand experience
with it).
The first is well maintained both because of the enthusiams of developers
and because it's used
in production settings by entities that do sponsor GeoServer development,
the latter only because
of the second reason, MSSQL... neither of them.

The sources of the MSSQL store are here, if anybody wants to improve them
the contribution
would be welcomed (commercial support is available too, so there is an
option to have that done
by a core developer as well):

> The method Filter is supposed to be very fast but after 1 h 40 mns i get
> all memory on the disk eaten up by swapping (MSSQL). I study the estimated
> execution plan and it turns out MSSQL does not which to use the spatial
> index I made. As far as i can see i cannot "edit" the question that comes
> from Geoserver which is MS sulotion to the problem (using the WITH
> statement).

May it be that sql server query planner just does not know that using the
spatial index would be beneficial?
Try the UPDATE STATISTICS command on your table


Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 962313

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] missing label???

2011-12-01 Thread Edward Mac Gillavry

Hi Robert,

It's all about the meta-tiling, i.e. what's the size of the image being 
requested by GWC to your GeoServer instance? That's something to configure in 
GWC I presume.



Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 09:44:13 +
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] missing label???

Sorry for being thick, but the tiles are infact being cached...hence the url 
"geoserver/gwc/service/wms" in the wms path
var layer_ortsnamen_lk = new 
 {layers: 'zgb:ortsnamen_lk', 
   projection: "EPSG:900913",format: 'image/png',transparent: 
true}, {'buffer': 0,'opacity': 1,'isBaseLayer': 
false,visibility: true,singleTile: true});

   Von: Edward Mac Gillavry 
 Gesendet: 9:01 Donnerstag, 1.Dezember 2011
 Betreff: RE: [Geoserver-users] missing label???


The OpenLayers preview requests the settlement names as one image, while the 
application is requesting several tiles to compose the map. It appears your 
tiling scheme coincides with the location of the town of Gifhorn. There's been 
a previous thread covering the case of "London" or "Greenwich". As it is 
located at the cut of the tiles, the names never appear on the map!

That's where meta tiling comes in. Since town names don't change that often, 
it's a likely target for creating a tile cache! The tiling engine (e.g. 
MapCache, MapProxy, TileCache, GeoWebCache...) requests a larger image (meta 
tile) of 1280x1280 and slices this one into 25 tiles of 256x256. As the meta 
tile is larger in size, there is more chance the label is put on the map.



Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 07:31:29 +
Subject: [Geoserver-users] missing label???

I have a point geometry which has a label defined in an SLD file as ...
in the application the most northen label "Gifhorn" is never shown

but in the geoserver preview it is shown,5754071.798,3637335.239,5816477.606&width=487&height=512&srs=EPSG:31467&format=application/openlayers

What is preventing the label from being displayed? I have of course tried 
various combination before writing, but to no avail.
SansSerif  10  normal  bold
3  #FF

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

2011-12-01 Thread Maria Ripa
Tanks Andrea for your input, it seems hopeful.

Our goal is to make geoserver work wiith MS SQL 2008 where data is stored as 
nvarchar which has led us to use GeoServer Nightly Build. Is there any 
experiece out there of the difference between POSTGRES and MSSQL from a spatial 
point of view. I try to "GetFeature"  with a bounding box and the question that 
runs on the databaseserver is:

SELECT "GlobalUniqueIdentifier", ..and 20 other columns.. 
,CAST("PointCoordinate".STSrid as VARCHAR) + ':' + "PointCoordinate".STAsText() 
as "PointCoordinate"
FROM "DataTable"
WHERE  "PointCoordinate".Filter(geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((61 13, 61 
13.5, 61.5 13.5, 61.5 13, 61 13))', 4326)) = 1

The method Filter is supposed to be very fast but after 1 h 40 mns i get all 
memory on the disk eaten up by swapping (MSSQL). I study the estimated 
execution plan and it turns out MSSQL does not which to use the spatial index I 
made. As far as i can see i cannot "edit" the question that comes from 
Geoserver which is MS sulotion to the problem (using the WITH statement).

Should I create the layer with an sql statement from my store?

All/any input/ideas is helpful at this point.


Från: [] för Andrea Aime 
Skickat: den 1 december 2011 10:15
Till: Maria Ripa
Ämne: Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Maria Ripa>> wrote:
Hi List,

We have large datasets of points in a database. We need to publish our data via 
WFS in GeoServer. I would like to know what is considered to be large from a 
GeoServer point of view. Is there a breakpoint where the amount of rows starts 
to be too many? I have 30 Million points wich seems to be problematic,  (300 
000 points is no problem though).

I've seen installations serving up to 500 million polygons. GeoServer streams 
out the results, so it never uses much
of a memory footprint, what is slow normally, with these data amounts, is the 
extraction from the database, and
for that one has to tune the database itself, either playing with the query 
planner tunables to make it use the spatial
indexes, cluster the tables, cluster the database itself on enough machines, 
and so on.
When growing that large there is no single recipe I think, what needs to be 
done is different depending on the
data, usage patterns and so on.


Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 962313

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance

2011-12-01 Thread christian . mueller
Thanks Sibylle, some additional info from the developer.

The INSPIRE plugin is a great step towards INSPIRE compatibility but  
you have to do additional configurations. The needed features will be  
in the next geoserver version 2.1.3, or you can install a nightly  
build of 2.1.x.  With the current release 2.1.2, you can not achieve  
100 % INSPIRE compatibility. (According to our experience)

Looking at the documentation
I see a link to tutorial at the bottom of the page.

@Sibylle, can you cross check this tutorial with our configuration.


Zitat von SAUL Sibylle :

> Hi Francesco,
> we are using GeoServer 2.1-SNAPSHOT (including INSPIRE plugin) for   
> our INSPIRE View Service   
> (
>  We have validated our service with the INSPIRE Resource Tester 
> ( and are already 
> in the INSPIRE   
> Geoportal.
> The INSPIRE plugin makes the getCapabilities document INSPIRE   
> conform. There is the section about the languages (supported,   
> default, response language) that is required. As we only support   
> German I am not really deep into that.
> Sibylle
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Francesco D'Alesio []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 01. Dezember 2011 09:31
> An:
> Betreff: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance
> Hello list,
> I didn't find enough information about the INSPIRE plugin, and I need to
> know if GeoServer is now INSPIRE compliant for View Service (WMS).
> Anyone of you already tried to use GeoServer for a View Service?
> Have you tried to validate the services through the INSPIRE geoportal?
> Is it possible to create a multilingual, INSPIRE compliant, service with
> the INSPIRE plugin?
> Thank you
> Regards,
> Francesco
> --
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> ___
> Die Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich sowie alle Mitwirkenden an den
> beigefügten Unterlagen haben deren Inhalte sorgfältig recherchiert
> und erstellt. Fehler können dennoch nicht gänzlich ausgeschlossen
> werden. Die Genannten übernehmen daher keine Haftung für die
> Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte, insbesondere
> übernehmen sie keinerlei Haftung für eventuelle unmittelbare oder
> mittelbare Schäden, die durch die direkte oder indirekte Nutzung der
> angebotenen Inhalte entstehen.
> Korrekturhinweise übermitteln Sie bitte an die absendende Stelle.
> Diese Nachricht ist ausschließlich für die in der Anschrift genannte
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> verständigen Sie bitte die absendende Stelle und vernichten Sie
> die Nachricht inklusive aller Anhänge. Danke.
> Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich, 1110 Wien, Guglgasse 13
> Tel. +43 (1) 71128-0, Fax +43 (1) 71128-7728
> E-Mail:, Internet:
> Firmenbuch: FN 191155k, Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
> Firmensitz: Wien, Gerichtsstand: Wien, UID: ATU37869909, DVR 043
> ___
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data an

Re: [Geoserver-users] Getting started with Oracle

2011-12-01 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

Perhaps you can handle the situation by creating a view into Oracle and 
publishing it with Geoserver. It is similar process than publishing tables. 
Remember to add a line into geometry columns table and often it is also good to 
make a primary key for the view. That is possible with Oracle. Primary key 
columns are used for generating fids.  With standard settings the PK columns 
are not included as attributes. If you need them there are a few alternatives. 
Myself I am doing it by picking those attributes two times with different names 
into a view. For example if fids in the view must contain IDs from table_1 and 
table_2 to be unique you can do something like

create or replase view geoserver_view as
(select first.ID PK_1, first.ID ID_1, second.ID PK_2, second.ID ID_2
from first_table first, second_table second);

Then create primary key for geoserver_view as PK_1 and PK_2. Fids will contain 
both PK_1 and PK_2 and in addition the original table IDs are published in WFS 
as ID_1 and ID_2 attributes.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Mark Hammond wrote:

> Thanks for your help.
> With the clues you offered, I was able to pinpoint the 
> problem down to the
> original Oracle tool that created populated the database 
> table from a shape
> file. This had created spatial objects of an older version 
> than current and
> neither the oracle SDO_UTIL.RECTIFY_GEOMETRY nor GeoServer 
> could do anything
> with them.
> For anyone else attempting this, run the 
> your loaded spatial data to bring it up to date, then you can use a
> function to check for
> problems, and SDO_UTIL.RECTIFY_GEOMETRY to fix them.
> Now onto the second part of my original question:
> I'd like to be able to pull back features onto my map from 
> GeoServer based
> on an SQL (or SQL-like) query. The trouble is there are two 
> or three tables
> that I want to include in the query of which only one of them 
> contains the
> spatial data. Can such a thing be achieved with GeoServer, or 
> am I going to
> need create a list of features direct from Oracle first, and 
> then query
> GeoServer with that list (could be quite a long list, so I'd 
> like to avoid
> that if possible). Are there any other solutions to this kind 
> of problem?
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of
> Andrea Aime
> Sent: 30 November 2011 13:19
> To: Mark Hammond
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Getting started with Oracle
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Mark Hammond 
>  wrote:
> > Wasn't able to find this tool you mention, so have asked on 
> the Oracle 
> > forum about it.
> >
> > While I was there, I did find an article discussing the differences 
> > between SRID 8307 (traditional used by Oracle) and SRID 
> 4326. They are 
> > supposed to be equivalent, but could this be a source of 
> the trouble?
> It should not.
> Cheers
> Andrea
> --
> ---
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Tech lead
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax:      +39 0584 962313
> ---
> --
> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
> contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
> security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
> data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] missing label???

2011-12-01 Thread Robert Buckley

Sorry for being thick, but the tiles are infact being cached...hence the url 
"geoserver/gwc/service/wms" in the wms path

var layer_ortsnamen_lk = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Ortsnamen",
"";, {
        layers: 'zgb:ortsnamen_lk',
        projection: "EPSG:900913",
        format: 'image/png',
        transparent: true
    }, {
        'buffer': 0,
        'opacity': 1,
        'isBaseLayer': false,
        visibility: true,
        singleTile: true



 Von: Edward Mac Gillavry 
Gesendet: 9:01 Donnerstag, 1.Dezember 2011
Betreff: RE: [Geoserver-users] missing label???


The OpenLayers preview requests the settlement names as one image, while the 
application is requesting several tiles to compose the map. It appears your 
tiling scheme coincides with the location of the town of Gifhorn. There's been 
a previous thread covering the case of "London" or "Greenwich". As it is 
located at the cut of the tiles, the names never appear on the map!

That's where meta tiling comes in. Since town names don't change that often, 
it's a likely target for creating a tile cache! The tiling engine (e.g. 
MapCache, MapProxy, TileCache, GeoWebCache...) requests a larger image (meta 
tile) of 1280x1280 and slices this one into 25 tiles of 256x256. As the meta 
tile is larger in size, there is more chance the label is put on the map.



Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 07:31:29 +
Subject: [Geoserver-users] missing label???


I have a point geometry which has a label defined in an SLD file as ...

in the application the most northen label "Gifhorn" is never shown

but in the geoserver preview it is shown,5754071.798,3637335.239,5816477.606&width=487&height=512&srs=EPSG:31467&format=application/openlayers

What is preventing the label from being displayed? I have of course tried 
various combination before writing, but to no avail.




All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance

2011-12-01 Thread SAUL Sibylle
Hi Francesco,

we are using GeoServer 2.1-SNAPSHOT (including INSPIRE plugin) for our INSPIRE 
View Service 
 We have validated our service with the INSPIRE Resource Tester 
( and are already in 
the INSPIRE Geoportal. 
The INSPIRE plugin makes the getCapabilities document INSPIRE conform. There is 
the section about the languages (supported, default, response language) that is 
required. As we only support German I am not really deep into that.   


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Francesco D'Alesio [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 01. Dezember 2011 09:31
Betreff: [Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance

Hello list,
I didn't find enough information about the INSPIRE plugin, and I need to 
know if GeoServer is now INSPIRE compliant for View Service (WMS).
Anyone of you already tried to use GeoServer for a View Service?
Have you tried to validate the services through the INSPIRE geoportal?
Is it possible to create a multilingual, INSPIRE compliant, service with 
the INSPIRE plugin?

Thank you




All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Die Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich sowie alle Mitwirkenden an den
beigefügten Unterlagen haben deren Inhalte sorgfältig recherchiert
und erstellt. Fehler können dennoch nicht gänzlich ausgeschlossen
werden. Die Genannten übernehmen daher keine Haftung für die
Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte, insbesondere
übernehmen sie keinerlei Haftung für eventuelle unmittelbare oder
mittelbare Schäden, die durch die direkte oder indirekte Nutzung der
angebotenen Inhalte entstehen.

Korrekturhinweise übermitteln Sie bitte an die absendende Stelle.

Diese Nachricht ist ausschließlich für die in der Anschrift genannte
Person bestimmt. Sollten Sie dieses E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben,
verständigen Sie bitte die absendende Stelle und vernichten Sie
die Nachricht inklusive aller Anhänge. Danke.

Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich, 1110 Wien, Guglgasse 13

Tel. +43 (1) 71128-0, Fax +43 (1) 71128-7728
E-Mail:, Internet:

Firmenbuch: FN 191155k, Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien
Firmensitz: Wien, Gerichtsstand: Wien, UID: ATU37869909, DVR 043


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Getting started with Oracle

2011-12-01 Thread Mark Hammond
Thanks for your help.

With the clues you offered, I was able to pinpoint the problem down to the
original Oracle tool that created populated the database table from a shape
file. This had created spatial objects of an older version than current and
neither the oracle SDO_UTIL.RECTIFY_GEOMETRY nor GeoServer could do anything
with them.

For anyone else attempting this, run the SDO_MIGRATE.TO_CURRENT function on
your loaded spatial data to bring it up to date, then you can use a
combination of SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT function to check for
problems, and SDO_UTIL.RECTIFY_GEOMETRY to fix them.

Now onto the second part of my original question:
I'd like to be able to pull back features onto my map from GeoServer based
on an SQL (or SQL-like) query. The trouble is there are two or three tables
that I want to include in the query of which only one of them contains the
spatial data. Can such a thing be achieved with GeoServer, or am I going to
need create a list of features direct from Oracle first, and then query
GeoServer with that list (could be quite a long list, so I'd like to avoid
that if possible). Are there any other solutions to this kind of problem?

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Andrea Aime
Sent: 30 November 2011 13:19
To: Mark Hammond
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Getting started with Oracle

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Mark Hammond  wrote:
> Wasn’t able to find this tool you mention, so have asked on the Oracle 
> forum about it.

> While I was there, I did find an article discussing the differences 
> between SRID 8307 (traditional used by Oracle) and SRID 4326. They are 
> supposed to be equivalent, but could this be a source of the trouble?

It should not.


Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 962313


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
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Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Large data sets

2011-12-01 Thread Andrea Aime
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Maria Ripa  wrote:

>   Hi List,
> We have large datasets of points in a database. We need to publish our
> data via WFS in GeoServer. I would like to know what is considered to be
> large from a GeoServer point of view. Is there a breakpoint where the
> amount of rows starts to be too many? I have 30 Million points wich seems
> to be problematic,  (300 000 points is no problem though).

I've seen installations serving up to 500 million polygons. GeoServer
streams out the results, so it never uses much
of a memory footprint, what is slow normally, with these data amounts, is
the extraction from the database, and
for that one has to tune the database itself, either playing with the query
planner tunables to make it use the spatial
indexes, cluster the tables, cluster the database itself on enough
machines, and so on.
When growing that large there is no single recipe I think, what needs to be
done is different depending on the
data, usage patterns and so on.


Ing. Andrea Aime
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Tech lead

Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)

phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 962313

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] missing label???

2011-12-01 Thread Ian Turton
On 1 December 2011 08:26, Robert Buckley  wrote:
> Thanks for the response.
> Looking through the archive I thought that if I defined the layer as
> singletile, this problem wouldn´t arise.
> var layer_ortsnamen_lk = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Ortsnamen",
> "";, {
>         layers: 'zgb:ortsnamen_lk',
>         projection: "EPSG:900913",
>         format: 'image/png',
>         transparent: true,
>         singleTile: true
>     }, {
>         'buffer': 0,
>         'opacity': 1,
>         'isBaseLayer': false,
>         visibility: true
>     });

However singletile is an option to the layer not a WMS parameter.

var layer_ortsnamen_lk = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Ortsnamen",
"";, {
layers: 'zgb:ortsnamen_lk',
projection: "EPSG:900913",
format: 'image/png',
transparent: true
}, {
'buffer': 0,
'opacity': 1,
'isBaseLayer': false,
visibility: true,
singleTile: true


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

[Geoserver-users] INSPIRE compliance

2011-12-01 Thread Francesco D'Alesio
Hello list,
I didn't find enough information about the INSPIRE plugin, and I need to 
know if GeoServer is now INSPIRE compliant for View Service (WMS).
Anyone of you already tried to use GeoServer for a View Service?
Have you tried to validate the services through the INSPIRE geoportal?
Is it possible to create a multilingual, INSPIRE compliant, service with 
the INSPIRE plugin?

Thank you




All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] missing label???

2011-12-01 Thread Robert Buckley
Thanks for the response.

Looking through the archive I thought that if I defined the layer as 
singletile, this problem wouldn´t arise.

var layer_ortsnamen_lk = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Ortsnamen", 
"";, {
        layers: 'zgb:ortsnamen_lk',
        projection: "EPSG:900913",
        format: 'image/png',
        transparent: true,
        singleTile: true
    }, {
        'buffer': 0,
        'opacity': 1,
        'isBaseLayer': false,
        visibility: true

 Von: Edward Mac Gillavry 
Gesendet: 9:01 Donnerstag, 1.Dezember 2011
Betreff: RE: [Geoserver-users] missing label???


The OpenLayers preview requests the settlement names as one image, while the 
application is requesting several tiles to compose the map. It appears your 
tiling scheme coincides with the location of the town of Gifhorn. There's been 
a previous thread covering the case of "London" or "Greenwich". As it is 
located at the cut of the tiles, the names never appear on the map!

That's where meta tiling comes in. Since town names don't change that often, 
it's a likely target for creating a tile cache! The tiling engine (e.g. 
MapCache, MapProxy, TileCache, GeoWebCache...) requests a larger image (meta 
tile) of 1280x1280 and slices this one into 25 tiles of 256x256. As the meta 
tile is larger in size, there is more chance the label is put on the map.



Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 07:31:29 +
Subject: [Geoserver-users] missing label???


I have a point geometry which has a label defined in an SLD file as ...

in the application the most northen label "Gifhorn" is never shown

but in the geoserver preview it is shown,5754071.798,3637335.239,5816477.606&width=487&height=512&srs=EPSG:31467&format=application/openlayers

What is preventing the label from being displayed? I have of course tried 
various combination before writing, but to no avail.




All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] missing label???

2011-12-01 Thread Edward Mac Gillavry


The OpenLayers preview requests the settlement names as one image, while the 
application is requesting several tiles to compose the map. It appears your 
tiling scheme coincides with the location of the town of Gifhorn. There's been 
a previous thread covering the case of "London" or "Greenwich". As it is 
located at the cut of the tiles, the names never appear on the map!

That's where meta tiling comes in. Since town names don't change that often, 
it's a likely target for creating a tile cache! The tiling engine (e.g. 
MapCache, MapProxy, TileCache, GeoWebCache...) requests a larger image (meta 
tile) of 1280x1280 and slices this one into 25 tiles of 256x256. As the meta 
tile is larger in size, there is more chance the label is put on the map.



Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 07:31:29 +
Subject: [Geoserver-users] missing label???

I have a point geometry which has a label defined in an SLD file as ...
in the application the most northen label "Gifhorn" is never shown

but in the geoserver preview it is shown,5754071.798,3637335.239,5816477.606&width=487&height=512&srs=EPSG:31467&format=application/openlayers

What is preventing the label from being displayed? I have of course tried 
various combination before writing, but to no avail.
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3  #FF

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Geoserver-users mailing list