Hi Chris,
Please, read below.
On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 12:17 PM, Chris Buckmaster <
chris.buckmas...@runnymede.gov.uk> wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to enable access to the MrSID and ECW raster data stores and
> have been following the article here (
> http://docs.geoserver.org/2.5.x/en/user/data/raster/gdal.html) to try and
> add these additional raster data stores but they do not seem to be showing
> up.
> I am on a 64 bit Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard operating system and have
> followed the instructions I think exactly. I did notice that the tutorial
> mentions ImageIO-Ext 1.1.10 but the GDAL plugin for version 2.5 seems to be
> using ImageIO-Ext 1.1.8 – I don’t know if that makes any difference?
Basically 1.1.10 and 1.1.8 use same GDAL version so that shouldn't make any
I would take a look to this page which contains a bit more details (just be
aware that you still need to use the versions referred by the previous
> I am also running Geoserver as a windows service and have restarted the
> service, do I need to restart anything else to get this to work?
We have noticed a couple of months ago that when you install GeoServer as a
windows service, it will install the 32 bit version.
The devs reported that installing it as a service is usually made for demo
purposes or quick tests, whilst when need to install it on a 64 bit machine
for production, users should use a different approach (as an instance
setting up a Tomcat container and drop the war there).
Long story short, you are running a 32 bit service on a 64 bit machine so
you will probably notice errors in loading GDAL native libs like this:
*Can’t load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform*
> Regarding downloading Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables, do I need
> Visual Studio installed on my system to allow these libraries to work;
No need to install the full Visual Studio. Redistributables will be enough.
> I have downloaded the MSVC2008 64 bit version as I am using Windows Server
> 2008, is this correct?
I don't think there is a 1:1 strict relation.
> Sorry for the many questions, just want to get it working!
> Thanks, Chris
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