Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver REST Reload with POST Request Returns ERROR 401 Full authentication is required to access this resource despite using admin user

2018-01-25 Thread Nuno Oliveira


Just did a quick test with a GeoServer 2.11.2 running inside a tomcat instance and everything worked 
as expected:

   curl -u 'admin:geoserver' -v --data-urlencode -POST 

   *   Trying

   * Connected to localhost ( port 8080 (#0)

   * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'

   > POST /geoserver/rest/reload HTTP/1.1

   > Host: localhost:8080

   > Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46Z2Vvc2VydmVy

   > User-Agent: curl/7.47.0

   > Accept: */*

   > Content-Length: 5

   > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


   * upload completely sent off: 5 out of 5 bytes

   < HTTP/1.1 200 OK

   < Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 18:24:29 GMT

   < Server: Noelios-Restlet-Engine/1.0..8

   < Transfer-Encoding: chunked


   * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

The error you are getting suggests indeed that you are using a login that doesn't have enough 
permissions to use
that REST endpoint. I would double check that user configuration and give it a try with an 
administrator login.

Are you using any specific configuration for the security system ?

Kind regards,

Nuno Oliveira

On 01/25/2018 08:23 AM, Steve Omondi wrote:

Hey guys,
I'm trying to reload Geoserver configuration via a POST Request using CURL Utility but it fails 
with the following error;

administrator@host:/media/config$ curl -u "admin:password" -v --data-urlencode -POST 

*  Trying
* Connected to ros-gs3 ( port 8380 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> POST /geoserver/rest/reload HTTP/1.1
> Host: host:8380
> Authorization: Basic 

> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 5
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* upload completely sent off: 5 out of 5 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 401
< Set-Cookie: remember-me=; Max-Age=0; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; 
* Authentication problem. Ignoring this.
< WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="GeoServer Realm"
< Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
< Content-Language: en
< Content-Length: 1171
< Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 08:16:20 GMT
_HTTP Status 401 – Unauthorized_type="text/css">h1 
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:22px;} h2 
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:16px;} h3 
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:14px;} body 
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;} b 
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;} p 
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;background:white;color:black;font-size:12px;} a 
{color:black;} <> {color:black;} .line 
{height:1px;background-color:#525D76;border:none;}HTTP Status 401 – 
UnauthorizedType Status ReportMessage No 
AuthenticationProvider found for 
The request has not been a* Connection #0 to host  left intact
pplied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.class="line" />Apache Tomcat/8.5.13

The provided user and password are correct.

I'm not able to access http://host:8381/geoserver/rest/reload on the web as well while I can 
access http://host:8381/geoserver/rest/all the/other/endpoints

I have tried to do the same with Apache Jmeter, and this 
(/geoserver/rest/reload) is not available.

Happens for Geoserver *2.11.2 running on Tomcat 8 as well as Geoserver 2.9 
running o Jetty.*
*I'm sure this is not normal, so anyone help me figure out what I'm missing 

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi


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Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Using MongoDB as source with collection filter


When publishing a layer you can restrict which features will show up in the layer using a CQL 
filter, this is not specific
to MongoDB store and as far as I know there is not specific mechanism for MongoDB ... but I may be 

Views are only available for relational (SQL) data stores, like PostGIS, 
Oracle, etc ...

Hope it helps,

Nuno Oliveira

On 01/25/2018 02:11 PM, Gabriel Vatin wrote:

Hi all,

I use MongDB 3.4 as data source with geometries inside a collection, and GeoServer 2.9 from 
Boundless Suite 4.9.1. I tried matching my collection to a layer, which is ok with a JSON schema 
mapping. Now my problem is : I would like to filter these features based on a Mongo key, to create 
different layers. I can't understand how to do that with the current documentation.

Boundless and Geoserver documentations says that the "collection" key in the JSON schema "can 
generate additional schemas, or views, to a single MongoDB document collection". Does it mean I 
can create a view on this collection, just like we can do with SQL views on Postgis ?

Otherwise, do you know if this is possible to filter a collection in a JSON 
schema ?

Thanks a lot !


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Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:

- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Nuno Oliveira
GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit 
for more information.

Nuno Miguel Carvalho Oliveira
Software Engineer

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 1660272

Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o nel/i 
file/s allegato/i sono da considerarsi strettamente riservate. Il loro utilizzo 
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indicate nel messaggio stesso. Qualora riceviate questo messaggio senza esserne 
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The information in this message and/or attachments, is intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s) and may be confidential or proprietary in nature or covered by the provisions of privacy act (Legislative Decree June, 30 2003, no.196 - Italy's New Data Protection Code).Any use not in accord with its purpose, any disclosure, reproduction, copying, distribution, or either dissemination, either whole or partial, is strictly forbidden except previous formal approval of the named addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, please contact immediately the sender by telephone, fax or e-mail and delete the information in this message that has been received in error. The sender does not give any warranty or accept liability as the content, accuracy or completeness of sent messages and accepts no responsibility  for changes made after they were sent or for other risks which arise as a result of e-mail transmission, viruses, etc.

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Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

[Geoserver-users] WPS cluster hazelcast


I have a cluster of GeoServers up and running with hazelcast.  I have recently 
run into a problem with WPS status sharing.  After looking around, I've found 
that WPS status sharing requires a special module 

After following the instructions, I found that this module is creating a 
hazelcast.xml file in the root GeoServer data dir and is trying to use that, 
instead of the configuration that I already have in place.  I've tried setting 
the JVM argument -Dhazelcast.config to the existing configuration, but this 
seems to be ignored.  I've tried copying the correct hazelcast.xml into the 
root GeoServer data dir, but this causes hazelcast to fail, while generating 
quite a few WARN level logging statements.

I'm running GeoServer 2.9.1 in JBOSS EAP 6.4.14.GA.

Any ideas on how to properly configure the gs-wps-cluster-hazelcast-2.9.1 


David Rogers
Software Engineer
General Dynamics Information Technology
Desk: (619) 881-2749

Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

[Geoserver-users] Using MongoDB as source with collection filter

Hi all,

I use MongDB 3.4 as data source with geometries inside a collection, and 
GeoServer 2.9 from Boundless Suite 4.9.1. I tried matching my collection 
to a layer, which is ok with a JSON schema mapping. Now my problem is : 
I would like to filter these features based on a Mongo key, to create 
different layers. I can't understand how to do that with the current 

Boundless and Geoserver documentations says that the "collection" key in 
the JSON schema "can generate additional schemas, or views, to a single 
MongoDB document collection". Does it mean I can create a view on this 
collection, just like we can do with SQL views on Postgis ?

Otherwise, do you know if this is possible to filter a collection in a 
JSON schema ?

Thanks a lot !


Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:

Re: [Geoserver-users] Failed to Add Raster Data Source

Hi Daniele,

Here is the error:
Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them:
Failed to create reader from file:///var/local/lidar/Statewide_NWI_LiDAR
Derived_Data_Layers/DEM_3m_Statewide/DEM_Statewide_3m1.tif and hints Hints:
EXECUTOR_SERVICE = java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@691d105[Running,
pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
REPOSITORY = org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogRepository@6f576373 System
defaults: FORCE_AXIS_ORDER_HONORING = http STYLE_FACTORY = StyleFactoryImpl
FilterFactoryImpl GRID_COVERAGE_FACTORY = GridCoverageFactory TILE_ENCODING

I'm not sure if it's the same as before.

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 2:26 AM, Daniele Romagnoli <> wrote:

> Hi Kris,
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 7:23 PM, Kris Johnson  wrote:
>> Hi Daniele,
>> I tried creating the PRJ file as you instructed, but still encountered an
>> error.
>> However, when I examined the raster as you suggested with listgeo, it
>> would not even load and reported the following error:
>>  Not a TIFF file, bad version number 43 (0x2b).
> Ah. It looks like that listgeo is unable to deal with BigTIFF, then.
> (Since your file is 150GB, it is a BigTIFF for sure which has magic number
> 43. I was unaware of listgeo not supporting it).
> Once you set the PRJ, is GeoServer throwing the very same error as before?
> Regards,
> Daniele
>> I'm not sure what that error indicates, but I'm going to try and
>> reproduce this raster (ie. re-export) again, and see if that solves it.
>> Thanks again for your help. I'll let you know what I find.
>> On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 3:37 AM, Daniele Romagnoli <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kris,
>>> I think that GeoServer is able to read/access that file since the
>>> metadata parsing was able to open a stream on that (at least, this is what
>>> I see from the logs).
>>> In my opinion, it is unable to setup the CoordinateReferenceSystem due
>>> to a not supported modelType found on the GeoTIFF tags:
>>> *GeoTiffMetadata2CRSAdapter::createCoordinateSystem:Only Geographic &
>>> Projected Systems are supported.*
>>> Listgeo tool can be helpful to report the actual ModelType.
>>> The GeoServer (GeoTools) GeoTiff reader only supports: ModelTypeGeographic
>>> and ModelTypeProjected
>>> References here:
>>> You may want to try writing a text file with the WKT CRS definition
>>> stored on that (you may copy it from: http://spatialreference.
>>> org/ref/epsg/26915/prettywkt/).
>>> Then, rename that txt file to a file with .prj extension and same name
>>> of your actual GeoTIFF file and put that prj file beside the GeoTIFF itself.
>>> At that point, GeoServer will read the CoordinateReferenceSystem
>>> definition from the prj file instead of trying to parse the inner GeoTIFF
>>> tags.
>>> Please, let us know if that solves your problem.
>>> Regards,
>>> Daniele
>>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 8:13 PM, Kris Johnson 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Russ,

 Thanks for this suggestion. I checked the permissions (via ls command)
 on the directory:
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root0 Jan  3 18:17 DEM_3m_Statewide
 (Same permissions for all parent directories).

 ...and the files themselves:
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   90 Dec 21 18:12 DEM_Statewide_3m1.tfw
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  69G Dec 21 20:43 DEM_Statewide_3m1.tif
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5.2K Jan  3 18:15 DEM_Statewide_3m1.tif.aux.xml
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  25G Dec 22 01:11 DEM_Statewide_3m1.tif.ovr
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6.1K Jan  3 18:17 DEM_Statewide_3m1.tif.xml

 Here's the result of stat command on the TIF file itself:
 File: /var/local/lidar/Statewide_NWI_LiDAR
   Size: 73163857426 Blocks: 142898160  IO Block: 16384  regular file
 Device: 52h/82d Inode: 3096224743846410  Links: 1
 Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (0/root)   Gid: (0/root)
 Access: 2017-12-21 18:12:46.841214100 +
 Modify: 2017-12-21 20:43:39.126323800 +
 Change: 2017-12-21 20:43:39.126323800 +
  Birth: -

 I'm no linux expert, but I'm assuming geoserver would just need read
 access, which is looks like everyone has.

 Do you have another method I might be overlooking to make sure
 Geoserver has the proper access to those files and directories?
 Another thought that is that the mount is a network drive from a
 windows machine mounted on the host (and then mounted on the container). So
 this is why I was curious about permissions and acc

Re: [Geoserver-users] netCDF ImageMosaic: Schema does not exist

Hi Daniele,

I added a file specifying a Postgres database, and
everything worked as expected. Thank you!

So does the ImageMosaic plugin not support shapefile indices when the
granules are in netCDF format?


On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 3:27 AM, Daniele Romagnoli <> wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> did you also setup the to have the imageMosaic index
> stored on postgres database?
> Cheers,
> Daniele
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:12 PM, Daniel Baston  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working with GeoServer 2.12.1/GeoTools 18.1 and struggling to set up
>> a time-series ImageMosaic DataStore backed by netCDF files. (Everything
>> seems to work just fine with GeoTIFFs.)
>> To avoid the possibility of a problem with my own data, I am working with
>> the "polyphemus" files available in the training data from GeoSolutions
>> (link at the bottom of this page:
>> chnologies/geoserver/ )
>> When trying to create the mosaic through the web interface, GeoServer
>> logs a stack trace beginning with this:
>> Schema 'NO2' does not exist.
>>   at
>> No matter which files I use, the missing schema is always associated with
>> the first netCDF variable in alphabetic order.
>> I am using the XML files included in the training data, modified as
>> suggested in the training:
>> indexer.xml:
>> auxiliary file (polyphemus-test.xml):
>> full stack trace:
>> Does anybody have thoughts about how I might dig into the problem?
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>> --
>> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
>> engaging tech sites,!
>> ___
>> Geoserver-users mailing list
>> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
>> this list:
>> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
>> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
>> If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:
>> uesting-and-integrating-new-features-and-improvements-in-GeoServer
> --
> Regards,
> Daniele Romagnoli
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
> for more information.
> ==
> Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
> Senior Software Engineer
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via di Montramito 3/A
> 55054  Massarosa
> (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313 <+39%200584%20962313>
> fax:  +39 0584 1660272 <+39%200584%20166%200272>
> ---
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> does not give any warranty or accept liability as the content, accuracy or
> completeness of sent messages

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer >=2.11 not starting with SecurityManager on Tomcat

Hi Andrea,

thank you for this information!

So I will open a ticket.

Just for information how we run into this situation. We normally use Version 
2.10 but we have a poor image quality on a new layer and the order to fix it 
quickly. We found out, that only a new GeoServer Version with an old JDBC 
Mosaic-Plugin here makes a good result – of course we know that this is nothing 
to keep an we will report this with all details – for our moment in hurry we 
tried to deploy our workaround. At this way we found out, that this is an issue 
of GeoServer without any plugin or configuration.
Our normal machines are running with linux and there we discovered the problem. 
But on my local windows machine I can reproduce the situation.

Thank you very much!


Von: [] Im Auftrag von Andrea 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2018 09:54
An: Müller, Stefan (LDBV)
Cc: GeoServer Mailing List List
Betreff: Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer >=2.11 not starting with 
SecurityManager on Tomcat

comments inline.

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 4:40 PM,>> wrote:
Caused by: access denied 
("" "Q:\Programme2\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 
8.0\webapps\geoserver2-12-1\data\styles\simple_roads.xml.xml" "read")
at Source)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkRead(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.checkRead(Unknown Source)
sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileAttributeViews$Basic.readAttributes(Unknown Source)
sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileAttributeViews$Basic.readAttributes(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.readAttributes(Unknown 
at java.nio.file.Files.readAttributes(Unknown Source)
at$2$1.accept(Unknown Source)

This code section is new as of GeoServer 2.11, provides much faster data 
directory load times (on Linux at least, where it was developed and tested, no 
developers works on Windows anymore, the ones that do won't even make the 
effort of keeping the build up an running):
As usual we asked people to test the 2.11-beta release (11 months ago as of 
now), none reported a similar problem.

I have vague memory on that check, it's not invalid logging but an actual check 
for a .xml.xml file, it was already there in the
style loading code and was kept. However the way the code checks for its 
existence changed, so maybe that's what's triggering
this issue, it may be that in a secured environment trying to access a non 
existing file triggers an AccessControlException
instead of a NoSuchFileException that the code is ready to handle (checking the 
file existence before accessing its attribute
would annihilate a significant chunk of the GSIP-155 speedup unfortunately, 
that has already been tested).

While I don't believe any developer will setup a dev env on a Windows machine 
with a secured tomcat just to check this issue, a blind fix
could be performed to also catch the security exception, and you could test if 
that works or not off a nightly build?
I'd suggest you open a ticket here with details:


GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit 
for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39  339 8844549


Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o nel/i 
file/s allegato/i sono da considerarsi strettamente riservate. Il loro utilizzo 
è consentito esclusivamente al destinatario del messaggio, per le finalità 
indicate nel messaggio stesso. Qualora riceviate questo messaggio senza esserne 
il destinatario, Vi preghiamo cortesemente di darcene notizia via e-mail e di 
procedere alla distruzione del messaggio stesso, cancellandolo dal Vostro 
sistema. Conservare il messaggio stesso, divulgarlo anche in parte, 
distribuirlo ad altri soggetti, copiarlo, od utilizzarlo per fin

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer >=2.11 not starting with SecurityManager on Tomcat

comments inline.

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 4:40 PM,  wrote:

> Caused by: access denied
> ("" "Q:\Programme2\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
> 8.0\webapps\geoserver2-12-1\data\styles\simple_roads.xml.xml" "read")
> at
> Source)
> at
> Source)
> at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
> at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkRead(Unknown Source)
> at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.checkRead(Unknown Source)
> at 
> sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileAttributeViews$Basic.readAttributes(Unknown
> Source)
> at 
> sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileAttributeViews$Basic.readAttributes(Unknown
> Source)
> at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystemProvider.readAttributes(Unknown
> Source)
> at java.nio.file.Files.readAttributes(Unknown Source)
> at org.geoserver.platform.resource.FileSystemResourceStore$
> FileSystemResource.getType(
> at org.geoserver.platform.resource.Resources.exists(
> at org.geoserver.config.GeoServerLoader.lambda$
> loadStyles$2(
> at org.geoserver.config.AsynchResourceIterator.lambda$
> new$0(
> at$2$1.accept(Unknown
> Source)

This code section is new as of GeoServer 2.11, provides much faster data
directory load times (on Linux at least, where it was developed and tested,
no core
developers works on Windows anymore, the ones that do won't even make the
effort of keeping the build up an running):
As usual we asked people to test the 2.11-beta release (11 months ago as of
now), none reported a similar problem.

I have vague memory on that check, it's not invalid logging but an actual
check for a .xml.xml file, it was already there in the
style loading code and was kept. However the way the code checks for its
existence changed, so maybe that's what's triggering
this issue, it may be that in a secured environment trying to access a non
existing file triggers an AccessControlException
instead of a NoSuchFileException that the code is ready to handle (checking
the file existence before accessing its attribute
would annihilate a significant chunk of the GSIP-155 speedup unfortunately,
that has already been tested).

While I don't believe any developer will setup a dev env on a Windows
machine with a secured tomcat just to check this issue, a blind fix
could be performed to also catch the security exception, and you could test
if that works or not off a nightly build?
I'd suggest you open a ticket here with details:


GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39  339 8844549


Le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio di posta elettronica e/o
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principi dettati dal D.Lgs. 196/2003.

The information in this message and/or attachments, is intended solely for
the attention and use of the named addressee(s) and may be confidential or
proprietary in nature or covered by the provisions of privacy act
(Legislative Decree June, 30 2003, no.196 - Italy's New Data Protection
Code).Any use not in accord with its purpose, any disclosure, reproduction,
copying, distribution, or either dissemination, either whole or partial, is
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does not give any warranty or accept liability as the content, accuracy or
completeness of sent messages and accepts no responsibility  for changes
made after they were sent or for other risks which arise as a result of
e-mail tran

Re: [Geoserver-users] netCDF ImageMosaic: Schema does not exist

Hi Dan,
did you also setup the to have the imageMosaic index
stored on postgres database?


On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:12 PM, Daniel Baston  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working with GeoServer 2.12.1/GeoTools 18.1 and struggling to set up a
> time-series ImageMosaic DataStore backed by netCDF files. (Everything seems
> to work just fine with GeoTIFFs.)
> To avoid the possibility of a problem with my own data, I am working with
> the "polyphemus" files available in the training data from GeoSolutions
> (link at the bottom of this page:
> technologies/geoserver/ )
> When trying to create the mosaic through the web interface, GeoServer logs
> a stack trace beginning with this:
> Schema 'NO2' does not exist.
>   at
> No matter which files I use, the missing schema is always associated with
> the first netCDF variable in alphabetic order.
> I am using the XML files included in the training data, modified as
> suggested in the training:
> indexer.xml:
> auxiliary file (polyphemus-test.xml):
> full stack trace:
> Does anybody have thoughts about how I might dig into the problem?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list
> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to
> this list:
> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
> - The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:
> userlist-guidelines.html
> If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this:
> requesting-and-integrating-new-features-and-improvements-in-GeoServer

Daniele Romagnoli
GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
for more information.

Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
Senior Software Engineer

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:  +39 0584 1660272

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Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to requ

[Geoserver-users] Geoserver REST Reload with POST Request Returns ERROR 401 Full authentication is required to access this resource despite using admin user

Hey guys,
I'm trying to reload Geoserver configuration via a POST Request using CURL
Utility but it fails with the following error;

administrator@host:/media/config$ curl -u "admin:password" -v
--data-urlencode -POST http://host:8380/geoserver/rest/reload
*   Trying
* Connected to ros-gs3 ( port 8380 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> POST /geoserver/rest/reload HTTP/1.1
> Host: host:8380
> Authorization: Basic
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 5
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* upload completely sent off: 5 out of 5 bytes
< HTTP/1.1 401
< Set-Cookie: remember-me=; Max-Age=0; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10
GMT; Path=/geoserver
* Authentication problem. Ignoring this.
< WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="GeoServer Realm"
< Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
< Content-Language: en
< Content-Length: 1171
< Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 08:16:20 GMT
*HTTP Status 401 –
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;} b
a {color:black;} {color:black;} .line
Status 401 – UnauthorizedType Status
ReportMessage No AuthenticationProvider found for
The request has not been a* Connection #0 to host  left intact
pplied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target
resource.Apache Tomcat/8.5.13

The provided user and password are correct.

I'm not able to access http://host:8381/geoserver/rest/reload on the web as
well while I can access http://host:8381/geoserver/rest/all

I have tried to do the same with Apache Jmeter, and this
(/geoserver/rest/reload) is not available.

Happens for Geoserver *2.11.2 running on Tomcat 8 as well as Geoserver 2.9
running o Jetty.*

*I'm sure this is not normal, so anyone help me figure out what I'm missing

Kind regards,
Steve Omondi


Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites,!
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this: