Pacific Climate Solutions Center

2008-06-17 Thread Susanne Moser

may be of interest to some:

The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS), funded by a $90M 
endowment, headquartered at the University of Victoria, in Victoria BC, 
is looking for a director.  The ad and a position profile are found here


Susanne C. Moser, Ph.D.
Director, Principal Scientist   
Research Associate
Susanne Moser Research  Consulting   Institute of 
Marine Sciences
134 Shelter Lagoon Dr.  
University of California-Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
   Santa Cruz, CA 95064

Prominent conservationists to debate with Interior Secretary

2008-06-17 Thread Wallace, Richard
FYI, and apologies for cross-postings and the regional nature of the
announcement. It is unusual enough to warrant general notice, I think.







On Behalf Of Kirsten Stade
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 9:10 AM
Subject: [SSWG] Prominent conservationists to debate with Interior
Secretary Lynn Scarlett at Rejuvenating Public Sector Science conference
July 11


Don't miss this opportunity to hear Interior Secretary Lynn Scarlett
discuss Conservation in a Hostile Climate with Clinton Administration
Forest Service Deputy Chief Jim Furnish, The Center for Biological
Diversity's Noah Greenwald, and the National Center for Conservation
Science and Policy's Dominick Dellasalla at the Center for Science in
the Public Interest's Integrity in Science Conference! 

Rejuvenating Public Sector Science will be held July 11, 2008, 9 am. -
5:30 pm. at the Ronald Reagan International Center in Washington, DC.
The conference will throw a spotlight on the need for independent
regulatory science and protecting public sector scientists from
political meddling and corporate influence. Sessions will include
focusing government research on the climate crisis, protecting and
empowering scientists at federal agencies, insulating clean energy
research from special interests, standardizing scientific journal
conflict of interest disclosure policies, and reducing conflicts of
interest on federal advisory committees. Registration rates are $250, or
$109 for affiliates of non-profits, educational institutions, and
government agencies. Special rate of $30 for students, and free for

For more information and to register, call (202) 777-8348 or visit our
website at 

Kirsten Stade
Program Manager, Integrity in Science
Center for Science in the Public Interest 
Tel. (202) 777-8348

Fwd: Asst Prof job @IRES, UBC: Human Dimensions of Environmental Change

2008-06-17 Thread Dale W Jamieson
apologies for x-posting
Dale Jamieson
Director of Environmental Studies
Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy
Affiliated Professor of Law
New York University

Contact information:
Steinhardt School, HMSS
246 Greene Street, Suite 300
New York NY 10003-6677
212-998-5429 (voice) 212-995-4832 (fax)

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.--an anonymous marathoner---BeginMessage---
Please forward widely. I hope that some of you will also consider it carefully 
for yourselves! This is a job in my department at UBC--a fantastic place to be. 

Assistant Professor in the Human Dimensions of Environmental Change

Assistant Professor in the Human Dimensions of Environmental Change, Institute 
for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) at the College for 
Interdisciplinary Studies, The University of British Columbia

The Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES) invites 
applications for a tenure track position, at the rank of Assistant Professor, 
in the human dimensions of environmental change, to commence July 1, 2009. 
Salary will be commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the 

IRES has enjoyed over three decades of leading edge interdisciplinary research 
on the environment and sustainability. It serves as a crucible for new research 
partnerships from across the University and beyond, and supports a graduate 
program of over 80 PhD and 40 master's students. Additional information about 
the research and teaching programs, as well as our state-of-the-art research 
facilities, can be found at

We seek an outstanding interdisciplinary scholar with a strong grounding in the 
social sciences, behavioural sciences or humanities who aspires to develop an 
internationally recognized research program in an area related to fields such 
as the built environment, water, energy and/or natural resources. The research 
field is open, although the scholar must be strongly empirical. Topical domains 
might include but are not limited to knowledge, politics and regulation; 
environment, economy and decision making; or the intersection of history and 
ecology. The ideal candidate will also have demonstrated engagement with a 
broad spectrum of society outside of academia. An orientation toward 
integrative interdisciplinary approaches that incorporate linkages across the 
human and natural worlds is required.

The successful candidate will be joining a strong and cohesive unit, with a 
wide range of skills and interests, which has succeeded in recruiting and 
training the very best students. The successful candidate must have a completed 
PhD and have demonstrated potential in research and in teaching at graduate and 
undergraduate levels. The successful candidate will be expected to teach 
graduate courses in his/her area of specialization; teaching in collaboration 
with other units across the UBC campus, especially at the undergraduate level, 
is an encouraged option. Strong training in qualitative methods with competence 
in survey or quantitative design is desirable.

Applicants should submit a cover letter identifying teaching and research 
interests and accomplishments, a curriculum vitae, and copies of representative 
publications, and contact information for three referees (one referee must not 
be a co-author), to the following address no later than September 30th, 2008. 
All queries and applications should be directed to: Professor Gunilla Öberg, 
Director, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, The 
University of British Columbia, 2202 Main Mall Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6T 
1Z4., e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. All 
qualified persons are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent 
residents of Canada will be given priority.

Kai M. A. Chan, Asst Prof 
Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (Biodiversity  Ecosystem Services)
Institute for Resources, Environment  Sustainability
AERL Rm 438, 2202 Main Mall
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z4

Ph: 604.822.0400   Fax: 604.822.9250


There are no passengers on spaceship Earth. We are all crew. - Marshall 

---End Message---