Re: [Geoserver-users] How can I requets multiple Geowebcache layer in single request?

2013-01-02 Thread mano3688
Thanks lot for information,
I was read the above you mentioned link,they are clearly mentioned   like
"The request only references a single layer"
So,Now I am using group layer option.
It is working.

View this message in context:
Sent from the GeoServer - User mailing list archive at

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Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] installation problem

2013-01-02 Thread Jim White
Thanks David. I have installed opengeo community edition and thats 
working. However, I might create another server and see how this works.


On 01/02/2013 11:54 AM, David Winslow wrote:
Please ensure that you are running the JVM in headless mode (so that 
it won't attempt to connect to a display.)  The simplest way to do 
this is to add '-Djava.awt.headless=true' to your java command-line 
arguments.  For the standalone installer you can do this by editing 
the startup script, otherwise please consult the centos documentation 
for tomcat.

David Winslow
OpenGeo -

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Jim White > wrote:


I am trying to install geoserver to Centos 6.3 cloud server. I
have tried all combinations of tomcat6/war file and the jetty os
independant installer. All crashing. See example. Please help.


[root@culpepper bin]# ./
GEOSERVER DATA DIR is /usr/local/geoserver-2.1.2/data_dir
1 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - Logging to
org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger@4d80621a via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog
598 [main] WARN org.mortbay.log - Deprecated configuration used
for /usr/local/geoserver-2.1.2/webapps
701 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - jetty-6.1.8

(.:4412): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

James B. White

Cary, NC
H: 919-380-9615 
M: 919-698-1765 
White Coding and Maps 

LogMeIn Rescue: Anywhere, Anytime Remote support for IT. Free Trial
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Geoserver-users mailing list

James B. White
Cary, NC
H: 919-380-9615
M: 919-698-1765
White Coding and Maps 
Master Java SE, Java EE, Eclipse, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery
and much more. Keep your Java skills current with LearnJavaNow -
200+ hours of step-by-step video tutorials by Java experts.
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Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] installation problem

2013-01-02 Thread David Winslow
Please ensure that you are running the JVM in headless mode (so that it
won't attempt to connect to a display.)  The simplest way to do this is to
add '-Djava.awt.headless=true' to your java command-line arguments.  For
the standalone installer you can do this by editing the startup script,
otherwise please consult the centos documentation for tomcat.

David Winslow
OpenGeo -

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Jim White  wrote:

> **
> Hi,
> I am trying to install geoserver to Centos 6.3 cloud server. I have tried
> all combinations of tomcat6/war file and the jetty os independant
> installer. All crashing. See example. Please help.
> Jim
> [root@culpepper bin]# ./
> GEOSERVER DATA DIR is /usr/local/geoserver-2.1.2/data_dir
> 1 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - Logging to
> org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger@4d80621a via org.mortbay.log.Slf4jLog
> 598 [main] WARN org.mortbay.log - Deprecated configuration used for
> /usr/local/geoserver-2.1.2/webapps
> 701 [main] INFO org.mortbay.log - jetty-6.1.8
> (.:4412): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
> --
> James B. White
> Cary, NC
> H: 919-380-9615
> M: 919-698-1765
> White Coding and Maps 
> --
> LogMeIn Rescue: Anywhere, Anytime Remote support for IT. Free Trial
> Remotely access PCs and mobile devices and provide instant support
> Improve your efficiency, and focus on delivering more value-add services
> Discover what IT Professionals Know. Rescue delivers
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
Master Java SE, Java EE, Eclipse, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery
and much more. Keep your Java skills current with LearnJavaNow -
200+ hours of step-by-step video tutorials by Java experts.
SALE $49.99 this month only -- learn more at: ___
Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Rasters, Tiles, and FME

2013-01-02 Thread Jonathan Moules
Hey Simone,

Thanks for your thorough reply. Useful!

- Resampling:
I've done some experimenting with Resampling since my email and, at least
for the data I was testing, Nearest Neighbour came out best (though
obviously entirely subjective). This was for a regular RGB map (Ordnance
Survey MiniScale specifically). There was also a significant difference in
file sizes, with Nearest Neighbour being the smallest, and Cubic being the
largest (double!). I didn't expect such a significant difference, may be
worth noting somewhere.

- External Overviews:
Thanks, but I'd found out how to create them with GDAL. My issue is - how
do I get GeoServer to use them? Does it just pick them up automatically or
do I need some sort of particular directory structure?
GDAL seems to create a single, absurdly huge file, so I guess it doesn't
compress the external overviews. Based on what I'm seeing, I'm not sure if
FME can create them; I expected multiple separate files (one for each
layer), but the "external overviews" are basically identical to internal
overviews but minus the source data.

How do you determine how many levels to create? I remember this page from
years ago when last I used GeoServer:
does this carry over to GeoTIFF's overviews?
I may be reading this wrong, but the example in the PDF has 7 layers but
only really needs about 3 as after that they're smaller than the 1:1 tiles.

Is there any point in creating pyramids with a value of 1 (as in, 1 2 4
8...) ? GDAL lets you do this but if I'm understanding this correctly,
they're entirely superfluous (I mention it because Russ's example he
generously posted starts at 1).

Tile size:
Might there be a formula for calculating optimal size?
For example, if I have a 94488*157480 pixel GeoTIFF (my largest - about
2.5GB compressed), if I divide them by 512 I get
184*307 tiles = 56,488 tiles

For 256 I get:
368*614 tiles = 225,952 tiles

So if there is/was a formula, it might be easier to figure out what size to
go with, or at what point you'd want to be scaling up to ImageMosaic.
Based on disk seeks etc, and some experimentation, I'd guess that a number
could be contrived allowing the documentation to say:
"If you end up with > X,000 tiles, go with ImageMosiac" and "Aim for
between X,000 and X0,000 tiles in a GeoTIFF"
Just a thought, would be helpful for optimisation.

I was considering contributing to it for this but at this point certainly
don't know enough (you may have noticed from my above questions ;-) ).
I would however suggest that this section of the help:
It would gain from the info on pages 7-9 of your PDF.


On 2 January 2013 15:03, Simone Giannecchini <> wrote:

> Ciao Jonathan,
> please find my answers inline below...
> Regards,
> Simone Giannecchini
> ==
> Our support, Your Success! Visit for
> more information.
> ==
> Ing. Simone Giannecchini
> @simogeo
> Founder/Director
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax: +39 0584 1660272
> mob:   +39  333 8128928
> ---
> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Jonathan Moules
>  wrote:
> > Hi Simone,
> > I did use pages 7-9 to decide to go for BigTIFF and so 17-19 isn't
> > applicable as I'm not going to ImageMosaic.
> >
> > While pages 10-13 are useful, its a slideshow and so lacks details which
> > were probably included in the spoken part of the presentation. Its the
> > details that I'm looking for. What tile size is best? What resampling
> > algorithm? What overview size/scales? Etc.
> > Don't get me wrong, its an excellent document, but it only provides an
> > overview so can't substitute for actual detailed documentation.
> >
> > Your second link answers the tile-size question, but specific for
> MapServer
> > (i.e. 256).
> >
> > Also, page 11 hints at "external overviews" but there's no indication as
> to
> > how to create them or use them with GeoServer. FME can create them as I'm
> > sure GDAL can too, but again, I don't know how to use External Overviews
> > with Geoserver. A search of the docs for "external overviews" finds
> nothing
> > and a google only finds that PDF.
> > Does anyone have more information on how to use these with GeoServer?
> >
> No worries, actually this feedback gives me some hints on how to
> update the presentation :)
> That said, the considerations done for MapServer applies more or less
> to GeoServer as they are more related
> to how to geotiff works rather than to how MapServer or GeoServer works.
> Anyway, my sug

Re: [Geoserver-users] simple GeoWebCache question (formats)

2013-01-02 Thread Arne Kepp
GWC is used, but the tiles that you seeded are not.

If you request a tile that does not exist in the cache, GWC will ask 
GeoServer to render it and then store the result (a PNG, in your case) 
in case someone else requests the same tile again.

In most cases this type of caching (on the fly, as needed) is the best 
option anyway. Seeding is only important when updating tiles or when WMS 
can't keep up with realistic traffic loads.

The JPEG tiles you seeded are just wasting space. Once you save an image 
as JPEG the alphachannel (transparency) is lost, so they cannot be used 
to make PNGs.

(It's also possible to mix JPEGs and PNGs to get both transparency where 
needed and good compression, but nobody funded the proposals to 
implement such a feature.)


On 1/2/13 16:44 , Ashley Mort wrote:
> So if I seed as JPEG but always request PNG, does it just not use the 
> GeoWebCache in that case (or does it convert the cached tiles to PNG 
> on the fly)?
> On 12/25/2012 6:48 PM, Arne Kepp wrote:
>> You probably have PNGs on disk for all the tiles you have actually 
>> used, and you're not using the JPEG tiles for anything.
>> So you can delete the JPEG tiles and keep going without seeding if 
>> you haven't had performance issues so far. It's rare to use even 20% 
>> of the potential tiles.
>> -Arne
>> On 12/21/12 19:34 , mortac8 wrote:
>>> I am seeding my layers as jpeg but always request pngs.  Is this a 
>>> terrible
>>> thing to do.  I need transparency and have limited disk space?
>>> I would like to seed everything as png but the storage requirements are
>>> 5x-10x that of jpeg and I don't think I have enough disk space for 
>>> all of my
>>> data seeded as png.  Am I losing any significant performance seeding 
>>> as jpeg
>>> and requesting png or mainly just losing some image quality?
>>> Any thoughts or tips are appreciated.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Ashley

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Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] simple GeoWebCache question (formats)

2013-01-02 Thread Ashley Mort
So if I seed as JPEG but always request PNG, does it just not use the 
GeoWebCache in that case (or does it convert the cached tiles to PNG on 
the fly)?

On 12/25/2012 6:48 PM, Arne Kepp wrote:
> You probably have PNGs on disk for all the tiles you have actually 
> used, and you're not using the JPEG tiles for anything.
> So you can delete the JPEG tiles and keep going without seeding if you 
> haven't had performance issues so far. It's rare to use even 20% of 
> the potential tiles.
> -Arne
> On 12/21/12 19:34 , mortac8 wrote:
>> I am seeding my layers as jpeg but always request pngs.  Is this a 
>> terrible
>> thing to do.  I need transparency and have limited disk space?
>> I would like to seed everything as png but the storage requirements are
>> 5x-10x that of jpeg and I don't think I have enough disk space for 
>> all of my
>> data seeded as png.  Am I losing any significant performance seeding 
>> as jpeg
>> and requesting png or mainly just losing some image quality?
>> Any thoughts or tips are appreciated.
>> Thanks!
>> Ashley

Ashley Mort
Sr. Software Engineer
Raytheon - Intelligence and Information Systems
972-205-5165 (office)
814-571-3039 (cell)

Master Java SE, Java EE, Eclipse, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery
and much more. Keep your Java skills current with LearnJavaNow -
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Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Rasters, Tiles, and FME

2013-01-02 Thread Simone Giannecchini
Ciao Jonathan,
please find my answers inline below...

Simone Giannecchini
Our support, Your Success! Visit for
more information.

Ing. Simone Giannecchini

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob:   +39  333 8128928


On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Jonathan Moules
> Hi Simone,
> I did use pages 7-9 to decide to go for BigTIFF and so 17-19 isn't
> applicable as I'm not going to ImageMosaic.
> While pages 10-13 are useful, its a slideshow and so lacks details which
> were probably included in the spoken part of the presentation. Its the
> details that I'm looking for. What tile size is best? What resampling
> algorithm? What overview size/scales? Etc.
> Don't get me wrong, its an excellent document, but it only provides an
> overview so can't substitute for actual detailed documentation.
> Your second link answers the tile-size question, but specific for MapServer
> (i.e. 256).
> Also, page 11 hints at "external overviews" but there's no indication as to
> how to create them or use them with GeoServer. FME can create them as I'm
> sure GDAL can too, but again, I don't know how to use External Overviews
> with Geoserver. A search of the docs for "external overviews" finds nothing
> and a google only finds that PDF.
> Does anyone have more information on how to use these with GeoServer?

No worries, actually this feedback gives me some hints on how to
update the presentation :)

That said, the considerations done for MapServer applies more or less
to GeoServer as they are more related
to how to geotiff works rather than to how MapServer or GeoServer works.

Anyway, my suggestions are as follows:
- tile size-
256 or for very large bigtiff 512 is my preferred size.

Using a tile size that is too small may result in too many seeks
operations on a side and on the other side might result into a TIFF
directory explosion.
The more tiles we have the more info we need to encode in the TIFF
Directory, which is essentially a list of offset locations that tells
us where the data is on disk.
For bigtiff where we have thousands of tiles it can be MB big.

- Resampling -
This depends on the data.
For RGB like data (orthos and the like) I would gor for higher order
interpolation to reduce aliasing (cripsy images).
For data like DEM or other data that contains real values to which you
will want to apply a color map I would for for Nearest neighbor to NOT
introduce artificial values.
In some case you might want to use bilinear of average but this
depends much on what you want to do.

- Overviews -
I usually use steps of 2, as many of them as possible although I
usually don't create overviews smaller than the tile size

- External Overviews -
This works only with pure geotiff (or bigtiff as well as the plugin is
the same). ImageMosaic does not (yet) support that.
External overviews are useful just in case you don't want to touch the
original files or in case they do not support inner overviews (which
is not the case for geotiff).

Creating external overviews can be done with gdaladdo, check this link

>I'm fine with no FME specific documentation and wouldn't really expect
> any, but because I can't find things in the generic documentation (i.e., any
> of the above but especially external overviews), I can't necessarily
> implement an optimal solution with any utility, be it FME or GDAL.

Let me know if this helps. I will try to update those slides as well
as to create some additional docs.

You might even want to contribute some doc once you get to where you
needed to go :)

> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> On 2 January 2013 11:25, Simone Giannecchini
>  wrote:
>> Ciao Jonathan,
>> I don't know about FME therefore I cannot comment on how to do such
>> things with it. I hardly believe many people on this list (as well as
>> on other OS oriented lists) will know it much.
>> This to say that most intructions you'll find will be oriented towards
>> OS tools like GDAL utilities rather than towards proprietary solutions
>> like FME.
>> That said, the suggestions you are looking for are inside the document
>> andrea suggested (here the link again
>> - slides 7-9 when do use what
>> - slides 10-13 how to optimize each single geotiff
>> - slides 17-19 how to prepare a mosaic
>> and so on.
>> If you check on the web you'll also find other docs that compare tile
>> sizes rather than types of compression, e.g.
>> Regards,
>> Simone Giannecchini
>> ==
>> Our support, Your Success! Visit for
>> more information.
>> ==
>> Ing. Simone Giannecchini
>> @simogeo
>> Founder/Di

Re: [Geoserver-users] Rasters, Tiles, and FME

2013-01-02 Thread Simone Giannecchini
Ciao Jonathan,
I don't know about FME therefore I cannot comment on how to do such
things with it. I hardly believe many people on this list (as well as
on other OS oriented lists) will know it much.
This to say that most intructions you'll find will be oriented towards
OS tools like GDAL utilities rather than towards proprietary solutions
like FME.

That said, the suggestions you are looking for are inside the document
andrea suggested (here the link again

- slides 7-9 when do use what
- slides 10-13 how to optimize each single geotiff
- slides 17-19 how to prepare a mosaic

and so on.

If you check on the web you'll also find other docs that compare tile
sizes rather than types of compression, e.g.

Simone Giannecchini
Our support, Your Success! Visit for
more information.

Ing. Simone Giannecchini

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob:   +39  333 8128928


On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Jonathan Moules
> Hi list,
> Following this up, I've decided to go the GeoTIFF/BigTiff route with inner
> tiling and overviews based on Andrea's document.
> But unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any documentation on the
> GeoServer pages about this stuff. I've never used GDAL before and generally
> avoid the command line (there's a reason we're trying for GeoServer not
> MapServer ;-) ) so am not sure where to start.
> My source input is hundreds/thousands of LZW compressed GeoTIFF tiles. These
> need to be mosaiced together (I can do that in FME easily enough).
> But then what? Do I compress them at this point? Or inner tiling? Or
> Overview? Does it matter what order these things are done?
> And what settings should I use? For instance Andrea's document gives a
> "blocksize" of 512, but Jukka's comments were on the order of 10,000 and the
> default is 256.
> Is there a tutorial out there on this I've failed to find?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> On 21 December 2012 14:45, Jonathan Moules
>  wrote:
>> Thanks Andrea, this looks like a very useful document although it is
>> looking like I'm not going to be able to do this with FME from what I can
>> see.
>> Cheers,
>> Jonathan
>> On 20 December 2012 21:06, Andrea Aime 
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Jonathan Moules
>>>  wrote:

 Hi Jukka,
 Thanks for the information.

 Relating to the TIFF's, I'd still prefer to use one single tool
 (specifically FME) for tile/image creation. FME can create pyramids, but 
 as part of a GeoTIFF. So I can create separate TIFF files and tile them if
 necessary too (either internal tiling or regular tiling), but how do I get
 these into GeoServer?

 Is there a resource out there which describes the different Raster
 serving extensions and the advantages/disadvantages of each?
>>> Here:
>>> Cheers
>>> Andrea
>>> --
>>> ==
>>> Our support, Your Success! Visit for more
>>> information.
>>> ==
>>> Ing. Andrea Aime
>>> @geowolf
>>> Technical Lead
>>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>>> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
>>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>>> Italy
>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>>> fax: +39 0584 1660272
>>> mob: +39  339 8844549
>>> ---
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> --
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> MVC, Windows 8 Apps, JavaScript and much more. Keep your skills current
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> MVPs and experts. ON SALE this month only -- learn more at:
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list


Re: [Geoserver-users] hardcoded schemalocation in wfs response

2013-01-02 Thread Florent Gravin
Hi Ben, thanks for your reply.

what GeoServer version are you using? Is this an app-schema type? If so,
> what is your schemaUri?

I'm using Geoserver master branch, and yes it is an app-schema type.
My schema uri is

Why would you want any sort of WFS import in a WFS DescribeFeatureType
> response? The response should be a XSD document, and unless your feature
> types are defined in terms of WFS (which I would find very strange), there
> should be no use of the WFS schema in the payload information model.

I don't really want to have this import, but it is there i haven't
customized any thing to get this i guess.
Maybe i could try to remove it but i don't know how to process.

thanks for help

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 4:03 AM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <> wrote:

> Florent,
> Why would you want any sort of WFS import in a WFS DescribeFeatureType
> response? The response should be a XSD document, and unless your feature
> types are defined in terms of WFS (which I would find very strange), there
> should be no use of the WFS schema in the payload information model.
> Clients should never see classpath JAR file references.
> Kind regards,
> Ben.
> On 14/12/12 22:16, Florent Gravin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If i make a DescribeFeatureType request, in the response, i will have
>> hardcoded value for the schemaLocation of wfs 2.0
>> http://**
>> "**schemaLocation="jar:file:/**home/fgravin/.m2/repository/**
>> org/geotools/xsd/gt-xsd-wfs/9-**SNAPSHOT/gt-xsd-wfs-9-**
>> SNAPSHOT.jar!/org/geotools/**wfs/v2_0/wfs.xsd"/>
>> I would like it to be something like
>> How could i proceed ?
>> Thks
>> --
>> Florent Gravin
>> Camptocamp - Chambéry
>> 047992
> --
> Ben Caradoc-Davies 
> Software Engineer
> CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
> Australian Resources Research Centre

Florent Gravin
Camptocamp - Chambéry
Master Java SE, Java EE, Eclipse, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, jQuery
and much more. Keep your Java skills current with LearnJavaNow -
200+ hours of step-by-step video tutorials by Java experts.
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Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Rasters, Tiles, and FME

2013-01-02 Thread Russell Hore
This might not be exactly what you want but my workflow (Under Linux) is

1) Take the raw TIF images
2) Add a .PRJ file for each image
3) Add the World file for each
4) Run gdal_translate for each file
for file in `ls *tif`
gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "TILED=YES" -co "COMPRESS=DEFLATE" -co 
"BLOCKXSIZE=512" -co "BLOCKYSIZE=512" -a_srs "EPSG:27700" $file out/$file
5) Ran a gdaladdo for each file in 'out'
for file in `ls *tif`
gdaladdo -r average $file 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

6) Added them to Geoserver (2.2 RC1) using ImageMosaic


On 31 Dec 2012, at 10:44, Jonathan Moules  

> *Bump* Anyone?
> This seems like the sort of thing that'd be well documented, but my google-fu 
> seems to have failed me.
> The closest I can get is a presentation about using the ImagePyramid plugin ( 
>  and 
>  )
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
> On 27 December 2012 13:20, Jonathan Moules 
>  wrote:
> Hi list,
> Following this up, I've decided to go the GeoTIFF/BigTiff route with inner 
> tiling and overviews based on Andrea's document.
> But unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any documentation on the GeoServer 
> pages about this stuff. I've never used GDAL before and generally avoid the 
> command line (there's a reason we're trying for GeoServer not MapServer ;-) ) 
> so am not sure where to start.
> My source input is hundreds/thousands of LZW compressed GeoTIFF tiles. These 
> need to be mosaiced together (I can do that in FME easily enough).
> But then what? Do I compress them at this point? Or inner tiling? Or 
> Overview? Does it matter what order these things are done?
> And what settings should I use? For instance Andrea's document gives a 
> "blocksize" of 512, but Jukka's comments were on the order of 10,000 and the 
> default is 256.
> Is there a tutorial out there on this I've failed to find?
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> On 21 December 2012 14:45, Jonathan Moules 
>  wrote:
> Thanks Andrea, this looks like a very useful document although it is looking 
> like I'm not going to be able to do this with FME from what I can see.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
> On 20 December 2012 21:06, Andrea Aime  wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Jonathan Moules 
>  wrote:
> Hi Jukka,
> Thanks for the information.
> Relating to the TIFF's, I'd still prefer to use one single tool (specifically 
> FME) for tile/image creation. FME can create pyramids, but not as part of a 
> GeoTIFF. So I can create separate TIFF files and tile them if necessary too 
> (either internal tiling or regular tiling), but how do I get these into 
> GeoServer?
> Is there a resource out there which describes the different Raster serving 
> extensions and the advantages/disadvantages of each?
> Here: 
> Cheers
> Andrea
> -- 
> ==
> Our support, Your Success! Visit for more 
> information.
> ==
> Ing. Andrea Aime 
> @geowolf
> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
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