This summer we're hosting a special workshop for professors focused on 
contemplation and environmental affairs.  Please join us for a week in the 
mountains of New Mexico to explore the relationship between one's deepest 
experiences of the self and one's engagement with global environmental 
protection.  The aim is to develop understandings and practices relevant 
for teaching, researching and acting in relation to environmental 

Here is a brief description of the program.  Please consider 
participating, sharing this information with others and checking out the 


(a workshop/retreat for professors) 

July 1-7, 2012 
Lama Foundation 
San Cristobal, New Mexico 

Cost: $850 
Includes: All meals, workshop fee and workshop materials

Environmental challenges call into question not simply our technological, 
economic, and political capabilities, but also our fundamental 
understandings of who we are as a species, and how we fit into the 
more-than-human world.  This Summer Institute aims to develop tools for 
teaching, researching and engaging environmental dilemmas with this 
broader sensibility in mind.  It focuses on the interface between 
environmental challenges and contemplative practices with the 
understanding that the latter can provide access to inner resources for 
understanding and responding meaningfully to environmental issues. Through 
discussions with distinguished scholars, focused conversations among 
colleagues, artistic exercises, and regular contemplative practices 
(meditation, yoga, journaling, nature walks, etc.), participants will 
collectively deepen higher education?s orientation to Environmental 
Studies. Part workshop and part retreat, the Institute seeks to widen our 
own capabilities as university and college teachers committed to education 
on a fragile and wild planet. 

The Institute will take place at the Lama Foundation in the mountains of 
northern New Mexico (  Lama is a beautiful, 
off-grid community committed to sustainable and mindful living.  It sits 
on 100 acres surrounded by National Forest land and draws its power from 
the sun, water from a spring, and much of its food in the summer directly 
from the garden. At 8500 feet, Lama provides an ideal setting for 
reflection and engagement with contemplative environmental issues. 


*David Abram, author of Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology, and The 
Spell of the Sensuous; 
*Nicole Salimbene, visual artist whose work explores intimacy and 
*Paul Wapner, professor of Global Environmental Politics at American 
University, and author of, Living Through the End of Nature, and 
Environmental Activism and World Civic Politics; 
*Jeff Warren, interspecies consciousness theorist and author of Head Trip: 
Adventures on the Wheel of Consciousness. 

Further Information: 
Paul Wapner at: or Joe Brodnik at:

Professor Paul Wapner
Global Environmental Politics Program
School of International Service
American University
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20016
(202) 885-1647 


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