Re: [Geoserver-users] Image Pyramid layer settings for faster rendering

2013-09-09 Thread Amiala
Ciao Simone,
What's a great presentation! I found it very useful! 

I just need to clarify some issues:

I have:
 - 13 levels of ArcGIS Cashed data in .bundle format on the disk. The bigest
lever is 18 GB, in total there is 25GB.

What I need:
- Geoserver Image Pyramid (with 13 zoom level and fast serve for user)

What I already did:
1. I converted ArcGis data (accesing it by url as a tile) from .png to
.geotiff with .jpeg compression using .geotiff lib (I didn't manage to do it
for 2 biggest layers - too many tiles)
2. I used geoserver ImagePyramid plugin (from Web Interface) and create

Problems: laoding map and zooming (in/out) are too slow

What I think after reading your presentation:
1. I need to use UseDirForEachRow option. Now in the last folder I would
have more than 16 000 000(!) tiles
2. I need to make bigger tiles (2048x2048 for example)

My questions:
1. Do you think I am on the right way now (2 previous items)?
2. If I use "UseDirForEachRow" I will have 4000 folders with 4000 tiles each
for the last level, will it help? or it is still too much and I have to find
other way.

Thank you again,Simone!

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Image Pyramid layer settings for faster rendering

2013-09-04 Thread Amiala
Thanks, Simone for replay.

Data has structure as a ImagePyramid and stored in folders (0,1,2, etc) on
the disk. I have Geoserver 2.3, java 1.7 and RAM around 4GB, but geoserver
use around 800MB.

Now I am already using GWC, but it is still not fast enough. 
Do you think, the version of Geoserver has a principal influence on the
Best regards,

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[Geoserver-users] Image Pyramid layer settings for faster rendering

2013-08-16 Thread Amiala
Dear all,

I have an image pyramid layer which is working too slow while rendering
tiles on the screen. I look at documintation and settings for image
pyramid(mozaic) layers. I set AllowMultithreading to true and
USE_JAI_IMAGEREAD to false. But still then I am opening it in Geoexplorer it
is slow.

It is ok for me if at first time loading of the map will be a bit slow, more
important if it load fast while zooming and moving around.

Should I change some settings? I was thinking that maybe some settings in
GeoServer menu "Settings" or "Tile Caching" can help. 
Could you advice, please, some tricks to make it works faster?

p.s. I hope I am posting to correct mailing list :)

Regards, Amiala

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Update layer using REST methods

2013-08-14 Thread Amiala
Ok. Sorry, just to many projects :) But I think your link will help me to
figure it what is going on:)

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[Geoserver-users] Update layer using REST methods

2013-08-13 Thread Amiala
Dear all,
I need to update layer using REST methods.
I have posted layer to GeoServer using publishDBLayer method, which send a
POST request.
Then I created method updateDBLayer in GeoServerRESTPublisher class which do
exactly the same as publishDBLayer method, but insteed of calling
HTTPUtils.postXml, I called HTTPUtils.putXml.
I copy this logic from GeoServerRESTPublisher.updateStyle.

And I got the following exception: 
HTTPUtils:send:315 - Bad response: code[405] msg[Method Not Allowed]

My question is:
How to update layer using GeoServerRESTPublisher?
Should I do it in another way?
Best regards, Amiala

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[Geoserver-users] Image Pyramide mixes segments of the map

2013-07-16 Thread Amiala
I use Image Pyramide to create a data store. It works fine, except it mixes
some segments of the map. For example, I have tiles 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2. And
tiles 1-2 and 2-1 are  displayed vice versa, like on the following figure: 

I have the following data srtucture: folders from 0 to 2 (3 levels) and
inside each folder i have tiff images. All tiffs look correct. 

Does enyone have an idea why it happens? 

Which property of data source Image Pyramid uses to organized segments in
order? or how Image Pyramid organizes segments order? I tried to analyze
source code by myself, but not sure what I should look at. 

Thank you. 

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Geoserver-users mailing list

[Geoserver-users] Image Pyramide mixes map segments

2013-07-16 Thread Amiala
I use Image Pyramide to create a data store. It works fine, except it mixes
some segments of the map. For example, I have tiles 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2. And
tiles 1-2 and 2-1 are  displayed vice versa, like on the following figure:

I have the following data srtucture: folders from 0 to 2 (3 levels) and
inside each folder i have tiff images. All tiffs look correct.

Does enyone have an idea why it happens?

Which property of data source Image Pyramid uses to organized segments in
order? or how Image Pyramid organizes segments order? I tried to analyze
source code by myself, but not sure what I should look at.

Thank you.

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Re: [Geoserver-users] Using external .svg image from the database in SLD file

2013-06-19 Thread Amiala
Edward, Andrea,
Thank you a lot for your answers, now everything is clear for me.

I am new here... So if we finally decide to modified SVGGraphicFactory as
you said, should i post it later somewhere?

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[Geoserver-users] Using external .svg image from the database in SLD file

2013-06-18 Thread Amiala
Hello everyone, I need some help here, please...

I am using GEOServer and I have:
1. My own .sld style with external graphics (svg), which works totally fine
while it getting image from the local directory: "file:/d:/images" 
2. I have table in database with .svg images. I can get this image by
following request to my server in the Internet browser: And it works perfect.

Then I am trying to get this image from SLD file. Here is a sld fragment:";

And as a result I have nothing instead of image. Not any mistakes.. just
nothing. Style is still working, but  In legend i have empty space instead
of pic. I am checking my server with images, it looks like GeoServer is not
sending any request to my server. So problem is not in response, but in the

So my question is *Can i provide this href
( as a href to svg image?* Is it
any mistake in it? Or any other ideas why it happens?
Thank you.

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