Re: [Geoserver-users] geoserver in production

2013-09-09 Thread cmaul
Hi Dmitriy,

I think the answer is still 'No'

That says:
GeoServer in a clustered configuration.

Regardless of the mechanism for synchronization, changes to the data
directory and the in-memory catalog will normally be directed by one master
GeoServer. This can be enforced by disabling the GeoServer user interface on
all “slave” GeoServers or by configuring the front-end load balancer to only
direct user interface requests to /geoserver/web to the master GeoServer.

*Changes to the master GeoServer’s data catalog must be explicitly refreshed
on slave instances.* This can be accomplished manually through the GeoServer
Admin web UI (/geoserver/web), or with some measure of automation (on a
schedule, or after a trigger is fired) using GeoServer’s REST API (e.g. by
sending a POST/PUT request to /geoserver/rest/reload?recurse=true).

You are not the only one waiting for that.
And I hope somebody proves me wrong.




Dr Christian Maul
Project Manager

Information Services Branch
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Level13, Marland House, 570 Bourke Street
Melbourne 3000

PO Box 500, East Melbourne Vic 3002

Telephone:+61-3-8636 2325
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Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] Freemarker template stopped support of TemplateSequenceModel - GEOS-5400

2013-09-09 Thread Niels Charlier
Hello Andrew,

It has now been committed to the master branch, and I think we will 
backport it soon on to 2.4.x.
It has not been released in an official version yet, but we will keep 
you updated as soon as it is.


On 09/09/13 05:17, Andrew Walsh wrote:
> Hi Niels and Andrea,
> Thanks Neils so much for resolving this ticket and Andrea for his input.
> ( See )
> The freemarker template is an important feature for us and others like the 
> In fact I was holding off on this fix be done before we would upgrade
> our Geoserver.
> Is there a recent Geoserver build available that I could download and
> test the fix.
> Andrew
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Re: [Geoserver-users] bgcolor with GWC?

2013-09-09 Thread Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes
Good call! The tiles were transparent, and while debugging I also
found that bgcolor filters do not take effect if you use the default
value, i.e I need to set the default bgcolor in the filter to
something else, then it will work nearly :)

Now I don't get transparent or white tiles, but instead weirdly bands
of alternating colours:

The bluer one is what I want :)

Any ideas?

- Gunnar

On 9 September 2013 18:20, Kevin Smith  wrote:
> Are you sure it's white or is it transparent and appearing on a white
> background?  You may want to try setting transparent=false using a similar
> parameter filter.
> On 7 September 2013 00:22, Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've setup a layer-group, which is then cached by GWC, I've setup a
>> parameter filter for the layer-group like this:
>>   bgcolor
>>   0xb5d0d0
>> 0xb5d0d0
>> If I understand correctly, this would allow both requests with bgcolor
>> set to 0xb5d0d0 to be cached, or requests without bgcolor would have
>> 0xb5d0d0 set by default.
>> However, it does not work - the tiles are cached ok, but the bgcolor
>> is always white.
>> Somewhere I read something about the quota store having to be enabled
>> for GWC parameter filters to work correctly, and I've tried enabling
>> quotas for GWC, but it make no difference.
>> A bit of the geoserver log output when generating new tiles is here:
>> It looks like the bgcolor parameters DOES arrive with the geoserver -
>> see the lines: BgColor = java.awt.Color[r=181,g=208,b=208]
>> I use geoserver 3.5
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks a lot!
>> - Gunnar
>> --
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>> ___
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> --
> Kevin Smith
> Junior Software Developer, OpenGeo


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Re: [Geoserver-users] Image Pyramid layer settings for faster rendering

2013-09-09 Thread Amiala
Ciao Simone,
What's a great presentation! I found it very useful! 

I just need to clarify some issues:

I have:
 - 13 levels of ArcGIS Cashed data in .bundle format on the disk. The bigest
lever is 18 GB, in total there is 25GB.

What I need:
- Geoserver Image Pyramid (with 13 zoom level and fast serve for user)

What I already did:
1. I converted ArcGis data (accesing it by url as a tile) from .png to
.geotiff with .jpeg compression using .geotiff lib (I didn't manage to do it
for 2 biggest layers - too many tiles)
2. I used geoserver ImagePyramid plugin (from Web Interface) and create

Problems: laoding map and zooming (in/out) are too slow

What I think after reading your presentation:
1. I need to use UseDirForEachRow option. Now in the last folder I would
have more than 16 000 000(!) tiles
2. I need to make bigger tiles (2048x2048 for example)

My questions:
1. Do you think I am on the right way now (2 previous items)?
2. If I use "UseDirForEachRow" I will have 4000 folders with 4000 tiles each
for the last level, will it help? or it is still too much and I have to find
other way.

Thank you again,Simone!

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[Geoserver-users] geoserver in production

2013-09-09 Thread Dmitriy Tyugaev
Hi list

Please tell me is it possible to disable in memory config storage and
switch to store config directly to the file system? As I understand
jdbcconfig plugin is not ready yet. Are there other ways to cluster
geoserver with active config changes?

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Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] app-schema tries to access non-existent objectid column

2013-09-09 Thread Sen, Marcus A.
> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Sent: 06 September 2013 07:45
> To: Sen, Marcus A.
> Subject: RE: [Geoserver-users] app-schema tries to access non-existent
> objectid column
> Hi Marcus,
> I checked in the fix into master and 2.4.x.
> Please try the nightly build (these files don't exist yet, but should
> be available tonight):
> Please let me know if the fix works or not.
It has worked, thanks :-)


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[Geoserver-users] Geoserver REST API modifies PUTted and POSTed styles

2013-09-09 Thread Carsten Klein
Hi there,

it turned out that Geoserver transparently modifies styles provided in
SLD format when these are PUTted or POSTed through the REST API.

Actually, we are using version 2.3.5 on Debian 6 64 Bit.

Remark: I did not find any way to get a JIRA account for filing this
bug, so I guess sending it to the mailing list is the recommended way.

In fact the styles are modified in a way, so that they are no longer
compatible or "visually equal" to the style that was loaded up through

It seems that both the PUT and POST operations for Styles (described at actually
parse and rewrite the provided SLDs with an XML parser, which is neither
documented nor appropriate (for my mind).

These are the most obvious modifications:

1. CDATA sections are removed.

This is the most annoying problem, which makes the REST API nearly
useless for styles, since CDATA sections are the recommended way for
including line breaks in labels and are also used for formatting legend

2. Several  function calls are inserted.

My original ... block looked looks this:


After loading up with the REST API, the block looks like this:






For my mind, there is too much undocumented magic in this process.

3. The modified SLD uses explicit XML namespaces for all tags and
replaces the namespace declarations of the root element with (likely)
hardcoded declarations.



Carsten Klein

mail:   []

DataGis GmbH2 & 3 dimensional
Information Processing
and Digital Cartography

Johann-Strauß-Str. 26   70794 Filderstadt

tel:  +(49) 7158 940267
fax:  +(49) 7158 940268

Management: Dr. Gunter Hahn, Markus Ruess, Carsten Klein
Entry in the commercial register of Germany: HRB 225945
at the local court of Stuttgart

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Re: [Geoserver-users] featureID within GetFeature requests

2013-09-09 Thread Rahkonen Jukka

Right, and in WFS 1.0.0 the attribute is "fid".
Test with this
Rudy Commenge wrote:

When you perform GetFeature request with GML output format, featureID is the 
value of the "gml:id" attribute in the response.
Best Regards,


2013/9/5 Jonathan Moules>>
Hi List,
I'm trying to use WFS GetFeature to get a specific feature -

The documentation says:
To limit the output you can restrict the GetFeature request to a single feature 
by including an additional parameter, featureID and providing the ID of a 
specific feature. In this case, the GET request would be:

What does this actually mean? What column is the featureID coming from? I can 
do it using a filter, but I'm just trying to understand what the featureID bit 
is actually for.

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