[Geoserver-users] Unable to get GDAL support in Geoserver 2.16

2019-10-03 Thread Mats Elfström
Hi All!
I am unable to find sufficient information on how to enable the GDAL plugin
for Geoserver.
The mailing list has no information that I can use, and the documentation
is incomplete.

My setup is Geoserver 2.16, deployed from a war-file under Tomcat 9 on
Windows Server 2016 Standard. All 64bit.
The GDAL module is registered, but with a warning sign and this message

*Module Name: ImageI/O-Ext GDAL Coverage ExtensionModule ID:
gs-gdalVersion: 1.3.2Component: GridCoverage2DReaderMessage:JNI GDAL
Wrapper Version: unavailablejava.library.path:
Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jre-\bin;C:\Program Files
(x86)\Cuminas\Document Express DjVu

I have followed various instructions back and forth, but all attempts end
up at this same result.
The crucial points are:
1 How do you enable the JNI GDAL Wrapper, and where is it?
2 How do you add the GDAL path to the java.library.path?
or does the answer to 2 also solve 1?
I have added the GDAL path and the GDAL variables as per instructions to no

Another factor is what GDAL version to use? The advised link to
gisinternals.com leads to a repository with dozens of packages.
3 Which GISInternal package shall I use for my setup?

One thread claims that only GDAL 1.9.2 will work with Geoserver, so my
latest attempt was with release-1600-x64-gdal-1-9-2-mapserver-6-2-0. It did
not work.

I might add that I have installed and running instances of PSQL/PostGIS and
Geonetwork on the very same machine, and that the rest of Geoserver
has no problems.

Regards, Mats.E
Mats Elfström, Väpplingvägen 21, SE-227 38 LUND, Sweden
tel: +46 46 145959 / mob: +46 70 595 39 35
alt e-mail: mats.elfst...@giskraft.com 
Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton: 
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines: 

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this: 


[Geoserver-users] Attempting to add encryption string to sql server extension

2019-10-03 Thread David Colombini via Geoserver-users
Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask about the best way to add encryption settings to the SQL
Server extension for geoserver 2.16 (on a windows 2012 server using
tomcat).  I was able to unpack the JAR file, modify the java file, however,
I seem to be having compiling issues on windows command prompt.  What is
considered best practice for customizing extensions?

Here is the modified java file:

 package org.geotools.data.sqlserver;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import org.geotools.data.DataAccessFactory;
import org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStore;
import org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStoreFactory;
import org.geotools.jdbc.SQLDialect;

public class SQLServerDataStoreFactory
  extends JDBCDataStoreFactory
  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param DBTYPE = new
DataAccessFactory.Param("dbtype", String.class, "Type", true, "sqlserver",

  Collections.singletonMap("level", "program"));

  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param INTSEC = new
DataAccessFactory.Param("Integrated Security", Boolean.class, "Login as
current windows user account. Works only in windows. Ignores user and
password settings.", false, Boolean.FALSE);

  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param NATIVE_PAGING = new
DataAccessFactory.Param("Use Native Paging", Boolean.class, "Use native
paging for sql queries. For some sets of data, native paging can have a
performance impact.", false, Boolean.TRUE);

  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param GEOMETRY_METADATA_TABLE = new
DataAccessFactory.Param("Geometry metadata table", String.class, "The
optional table containing geometry metadata (geometry type and srid). Can
be expressed as 'schema.name' or just 'name'", false);

  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param NATIVE_SERIALIZATION = new
DataAccessFactory.Param("Use native geometry serialization", Boolean.class,
"Use native SQL Server serialization, or WKB serialization.", false,

  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param FORCE_SPATIAL_INDEX = new
DataAccessFactory.Param("Force spatial index usage via hints",
Boolean.class, "When enabled, spatial filters will be accompained by a WITH
INDEX sql hint forcing the usage of the spatial index.", false,

  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param TABLE_HINTS = new
DataAccessFactory.Param("Table hints", String.class, "These table hints
will be added to every select query.", false, "");

  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param ENCRYPT = new
"This will enforce TLS encryption in the sql server

  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param PORT = new
DataAccessFactory.Param("port", Integer.class, "Port", false);

  public static final DataAccessFactory.Param INSTANCE = new
DataAccessFactory.Param("instance", String.class, "Instance Name", false);

  protected SQLDialect createSQLDialect(JDBCDataStore dataStore) { return
new SQLServerDialect(dataStore); }

  protected String getDatabaseID() { return (String)DBTYPE.sample; }

  public String getDescription() { return "Microsoft SQL Server"; }

  protected String getDriverClassName() { return
"com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"; }

  protected String getValidationQuery() { return "select 1"; }

  protected void setupParameters(Map parameters) {
parameters.put(PORT.key, PORT);
parameters.put(DBTYPE.key, DBTYPE);
parameters.put(INTSEC.key, INTSEC);
parameters.put(NATIVE_PAGING.key, NATIVE_PAGING);
parameters.put(TABLE_HINTS.key, TABLE_HINTS);
parameters.put(INSTANCE.key, INSTANCE);
parameters.put(ENCRYPT.key, ENCRYPT);

  protected String getJDBCUrl(Map params) throws IOException {
String host = (String)HOST.lookUp(params);
Integer port = (Integer)PORT.lookUp(params);
String db = (String)DATABASE.lookUp(params);
String instance = (String)INSTANCE.lookUp(params);

String url = "jdbc:" + getDatabaseID() + "://" + host;
if (port != null) {
  url = url + ":" + port;
} else if (instance != null) {
  url = url + "\\" + instance;

if (db != null) {
  url = url + "/" + db;
Boolean EncryptBool = (Boolean) ENCRYPT.lookUp(params);
Boolean intsec = (Boolean)INTSEC.lookUp(params);
if (db != null)
  url = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/")) + ((db != null) ?
(";DatabaseName=" + db) : "");

if (intsec != null && intsec.booleanValue()) {
  url = url + ";integratedSecurity=true";

if (EncryptBool != null && EncryptBool.booleanVa

[Geoserver-users] image mosaic granule on a single image

2019-10-03 Thread Bessette-Halsema, Dominique E

I'm using image mosaic for the time series aspect.  Each time produces a single 
image.  I'm wondering why GeoServer appears to be composing granules with a 
"nodata" area for my single image?  Is it Tiling?  Should I be setting the 
SUGGESTED_TILE_SIZE?  This also only appears to happen in projections other 
than 4326.


Dominique Bessette

G:\>gdalinfo EMETEO-VIS-1km_201909301900.tif
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: EMETEO-VIS-1km_201909301900.tif
Size is 8250, 14303
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (29.9961229,65.00938829998)
Pixel Size = (0.009091848993939,-0.009090315080752)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (  29.9961229,  65.0093883) ( 29d59'46.04"E, 65d 0'33.80"N)
Lower Left  (  29.9961229, -65.0093883) ( 29d59'46.04"E, 65d 0'33.80"S)
Upper Right ( 105.0038771,  65.0093883) (105d 0'13.96"E, 65d 0'33.80"N)
Lower Right ( 105.0038771, -65.0093883) (105d 0'13.96"E, 65d 0'33.80"S)
Center  (  67.500,   0.000) ( 67d30' 0.00"E,  0d 0' 0.01"N)
Band 1 Block=8250x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
  NoData Value=0
  Color Table (RGB with 256 entries)
0: 0,0,0,0
1: 0,0,0,255
2: 1,1,1,255
3: 2,2,2,255
4: 3,3,3,255
5: 4,4,4,255
6: 5,5,5,255
7: 6,6,6,255
8: 7,7,7,255
9: 8,8,8,255
   10: 9,9,9,255
   11: 10,10,10,255
   12: 11,11,11,255
   13: 12,12,12,255
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