FYI. wil

Wil Burns
Co-Director, Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal,
American University
Visiting Professor, Environmental Policy & Culture Program, Northwestern 

Mobile: 312.550.3079

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Fancy a conversation? Click here to schedule via my Calendly site (phone call, 
Zoom, and Microsoft Team options):

We're interested in having lawyers, political scientists, and others involved 
in environmental governance participate (I'm a founding member of the hosting 
group), so please share this with those who  you think will be interested -

With support from the National Science Foundation, Rutgers University-New 
Brunswick's Department of Human Ecology and Rutgers Climate and Energy 
Institute are engaging in activities around sustainability and governance in 
the Anthropocene this year, with two upcoming events of potential interest.

This new initiative, funded from the NSF program on Centers for Research and 
Innovation in Science, the Environment and Society (CRISES), is focused on 
finding solutions grounded in insights from the social science for the 
unprecedented rate and magnitude of social and environmental changes in the 
Anthropocene. This will require innovations across knowledge systems, attention 
to coproduction of solutions with multiple stakeholders who are empowered to 
act, and advances in understanding desirable visions of the future and how to 
achieve them. The team is designing a future Center on Sustainability and 
Governance in the Anthropocene (C-SAGA) that focuses on innovative 
interdisciplinary social science research that develops and assesses needed new 
forms of environmental governance.

We have a launch symposium on May 7 that will feature three renowned social 
scientists addressing how to manage major challenges like climate change, food 
security, and biodiversity loss in the face of accelerating human pressure, 
increasing complexity, and persistent inequality. The day-long event will 
feature talks by Dr. Jennifer Clapp, Canada Research Chair & Professor, School 
of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo, Canada; 
Dr. Ratana Chuenpagdee, Professor, Department of Geography, Memorial University 
of Newfoundland; and Dr. Meredith Gore, Associate Professor, Department of 
Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland College Park. We would welcome 
attendance in person or online; please register here by May 1 to 

We are also running an inaugural summer school for early career Ph.D. students 
working on governance and sustainability here at Rutgers August 20-23. The goal 
of the Summer School is to increase the capacity of early-stage researchers to 
learn more about this field and the need for interdisciplinary scholarship and 
collaboration. During the workshop, we will bring together scholars from a 
range of disciplines in a small group setting to learn, exchange ideas, and 
build partnerships. Training on essential skills will be offered on topics 
suited to the applicants, and may include working in collaborative governance, 
science communication, social science methods, and grant and publication 
guidance. Faculty from across Rutgers working in the sustainability governance 
area will opportunities for career advice, mentorship, and networking. At the 
end of the workshop, the relationships built with other students will provide 
mutual support for the future. Additional information can be found here:
 and applications are due May 15:

Cymie R. Payne
Associate Professor, Rutgers University
SEBS-Human Ecology & Law School
Chair, Ocean Law Specialist 
International Union for Conservation of Nature - World Commission on 
Environmental Law

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