[gep-ed] welcoming adaptation

2013-04-11 Thread Paul Wapner
Hi Gep-eds,Are any of you familiar with works that try to see climate change not only as an impending catastrophe but also as an opportunity to transform society? I am thinking along the lines of books like, "Ethical Adaptation to Climate Change: Human Virtues of the Future" (eds. Allen Thompson and Jeremy Bendik-Keymer) or "Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy" (Joanna Macy), that try to see how humans can grow by confronting climate change. Are there opportunities to be seized with climate change?Please email me any suggestions offline, and I will then post any suggestions to the listserv.Thank you!PaulProfessor Paul WapnerGlobal Environmental Politics ProgramSchool of International ServiceAmerican University4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NWWashington DC 20016(202) 885-1647http://www.american.edu/sis/faculty/pwapner.cfm

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[gep-ed] European Energy and Climate Policymaking: EPC Forum Series at JHU

2013-04-11 Thread Wil Burns

On Tuesday, April 23, the EPC program at Johns Hopkins University will host
a presentation by Matthias Duwe, head of the Climate Program at Berlin's
Ecologic Institute. The presentation is part of our monthly EPC Forum
speakers series. We hope that you can join us. RSVPs are requested, to my


The presentation will also be available on our YouTube channel a week after
the presentation.


Dr. Wil Burns, Associate Director

Master of Science, Energy Policy  Climate Program

Johns Hopkins University

1717 Massachusetts Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20036

650.281.9126 (Mobile)

202.452.8713 (Fax)



Skype ID: Wil.Burns

Blog: Teaching Climate  Energy Law  Policy,
http://www.teachingclimatelaw.org http://www.teachingclimatelaw.org/ 




How to Transform Europe into a Low-Carbon Economy by 2050

JHU EPC Forum Series, 12.00-1.30pm, Room 230, 1717 Massachusetts Ave., NW,
Washington, DC



About Matthias Duwe

Matthias Duwe heads the climate team at the Ecologic Institute, an
international environmental think tank with offices in Berlin, Brussels and
Washington, DC. His work focuses on the European Union's energy and climate
policies, including their connections to national policy and the
international climate negotiations. He is also an expert on the European
Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), carbon markets and the climate change
dimensions of development cooperation. Prior to joining Ecologic, Matthias
Duwe worked from 2001 to 2011 with Climate Action Network Europe (CAN
Europe), a leading NGO umbrella organization - originally serving as Policy
Researcher, then taking on the role of Director from 2005, where he led a
team of ten in the Brussels Secretariat. He has served as an expert on an
array of EU working groups, also covering topics such as alternative fuels,
hydrogen technologies, and carbon capture and storage.



About the Presentation

The European Union (EU) has set itself the ambitious goal of decarbonizing
its economy over the next four decades. Germany has gone a step further by
setting quantitative greenhouse gas, renewable, and energy efficiency
targets for 2030, 2040 and 2050 while also phasing out nuclear power - how
will Europe achieve these goals, and what is the role of the US?


Europe has experience with policy instruments to support clean energy and
cut emissions, but the measures in place thus far are not enough to achieve
the long-term transformation of the current energy system required to
decarbonize Europe by mid-century. A three-year research cooperation among
leading European universities and modeling groups aims to shed light on this
challenge, analyzing the region's climate policy mix now and going forward.
Ecologic Institute coordinates this effort, known as the CECILIA2050
project. Duwe's presentation will provide background on the EU and German
policy experience as well as the state of discussions on the next emission
reduction steps to be taken - with an eye to climate policy developments in
the United States.


Dr. Wil Burns, Associate Director

Master of Science, Energy Policy  Climate Program

Johns Hopkins University

1717 Massachusetts Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20036

650.281.9126 (Mobile)

202.452.8713 (Fax)



Skype ID: Wil.Burns

Blog: Teaching Climate  Energy Law  Policy,
http://www.teachingclimatelaw.org http://www.teachingclimatelaw.org/ 


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