Re: FW: [gep-ed] New resource: Listing of climate change documentaries

2020-03-13 Thread Cristina Inoue
Thank you Ken and Charles for bringing this up. We are living challenging
times and it is very good to have an opportunity to exchange ideas and
experiences. I don't have many ideas yet of how to carry on my Global
Environmental Politics totally online. I have my class material on google
classroom, and use it a lot to send messages and post news. I use facebook
to do live sessions (I give a lecture and students can make questions and
reactions through the chat), but these are only for some sessions. Now it
seems that the majority of the class sessions will have to be remote...

Thus, it is very good if people could share ideas and experiments here.

Moreover, in the near future, I am thinking of creating something (perhaps,
within the Earth System Governance network to foster gep/ESG teaching and
learning), but my "expertise" is active learning/experiential learning but
I am very poorly skilled for e-learning...



On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 3:02 PM Ken Conca  wrote:

> Many years ago I did a role-play on the Amazon, entirely by email.
> Students were given a draft of a ten-point sustainable development plan for
> the region—deliberately riddled with problems, contradictions, vagueness,
> etc.—and they had to build coalitions within the class to lobby for
> revision of the specific parts of the draft about which they cared most.
> Half the roles were Brazilian and half inter/transnational, mostly the
> usual suspects; students could lobby the deciders (it ended in a Brazilian
> Cabinet vote, if I recall correctly), or try to press the powerful actors
> who had access to the deciders. The interesting part was that I allocated
> the emails unevenly—how many you could send, and how many people you could
> cc—to reflect power and access asymmetries. Also, it had time to breathe,
> unlike most one-shot or compressed role-plays; I threw in a surprise every
> few weeks like a new World Bank loan or an episode of victim-on-victim
> violence, in the form of news announcements. All the email was bcc’ed to
> me, and while I surely did not read them all, it was easy to keep track of
> who was taking it seriously, being creative, etc. It did engage the
> students (one over-zealous young diplomat tried to start a war, but it
> mostly went reasonably accurately). Several students who would hang back in
> discussions, class role plays, etc., really came to the fore. I suspect it
> is rotting somewhere in Wordperfect file format 😊 so I don’t know if I can
> share (and this was 20 years ago, mind you), but perhaps some on the list
> can adapt such a concept to existing activities, given the current
> situation.
> I’d love to hear how other folks are handling online migration. Stay calm
> and well, all, and remember that our students will look to us for strength
> and guidanceKen Conca
> From:  On Behalf Of
> Charles Chester
> Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 1:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [gep-ed] New resource: Listing of climate change documentaries
> External Email: Use caution with links and attachments.
> Hi gep-eders,
> If you are like me, all your hopes and dreams for the semester have been
> shattered and you are stuck with the prospect of lots of small-screen faces
> all zooming at you as you talk to your computer. Today, my class was to
> have begun it’s extensive multi-class negotiations session, one that would
> have been really difficult in person…and one that I fear is not feasible
> online. Well, it might be feasible if the students were primed and pumped
> to engage in an online discussion, but I’m thinking that the next month is
> going to entail a great deal of distraction…. If it’s hard to get students
> off their ADDs (advanced digital devices, not the other ADD…though who’s to
> tell the difference) in class, what reason is there to think a tiny zoom
> screen is going to captivate them?
> All of which is to say that I’m not sure what I’m going to do over the
> coming weeks, but as a backstop I’ve put together a listing of climate
> change documentary films<
> I’ve a ways to go on it, but thought I’d share as this might come in useful
> in the new reality.
> Who knew that a brand of Mexican beer could have such a devastating effect
> on civilization? Too bad we didn’t build that wall in time. See you on some
> tiny screen in the dystopic future,
> Charlie Chester
> New email address:

[gep-ed] Re: New resource: Listing of climate change documentaries

2020-03-13 Thread Erika Weinthal
Dear GEP community,

Other resources that can be tapped for free right now are some of the MOOCs 
available at the SDG Academy. I was involved with one with other GEP 
colleagues on Environmental Security and Sustaining Peace —

There is another on sustainable development, for example -- 


Erika Weinthal
Professor of Environmental Policy and Public Policy
Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
Bass Society of Fellows

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 1:39:26 PM UTC-4, Charles Chester wrote:
> Hi gep-eders,
> If you are like me, all your hopes and dreams for the semester have been 
> shattered and you are stuck with the prospect of lots of small-screen faces 
> all zooming at you as you talk to your computer. Today, my class was to 
> have begun it’s extensive multi-class negotiations session, one that would 
> have been really difficult in person…and one that I fear is not feasible 
> online. Well, it might be feasible if the students were primed and pumped 
> to engage in an online discussion, but I’m thinking that the next month is 
> going to entail a great deal of distraction…. If it’s hard to get students 
> off their ADDs (advanced digital devices, not the other ADD…though who’s to 
> tell the difference) in class, what reason is there to think a tiny zoom 
> screen is going to captivate them? 
> All of which is to say that I’m not sure what I’m going to do over the 
> coming weeks, but as a backstop I’ve put together a listing of climate 
> change documentary films . 
> I’ve 
> a ways to go on it, but thought I’d share as this might come in useful in 
> the new reality. 
> Who knew that a brand of Mexican beer could have such a devastating effect 
> on civilization? Too bad we didn’t build that wall in time. See you on some 
> tiny screen in the dystopic future, 
> Charlie Chester
> New email address: 
>  • BCI  • Y2Y 
>  • Brandeis 
>  • Fletcher 

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[gep-ed] FW: Good teaching advice for our current predicament

2020-03-13 Thread Wil Burns
Some helpful information here in our brave new world. wil

[Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy]
Wil Burns, Co-Director & Professor of Research
Institute for Carbon Removal Law & Policy | American University
Phone: 650.281.9126
Skype: wil.burns
Address: 917 Forest Ave. #3S, Evanston, IL 60202 USA
Follow us:

From: Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences 
 On Behalf Of Wallace, Richard
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 3:55 PM
Subject: [AESS_LIST] Good teaching advice for our current predicament

Hi all,

For those of you who, like me, have found your students summarily sent home, 
and then been thrust into the world of online teaching, all thanks to the new 
coronavirus, please read this amazing blog post by Rebecca Barrett-Fox, "Please 
do a bad job of putting your courses online."

I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.

All best,

Rich Wallace

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[gep-ed] thread on shifting in-person to online teaching

2020-03-13 Thread Ronald Mitchell
FWIW, to start a thread on shifting to online teaching, here are some ideas (I 
look forward to other people’s)

a)   Online office hours:  use your Canvas-type Chat feature. Ask your IT 
department how to set it up and then tell students to “Hold your question till 
I have answer the previous persons.” Then learn how to type fast.

b)   Powerpointing in real time: Zoom and most other apps allow 
screensharing, so you can can have Powerpoint on your screen, share the screen, 
and then give your lecture verbally in the background, going through the slides 
as you would if you were in the class.

c)   Powerpointing asynchronously: Use “Screen Recorder” at
 (or similar app) to start your Powerpoint, then launch Screen Recorder, and 
use your computer mic to narrate as you go through the slides.  It took me a 
few 5-minute trial runs to get the hang of it, but then its easy.

· You can also do “tutorials” (I used it to teach making graphs in 
Excel for papers evaluating whether treaties effectively reduced pollution and 
 is a 5-minute video example -- Screen Recorder automatically highlights your 
cursor – not relevant most of the time but, in cases like this, quite helpful.

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