Using Geoserver 2.1.2, I ran into a silly situation when looking at WFS data in ArcGIS. /SOME/ of the polygons in the dataset have their coordinate axes reversed, while others don't. It's only a problem with GML3, it is WGS84 data, yadda yadda yadda.

I managed to track down the difference in this case: The table is identified by PostGIS and Geoserver as MULTIPOLYGON, although geometrytype(shape) returns POLYGON for some features and MULTIPOLYGON for others. Polygons that have multiple parts are exclusively drawn in ArcGIS with reversed axes, while single-part polygons plot in the right place.

If you look at a WFS response from Geoserver containing one poly and one multi-part poly, and look at the shape attributes. Both are <gml:MultiSurface> and that element has a defined srsName attribute using the URN scheme. However, for single-part features, the <gml:Polygon> is also given an srsName, this time giving the CRS definition by reference ( Multi-part polygons don't have this extra srsName attribute on each <gml:Polygon>, and then the features end up reversed in ArcGIS.

Here's a WFS Query to look at it: <>

I've read up on all the documentation I can find about Geoserver/Geotools and CRS definitions, and I'm aware of the OGC coordinate snafus. Putting aside anything that ArcGIS might be doing wrong, three questions about Geoserver's behavior:

1. Why do single-part features get an extra srsName defined for them
   that multi-part features don't seem to get?
2. Even when the "XML" CRS definition is present (single-part
   polygons), the coordinates are presented as y/x -- is that how it
   should be? It seems backwards according to
3. On the WFS configuration page there are options to set the SRS Style
   for GML2 and GML3. I've played around with them, but I haven't seen
   any changes in the WFS GetCapabilities or GetFeature responses. What
   do these configurations do? I found an almost year-old post by
   Justin Deoliveira pointing out the issue (,
   but I couldn't find an issue about it on JIRA.

Thank you,

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